
The point is that in “pad” mode, you have to adjust the UV’s–the texture coordinates are no longer 0 … 1 in both axes to cover the whole texture. Instead, it’s 0 … (something) in X, and 0 … (something) in Y, because of the extra pad regions.

You can compute the (something) by using the ratio getOrigFileXSize() / getXSize(), if you know the texture was padded and not scaled. You can also use (getXSize() - getPadXSize()) / getXSize(). But it might be easier to use getTexScale(), which pre-computes this ratio for you, and is correct in all cases–whether the texture is scaled, padded, or non-power-of-2.

Sure, thanks! You might want to mention that this textures-power-2 mode is new as of 1.8.0. Also, I think we should de-emphasize the use of getPadXSize/getPadYSize(), and recommend instead the simpler getTexScale().
