Migration to Visual C++ 2010, availability of x64 builds

Oh man. Sorry about that, actually it seems there was a mix between dll in the path and the ones I put in the running directory. I realized that as QtCreator managed to build something that actually launched. With some investigation, I managed to get Panda3D to almost work. I think it’s alright now !

There are just two issues I noticed while using both the last automated build and my own build.

There’s a crash happening every time I call CollisionNode::add_solid. It just displays something starting with “TypeHandle” and asking if memory is corrupt.

I also can’t load any model or texture, and apparently it’s not an unsupported format issue, this is the output I get when loading such things:

:loader(error): Couldn't load file C:/Users/plaristote/Work/foe/build/models/misc/sphere.egg.pz: not found on model path (currently: "/c/Users/plaristote/Work/foe/build-FoE-Editor-Desktop-Release/release;/c/Panda3D-1.9.0/etc/..;/c/Panda3D-1.9.0/etc/../models")
Unable to load C:/Users/plaristote/Work/foe/build/models/misc/sphere.egg.pz


:gobj(error): Texture::read() - couldn't read: C:/Users/plaristote/Work/foe/build/textures/random-desert-1.png
:gobj(error): Unable to find texture "C:/Users/plaristote/Work/foe/build/textures/random-desert-1.png" on model-path /c/Users/plaristote/Work/foe/build-FoE-Editor-Desktop-Release/release;/c/Panda3D-1.9.0/etc/..;/c/Panda3D-1.9.0/etc/../models

Both files do exist at these exact pathes.

Everything else I was able to try (considering I can’t load models) works nicely. Any idea what might be happening with add_solid or the loading issue ?

EDIT: There also are a couple of files that I’m pretty sure shouldn’t be compiled when using the option --no-python. I’ve had the same issue with the panda3d-cvs AUR pkgbuild: fairly certain one of those files is geomVertexArrayData_ext.cxx.