Error in /usr/include/nurbs++/matrix_global.h ?

It is a Panda problem in the sense that our interrogate program, which acts a lot like a compiler and parses the C++ code in order to generate Python wrappers, doesn’t define GNUG and maybe confuses Nurbs++ in some other ways, so that (I’m guessing) the type Complex never gets defined.

It is also a Panda problem in that you are compiling vestigial code anyway, which you probably don’t really want to compile. We experimented with using Nurbs++ once a while back, and largely decided not to use it, but the code is still there in Panda. I’ll remove it for the future so that it doesn’t cause more confusions like the one you are experiencing.

Are you using makepanda or ppremake to build Panda? If you are using ppremake, you should put the following line in your personal Config.pp:


This will tell ppremake not to attempt to use your existing installation of Nurbs++.
