ODE Middleware

Thank you very much for your help!

pickableObject -> setupGeomAndPhysics

line 76:

if i comment this out (and only this), it is working, but surprise, the physical simulation wont work.


if everything else is untouched, only the following:

map -> position

item = node.getTag("item")
		if item == "box":
			asset = "bla"#pickableBox()
		elif item == "ball":
			asset = "bla"#pickableBall()
		elif item == "grenade":
			asset = grenade()
		elif item == "door":
			asset = door()
			asset.state = "close"
		elif item == "gun":
			asset = gun()
		elif item == "rifle":
			asset = assaultRifle()
		elif item == "shotgun":
			asset = "bla"#shotgun()
		elif item == "movingPlatform":
			asset = movingPlatform()

		if asset != "bla":
			asset.setupGeomAndPhysics(self, pos, quat)
			asset.showCCD = self.defaultShowCCD

it workes.

if i load one of the entities “box”, “ball” or “shotgun”, it crashes.

The entities “grenade”, “door”, “gun”, “rifle”, “movingPlatform” works.

Have you changed in this part of the code something since copperode 1.0.1?

I think, we now now, that the problem is not in the kcc or something player-related at all.