Some weird visual artifacts in panda3d video textures...

So basically, make a copy of the data in python and pass it into setRamImage()?

huh. Seems pretty lame to have a function that lets you avoid having to create a copy of every frame but that isn’t actually usable though.

As I said in the original post; the vision class itself generates valid rgb data; I’ve rendered it and it has none of that past frame ghosting happening, and valgrind asserts that there is no memory corruption (ie. free’d frame pointers) going on.

If setRamMipmapPointerFromInt() calls free() on the pointer it’s passed EVER that makes the function completely useless; you have to reallocate a buffer everytime you pass a new frame in (not to mention it contradicts the api docs).

It’s also worth noting that the example here does not allocate a new pointer each time:

Still seems to me like I’m doing something wrong in my texture class that’s making the update method get called at the same time frame rendering is going on or something…

Still, I’ll try your suggestion and see if it works.

I’ll also try dropping the frame rate of texture updates and see if I can create like a minimal test case or something I guess.