ODE Middleware

That’s interesting. In a way, that’s good news. This means the complicated code for the CCD might not be the source. Try something else.

Go into pickables.py, line 61.

Change it to something like this:

if self.shape == "box":
	self.setBoxBody(3.82, (0.049, 0.870, 0.218))
elif self.shape == "sphere":
	self.setSphereBody(self.weight, self.geomSize)

For now, we leave the box and sphere bodies (not switching to pure spheres), because we’re investigating only the original problem.

Also for now, I’d like you to only focus on the boxes (as in the pickable box objects). Leave everything else (including the stuff that works) out for now.

The stuff passed, hardcoded, to setBoxBody is from the assult rifle, which seems to work. So if that makes the boxes work, you can uncomment the gun in the map file. If again it works, we’ll know that it’s the sizes.

If not, we’re back where we started…