Proper auto-complete IDE

yeah I was lazy to change it.
Do you also use python 2.7 or later ?

it’s been there since v0.5.

it’s auto-generated if not exist, so there’s no need to do it manually.

My IDE already tries its best to determine the return value of the method by actually running it WITHOUT any arguments, in this case “a= base.camNode.getDisplayRegion()”, which of course fails since the method wants index argument, so the return value is not available.
I can make it executed WITH whatever arguments you specify, with the same doubt that it’ll succeed, if any of the argument is only available at runtime, such as passing a variable instead of constant value.

Actually, completing “a.” offers Texture attributes, but “self.a.” doesn’t.
I’ll deal with it later.

that’s a minor bug introduced when I added panda3d.* import completion support yesterday.
The fix is simple ( line 6652) :

if hasattr(imported,'__module__') and sys.modules[imported.__module__]==panda3d:

But really, 30 secs ? It’s < 1 sec here.

Do you mean the second panel below ?
By default, during completion, F1 toggles it.
Obviously you haven’t read the key map in Preferences window (click the icon at the lower right corner to open it).

Click “list” button to list all keymap into a new text file, so you can print it if needed.


It’s called “log” in Preferences. Once it’s active, it’ll also be displayed over the scene, if you jump to your scene.

It’s OK, you’ve given enough feedback already.
Thanks !

I’ve updated the code.