Transitions, DirectDialog, and DirectRadioButton: changes

Fair enough; it’s in for now, then. :slight_smile:

Hmm… The changes to Transitions and DirectDialog are technically separate (one can have transitions without dialogues, and while dialogues do use transitions the changes to the former don’t affect the latter), but were made for related reasons…

I think that I’m going to consider them as separate: if you were to keep the changes to Transitions and discard those to DirectDialog there should be no breakages, and vice versa…

The patches should be uploaded (using a relative’s Ubuntu One account) to these “bugs”:
Transitions–changes to fade screen
DirectDialog–removal of model-loading by default and a bug-fix
DirectRadioButton—removal of model-loading by default and indicator handling
(I just noticed that, based on the next entry below mine, I should perhaps have prepended the term “[patch]” to my entries–sorry about that! ^^; )

A new version of the archive should be available via this link. This includes the altered files, a short test/example-program and a simple custom radio-button for the purposes of testing and demonstrating the new indicator behaviour.