Help exporting an animation with Yabee.

Yes! We’re getting somewhere. It’s better, but it’s still wrong.

Good news: pview does show me my two half doors opening, woo!
Bad news: when I press the pause button, then only one of the two doors stops and the other keep opening forever. Furthermore, the title written above the controls reads “door_left”. It makes sense because the play/pause buttons control the left door, but what about the disobedient right one?

Bad news 2: In game, the behavior is different. I see the right door only. It is properly animated though, like the panda I threw there for comparison.

Here’s the blender file, version 2:

The egg file shows two groups, one per door. Each door has joints for the two bones, but only one of these has vertices. The file looks quite good actually: it’s very symmetrical so I’m surprised not to see both doors working the same way.

Is it behaving weirdly because I use two different meshes? Is it a case of multi-part actor?