[SOLVED] Render only one frame and other questions

To summary for people who may have similar needs, here is how you can use Panda3D as a render engine for one frame on CPU, server-side without any visible window and which will save the rendering result as an image file:

from panda3d.core import loadPrcFileData 
   load-display p3tinydisplay # to force CPU only rendering (to make it available as an option if everything else fail, use aux-display p3tinydisplay)
   window-type offscreen # Spawn an offscreen buffer (use window-type none if you don't need any rendering)
   audio-library-name null # Prevent ALSA errors
   show-frame-rate-meter 0
   sync-video 0
from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase 

base = ShowBase() 

base.screenshot(namePrefix='screenshot', defaultFilename=1, source=None, imageComment="")

Thank’s to H3LLB0Y for the multi config call, this avoids calling loadPrcFileData() multiple times.

I think this information should be added to the manual, a chapter about how to use Panda3D as a server-side only renderer.