Mouse Cursor Capture

Actually, for the applications often developed with Panda3d - games - it is an extremely good idea (try playing Starcraft 2 in windowed mode without cursor capture). Even though this is an old topic, it is important to me, too, for one convenience case and one very important reason:

#1 How can you, say scroll, by moving your mouse to the edge of the window in windowed mode
and more importantly:
#2 In full-screen mode with 2 monitors the mouse will move to the second monitor. Use a click to interact with the game, and the game loses focus.

Users should use alt-tab to give focus to another program.

So, if anybody found a solution to this, a reply would be much appreciated.

I believe on Windows there is the API function


to constrain and release the cursor, but it would be very nice, if Panda could release the cursor if the window in question loses focus (by alt-tabbing for example). If every developer using Panda has to do that h(im||er)self, I can smell the errors raining all day long. On Linux I am not sure, but it should be possible as, I believe, VMWare can have that behaviour.