passing args to tasks

A bit off-topic, but I’d like to add a thought…

One of the fun things about Python is the way that you can bend the namespace around backwards when you need to. Few languages I’ve worked in give you this level of control over the way you can reference code components, allowing you to fairly arbitrarily hide and show parts of your program to other parts of your program. It can be confusing at times, but it’s better than some alternatives. I’ve been involved in a situation before where I had to rename all the functions in a C++ program named “mouseDown” because someone at MIT decided a couple decades ago that if you intend to use their window manager, then you would have to accept that the string “mouseDown” always means the number ‘7’. Not fun! :wink:

As the Zen of Python says," Namespaces are one honking great idea – let’s do more of those!"

Take care,