Infinite Procedural Terrain Engine

Those are the kinds of things I’m working on adding now. Moving over from Craig’s infinite terrain code to Steven’s I’m having to also redo my mouse and camera code, had a three view orbitable camera I now have to rework and gamecontroller/mouse integration ( Logitech F310 X controller ). Currently reworking the skydome to redo my two moons and nighttime starfields. Have been adding onto the terrain populator as well to add more species of trees and plants, and also not to plant them under the water. Lots of improvements that all take time. I work second shift in a warehouse and have a long bus ride to and from so most work is done mornings anbd weekends, hoping to soon have everything done and be getting back onto doing terrain SQL databases editor and multiplayer P2P networking code. Its a big project and currently I’m it as far as programmers here on the FoxyWorlds version of this engine, If it wasn’t for Stephen and Craig I wouldn’t even be this far. Also teaching my GF Tanzzy Lightningtails to code Python.

“the dirty 'ol fox”
hoping to put up a zip of it all soon