Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file ioKitInputDevice.cxx
10  * @author rdb
11  * @date 2017-12-21
12  */
14 #include "ioKitInputDevice.h"
16 #if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(CPPPARSER)
18 #include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDElement.h>
20 #include "keyboardButton.h"
21 #include "gamepadButton.h"
22 #include "mouseButton.h"
24 static void removal_callback(void *ctx, IOReturn result, void *sender) {
25  IOKitInputDevice *input_device = (IOKitInputDevice *)ctx;
26  nassertv(input_device != nullptr);
27  input_device->on_remove();
28 }
30 /**
31  * Protected constructor.
32  */
33 IOKitInputDevice::
34 IOKitInputDevice(IOHIDDeviceRef device) :
35  _device(device),
36  _hat_element(nullptr),
37  _pointer_x(nullptr),
38  _pointer_y(nullptr),
39  _scroll_wheel(nullptr),
40  _pointer_x_timestamp(0),
41  _pointer_y_timestamp(0),
42  _scroll_wheel_timestamp(0) {
43  nassertv(device);
45  char buffer[4096];
47  CFStringRef name = (CFStringRef)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductKey));
48  if (name) {
49  buffer[0] = 0;
50  CFStringGetCString(name, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
52  // Strip trailing spaces.
53  size_t len = strlen(buffer);
54  while (isspace(buffer[len - 1])) {
55  --len;
56  }
57  _name.assign(buffer, len);
58  }
60  CFStringRef mfg = (CFStringRef)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDManufacturerKey));
61  if (mfg) {
62  CFStringGetCString(mfg, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
63  _manufacturer = buffer;
64  }
66  CFStringRef serial = (CFStringRef)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDSerialNumberKey));
67  if (serial) {
68  CFStringGetCString(serial, buffer, sizeof(buffer), kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
69  _serial_number = buffer;
70  }
72  CFNumberRef vendor = (CFNumberRef)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey));
73  if (vendor) {
74  int32_t value = 0;
75  CFNumberGetValue(vendor, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value);
76  _vendor_id = (unsigned short)value;
77  }
79  CFNumberRef product = (CFNumberRef)IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(device, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey));
80  if (product) {
81  int32_t value = 0;
82  CFNumberGetValue(product, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value);
83  _product_id = (unsigned short)value;
84  }
86  if (IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(device, kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_Mouse)) {
87  _device_class = DeviceClass::mouse;
88  } else if (IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(device, kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard)) {
89  _device_class = DeviceClass::keyboard;
90  } else if (IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(device, kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_GamePad)) {
91  _device_class = DeviceClass::gamepad;
92  } else if (IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(device, kHIDPage_Simulation, kHIDUsage_Sim_FlightStick)) {
93  _device_class = DeviceClass::flight_stick;
94  } else if (IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(device, kHIDPage_Simulation, kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick)) {
95  _device_class = DeviceClass::flight_stick;
96  } else if (_vendor_id == 0x044f && _product_id == 0xb108) {
97  // T.Flight Hotas X
98  _device_class = DeviceClass::flight_stick;
99  } else if (_vendor_id == 0x046d &&
100  (_product_id == 0xc623 ||
101  _product_id == 0xc625 ||
102  _product_id == 0xc626 ||
103  _product_id == 0xc627 ||
104  _product_id == 0xc628 ||
105  _product_id == 0xc629 ||
106  _product_id == 0xc62b)) {
107  // 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator and friends.
108  _device_class = DeviceClass::spatial_mouse;
109  } else if (_name == "usb gamepad") {
110  _device_class = DeviceClass::gamepad;
111  }
113  CFArrayRef elements = IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(device, nullptr, 0);
114  CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(elements);
115  for (CFIndex i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
116  IOHIDElementRef element = (IOHIDElementRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(elements, i);
117  parse_element(element);
118  }
119  CFRelease(elements);
121  if (_hat_element != nullptr) {
122  _hat_left_button = (int)_buttons.size();
123  _buttons.push_back(ButtonState(GamepadButton::hat_left()));
124  _buttons.push_back(ButtonState(GamepadButton::hat_right()));
125  _buttons.push_back(ButtonState(GamepadButton::hat_down()));
126  _buttons.push_back(ButtonState(GamepadButton::hat_up()));
127  }
129  if (_pointer_x != nullptr && _pointer_y != nullptr) {
130  enable_feature(Feature::pointer);
131  add_pointer(PointerType::unknown, 0);
132  }
134  _is_connected = true;
135  IOHIDDeviceRegisterRemovalCallback(device, removal_callback, this);
136 }
138 /**
139  *
140  */
141 IOKitInputDevice::
142 ~IOKitInputDevice() {
143 }
145 /**
146  * The nonstatic version of on_remove_device.
147  */
148 void IOKitInputDevice::
149 on_remove() {
150  {
151  LightMutexHolder holder(_lock);
152  if (!_is_connected) {
153  return;
154  }
155  _is_connected = false;
156  }
158  if (device_cat.is_debug()) {
159  device_cat.debug()
160  << "Removed input device " << *this << "\n";
161  }
163  IOHIDDeviceClose(_device, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
166  nassertv(mgr != nullptr);
167  mgr->remove_device(this);
168 }
170 /**
171  *
172  */
173 void IOKitInputDevice::
174 parse_element(IOHIDElementRef element) {
175  ButtonHandle handle = ButtonHandle::none();
176  Axis axis = Axis::none;
177  uint32_t page = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(element);
178  uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(element);
180  switch (IOHIDElementGetType(element)) {
181  case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc:
182  switch (page) {
183  case kHIDPage_GenericDesktop:
184  switch (usage) {
185  case kHIDUsage_GD_X:
186  if (_device_class == DeviceClass::gamepad) {
187  axis = Axis::left_x;
188  } else if (_device_class == DeviceClass::flight_stick) {
189  axis = Axis::roll;
190  } else if (_device_class == DeviceClass::mouse) {
191  _pointer_x = element;
192  return;
193  } else {
194  axis = Axis::x;
195  }
196  break;
197  case kHIDUsage_GD_Y:
198  if (_device_class == DeviceClass::gamepad) {
199  axis = Axis::left_y;
200  } else if (_device_class == DeviceClass::flight_stick) {
201  axis = Axis::pitch;
202  } else if (_device_class == DeviceClass::mouse) {
203  _pointer_y = element;
204  return;
205  } else {
206  axis = Axis::y;
207  }
208  break;
209  case kHIDUsage_GD_Z:
210  if (_device_class == DeviceClass::gamepad) {
211  axis = Axis::left_trigger;
212  } else if (_device_class == DeviceClass::flight_stick) {
213  axis = Axis::throttle;
214  } else {
215  axis = Axis::z;
216  }
217  break;
218  case kHIDUsage_GD_Rx:
219  if (_device_class == DeviceClass::gamepad) {
220  axis = Axis::right_x;
221  } else {
222  axis = Axis::pitch;
223  }
224  break;
225  case kHIDUsage_GD_Ry:
226  if (_device_class == DeviceClass::gamepad) {
227  axis = Axis::right_y;
228  } else {
229  axis = Axis::roll;
230  }
231  break;
232  case kHIDUsage_GD_Rz:
233  if (_device_class == DeviceClass::gamepad) {
234  axis = Axis::right_trigger;
235  } else {
236  axis = Axis::yaw;
237  }
238  break;
239  case kHIDUsage_GD_Slider:
240  axis = Axis::rudder;
241  break;
242  case kHIDUsage_GD_Dial:
243  break;
244  case kHIDUsage_GD_Wheel:
245  _scroll_wheel = element;
246  return;
247  case kHIDUsage_GD_Hatswitch:
248  _hat_element = element;
249  return;
250  case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadUp:
251  handle = GamepadButton::dpad_up();
252  break;
253  case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadDown:
254  handle = GamepadButton::dpad_down();
255  break;
256  case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadRight:
257  handle = GamepadButton::dpad_right();
258  break;
259  case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadLeft:
260  handle = GamepadButton::dpad_left();
261  break;
262  case 0xffffffffu:
263  return;
264  default:
265  break;
266  }
267  break;
269  case kHIDPage_Simulation:
270  switch (usage) {
271  case kHIDUsage_Sim_Rudder:
272  axis = Axis::rudder;
273  break;
274  case kHIDUsage_Sim_Throttle:
275  axis = Axis::throttle;
276  break;
277  case kHIDUsage_Sim_Accelerator:
278  axis = Axis::accelerator;
279  break;
280  case kHIDUsage_Sim_Brake:
281  axis = Axis::brake;
282  break;
283  }
284  break;
285  }
286  if (axis != Axis::none) {
287  int min = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element);
288  int max = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element);
289  if (_vendor_id == 0x044f && _product_id == 0xb108 && axis == Axis::throttle) {
290  // T.Flight Hotas X throttle is reversed and can go backwards.
291  add_axis(axis, max, min, true);
292  } else if (axis == Axis::yaw || axis == Axis::rudder || axis == Axis::left_y || axis == Axis::right_y ||
293  (_device_class == DeviceClass::spatial_mouse && (axis == Axis::y || axis == Axis::z || axis == Axis::roll))) {
294  // We'd like to reverse the Y axis to match the XInput behavior.
295  // We also reverse yaw to obey the right-hand rule.
296  add_axis(axis, max, min);
297  } else {
298  add_axis(axis, min, max);
299  }
301  _analog_elements.push_back(element);
302  }
303  break;
305  case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button:
306  switch (page) {
307  case kHIDPage_GenericDesktop:
308  switch (usage) {
309  case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadUp:
310  handle = GamepadButton::dpad_up();
311  break;
312  case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadDown:
313  handle = GamepadButton::dpad_down();
314  break;
315  case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadRight:
316  handle = GamepadButton::dpad_right();
317  break;
318  case kHIDUsage_GD_DPadLeft:
319  handle = GamepadButton::dpad_left();
320  break;
321  default:
322  break;
323  }
324  break;
326  case kHIDPage_KeyboardOrKeypad:
327  switch (usage) {
328  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardA:
329  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardB:
330  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardC:
331  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardD:
332  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardE:
333  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF:
334  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardG:
335  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardH:
336  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardI:
337  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardJ:
338  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardK:
339  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardL:
340  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardM:
341  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardN:
342  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardO:
343  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardP:
344  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardQ:
345  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardR:
346  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardS:
347  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardT:
348  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardU:
349  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardV:
350  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardW:
351  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardX:
352  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardY:
353  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardZ:
354  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('a' + (usage - kHIDUsage_KeyboardA));
355  break;
356  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard1:
357  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('1');
358  break;
359  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard2:
360  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('2');
361  break;
362  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard3:
363  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('3');
364  break;
365  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard4:
366  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('4');
367  break;
368  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard5:
369  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('5');
370  break;
371  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard6:
372  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('6');
373  break;
374  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard7:
375  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('7');
376  break;
377  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard8:
378  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('8');
379  break;
380  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard9:
381  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('9');
382  break;
383  case kHIDUsage_Keyboard0:
384  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('0');
385  break;
386  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardReturnOrEnter:
387  handle = KeyboardButton::enter();
388  break;
389  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardEscape:
390  handle = KeyboardButton::escape();
391  break;
392  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardDeleteOrBackspace:
393  handle = KeyboardButton::backspace();
394  break;
395  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardTab:
396  handle = KeyboardButton::tab();
397  break;
398  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardSpacebar:
399  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key(' ');
400  break;
401  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardHyphen:
402  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('-');
403  break;
404  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardEqualSign:
405  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('=');
406  break;
407  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardOpenBracket:
408  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('[');
409  break;
410  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardCloseBracket:
411  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key(']');
412  break;
413  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardBackslash:
414  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('\\');
415  break;
416  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardNonUSPound:
417  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('$');
418  break;
419  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardSemicolon:
420  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key(';');
421  break;
422  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardQuote:
423  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('\'');
424  break;
425  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardGraveAccentAndTilde:
426  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('`');
427  break;
428  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardComma:
429  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key(',');
430  break;
431  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardPeriod:
432  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('.');
433  break;
434  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardSlash:
435  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('/');
436  break;
437  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardCapsLock:
438  handle = KeyboardButton::caps_lock();
439  break;
440  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF1:
441  handle = KeyboardButton::f1();
442  break;
443  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF2:
444  handle = KeyboardButton::f2();
445  break;
446  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF3:
447  handle = KeyboardButton::f3();
448  break;
449  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF4:
450  handle = KeyboardButton::f4();
451  break;
452  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF5:
453  handle = KeyboardButton::f5();
454  break;
455  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF6:
456  handle = KeyboardButton::f6();
457  break;
458  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF7:
459  handle = KeyboardButton::f7();
460  break;
461  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF8:
462  handle = KeyboardButton::f8();
463  break;
464  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF9:
465  handle = KeyboardButton::f9();
466  break;
467  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF10:
468  handle = KeyboardButton::f10();
469  break;
470  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF11:
471  handle = KeyboardButton::f11();
472  break;
473  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF12:
474  handle = KeyboardButton::f12();
475  break;
476  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardPrintScreen:
477  handle = KeyboardButton::print_screen();
478  break;
479  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardScrollLock:
480  handle = KeyboardButton::scroll_lock();
481  break;
482  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardPause:
483  handle = KeyboardButton::pause();
484  break;
485  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardInsert:
486  handle = KeyboardButton::insert();
487  break;
488  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardHome:
489  handle = KeyboardButton::home();
490  break;
491  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardPageUp:
492  handle = KeyboardButton::page_up();
493  break;
494  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardDeleteForward:
495  handle = KeyboardButton::del();
496  break;
497  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardEnd:
498  handle = KeyboardButton::end();
499  break;
500  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardPageDown:
501  handle = KeyboardButton::page_down();
502  break;
503  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardRightArrow:
504  handle = KeyboardButton::right();
505  break;
506  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardLeftArrow:
507  handle = KeyboardButton::left();
508  break;
509  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardDownArrow:
510  handle = KeyboardButton::down();
511  break;
512  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardUpArrow:
513  handle = KeyboardButton::up();
514  break;
515  case kHIDUsage_KeypadNumLock:
516  handle = KeyboardButton::num_lock();
517  break;
518  case kHIDUsage_KeypadSlash:
519  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('/');
520  break;
521  case kHIDUsage_KeypadAsterisk:
522  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('*');
523  break;
524  case kHIDUsage_KeypadHyphen:
525  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('-');
526  break;
527  case kHIDUsage_KeypadPlus:
528  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('+');
529  break;
530  case kHIDUsage_KeypadEnter:
531  handle = KeyboardButton::enter();
532  break;
533  case kHIDUsage_Keypad1:
534  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('1');
535  break;
536  case kHIDUsage_Keypad2:
537  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('2');
538  break;
539  case kHIDUsage_Keypad3:
540  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('3');
541  break;
542  case kHIDUsage_Keypad4:
543  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('4');
544  break;
545  case kHIDUsage_Keypad5:
546  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('5');
547  break;
548  case kHIDUsage_Keypad6:
549  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('6');
550  break;
551  case kHIDUsage_Keypad7:
552  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('7');
553  break;
554  case kHIDUsage_Keypad8:
555  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('8');
556  break;
557  case kHIDUsage_Keypad9:
558  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('9');
559  break;
560  case kHIDUsage_Keypad0:
561  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('0');
562  break;
563  case kHIDUsage_KeypadPeriod:
564  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('.');
565  break;
566  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardNonUSBackslash:
567  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('\\');
568  break;
569  case kHIDUsage_KeypadEqualSign:
570  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('=');
571  break;
572  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF13:
573  handle = KeyboardButton::f13();
574  break;
575  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF14:
576  handle = KeyboardButton::f14();
577  break;
578  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF15:
579  handle = KeyboardButton::f15();
580  break;
581  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardF16:
582  handle = KeyboardButton::f16();
583  break;
584  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardExecute:
585  break;
586  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardHelp:
587  handle = KeyboardButton::help();
588  break;
589  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardMenu:
590  handle = KeyboardButton::menu();
591  break;
592  case kHIDUsage_KeypadComma:
593  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key(',');
594  break;
595  case kHIDUsage_KeypadEqualSignAS400:
596  handle = KeyboardButton::ascii_key('=');
597  break;
598  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardReturn:
599  handle = KeyboardButton::enter();
600  break;
601  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardLeftControl:
602  handle = KeyboardButton::lcontrol();
603  break;
604  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardLeftShift:
605  handle = KeyboardButton::lshift();
606  break;
607  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardLeftAlt:
608  handle = KeyboardButton::lalt();
609  break;
610  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardLeftGUI:
611  handle = KeyboardButton::lmeta();
612  break;
613  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardRightControl:
614  handle = KeyboardButton::rcontrol();
615  break;
616  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardRightShift:
617  handle = KeyboardButton::rshift();
618  break;
619  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardRightAlt:
620  handle = KeyboardButton::ralt();
621  break;
622  case kHIDUsage_KeyboardRightGUI:
623  handle = KeyboardButton::rmeta();
624  break;
625  default:
626  break;
627  }
628  break;
630  case kHIDPage_Button:
631  if (_device_class == DeviceClass::gamepad) {
632  if (_vendor_id == 0x0810 && _product_id == 0xe501) {
633  // SNES-style USB gamepad
634  static const ButtonHandle gamepad_buttons[] = {
635  ButtonHandle::none(),
636  GamepadButton::face_x(),
637  GamepadButton::face_a(),
638  GamepadButton::face_b(),
639  GamepadButton::face_y(),
640  GamepadButton::lshoulder(),
641  GamepadButton::rshoulder(),
642  ButtonHandle::none(),
643  ButtonHandle::none(),
644  GamepadButton::back(),
645  GamepadButton::start(),
646  };
647  if (usage < sizeof(gamepad_buttons) / sizeof(ButtonHandle)) {
648  handle = gamepad_buttons[usage];
649  }
650  } else {
651  // These seem to be the button mappings exposed by the 360Controller
652  // driver. I don't know if other drivers do the same thing at all.
653  static const ButtonHandle gamepad_buttons[] = {
654  ButtonHandle::none(),
655  GamepadButton::face_a(),
656  GamepadButton::face_b(),
657  GamepadButton::face_x(),
658  GamepadButton::face_y(),
659  GamepadButton::lshoulder(),
660  GamepadButton::rshoulder(),
661  GamepadButton::lstick(),
662  GamepadButton::rstick(),
663  GamepadButton::start(),
664  GamepadButton::back(),
665  GamepadButton::guide(),
666  GamepadButton::dpad_up(),
667  GamepadButton::dpad_down(),
668  GamepadButton::dpad_left(),
669  GamepadButton::dpad_right(),
670  };
671  if (usage < sizeof(gamepad_buttons) / sizeof(ButtonHandle)) {
672  handle = gamepad_buttons[usage];
673  }
674  }
675  } else if (_device_class == DeviceClass::flight_stick) {
676  if (usage > 0) {
677  handle = GamepadButton::joystick(usage - 1);
678  }
679  } else if (_device_class == DeviceClass::mouse) {
680  // In Panda, wheel and right button are flipped around...
681  int button = (usage == 2 || usage == 3) ? (4 - usage) : (usage - 1);
682  handle = MouseButton::button(button);
683  }
684  break;
685  }
686  _buttons.push_back(ButtonState(handle));
687  _button_elements.push_back(element);
688  break;
690  case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis:
691  break;
693  case kIOHIDElementTypeInput_ScanCodes:
694  break;
696  case kIOHIDElementTypeOutput:
697  break;
699  case kIOHIDElementTypeFeature:
700  break;
702  case kIOHIDElementTypeCollection:
703  {
704  // This doesn't seem to be necessary and instead leads to duplication of
705  // axes and buttons.
706  /*
707  CFArrayRef children = IOHIDElementGetChildren(element);
708  CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(children);
709  for (CFIndex i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
710  IOHIDElementRef element = (IOHIDElementRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(children, i);
711  parse_element(element, depth + 2);
712  }*/
713  }
714  break;
715  }
716 }
718 /**
719  * Polls the input device for new activity, to ensure it contains the latest
720  * events. This will only have any effect for some types of input devices;
721  * others may be updated automatically, and this method will be a no-op.
722  */
723 void IOKitInputDevice::
724 do_poll() {
725  for (size_t i = 0; i < _button_elements.size(); ++i) {
726  IOHIDValueRef value_ref;
727  if (!_button_elements[i]) continue;
728  if (IOHIDDeviceGetValue(_device, _button_elements[i], &value_ref) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
729  int value = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value_ref);
730  button_changed(i, value != 0);
731  }
732  }
734  for (size_t i = 0; i < _analog_elements.size(); ++i) {
735  IOHIDValueRef value_ref;
736  if (IOHIDDeviceGetValue(_device, _analog_elements[i], &value_ref) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
737  int value = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value_ref);
738  axis_changed(i, value);
739  }
740  }
742  if (_hat_element != nullptr) {
743  IOHIDValueRef value_ref;
744  if (IOHIDDeviceGetValue(_device, _hat_element, &value_ref) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
745  int value = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value_ref);
746  button_changed(_hat_left_button + 0, value >= 5 && value <= 7); // left
747  button_changed(_hat_left_button + 1, value >= 1 && value <= 3); // right
748  button_changed(_hat_left_button + 2, value >= 3 && value <= 5); // down
749  button_changed(_hat_left_button + 3, value == 7 || value == 0 || value == 1); // up
750  }
751  }
753  int x = 0, y = 0;
754  if (_pointer_x != nullptr) {
755  IOHIDValueRef value_ref;
756  if (IOHIDDeviceGetValue(_device, _pointer_x, &value_ref) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
757  uint64_t timestamp = IOHIDValueGetTimeStamp(value_ref);
758  if (timestamp != _pointer_x_timestamp) {
759  x = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value_ref);
760  _pointer_x_timestamp = timestamp;
761  }
762  }
763  }
764  if (_pointer_y != nullptr) {
765  IOHIDValueRef value_ref;
766  if (IOHIDDeviceGetValue(_device, _pointer_y, &value_ref) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
767  uint64_t timestamp = IOHIDValueGetTimeStamp(value_ref);
768  if (timestamp != _pointer_y_timestamp) {
769  y = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value_ref);
770  _pointer_y_timestamp = timestamp;
771  }
772  }
773  }
774  if (x != 0 || y != 0) {
775  pointer_moved(0, x, y, ClockObject::get_global_clock()->get_frame_time());
776  }
778  // Do we have a scroll wheel axis?
779  if (_scroll_wheel != nullptr) {
780  IOHIDValueRef value_ref;
781  if (IOHIDDeviceGetValue(_device, _scroll_wheel, &value_ref) == kIOReturnSuccess) {
782  uint64_t timestamp = IOHIDValueGetTimeStamp(value_ref);
783  if (timestamp != _scroll_wheel_timestamp) {
784  int value = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value_ref);
785  if (value != 0) {
786  // Just fire off a rapid down/up event.
788  ButtonHandle handle = (value > 0) ? MouseButton::wheel_up() : MouseButton::wheel_down();
789  _button_events->add_event(ButtonEvent(handle, ButtonEvent::T_down, time));
790  _button_events->add_event(ButtonEvent(handle, ButtonEvent::T_up, time));
791  }
792  _scroll_wheel_timestamp = timestamp;
793  }
794  }
795  }
796 }
798 #endif // __APPLE__
static ClockObject * get_global_clock()
Returns a pointer to the global ClockObject.
Definition: clockObject.I:215
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This class keeps track of all the devices on a system, and sends out events when a device has been ho...
Records a button event of some kind.
Definition: buttonEvent.h:46
static InputDeviceManager * get_global_ptr()
Returns the singleton InputDeviceManager instance.
A ButtonHandle represents a single button from any device, including keyboard buttons and mouse butto...
Definition: buttonHandle.h:26
void remove_device(InputDevice *device)
Called when a device has been removed, or when a device should otherwise no longer be tracked.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Returns the time in seconds as of the last time tick() was called (typically, this will be as of the ...
Definition: clockObject.h:91
static ButtonHandle button(int button_number)
Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular numbered mouse button (zero-based),...
Definition: mouseButton.cxx:32
Similar to MutexHolder, but for a light mutex.
static ButtonHandle wheel_down()
Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse wheel is rolled one notch downwards.
Definition: mouseButton.cxx:93
static ButtonHandle joystick(int button_number)
Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular numbered joystick button (zero-based),...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
static ButtonHandle ascii_key(char ascii_equivalent)
Returns the ButtonHandle associated with the particular ASCII character, if there is one,...
static ButtonHandle wheel_up()
Returns the ButtonHandle generated when the mouse wheel is rolled one notch upwards.
Definition: mouseButton.cxx:84