Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file threadSimpleManager.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2007-06-19
12  */
14 #include "threadSimpleManager.h"
18 #include "threadSimpleImpl.h"
19 #include "blockerSimple.h"
20 #include "mainThread.h"
22 #ifdef WIN32
23 #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
24 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
25 #endif
26 #include <windows.h>
27 #endif
29 bool ThreadSimpleManager::_pointers_initialized;
30 ThreadSimpleManager *ThreadSimpleManager::_global_ptr;
32 /**
33  *
34  */
35 ThreadSimpleManager::
36 ThreadSimpleManager() :
37  _simple_thread_epoch_timeslice
38  ("simple-thread-epoch-timeslice", 0.05,
39  PRC_DESC("When SIMPLE_THREADS is defined, this defines the amount of time, "
40  "in seconds, that should be considered the "
41  "typical timeslice for one epoch (to run all threads once).")),
42  _simple_thread_volunteer_delay
43  ("simple-thread-volunteer-delay", 0.0,
44  PRC_DESC("When SIMPLE_THREADS is defined, this defines the amount of time, "
45  "in seconds, for which a task that voluntarily yields should "
46  "be delayed.")),
47  _simple_thread_yield_sleep
48  ("simple-thread-yield-sleep", 0.001,
49  PRC_DESC("When SIMPLE_THREADS is defined, this defines the amount of time, "
50  "in seconds, for which the process should be put to sleep when "
51  "yielding the timeslice to the system.")),
52  _simple_thread_window
53  ("simple-thread-window", 1.0,
54  PRC_DESC("When SIMPLE_THREADS is defined, this defines the amount of time, "
55  "in seconds, over which to average all the threads' runtimes, "
56  "for the purpose of scheduling threads.")),
57  _simple_thread_low_weight
58  ("simple-thread-low-weight", 0.2,
59  PRC_DESC("When SIMPLE_THREADS is defined, this determines the relative "
60  "amount of time that is given to threads with priority TP_low.")),
61  _simple_thread_normal_weight
62  ("simple-thread-normal-weight", 1.0,
63  PRC_DESC("When SIMPLE_THREADS is defined, this determines the relative "
64  "amount of time that is given to threads with priority TP_normal.")),
65  _simple_thread_high_weight
66  ("simple-thread-high-weight", 5.0,
67  PRC_DESC("When SIMPLE_THREADS is defined, this determines the relative "
68  "amount of time that is given to threads with priority TP_high.")),
69  _simple_thread_urgent_weight
70  ("simple-thread-urgent-weight", 10.0,
71  PRC_DESC("When SIMPLE_THREADS is defined, this determines the relative "
72  "amount of time that is given to threads with priority TP_urgent."))
73 {
74  _tick_scale = 1000000.0;
75  _total_ticks = 0;
76  _current_thread = nullptr;
77  _clock = TrueClock::get_global_ptr();
78  _waiting_for_exit = nullptr;
80  // Install these global pointers so very low-level code (code defined before
81  // the pipeline directory) can yield when necessary.
82  global_thread_yield = &Thread::force_yield;
83  global_thread_consider_yield = &Thread::consider_yield;
84 }
86 /**
87  * Adds the indicated thread to the ready queue. The thread will be executed
88  * when its turn comes. If the thread is not the currently executing thread,
89  * its _jmp_context should be filled appropriately.
90  *
91  * If volunteer is true, the thread is volunteering to sleep before its
92  * timeslice has been used up. If volunteer is false, the thread would still
93  * be running if it could.
94  */
95 void ThreadSimpleManager::
96 enqueue_ready(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread, bool volunteer) {
97  // We actually add it to _next_ready, so that we can tell when we have
98  // processed every thread in a given epoch.
99  if (!volunteer) {
100  _next_ready.push_back(thread);
102  } else {
103  // Unless it's a volunteer, in which case we actually put it to sleep for
104  // the duration of the timeslice, so it won't interfere with timeslice
105  // accounting for the remaining ready threads.
106  double now = get_current_time();
107  thread->_wake_time = now + _simple_thread_volunteer_delay;
108  _volunteers.push_back(thread);
109  push_heap(_volunteers.begin(), _volunteers.end(), CompareStartTime());
110  }
111 }
113 /**
114  * Adds the indicated thread to the sleep queue, until the indicated number of
115  * seconds have elapsed. Then the thread will be automatically moved to the
116  * ready queue.
117  */
118 void ThreadSimpleManager::
119 enqueue_sleep(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread, double seconds) {
120  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
121  thread_cat.debug()
122  << *_current_thread->_parent_obj << " sleeping for "
123  << seconds << " seconds\n";
124  }
126  double now = get_current_time();
127  thread->_wake_time = now + seconds;
128  _sleeping.push_back(thread);
129  push_heap(_sleeping.begin(), _sleeping.end(), CompareStartTime());
130 }
132 /**
133  * Adds the indicated thread to the blocked queue for the indicated blocker.
134  * The thread will be awoken by a later call to unblock_one() or
135  * unblock_all().
136  */
137 void ThreadSimpleManager::
138 enqueue_block(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread, BlockerSimple *blocker) {
139  _blocked[blocker].push_back(thread);
140  blocker->_flags |= BlockerSimple::F_has_waiters;
141 }
143 /**
144  * Unblocks one thread waiting on the indicated blocker, if any. Returns true
145  * if anything was unblocked, false otherwise.
146  */
147 bool ThreadSimpleManager::
148 unblock_one(BlockerSimple *blocker) {
149  Blocked::iterator bi = _blocked.find(blocker);
150  if (bi != _blocked.end()) {
151  nassertr(blocker->_flags & BlockerSimple::F_has_waiters, false);
153  FifoThreads &threads = (*bi).second;
154  nassertr(!threads.empty(), false);
155  ThreadSimpleImpl *thread = threads.front();
156  threads.pop_front();
157  _ready.push_back(thread);
158  if (threads.empty()) {
159  blocker->_flags &= ~BlockerSimple::F_has_waiters;
160  _blocked.erase(bi);
161  }
163  return true;
164  }
166  return false;
167 }
169 /**
170  * Unblocks all threads waiting on the indicated blocker. Returns true if
171  * anything was unblocked, false otherwise.
172  */
173 bool ThreadSimpleManager::
174 unblock_all(BlockerSimple *blocker) {
175  Blocked::iterator bi = _blocked.find(blocker);
176  if (bi != _blocked.end()) {
177  nassertr(blocker->_flags & BlockerSimple::F_has_waiters, false);
179  FifoThreads &threads = (*bi).second;
180  nassertr(!threads.empty(), false);
181  while (!threads.empty()) {
182  ThreadSimpleImpl *thread = threads.front();
183  threads.pop_front();
184  _ready.push_back(thread);
185  }
186  blocker->_flags &= ~BlockerSimple::F_has_waiters;
187  _blocked.erase(bi);
188  return true;
189  }
190  return false;
191 }
193 /**
194  * Adds the indicated thread to the finished queue. The manager will drop the
195  * reference count on the indicated thread at the next epoch. (A thread can't
196  * drop its own reference count while it is running, since that might
197  * deallocate its own stack.)
198  */
199 void ThreadSimpleManager::
200 enqueue_finished(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread) {
201  _finished.push_back(thread);
202 }
204 /**
205  * Moves the indicated thread to the head of the ready queue. If it is not
206  * already on the ready queue, does nothing.
207  */
208 void ThreadSimpleManager::
209 preempt(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread) {
210  FifoThreads::iterator ti;
211  ti = find(_ready.begin(), _ready.end(), thread);
212  if (ti != _ready.end()) {
213  _ready.erase(ti);
214  _ready.push_front(thread);
215  }
216 }
218 /**
219  * Switches out the currently executing thread and chooses a new thread for
220  * execution. Before calling this, the current thread should have already re-
221  * enqueued itself with a call to enqueue(), if it intends to run again.
222  *
223  * This will fill in the current thread's _jmp_context member appropriately,
224  * and then change the global current_thread pointer.
225  */
226 void ThreadSimpleManager::
227 next_context() {
228  // Delete any threads that need it. We can't delete the current thread,
229  // though.
230  while (!_finished.empty() && _finished.front() != _current_thread) {
231  ThreadSimpleImpl *finished_thread = _finished.front();
232  _finished.pop_front();
233  unref_delete(finished_thread->_parent_obj);
234  }
236  // Mark the current thread's resume point.
238 #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON
239  // Save the current Python thread state.
240  _current_thread->_python_state = thread_state_swap(nullptr);
241 #endif // HAVE_PYTHON
243 #ifdef DO_PSTATS
244  Thread::PStatsCallback *pstats_callback = _current_thread->_parent_obj->get_pstats_callback();
245  if (pstats_callback != nullptr) {
246  pstats_callback->deactivate_hook(_current_thread->_parent_obj);
247  }
248 #endif // DO_PSTATS
250  save_thread_context(_current_thread->_context, st_choose_next_context, this);
251  // Pass 2: we have returned into the context, and are now resuming the
252  // current thread.
254 #ifdef DO_PSTATS
255  if (pstats_callback != nullptr) {
256  pstats_callback->activate_hook(_current_thread->_parent_obj);
257  }
258 #endif // DO_PSTATS
260 #ifdef HAVE_PYTHON
261  thread_state_swap(_current_thread->_python_state);
262 #endif // HAVE_PYTHON
263 }
265 /**
266  * Blocks until all running threads (other than the current thread) have
267  * finished. This only works when called from the main thread; if called on
268  * any other thread, nothing will happen.
269  */
270 void ThreadSimpleManager::
271 prepare_for_exit() {
272  if (!_current_thread->_parent_obj->is_exact_type(MainThread::get_class_type())) {
273  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
274  thread_cat.debug()
275  << "Ignoring prepare_for_exit called from "
276  << *(_current_thread->_parent_obj) << "\n";
277  }
278  return;
279  }
281  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
282  thread_cat.debug()
283  << "prepare_for_exit\n";
284  }
286  nassertv(_waiting_for_exit == nullptr);
287  _waiting_for_exit = _current_thread;
289  // At this point, any non-joinable threads on any of the queues are
290  // automatically killed.
291  kill_non_joinable(_ready);
293  Blocked::iterator bi = _blocked.begin();
294  while (bi != _blocked.end()) {
295  Blocked::iterator bnext = bi;
296  ++bnext;
297  BlockerSimple *blocker = (*bi).first;
298  FifoThreads &threads = (*bi).second;
299  kill_non_joinable(threads);
300  if (threads.empty()) {
301  blocker->_flags &= ~BlockerSimple::F_has_waiters;
302  _blocked.erase(bi);
303  }
304  bi = bnext;
305  }
307  kill_non_joinable(_sleeping);
308  kill_non_joinable(_volunteers);
310  next_context();
312  // Delete any remaining threads.
313  while (!_finished.empty() && _finished.front() != _current_thread) {
314  ThreadSimpleImpl *finished_thread = _finished.front();
315  _finished.pop_front();
316  unref_delete(finished_thread->_parent_obj);
317  }
318 }
320 /**
321  * Sets the initial value of the current_thread pointer, i.e. the main
322  * thread. It is valid to call this method only exactly once.
323  */
324 void ThreadSimpleManager::
325 set_current_thread(ThreadSimpleImpl *current_thread) {
326  nassertv(_current_thread == nullptr);
327  _current_thread = current_thread;
328 }
330 /**
331  * Removes the indicated thread from the accounting, for instance just before
332  * the thread destructs.
333  */
334 void ThreadSimpleManager::
335 remove_thread(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread) {
336  TickRecords new_records;
337  TickRecords::iterator ri;
338  for (ri = _tick_records.begin(); ri != _tick_records.end(); ++ri) {
339  if ((*ri)._thread != thread) {
340  // Keep this record.
341  new_records.push_back(*ri);
342  } else {
343  // Lose this record.
344  nassertv(_total_ticks >= (*ri)._tick_count);
345  _total_ticks -= (*ri)._tick_count;
346  }
347  }
349  _tick_records.swap(new_records);
350 }
352 /**
353  * Calls the appropriate system sleep function to sleep the whole process for
354  * the indicated number of seconds.
355  */
356 void ThreadSimpleManager::
357 system_sleep(double seconds) {
358 #ifdef WIN32
359  Sleep((int)(seconds * 1000 + 0.5));
361 #else
362  /*
363  struct timespec rqtp;
364  rqtp.tv_sec = time_t(seconds);
365  rqtp.tv_nsec = long((seconds - (double)rqtp.tv_sec) * 1000000000.0 + 0.5);
366  nanosleep(&rqtp, NULL);
367  */
369  // We use select() as the only way that seems to actually yield the
370  // timeslice. sleep() and nanosleep() don't appear to do the trick.
371  struct timeval tv;
372  tv.tv_sec = time_t(seconds);
373  tv.tv_usec = long((seconds - (double)tv.tv_sec) * 1000000.0 + 0.5);
374  select(0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &tv);
375 #endif // WIN32
376 }
378 /**
379  * Writes a list of threads running and threads blocked.
380  */
381 void ThreadSimpleManager::
382 write_status(std::ostream &out) const {
383  out << "Currently running: " << *_current_thread->_parent_obj << "\n";
385  out << "Ready:";
386  FifoThreads::const_iterator ti;
387  Sleeping::const_iterator si;
388  for (ti = _ready.begin(); ti != _ready.end(); ++ti) {
389  out << " " << *(*ti)->_parent_obj;
390  }
391  for (ti = _next_ready.begin(); ti != _next_ready.end(); ++ti) {
392  out << " " << *(*ti)->_parent_obj;
393  }
394  for (si = _volunteers.begin(); si != _volunteers.end(); ++si) {
395  out << " " << *(*si)->_parent_obj;
396  }
397  out << "\n";
399  double now = get_current_time();
401  out << "Sleeping:";
402  // Copy and sort for convenience.
403  Sleeping s2 = _sleeping;
404  sort(s2.begin(), s2.end(), CompareStartTime());
405  for (si = s2.begin(); si != s2.end(); ++si) {
406  out << " " << *(*si)->_parent_obj << "(" << (*si)->_wake_time - now
407  << "s)";
408  }
409  out << "\n";
411  Blocked::const_iterator bi;
412  for (bi = _blocked.begin(); bi != _blocked.end(); ++bi) {
413  BlockerSimple *blocker = (*bi).first;
414  const FifoThreads &threads = (*bi).second;
415  out << "On blocker " << blocker << ":\n";
416  FifoThreads::const_iterator ti;
417  for (ti = threads.begin(); ti != threads.end(); ++ti) {
418  ThreadSimpleImpl *thread = (*ti);
419  out << " " << *thread->_parent_obj;
420 #ifdef DEBUG_THREADS
421  out << " (";
422  thread->_parent_obj->output_blocker(out);
423  out << ")";
424 #endif // DEBUG_THREADS
425  }
426  out << "\n";
427  }
428 }
430 /**
431  * Calls the appropriate system function to yield the whole process to any
432  * other system processes.
433  */
434 void ThreadSimpleManager::
435 system_yield() {
436  if (!_pointers_initialized) {
437  // Ignore this call before we construct the global ThreadSimpleManager.
438  return;
439  }
441  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
442  thread_cat.debug()
443  << "system_yield\n";
444  }
446  // There seem to be some issues with modern operating systems not wanting to
447  // actually yield the timeslice in response to sleep(0). In particular,
448  // Windows and OSX both seemed to do nothing in that call. Whatever. We'll
449  // force the point by explicitly sleeping for 1 ms in both cases. This is
450  // user-configurable in case 1 ms is too much (though on Windows that's all
451  // the resolution you have).
452  system_sleep(_global_ptr->_simple_thread_yield_sleep);
453 }
455 /**
456  * Returns elapsed time in seconds from some undefined epoch, via whatever
457  * clock the manager is using for all thread timing.
458  */
459 double ThreadSimpleManager::
460 get_current_time() const {
461  return _clock->get_short_raw_time();
462 }
464 /**
465  * Should be called at startup to initialize the simple threading system.
466  */
467 void ThreadSimpleManager::
468 init_pointers() {
469  if (!_pointers_initialized) {
470  _pointers_initialized = true;
471  _global_ptr = new ThreadSimpleManager;
473  }
474 }
476 /**
477  * Select the next context to run. Continuing the work of next_context().
478  */
479 void ThreadSimpleManager::
480 st_choose_next_context(struct ThreadContext *from_context, void *data) {
481  ThreadSimpleManager *self = (ThreadSimpleManager *)data;
482  self->choose_next_context(from_context);
483 }
485 /**
486  * Select the next context to run. Continuing the work of next_context().
487  */
488 void ThreadSimpleManager::
489 choose_next_context(struct ThreadContext *from_context) {
490  double now = get_current_time();
492  do_timeslice_accounting(_current_thread, now);
493  _current_thread = nullptr;
495  if (!_sleeping.empty() || !_volunteers.empty()) {
496  if (_ready.empty() && _next_ready.empty()) {
497  // All of our threads are currently sleeping. Therefore, wake the
498  // volunteer(s) immediately.
499  wake_all_sleepers(_volunteers);
501  // We should also yield the whole process now, to be polite to the rest
502  // of the system.
503  system_yield();
504  now = get_current_time();
505  }
506  wake_sleepers(_sleeping, now);
507  wake_sleepers(_volunteers, now);
508  }
510  bool new_epoch = !_ready.empty() && _next_ready.empty();
512  // Choose a new thread to execute.
513  while (true) {
514  // If there are no threads, sleep.
515  while (_ready.empty()) {
516  if (!_next_ready.empty()) {
517  // We've finished an epoch.
518  _ready.swap(_next_ready);
520  if (new_epoch && !_tick_records.empty()) {
521  // Pop the oldest timeslice record off when we finish an epoch
522  // without executing any threads, to ensure we don't get caught in
523  // an "all threads reached budget" loop.
524  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
525  thread_cat.debug()
526  << "All threads exceeded budget.\n";
527  }
528  TickRecord &record = _tick_records.front();
529  _total_ticks -= record._tick_count;
531  if (record._thread->_run_ticks >= record._tick_count) {
532  // Ensure we don't go negative.
533  record._thread->_run_ticks -= record._tick_count;
534  } else {
535  // It is possible for this to happen if the application has been
536  // paused for more than 2^31 ticks.
537  record._thread->_run_ticks = 0;
538  }
539  _tick_records.pop_front();
540  }
541  new_epoch = true;
543  } else if (!_volunteers.empty()) {
544  // There are some volunteers. Wake them. Also wake any sleepers that
545  // need it.
546  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
547  thread_cat.debug()
548  << "Waking volunteers.\n";
549  }
550  // We should yield the whole process now, to be polite to the rest of
551  // the system.
552  system_yield();
553  now = get_current_time();
554  wake_all_sleepers(_volunteers);
555  wake_sleepers(_sleeping, now);
557  } else if (!_sleeping.empty()) {
558  // All threads are sleeping.
559  double wait = _sleeping.front()->_wake_time - now;
560  if (wait > 0.0) {
561  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
562  thread_cat.debug()
563  << "Sleeping all threads " << wait << " seconds\n";
564  }
565  system_sleep(wait);
566  }
567  now = get_current_time();
568  wake_sleepers(_sleeping, now);
569  wake_sleepers(_volunteers, now);
571  } else {
572  // No threads are ready!
573  if (_waiting_for_exit != nullptr) {
574  // This is a shutdown situation. In this case, we quietly abandoned
575  // the remaining blocked threads, if any, and switch back to the
576  // main thread to finish shutting down.
577  _ready.push_back(_waiting_for_exit);
578  _waiting_for_exit = nullptr;
579  break;
580  }
582  // No threads are ready to run, but we're not explicitly shutting
583  // down. This is an error condition, an unintentional deadlock.
584  if (!_blocked.empty()) {
585  thread_cat->error()
586  << "Deadlock! All threads blocked.\n";
587  report_deadlock();
588  abort();
589  }
591  // No threads are queued anywhere. This is some kind of internal
592  // error, since normally the main thread, at least, should be queued
593  // somewhere.
594  thread_cat->error()
595  << "All threads disappeared!\n";
596  exit(0);
597  }
598  }
600  ThreadSimpleImpl *chosen_thread = _ready.front();
601  _ready.pop_front();
603  double timeslice = determine_timeslice(chosen_thread);
604  if (timeslice > 0.0) {
605  // This thread is ready to roll. Break out of the loop.
606  chosen_thread->_start_time = now;
607  chosen_thread->_stop_time = now + timeslice;
608  _current_thread = chosen_thread;
609  break;
610  }
612  // This thread is not ready to wake up yet. Put it back for next epoch.
613  // It doesn't count as a volunteer, though--its timeslice was used up.
614  _next_ready.push_back(chosen_thread);
615  }
617  // All right, the thread is ready to roll. Begin.
618  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
619  size_t blocked_count = 0;
620  Blocked::const_iterator bi;
621  for (bi = _blocked.begin(); bi != _blocked.end(); ++bi) {
622  const FifoThreads &threads = (*bi).second;
623  blocked_count += threads.size();
624  }
626  double timeslice = _current_thread->_stop_time - _current_thread->_start_time;
627  thread_cat.debug()
628  << "Switching to " << *_current_thread->_parent_obj
629  << " for " << timeslice << " s ("
630  << _ready.size() << " + " << _next_ready.size()
631  << " + " << _volunteers.size()
632  << " other threads ready, " << blocked_count
633  << " blocked, " << _sleeping.size() << " sleeping)\n";
634  }
636  switch_to_thread_context(from_context, _current_thread->_context);
638  // Shouldn't get here.
639  nassertv(false);
640  abort();
641 }
643 /**
644  * Records the amount of time the indicated thread has run, and updates the
645  * moving average.
646  */
647 void ThreadSimpleManager::
648 do_timeslice_accounting(ThreadSimpleImpl *thread, double now) {
649  double elapsed = now - thread->_start_time;
650  if (thread_cat.is_debug()) {
651  thread_cat.debug()
652  << *thread->_parent_obj << " ran for " << elapsed << " s of "
653  << thread->_stop_time - thread->_start_time << " requested.\n";
654  }
656  // Clamp the elapsed time at 0. (If it's less than 0, the clock is running
657  // backwards, ick.)
658  elapsed = std::max(elapsed, 0.0);
660  unsigned int ticks = (unsigned int)(elapsed * _tick_scale + 0.5);
661  thread->_run_ticks += ticks;
663  // Now remove any old records.
664  unsigned int ticks_window = (unsigned int)(_simple_thread_window * _tick_scale + 0.5);
665  while (_total_ticks > ticks_window) {
666  nassertv(!_tick_records.empty());
667  TickRecord &record = _tick_records.front();
668  _total_ticks -= record._tick_count;
669  if (record._thread->_run_ticks >= record._tick_count) {
670  // Ensure we don't go negative.
671  record._thread->_run_ticks -= record._tick_count;
672  } else {
673  // It is possible for this to happen if the application has been paused
674  // for more than 2^31 ticks.
675  record._thread->_run_ticks = 0;
676  }
677  _tick_records.pop_front();
678  }
680  // Finally, record the new record.
681  TickRecord record;
682  record._tick_count = ticks;
683  record._thread = thread;
684  _tick_records.push_back(record);
685  _total_ticks += ticks;
686 }
689 /**
690  * Moves any threads due to wake up from the sleeping queue to the ready
691  * queue.
692  */
693 void ThreadSimpleManager::
694 wake_sleepers(ThreadSimpleManager::Sleeping &sleepers, double now) {
695  while (!sleepers.empty() && sleepers.front()->_wake_time <= now) {
696  ThreadSimpleImpl *thread = sleepers.front();
697  pop_heap(sleepers.begin(), sleepers.end(), CompareStartTime());
698  sleepers.pop_back();
699  _ready.push_back(thread);
700  }
701 }
703 /**
704  * Moves all threads from the indicated sleeping queue to the ready queue,
705  * regardless of wake time.
706  */
707 void ThreadSimpleManager::
708 wake_all_sleepers(ThreadSimpleManager::Sleeping &sleepers) {
709  while (!sleepers.empty()) {
710  ThreadSimpleImpl *thread = sleepers.front();
711  pop_heap(sleepers.begin(), sleepers.end(), CompareStartTime());
712  sleepers.pop_back();
713  _ready.push_back(thread);
714  }
715 }
717 /**
718  *
719  */
720 void ThreadSimpleManager::
721 report_deadlock() {
722  Blocked::const_iterator bi;
723  for (bi = _blocked.begin(); bi != _blocked.end(); ++bi) {
724  BlockerSimple *blocker = (*bi).first;
725  const FifoThreads &threads = (*bi).second;
727  << "On blocker " << blocker << ":\n";
728  FifoThreads::const_iterator ti;
729  for (ti = threads.begin(); ti != threads.end(); ++ti) {
730  ThreadSimpleImpl *thread = (*ti);
732  << " " << *thread->_parent_obj;
733 #ifdef DEBUG_THREADS
734 << " (";
735  thread->_parent_obj->output_blocker(;
736 << ")";
737 #endif // DEBUG_THREADS
738 << "\n";
739  }
740  }
741 }
743 /**
744  * Determines the amount of time that should be allocated to the next
745  * timeslice of this thread, based on its priority weight and the amount of
746  * time it has run recently relative to other threads.
747  */
748 double ThreadSimpleManager::
749 determine_timeslice(ThreadSimpleImpl *chosen_thread) {
750  if (_ready.empty() && _next_ready.empty()) {
751  // This is the only ready thread. It gets the full timeslice.
752  return _simple_thread_epoch_timeslice;
753  }
755  // Count up the total runtime and weight of all ready threads.
756  unsigned int total_ticks = chosen_thread->_run_ticks;
757  double total_weight = chosen_thread->_priority_weight;
759  FifoThreads::const_iterator ti;
760  for (ti = _ready.begin(); ti != _ready.end(); ++ti) {
761  total_ticks += (*ti)->_run_ticks;
762  total_weight += (*ti)->_priority_weight;
763  }
764  for (ti = _next_ready.begin(); ti != _next_ready.end(); ++ti) {
765  total_ticks += (*ti)->_run_ticks;
766  total_weight += (*ti)->_priority_weight;
767  }
769  nassertr(total_weight != 0.0, 0.0);
770  double budget_ratio = chosen_thread->_priority_weight / total_weight;
772  if (total_ticks == 0) {
773  // This must be the first thread. Special case.
774  return budget_ratio * _simple_thread_epoch_timeslice;
775  }
777  double run_ratio = (double)chosen_thread->_run_ticks / (double)total_ticks;
778  double remaining_ratio = budget_ratio - run_ratio;
780  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
781  thread_cat.debug()
782  << *chosen_thread->_parent_obj << " accrued "
783  << chosen_thread->_run_ticks / _tick_scale << " s of "
784  << total_ticks / _tick_scale << "; budget is "
785  << budget_ratio * total_ticks / _tick_scale << ".\n";
786  if (remaining_ratio <= 0.0) {
787  thread_cat.debug()
788  << "Exceeded budget.\n";
789  }
790  }
792  return remaining_ratio * _simple_thread_epoch_timeslice;
793 }
795 /**
796  * Removes any non-joinable threads from the indicated queue and marks them
797  * killed.
798  */
799 void ThreadSimpleManager::
800 kill_non_joinable(ThreadSimpleManager::FifoThreads &threads) {
801  FifoThreads new_threads;
802  FifoThreads::iterator ti;
803  for (ti = threads.begin(); ti != threads.end(); ++ti) {
804  ThreadSimpleImpl *thread = (*ti);
805  if (thread->_joinable) {
806  new_threads.push_back(thread);
807  } else {
808  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
809  thread_cat.debug()
810  << "Killing " << *thread->_parent_obj << "\n";
811  }
812  thread->_status = ThreadSimpleImpl::TS_killed;
813  enqueue_finished(thread);
814  }
815  }
817  threads.swap(new_threads);
818 }
820 /**
821  * Removes any non-joinable threads from the indicated queue and marks them
822  * killed.
823  */
824 void ThreadSimpleManager::
825 kill_non_joinable(ThreadSimpleManager::Sleeping &threads) {
826  Sleeping new_threads;
827  Sleeping::iterator ti;
828  for (ti = threads.begin(); ti != threads.end(); ++ti) {
829  ThreadSimpleImpl *thread = (*ti);
830  if (thread->_joinable) {
831  new_threads.push_back(thread);
832  } else {
833  if (thread_cat->is_debug()) {
834  thread_cat.debug()
835  << "Killing " << *thread->_parent_obj << "\n";
836  }
837  thread->_status = ThreadSimpleImpl::TS_killed;
838  enqueue_finished(thread);
839  }
840  }
841  make_heap(new_threads.begin(), new_threads.end(), CompareStartTime());
842  threads.swap(new_threads);
843 }
845 #endif // THREAD_SIMPLE_IMPL
static TrueClock * get_global_ptr()
Returns a pointer to the one TrueClock object in the world.
Definition: trueClock.I:68
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
static void consider_yield()
Possibly suspends the current thread for the rest of the current epoch, if it has run for enough this...
Definition: thread.I:212
static void force_yield()
Suspends the current thread for the rest of the current epoch.
Definition: thread.I:201
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual void activate_hook(Thread *thread)
Called when the thread is activated (resumes execution).
Definition: thread.cxx:256
Returns a pointer to the "main" Thread object–this is the Thread that started the whole process.
Definition: thread.h:107
virtual void deactivate_hook(Thread *thread)
Called when the thread is deactivated (swapped for another running thread).
Definition: thread.cxx:247
void unref_delete(RefCountType *ptr)
This global helper function will unref the given ReferenceCount object, and if the reference count re...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.