Any one up for OSX work.

i’m using the version on a daily basis and i didn’t yet encounter any problems which are Panda3D + OS X specific (well i had one with mouse-wheel support, but i fixed that).

though rendering with the windows version is a lot faster, but this is probably due to slower OpenGL drivers on OS X.

using Panda3D on my G5, MacBook Pro with OS X, and MacBook Pro with Windows gives very different results regarding performance (MacBook Pro with Windows/OpenGL by far the fastest).

other than that, i’m developling on OS X and my collegues on PC and we are fine.

i would like to sync a new release with Josh, but probably not before end of november because i’m too busy right now.

if you encounter any problems - and maybe include a tester that proves this is an Panda3D + OS X specific problem - i will try to look into these.

and i would wish that installation would be easier, but that’s a totally different project in intself :wink:
