effects of S O P A on online game projects (kinda off topic)

PIPA is still alive but it has been “indefinitely suspended” while they go back and rewrite it. This could mean that it will be rewritten or they are going to bury it due to public outcry over it.

Either way, I am not concerned about PIPA because no one in congress probably will pass it if there is another huge outcry against it.

Back to the original post…Regarding PIPA you can only guess what would happen if that bill was passed. My understanding of PIPA is that all complaints would be put through a judicial system where penalties and decisions would be handed down there. That bill does not allow for IP holders to demand ISPs that certain domains be blocked. The only way for anything to happen would be if a judge decides that there is a problem, and since judges are not elected they should be immune from MPAA/hollywood/etc putting pressure on them. Regarding games: I feel that if you have to stop and ask yourself if what you are doing/using is illegal then its a good idea not to. Regarding P2P: you will always have problems with P2P if you are talking about file sharing.