Panda Bullet

Hmmm, this is not good, since I can’t test on Linux right now. I have to setup a virtual machine first, wich is something I won’t be able to do before new weekend (maybe later).

But perhaps we can work around. One idea is that the BulletContactResult object (returned by contactTest) gets cleaned up right after you fetch the contact.

Try to modify the code like this:

def update():
   """ Gets called after each doPhysics call """
   result = world.contactTest(body)
   contacts = result.getContacts()
   for contact in contacts:
      mpt = contact.get_manifold_point()
      print("collide", mpt)
      print("idx", mpt.getIdx0(), mptgetIdx1())
      impact_force = mpt.get_applied_impulse()
      print("impact_force:", impact_force)
   del result