Best fonts to use in a game

the big awnser to your question is most likely. create what’s pleasant to your own eye.
for more detailed infos you can always look at “professional” games and analyze them.
for a futuristic example i’d recommend the c&c tiberium sun’s installer. it’s pretty nice done.
another game i remember for looking futuristic would be HALO.

for fonts in game… i’d say choose a cool loking font for menues and headlines where readability is less important (like in briefings or mission names).
And a good readable font (maybe not as spaced as the headline) for everything important, ingame chat, mission describtion, server lists, player names etc.

you might want to add more stuff like alien-fonts which are actually unreadable but cool-looking or some very clean fonts used in textures (perhaps on a helicopter " danger hot -exhaust" or something like that.

also coloring is quite important. usually blue or green is associated with technologie. somtimes it’s cool to have glowing fonts (a softer shadow behind the actual letter).
for a fantasy style i’d recommend some more gray, or rusty iron like colors.

well best advice really is to look at other games and take the parts you like =)

when you browse fonts you can see quite quick that a bloody looking dracula font or a bamboo style font wont fit into a sci-fi game.

@drwr… sorry about the slow tt-font statement. just a my experience. a lot of engines have speed problems with tt-fonts. nice to hear that panda can handle them without problems =)