effects of S O P A on online game projects (kinda off topic)

My project FoxyWorlds originally began 3 years ago just before my late wife’s death as a cooperative thimg between me and one of my stepson’s exes, Jessy, as a P2P 3D VR chat for the “furry” community, she was running a 2d system and wanted something better. I ended up generalizing the concept into a full P2P “second life” killer. Unfortunately during the interim, she moved to Portland, was forced to shut down “FurryOasis” ( losing me my beta test crowd ), my wife passed away dealing my finances the second death blow ( since 9/11 ) and loss of my bank account ( her SSI yanked back everything after I’d already paid off most of her final bills resulting in a “charge off” ), Jess and her husband’s house burned resulting in a total loss of their computers ( now they’ve separated and I’ve lost both of them and a third friend of theirs who was going to help with serverside security issues ) and as for me the plastic molding jobs I’ve been getting thru a local Cleveland temp agency are becoming scarcer and scarcer ( therefore no money to put together the non-profit needed to run the thing without it being destroyed by my own financial mess )

Now they’re going to do deep packet spying and port and protocol blocking to kill the torrents so P2P becomes impossible, while not torrent based we have many similarities, if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck it gets shot down like a duck.The only reason I’ve kept at this was a promise to my late wife to continue, which meant I was a lone programmer and modeller on a HUGE project. Its long since stopped being fun, now on July 1 its about to stop even being possible.

A year ago my stepson dropped this HP laptop destroying the LCD, CD/DVD drive and damaging the fans, it “safety shutdown bluescreens” daily and I have NO funds for a replacement or repair.

Making FoxyWorlds totally server based like “second life” is would destroy any hope of having a free option for those like me who will never again be able to have credit or bank cards or who just do not have funds to pay. I’m currently wasting $90 a month on AT&T’s fastest U Verse speed for a connection that will soon only be good for paid streaming like Netflix and Hulu+ ( things I have no card to buy and no funds to pay the card for ).

Having no “Ivy League” degree and in fact no degree at all ( blame Reagan 30 years ago ) I cannot get any kind of job doing programming commercially, so I’m just quitting and yanking out the cord so to speak. To the folks at the Panda BBS who were nice and helpful “kudos” to the so called “professionals” who were snotty to me and nagged about my webpage color scheme “PHTTTTTT!” Ive replaced my SOPA protest landing page on Google Sites with a goodbye page:

Everything in the world anymore is all money, greed, power, lawsuits etc especially the computer field, I’ve had my fill.

goodbye ( w/ sincere affectionate lurps to the deserving )
Lord Raven Gengoro Foxfire-Ninetails
" the Dirty 'Ol Fox "