Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file trueClock.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2000-07-04
12  */
14 #include "trueClock.h"
15 #include "config_express.h"
16 #include "numeric_types.h"
18 #include <math.h> // for fabs()
20 using std::max;
21 using std::min;
23 TrueClock *TrueClock::_global_ptr = nullptr;
25 #if defined(WIN32_VC) || defined(WIN64_VC)
27 // The Win32 implementation.
29 #include <sys/timeb.h>
30 #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
31 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
32 #endif
33 #include <windows.h>
35 static const double _0001 = 1.0 / 1000.0;
36 static const double _00000001 = 1.0 / 10000000.0;
38 // This is the interval of time, in seconds, over which to measure the high-
39 // precision clock rate vs. the time-of-day rate, when paranoid-clock is in
40 // effect. Reducing it makes the clock respond more quickly to changes in
41 // rate, but setting it too small may introduce erratic behavior, especially
42 // if the user has ntp configured.
43 static const double paranoid_clock_interval = 3.0;
45 // It will be considered a clock jump error if either the high-precision clock
46 // or the time-of-day clock change by this number of seconds without the other
47 // jumping by a similar amount.
48 static const double paranoid_clock_jump_error = 2.0;
50 // If the we detect a clock jump error but the corrected clock skew is
51 // currently more than this amount, we hack the clock scale to try to
52 // compensate.
53 static const double paranoid_clock_jump_error_max_delta = 1.0;
55 // If the measured time_scale appears to change by more than this factor, it
56 // will be reported to the log. Changes to time_scale less than this factor
57 // are assumed to be within the margin of error.
58 static const double paranoid_clock_report_scale_factor = 0.1;
60 // If the high-precision clock, after applying time_scale correction, is still
61 // more than this number of seconds above or below the time-of-day clock, it
62 // will be sped up or slowed down slightly until it is back in sync.
63 static const double paranoid_clock_chase_threshold = 0.5;
65 // This is the minimum factor by which the high-precision clock will be sped
66 // up or slowed down when it gets out of sync by paranoid-clock-chase-
67 // threshold.
68 static const double paranoid_clock_chase_factor = 0.1;
70 /**
71  *
72  */
73 double TrueClock::
74 get_long_time() {
75  int tc = GetTickCount();
76  return (double)(tc - _init_tc) * _0001;
77 }
79 /**
80  *
81  */
82 double TrueClock::
83 get_short_raw_time() {
84  double time;
86  if (_has_high_res) {
87 /*
88  * Use the high-resolution clock. This is of questionable value, since (a) on
89  * some OS's and hardware, the low 24 bits can occasionally roll over without
90  * setting the carry bit, causing the time to jump backwards, and (b)
91  * reportedly it can set the carry bit incorrectly sometimes, causing the time
92  * to jump forwards, and (c) even when it doesn't do that, it's not very
93  * accurate and seems to lose seconds of time per hour, and (d) someone could
94  * be running a program such as Speed Gear which munges this value anyway.
95  */
96  int64_t count;
97  QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&count);
99  time = (double)(count - _init_count) * _recip_frequency;
101  } else {
102  // No high-resolution clock; return the best information we have. This
103  // doesn't suffer from the rollover problems that QueryPerformanceCounter
104  // does, but it's not very precise--only precise to 50ms on Win98, and
105  // 10ms on XP-based systems--and Speed Gear still munges it.
106  int tc = GetTickCount();
107  time = (double)(tc - _init_tc) * _0001;
108  }
110  return time;
111 }
113 /**
114  *
115  */
119 bool TrueClock::
120 set_cpu_affinity(uint32_t mask) const {
121  HMODULE hker = GetModuleHandle("kernel32");
122  if (hker != 0) {
124  GetProcAddress(hker, "GetProcessAffinityMask");
126  GetProcAddress(hker, "SetProcessAffinityMask");
127  if (gp != 0 && sp != 0) {
128  DWORD proc_mask;
129  DWORD sys_mask;
130  if (gp(GetCurrentProcess(), (PDWORD_PTR)&proc_mask, (PDWORD_PTR)&sys_mask)) {
131  // make sure we don't reference CPUs that don't exist
132  proc_mask = mask & sys_mask;
133  if (proc_mask) {
134  return sp(GetCurrentProcess(), proc_mask) != 0;
135  }
136  }
137  }
138  }
139  return false;
140 }
142 /**
143  *
144  */
145 TrueClock::
146 TrueClock() {
147  _error_count = 0;
148  _has_high_res = false;
150  _time_scale = 1.0;
151  _time_offset = 0.0;
152  _tod_offset = 0.0;
153  _time_scale_changed = false;
154  _last_reported_time_scale = 1.0;
155  _report_time_scale_time = 0.0;
157  ConfigVariableBool lock_to_one_cpu
158  ("lock-to-one-cpu", false,
159  PRC_DESC("Set this to true if you want the entire process to use one "
160  "CPU, even on multi-core and multi-CPU workstations. This is "
161  "mainly a hack to solve a bug in which QueryPerformanceCounter "
162  "returns inconsistent results on multi-core machines. "));
164  if (lock_to_one_cpu) {
165  set_cpu_affinity(0x01);
166  }
168  if (get_use_high_res_clock()) {
169  int64_t int_frequency;
170  _has_high_res =
171  (QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER *)&int_frequency) != 0);
172  if (_has_high_res) {
173  if (int_frequency <= 0) {
174  clock_cat.error()
175  << "TrueClock::get_real_time() - frequency is negative!" << std::endl;
176  _has_high_res = false;
178  } else {
179  _frequency = (double)int_frequency;
180  _recip_frequency = 1.0 / _frequency;
182  QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&_init_count);
183  }
184  }
185  }
187  // Also store the initial tick count. We'll need this for get_long_time(),
188  // as well as for get_short_time() if we're not using the high resolution
189  // clock.
190  _init_tc = GetTickCount();
192  // And we will need the current time of day to cross-check either of the
193  // above clocks if paranoid-clock is enabled.
194  GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME *)&_init_tod);
196  _chase_clock = CC_keep_even;
198  // In case we'll be cross-checking the clock, we'd better start out with at
199  // least one timestamp, so we'll know if the clock jumps just after startup.
200  _timestamps.push_back(Timestamp(0.0, 0.0));
202  if (!_has_high_res) {
203  clock_cat.warning()
204  << "No high resolution clock available." << std::endl;
205  }
206 }
208 /**
209  * Ensures that the reported timestamp from the high-precision (or even the
210  * low-precision) clock is valid by verifying against the time-of-day clock.
211  *
212  * This attempts to detect sudden jumps in time that might be caused by a
213  * failure of the high-precision clock to roll over properly.
214  *
215  * It also corrects for long-term skew of the clock by measuring the timing
216  * discrepency against the wall clock and projecting that discrepency into the
217  * future. This also should defeat programs such as Speed Gear that work by
218  * munging the value returned by QueryPerformanceCounter() and GetTickCount(),
219  * but not the wall clock time.
220  *
221  * However, relying on wall clock time presents its own set of problems, since
222  * the time of day might be adjusted slightly forward or back from time to
223  * time in response to ntp messages, or it might even be suddenly reset at any
224  * time by the user. So we do the best we can.
225  */
226 double TrueClock::
227 correct_time(double time) {
228  // First, get the current time of day measurement.
229  uint64_t int_tod;
230  GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME *)&int_tod);
231  double tod = (double)(int_tod - _init_tod) * _00000001;
233  nassertr(!_timestamps.empty(), time);
235  // Make sure we didn't experience a sudden jump from the last measurement.
236  double time_delta = (time - _timestamps.back()._time) * _time_scale;
237  double tod_delta = (tod - _timestamps.back()._tod);
239  if (time_delta < -0.0001 ||
240  fabs(time_delta - tod_delta) > paranoid_clock_jump_error) {
241  // A step backward in the high-precision clock, or more than a small jump
242  // on only one of the clocks, is cause for alarm. We allow a trivial step
243  // backward in the high-precision clock, since this does appear to happen
244  // in a threaded environment.
246  clock_cat.debug()
247  << "Clock error detected; elapsed time " << time_delta
248  << "s on high-resolution counter, and " << tod_delta
249  << "s on time-of-day clock.\n";
250  ++_error_count;
252  // If both are negative, we call it 0. If one is negative, we trust the
253  // other one (up to paranoid_clock_jump_error). If both are nonnegative,
254  // we trust the smaller of the two.
255  double time_adjust = 0.0;
256  double tod_adjust = 0.0;
258  if (time_delta < 0.0 && tod < 0.0) {
259  // Trust neither.
260  time_adjust = -time_delta;
261  tod_adjust = -tod_delta;
263  } else if (time_delta < 0.0 || (tod_delta >= 0.0 && tod_delta < time_delta)) {
264  // Trust tod, up to a point.
265  double new_tod_delta = min(tod_delta, paranoid_clock_jump_error);
266  time_adjust = new_tod_delta - time_delta;
267  tod_adjust = new_tod_delta - tod_delta;
269  } else {
270  // Trust time, up to a point.
271  double new_time_delta = min(time_delta, paranoid_clock_jump_error);
272  time_adjust = new_time_delta - time_delta;
273  tod_adjust = new_time_delta - tod_delta;
274  }
276  _time_offset += time_adjust;
277  time_delta += time_adjust;
278  _tod_offset += tod_adjust;
279  tod_delta += tod_adjust;
281  // Apply the adjustments to the timestamp queue. We could just completely
282  // empty the timestamp queue, but that makes it hard to catch up if we are
283  // getting lots of these "momentary" errors in a row.
284  Timestamps::iterator ti;
285  for (ti = _timestamps.begin(); ti != _timestamps.end(); ++ti) {
286  (*ti)._time -= time_adjust / _time_scale;
287  (*ti)._tod -= tod_adjust;
288  }
290  // And now we can record this timestamp, which is now consistent with the
291  // previous timestamps in the queue.
292  _timestamps.push_back(Timestamp(time, tod));
294 /*
295  * Detecting and filtering this kind of momentary error can help protect us
296  * from legitimate problems cause by OS or BIOS bugs (which might introduce
297  * errors into the high precision clock), or from sudden changes to the time-
298  * of-day by the user, but we have to be careful because if the user uses a
299  * Speed Gear-type program to speed up the clock by an extreme amount, it can
300  * look like a lot of such "momentary" errors in a row--and if we throw them
301  * all out, we won't compute _time_scale correctly. To avoid this, we hack
302  * _time_scale here if we seem to be getting out of sync.
303  */
304  double corrected_time = time * _time_scale + _time_offset;
305  double corrected_tod = tod + _tod_offset;
306  if (corrected_time - corrected_tod > paranoid_clock_jump_error_max_delta &&
307  _time_scale > 0.00001) {
309  << "Force-adjusting time_scale to catch up to errors.\n";
310  set_time_scale(time, _time_scale * 0.5);
311  }
313  } else if (tod_delta < 0.0) {
314  // A small backwards jump on the time-of-day clock is not a concern, since
315  // this is technically allowed with ntp enabled. We simply ignore the
316  // event.
318  } else {
319  // Ok, we don't think there was a sudden jump, so carry on.
321  // The timestamp queue here records the measured timestamps over the past
322  // _priority_interval seconds. Its main purpose is to keep a running
323  // observation of _time_scale, so we can detect runtime changes of the
324  // clock's scale, for instance if the user is using a program like Speed
325  // Gear and pulls the slider during runtime.
327  // Consider the oldest timestamp in our queue.
328  Timestamp oldest = _timestamps.front();
329  double time_age = (time - oldest._time);
330  double tod_age = (tod - oldest._tod);
332  double keep_interval = paranoid_clock_interval;
334  if (tod_age > keep_interval / 2.0 && time_age > 0.0) {
335  // Adjust the _time_scale value to match the ratio between the elapsed
336  // time on the high-resolution clock, and the time-of-day clock.
337  double new_time_scale = tod_age / time_age;
339  // When we adjust _time_scale, we have to be careful to adjust
340  // _time_offset at the same time, so we don't introduce a sudden jump in
341  // time.
342  set_time_scale(time, new_time_scale);
344  // Check to see if the time scale has changed significantly since we
345  // last reported it.
346  double ratio = _time_scale / _last_reported_time_scale;
347  if (fabs(ratio - 1.0) > paranoid_clock_report_scale_factor) {
348  _time_scale_changed = true;
349  _last_reported_time_scale = _time_scale;
350  // Actually report it a little bit later, to give the time scale a
351  // chance to settle down.
352  _report_time_scale_time = tod + _tod_offset + keep_interval;
353  if (clock_cat.is_debug()) {
354  clock_cat.debug()
355  << "Will report time scale, now " << 100.0 / _time_scale
356  << "%, tod_age = " << tod_age << ", time_age = " << time_age
357  << ", ratio = " << ratio << "\n";
358  }
359  }
360  }
362  // Clean out old entries in the timestamps queue.
363  if (tod_age > keep_interval) {
364  while (!_timestamps.empty() &&
365  tod - _timestamps.front()._tod > keep_interval) {
366  _timestamps.pop_front();
367  }
368  }
370  // Record this timestamp.
371  _timestamps.push_back(Timestamp(time, tod));
372  }
374  double corrected_time = time * _time_scale + _time_offset;
375  double corrected_tod = tod + _tod_offset;
377  if (_time_scale_changed && corrected_tod >= _report_time_scale_time) {
378  double percent = 100.0 / _time_scale;
379  // Round percent to the nearest 5% to reduce confusion in the logs.
380  percent = floor(percent / 20.0 + 0.5) * 20.0;
382  << "Clock appears to be running at " << percent << "% real time.\n";
383  _last_reported_time_scale = _time_scale;
384  _time_scale_changed = false;
385  }
387  // By the time we get here, we have a corrected_time and a corrected_tod
388  // value, both of which should be advancing at about the same rate.
389  // However, there might be accumulated skew between them, since there is
390  // some lag in the above algorithm that corrects the _time_scale, and clock
391  // skew can accumulate while the algorithm is catching up.
393  // Therefore, we have one more line of defense: we check at this point for
394  // skew, and correct for it by slowing the clock down or speeding it up a
395  // bit as needed, until we even out the clocks again. Rather than adjusting
396  // the clock speed with _time_scale here, we simply slide _time_offset
397  // forward and back as needed--that way we don't interfere with the above
398  // algorithm, which is trying to compute _time_scale accurately.
400  switch (_chase_clock) {
401  case CC_slow_down:
402  if (corrected_time < corrected_tod) {
403  // We caught up.
404  _chase_clock = CC_keep_even;
405  if (clock_cat.is_debug()) {
406  clock_cat.debug()
407  << "Clock back down to real time.\n";
408  // Let's report the clock error now, so an app can resync now that
409  // we're at a good time.
410  ++_error_count;
411  }
413  } else {
414  // Slow down the clock by sliding the offset a bit backward.
415  double fixup = 1.0 - (1.0 / (corrected_time - corrected_tod));
416  double correction = time_delta * max(fixup, paranoid_clock_chase_factor);
417  _time_offset -= correction;
418  corrected_time -= correction;
419  }
420  break;
422  case CC_keep_even:
423  if ((corrected_tod - corrected_time) > paranoid_clock_chase_threshold) {
424  // Oops, we're dropping behind; need to speed up.
425  _chase_clock = CC_speed_up;
427  if (clock_cat.is_debug()) {
428  clock_cat.debug()
429  << "Clock is behind by " << (corrected_tod - corrected_time)
430  << "s; speeding up to correct.\n";
431  }
432  } else if ((corrected_time - corrected_tod) > paranoid_clock_chase_threshold) {
433  // Oops, we're going too fast; need to slow down.
434  _chase_clock = CC_slow_down;
436  if (clock_cat.is_debug()) {
437  clock_cat.debug()
438  << "Clock is ahead by " << (corrected_time - corrected_tod)
439  << "s; slowing down to correct.\n";
440  }
441  }
442  break;
444  case CC_speed_up:
445  if (corrected_time > corrected_tod) {
446  // We caught up.
447  _chase_clock = CC_keep_even;
448  if (clock_cat.is_debug()) {
449  clock_cat.debug()
450  << "Clock back up to real time.\n";
451  // Let's report the clock error now, so an app can resync now that
452  // we're at a good time.
453  ++_error_count;
454  }
456  } else {
457  // Speed up the clock by sliding the offset a bit forward.
458  double fixup = 1.0 - (1.0 / (corrected_tod - corrected_time));
459  double correction = time_delta * max(fixup, paranoid_clock_chase_factor);
460  _time_offset += correction;
461  corrected_time += correction;
462  }
463  break;
464  }
466  if (clock_cat.is_spam()) {
467  clock_cat.spam()
468  << "time " << time << " tod " << corrected_tod
469  << " corrected time " << corrected_time << "\n";
470  }
472  return corrected_time;
473 }
475 /**
476  * Changes the _time_scale value, recomputing _time_offset at the same time so
477  * we don't introduce a sudden jump in time.
478  */
479 void TrueClock::
480 set_time_scale(double time, double new_time_scale) {
481  nassertv(new_time_scale > 0.0);
482  _time_offset = time * _time_scale + _time_offset - (time * new_time_scale);
483  _time_scale = new_time_scale;
484 }
486 #else // !WIN32_VC
488 // The Posix implementation.
490 #include <sys/time.h>
491 #include <stdio.h> // for perror
493 static long _init_sec;
495 /**
496  *
497  */
498 double TrueClock::
499 get_long_time() {
500  struct timeval tv;
502  int result;
505  result = gettimeofday(&tv);
506 #else
507  result = gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
508 #endif
510  if (result < 0) {
511  // Error in gettimeofday().
512  return 0.0;
513  }
515  // We subtract out the time at which the clock was initialized, because we
516  // don't care about the number of seconds all the way back to 1970, and we
517  // want to leave the double with as much precision as it can get.
518  return (double)(tv.tv_sec - _init_sec) + (double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
519 }
521 /**
522  *
523  */
524 double TrueClock::
525 get_short_raw_time() {
526  struct timeval tv;
528  int result;
531  result = gettimeofday(&tv);
532 #else
533  result = gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
534 #endif
536  if (result < 0) {
537  // Error in gettimeofday().
538  return 0.0;
539  }
541  // We subtract out the time at which the clock was initialized, because we
542  // don't care about the number of seconds all the way back to 1970, and we
543  // want to leave the double with as much precision as it can get.
544  return (double)(tv.tv_sec - _init_sec) + (double)tv.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
545 }
547 /**
548  *
549  */
550 bool TrueClock::
551 set_cpu_affinity(uint32_t mask) const {
552  return false;
553 }
555 /**
556  *
557  */
558 TrueClock::
559 TrueClock() {
560  _error_count = 0;
561  struct timeval tv;
563  int result;
565  result = gettimeofday(&tv);
566 #else
567  result = gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
568 #endif
570  if (result < 0) {
571  perror("gettimeofday");
572  _init_sec = 0;
573  } else {
574  _init_sec = tv.tv_sec;
575  }
576 }
578 #endif
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a boolean type.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
An interface to whatever real-time clock we might have available in the current environment.
Definition: trueClock.h:33