Class Hierarchy

Don't mind the mess!

We're currently in the process of migrating the Panda3D API Reference to a new service. This is a temporary layout in the meantime.

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 CAccumulatedAttribsThis class is used by the SceneGraphReducer to maintain and accumulate the set of attributes we have encountered on each node that might eventually be applied to the vertices at the leaves
 CAddHashThis class is used just as a namespace scope to collect together a handful of static functions, which are used to wrap calls to Bob Jenkins' public- domain hash generation function (defined in lookup3.c)
 CAIBehaviorsThis class implements all the steering behaviors of the AI framework, such as seek, flee, pursue, evade, wander and flock
 CAINodeThis class is used to assign the nodes on the mesh
 CAIWorldA class that implements the virtual AI world which keeps track of the AI characters active at any given time
 Cstd::allocator< T >STL class
 CAnimBundleMakerConverts an EggTable hierarchy, beginning with a <Bundle> entry, into an AnimBundle hierarchy
 CAnimControlCollectionThis is a named collection of AnimControl pointers
 CAnimInterfaceThis is the fundamental interface for things that have a play/loop/stop type interface for frame-based animation, such as animated characters
 CAsyncTaskCollectionA list of tasks, for instance as returned by some of the AsyncTaskManager query functions
 CAtomicAdjustDummyImplA trivial implementation for atomic adjustments for systems that don't require multiprogramming, and therefore don't require special atomic operations
 CAttribNodeRegistryThis global object records NodePaths that are referenced by scene graph attribs, such as ClipPlaneAttribs and LightAttribs
 CBamCacheThis class maintains a cache of Bam and/or Txo objects generated from model files and texture images (as well as possibly other kinds of loadable objects that can be stored in bam file format)
 CBamEnumsThis class exists just to provide scoping for the enums shared by BamReader and BamWriter
 CBasicSkelThis is the most basic of the skeleton classes
 CBitArrayA dynamic array with an unlimited number of bits
 CBitMask< WType, nbits >A general bitmask class
 CBitMask< uint32_t, 32 >
 CBufferResidencyTrackerThis class is used to keep track of the current state of all the BufferContexts for a particular graphics context: whether each one is active (rendered this frame) or inactive (not rendered this frame), and whether it is resident or nonresident in video memory
 CBulletRotationalLimitMotorRotation Limit structure for generic joints
 CBulletTranslationalLimitMotorRotation Limit structure for generic joints
 CBulletWheelOne wheel of a BulletVehicle
 CButtonEventRecords a button event of some kind
 CButtonHandleA ButtonHandle represents a single button from any device, including keyboard buttons and mouse buttons (but see KeyboardButton and MouseButton)
 CButtonRegistryMaintains all the assigned ButtonHandles in a given system
 CCacheStatsThis is used to track the utilization of the TransformState and RenderState caches, for low-level performance tuning information
 CCConnectionRepositoryThis class implements the C++ side of the ConnectionRepository object
 CCDistributedSmoothNodeBaseThis class defines some basic methods of DistributedSmoothNodeBase which have been moved into C++ as a performance optimization
 CCharacterMakerConverts an EggGroup hierarchy, beginning with a group with <Dart> set, to a character node with joints
 CCIntervalManagerThis object holds a number of currently-playing intervals and is responsible for advancing them each frame as needed
 CCircBuffer< Thing, max_size >This class implements a queue of some type via a circular buffer
 CCircBuffer< FrameData, queued_frame_records >
 CCircBuffer< int, max_timestamp_delays >
 CCLwoClipThis class is a wrapper around LwoClip and stores additional information useful during the conversion-to-egg process
 CCLwoLayerThis class is a wrapper around LwoLayer and stores additional information useful during the conversion-to-egg process
 CCLwoPointsThis class is a wrapper around LwoPoints and stores additional information useful during the conversion-to-egg process
 CCLwoPolygonsThis class is a wrapper around LwoPolygons and stores additional information useful during the conversion-to-egg process
 CCLwoSurfaceThis class is a wrapper around LwoSurface and stores additional information useful during the conversion-to-egg process
 CCLwoSurfaceBlockThis class is a wrapper around LwoSurfaceBlock and stores additional information useful during the conversion-to-egg process
 CCLwoSurfaceBlockTMapThis class is a wrapper around LwoSurfaceBlockTMap and stores additional information useful during the conversion-to-egg process
 CCollisionLevelStateBaseThis is the state information the CollisionTraverser retains for each level during traversal
 Ccompare_to< Key >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of class objects that contain a compare_to() method
 CCompareTo< ObjectType >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of classes that contain a compare_to() method
 CConditionVarDirectA condition variable, usually used to communicate information about changing state to a thread that is waiting for something to happen
 CConditionVarDummyImplA fake condition variable implementation for single-threaded applications that don't need any synchronization control
 CConditionVarFullDirectA condition variable, usually used to communicate information about changing state to a thread that is waiting for something to happen
 CConfigFlagsThis class is the base class of both ConfigVariable and ConfigVariableCore
 CConfigPageA page of ConfigDeclarations that may be loaded or unloaded
 CConfigVariableManagerA global object that maintains the set of ConfigVariables (actually, ConfigVariableCores) everywhere in the world, and keeps them in sorted order
 CConnectionManagerThe primary interface to the low-level networking layer in this package
 CConnectionReaderThis is an abstract base class for a family of classes that listen for activity on a socket and respond to it, for instance by reading a datagram and serving it (or queueing it up for later service)
 CConnectionWriterThis class handles threaded delivery of datagrams to various TCP or UDP sockets
 CCopyOnWritePointerThis safely stores the primary, owned pointer to a CopyOnWriteObject
 CCullableObjectThe smallest atom of cull
 CCullBinEnumsProvides scoping for the enumerated type shared by CullBin and CullBinManager
 CCullHandlerThis defines the abstract interface for an object that receives Geoms identified by the CullTraverser
 CCullTraverserDataThis collects together the pieces of data that are accumulated for each node while walking the scene graph during the cull traversal
 CCVSSourceDirectoryThis represents one particular directory in the hierarchy of source directory files
 CCVSSourceTreeThis represents the root of the tree of source directory files
 CCycleDataLockedReader< CycleDataType >This template class calls PipelineCycler::read() in the constructor and PipelineCycler::release_read() in the destructor
 CCycleDataLockedStageReader< CycleDataType >This class is similar to CycleDataLockedReader, except it allows reading from a particular stage of the pipeline
 CCycleDataReader< CycleDataType >This template class calls PipelineCycler::read_unlocked(), and then provides a transparent read-only access to the CycleData
 CCycleDataStageReader< CycleDataType >This class is similar to CycleDataReader, except it allows reading from a particular stage of the pipeline
 CCycleDataStageWriter< CycleDataType >This class is similar to CycleDataWriter, except it allows writing to a particular stage of the pipeline
 CCycleDataWriter< CycleDataType >This template class calls PipelineCycler::write() in the constructor and PipelineCycler::release_write() in the destructor
 CCyclerHolderA lightweight C++ object whose constructor calls acquire() and whose destructor calls release() on a PipelineCyclerBase object
 CDatagramGeneratorThis class defines the abstract interace to any source of datagrams, whether it be from a file or from the net
 CDatagramIteratorA class to retrieve the individual data elements previously stored in a Datagram
 CDatagramQueueA thread-safe, FIFO queue of NetDatagrams
 CDatagramSinkThis class defines the abstract interface to sending datagrams to any target, whether it be into a file or across the net
 CDatagramTCPHeaderA class that encapsulates the extra bytes that are sent in front of each datagram to identify it when it is sent on TCP
 CDatagramUDPHeaderA class that encapsulates the extra bytes that are sent in front of each datagram to identify it when it is sent on UDP
 CDataGraphTraverserThis object supervises the traversal of the data graph and the moving of data from one DataNode to its children
 CDCDeclarationThis is a common interface for a declaration in a DC file
 CDCFileRepresents the complete list of Distributed Class descriptions as read from a .dc file
 CDCKeywordListThis is a list of keywords (see DCKeyword) that may be set on a particular field
 CDCNumericRange< NUM >Represents a range of legal integer or floating-point values
 CDCNumericRange< double >
 CDCNumericRange< int >
 CDCNumericRange< int64_t >
 CDCNumericRange< uint64_t >
 CDCNumericRange< unsigned int >
 CDCPackDataThis is a block of data that receives the results of DCPacker
 CDCPackerThis class can be used for packing a series of numeric and string data into a binary stream, according to the DC specification
 CDCPackerCatalogThis object contains the names of all of the nested fields available within a particular field
 CDCPackerInterfaceThis defines the internal interface for packing values into a DCField
 CDeferredNodePropertyThis class keeps track of all the state we must make note of during the graph traversal, but cannot apply immediately
 CDeletedBufferChainThis template class can be used to provide faster allocation/deallocation for many Panda objects
 CDeletedChain< Type >This template class can be used to provide faster allocation/deallocation for many Panda objects
 Cstd::deque< T >STL class
 CDirectDDirectD is a client/server app for starting panda/direct
 CDisplayInformationThis class contains various display information
 CDisplayRegionPipelineReaderEncapsulates the data from a DisplayRegion, pre-fetched for one stage of the pipeline
 CDisplaySearchParametersParameters used for searching display capabilities
 CDocumentSpecA descriptor that refers to a particular version of a document
 CDoubleBitMask< BMType >This is a special BitMask type that is implemented as a pair of lesser BitMask types, to present a double-wide bit mask
 CDownloadDbA listing of files within multifiles for management of client-side synchronization with a server-provided set of files
 CDrawableRegionThis is a base class for GraphicsWindow (actually, GraphicsOutput) and DisplayRegion, both of which are conceptually rectangular regions into which drawing commands may be issued
 CDSearchPathThis class stores a list of directories that can be searched, in order, to locate a particular file
 CDXFVertexStored within DXFFile, this is the basic Vertex data of a DXF file
 CEggBinMakerCompareNodesThis is just an STL function object, used to sort nodes within EggBinMaker
 CEggCharacterCollectionRepresents a set of characters, as read and collected from possibly several model and/or animation egg files
 CEggCharacterDbThis class is used during joint optimization or restructuring to store the table of interim joint computations
 CEggLoaderConverts an egg data structure, possibly read from an egg file but not necessarily, into a scene graph suitable for rendering
 CEggMaterialCollectionThis is a collection of materials by MRef name
 CEggMesherCollects together unrelated EggPrimitives, determines their edge connectivity, and generates a set of EggTriangleStrips that represent the same geometry
 CEggMesherEdgeRepresents one edge of a triangle, as used by the EggMesher to discover connected triangles
 CEggMesherFanMakerThis class is used by EggMesher::find_fans() to attempt to make an EggTriangleFan out of the polygons connected to the indicated vertex
 CEggMesherStripRepresents a triangle strip or quad strip in progress, as assembled by the mesher
 CEggMorphList< MorphType >A collection of <Dxyz>'s or <Duv>'s or some such
 CEggMorphList< EggMorphColor >
 CEggMorphList< EggMorphNormal >
 CEggMorphList< EggMorphTexCoord >
 CEggMorphList< EggMorphVertex >
 CEggParametersThe values stored in this structure are global parameters that control some aspects of the egg library
 CEggRenderModeThis class stores miscellaneous rendering properties that is associated with geometry, and which may be set on the geometry primitive level, on the group above it, or indirectly via a texture
 CEggSaverConverts the scene graph beginning at the indicated node into an EggData structure, for writing to an egg file
 CEggTextureCollectionThis is a collection of textures by TRef name
 CEggToDXFLayerA single layer in the DXF file to be written by EggToDXF
 CEggToSomethingConverterThis is a base class for a family of converter classes that manage a conversion from egg format to some other file type
 CEggTransformThis represents the <Transform> entry of a group or texture node: a list of component transform operations, applied in order, that describe a net transform matrix
 CEventParameterAn optional parameter associated with an event
 CEventQueueA queue of pending events
 CEventReceiverAn abstract base class for anything that might care about receiving events
 CExecutionEnvironmentEncapsulates access to the environment variables and command-line arguments at the time of execution
 CExtensionBase< T >This is where all extensions should derive from
 CExtractorThis class automatically extracts the contents of a Multifile to the current directory (or to a specified directory) in the background
 CFactoryBaseA Factory can be used to create an instance of a particular subclass of some general base class
 CFactoryParamsAn instance of this class is passed to the Factory when requesting it to do its business and construct a new something
 CFfmpegVirtualFileEnables ffmpeg to access panda's VFS
 CFFTCompressorThis class manages a lossy compression and decompression of a stream of floating-point numbers to a datagram, based a fourier transform algorithm (similar in principle to JPEG compression)
 CFilenameThe name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file
 CFilenameUnifierThis static class does the job of converting filenames from relative to absolute to canonical or whatever is appropriate
 CFindApproxLevelEntryThis class is local to this package only; it doesn't get exported
 CFindApproxPathThis class is local to this package only; it doesn't get exported
 CFirstOfPairCompare< ObjectType, Compare >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pairs of objects
 CFirstOfPairLess< ObjectType >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pairs of objects
 Cfloating_point_threshold< Key >Compares two floating point numbers, within threshold of equivalence
 CFlockThis class is used to define the flock attributes and the AI characters which are part of the flock
 CFltEyepointA single eyepoint entry in the eyepoint/trackplane palette
 CFltPackedColorA packed color record, A, B, G, R
 CFltRecordReaderThis class turns an istream into a sequence of FltRecords by reading a sequence of Datagrams and extracting the opcode from each one
 CFltRecordWriterThis class writes a sequence of FltRecords to an ostream, handling opcode and size counts properly
 CFltToEggLevelStateThis keeps track of relevant things about the traversal as we walk through the flt hierarchy
 CFltTrackplaneA single trackplane entry in the eyepoint/trackplane palette
 CFontPoolThis is the preferred interface for loading fonts for the TextNode system
 CFrameBufferPropertiesA container for the various kinds of properties we might ask to have on a graphics frameBuffer before we create a GSG
 CGamepadButtonThis class is just used as a convenient namespace for grouping all of these handy functions that return buttons which map to gamepad buttons
 CGeomCacheManagerThis is used to keep track of, and limit the size of, the cache of munged vertices, which would otherwise be distributed through all of the GeomVertexData objects in the system
 CGeomEnumsThis class exists just to provide scoping for the various enumerated types used by Geom, GeomVertexData, GeomVertexArrayData, GeomPrimitive, and other related classes
 CGeomTransformerAn object specifically designed to transform the vertices of a Geom without disturbing indexing or affecting any other Geoms that may share the same vertex arrays, and without needlessly wasting memory when different Geoms sharing the same vertex arrays are transformed by the same amount
 CGlobalPointerRegistryThis class maintains a one-to-one mapping from TypeHandle to a void * pointer
 CGlobPatternThis class can be used to test for string matches against standard Unix- shell filename globbing conventions
 CGPUCommandClass for storing data to be transferred to the GPU
 CGraphicsPipeSelectionThis maintains a list of GraphicsPipes by type that are available for creation
 CGraphicsThreadingModelThis represents the user's specification of how a particular frame is handled by the various threads
 CGraphicsWindowProcDefines an interface for storing platform-specific window processor methods
 CHashGeneratorThis class generates an arbitrary hash number from a sequence of ints
 CHashGeneratorBaseThis is the base class for a number of classes that generate arbitrary hash numbers for complex objects, based fundamentally on a sequence of integers
 CHashValStores a 128-bit value that represents the hashed contents (typically MD5) of a file or buffer
 CHermiteCurveCVA single CV of a Hermite curve
 CHTTPDateA container for an HTTP-legal time/date indication
 CHTTPEntityTagA container for an "entity tag" from an HTTP server
 CIESDatasetThis class generates a LUT from IES data
 CIffIdA four-byte chunk ID appearing in an "IFF" file
 CIndexedFaceSetDecodes the vertices and faces in a VRML indexed face set, and creates the corresponding egg geometry
 CIndexRemapperThis class manages a mapping of integers to integers
 Cindirect_compare_names< Key >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pointers to classes that define a get_name() method, particularly for things that derive from Namable
 Cindirect_compare_to< Key >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pointers to classes that contain a compare_to() method
 Cindirect_equals_hash< Key >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pointers to classes that contain an operator ==() method
 Cindirect_less< Key >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pointers to classes that contain an operator <() method
 CIndirectCompareNames< ObjectType >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pointers to classes that define a get_name() method, particularly for things that derive from Namable
 CIndirectCompareNames< AsyncTaskChain >
 CIndirectCompareNames< MayaBlendDesc >
 CIndirectCompareSort< ObjectType >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pointers to classes that define a get_sort() method
 CIndirectCompareTo< ObjectType >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pointers to classes that contain a compare_to() method
 CIndirectLess< ObjectType >An STL function object class, this is intended to be used on any ordered collection of pointers to classes that contain an operator <() method
 CIndirectLess< GraphicsOutput >
 CIndirectLess< InstanceList >
 CIndirectLess< Subfile >
 CInputDeviceManagerThis class keeps track of all the devices on a system, and sends out events when a device has been hot-plugged
 CInputDeviceSetManages a list of InputDevice objects, as returned by various InputDeviceManager methods
 CInternalLightManagerInternal class used for handling lights and shadows
 CInterrogateComponentThe base class for things that are part of the interrogate database
 CInterrogateDatabaseThis stores all of the interrogate data and handles reading the data from a disk file when necessary
 CIoPtaDatagramFloatThis class is used to read and write a PTA_stdfloat from a Datagram, in support of Bam
 CIoPtaDatagramIntThis class is used to read and write a PTA_int from a Datagram, in support of Bam
 CIoPtaDatagramShortThis class is used to read and write a PTA_ushort from a Datagram, in support of Bam
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 CIsoPlacerContains the logic used to place isoparams where they'll do the most good on a surface
 CKeyboardButtonThis class is just used as a convenient namespace for grouping all of these handy functions that return buttons which map to standard keyboard keys
 CLightThe abstract interface to all kinds of lights
 CLightMutexDirectThis class implements a lightweight Mutex by making direct calls to the underlying implementation layer
 CLightMutexHolderSimilar to MutexHolder, but for a light mutex
 CLightReMutexDirectThis class implements a standard lightReMutex by making direct calls to the underlying implementation layer
 CLightReMutexHolderSimilar to MutexHolder, but for a light reentrant mutex
 CLinkedListNodeThis just stores the pointers to implement a doubly-linked list of some kind of object
 Cstd::list< T >STL class
 CLoaderFileTypeRegistryThis class maintains the set of all known LoaderFileTypes in the universe
 CLoaderOptionsSpecifies parameters that may be passed to the loader
 CLSimpleMatrix< FloatType, NumRows, NumCols >This class provides an underlying storage of the various linear-algebra classes (e.g
 Cstd::map< K, T >STL class
 CMaterialPoolThe MaterialPool (there is only one in the universe) serves to unify different pointers to the same Material, so we do not (a) waste memory with many different Material objects that are all equivalent, and (b) waste time switching the graphics engine between different Material states that are really the same thing
 CMaxNodeTreeDescribes a complete tree of max nodes for conversion
 CMaxToEggConverterThis class supervises the construction of an EggData structure from a Max model
 CMayaNodeTreeDescribes a complete tree of maya nodes for conversion
 CMayaShaderColorDefThis defines the various attributes that Maya may associate with the "color" channel for a particular shader (as well as on the "transparency" channel)
 CMayaShadersCollects the set of MayaShaders that have been encountered so far
 CMemoryBaseThis class is intended to be the base class of all objects in Panda that might be allocated and deleted via the new and delete operators
 CMemoryHookThis class provides a wrapper around the various possible malloc schemes Panda might employ
 CMemoryUsagePointerCountsThis is a supporting class for MemoryUsage
 CMemoryUsagePointersThis is a list of pointers returned by a MemoryUsage object in response to some query
 CModelPoolThis class unifies all references to the same filename, so that multiple attempts to load the same model will return the same pointer
 CModifierButtonsThis class monitors the state of a number of individual buttons and tracks whether each button is known to be down or up
 CMouseButtonThis class is just used as a convenient namespace for grouping all of these handy functions that return buttons which map to standard mouse buttons
 CMouseWatcherBaseThis represents a collection of MouseWatcherRegions that may be managed as a group
 CMouseWatcherParameterThis is sent along as a parameter to most events generated for a region to indicate the mouse and button state for the event
 CMovieTypeRegistryThis class records the different types of MovieAudio and MovieVideo that are available for loading
 Cstd::multimap< K, T >STL class
 Cstd::multiset< K >STL class
 CMultitexReducerThis object presents an interface for generating new texture images that represent the combined images from one or more individual textures, reproducing certain kinds of multitexture effects without depending on multitexture support in the hardware
 CMutexDirectThis class implements a standard mutex by making direct calls to the underlying implementation layer
 CMutexDummyImplA fake mutex implementation for single-threaded applications that don't need any synchronization control
 CMutexHolderA lightweight C++ object whose constructor calls acquire() and whose destructor calls release() on a mutex
 CNamableOrderByNameAn STL function object for sorting an array of pointers to Namables into order by name
 CNameUniquifierA handy class for converting a list of arbitrary names (strings) so that each name is guaranteed to be unique in the list
 CNativeNumericDataNativeNumericData and ReversedNumericData work together to provide a sneaky interface for automatically byte-swapping numbers, when necessary, to transparency support big-endian and little-endian architectures
 CNetAddressRepresents a network address to which UDP packets may be sent or to which a TCP socket may be bound
 CNeverFreeMemoryThis class is used to allocate bytes of memory from a pool that is never intended to be freed
 CNodeThis class is used to assign the nodes on the mesh
 CNodePathNodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also provides a higher-level interface for manipulating the scene graph
 CNodePathCollectionThis is a set of zero or more NodePaths
 CNonlinearImagerThis class object combines the rendered output of a 3-d from one or more linear (e.g
 CNotifyAn object that handles general error reporting to the user
 CNotifyCategoryProxy< GetCategory >A handy wrapper around a NotifyCategory pointer
 CNurbsBasisVectorThis encapsulates a series of matrices that are used to represent the sequential segments of a NurbsCurveEvaluator
 CNurbsCurveInterfaceThis abstract class defines the interface only for a Nurbs-style curve, with knots and coordinates in homogeneous space
 CNurbsVertexThis represents a single control vertex in a NurbsEvaluator
 Cordered_vector< Key, Compare, Vector >This template class presents an interface similar to the STL set or multiset (and ov_set and ov_multiset are implemented specifically, below), but it is implemented using a vector that is kept always in sorted order
 Cordered_vector< AnimRecord, std::less< AnimRecord >, pvector< AnimRecord > >
 Cordered_vector< Effect, std::less< Effect >, pvector< Effect > >
 Cordered_vector< Entry, std::less< Entry >, pvector< Entry > >
 Cordered_vector< InstanceList *, IndirectLess< InstanceList >, pvector< InstanceList * > >
 Cordered_vector< JointVertexTransform *, std::less< JointVertexTransform * >, pvector< JointVertexTransform * > >
 Cordered_vector< NodePath, std::less< NodePath >, pvector< NodePath > >
 Cordered_vector< PT(AsyncTaskChain), IndirectCompareNames< AsyncTaskChain >, pvector< PT(AsyncTaskChain) > >
 Cordered_vector< PT(GraphicsOutput), IndirectLess< GraphicsOutput >, pvector< PT(GraphicsOutput) > >
 Cordered_vector< PT(InputDevice), std::less< PT(InputDevice) >, pvector< PT(InputDevice) > >
 Cordered_vector< PT(MayaBlendDesc), IndirectCompareNames< MayaBlendDesc >, pvector< PT(MayaBlendDesc) > >
 Cordered_vector< PT(MouseWatcherRegion), std::less< PT(MouseWatcherRegion) >, pvector< PT(MouseWatcherRegion) > >
 Cordered_vector< PT(PandaNode), std::less< PT(PandaNode) >, pvector< PT(PandaNode) > >
 Cordered_vector< StageNode, CompareTextureStagePointer, epvector< StageNode > >
 Cordered_vector< StageNode, CompareTextureStagePointer, pvector< StageNode > >
 Cordered_vector< Subfile *, IndirectLess< Subfile >, pvector< Subfile * > >
 Cordered_vector< Subrange, std::less< Subrange >, pvector< Subrange > >
 Cordered_vector< TransformEntry, std::less< TransformEntry >, pvector< TransformEntry > >
 Cordered_vector< TransformTable *, std::less< TransformTable * >, pvector< TransformTable * > >
 Cstd::owner_less< ConstPointerTo< T > >
 Cstd::owner_less< PointerTo< T > >
 Cstd::owner_less< WeakConstPointerTo< T > >
 Cstd::owner_less< WeakPointerTo< T > >
 CPandaFrameworkThis class serves to provide a high-level framework for basic applications that use Panda in simple ways (like opening a window to view models, etc.)
 CPandaNodePipelineReaderEncapsulates the data from a PandaNode, pre-fetched for one stage of the pipeline
 CPandaSystemThis class is used as a namespace to group several global properties of Panda
 CParticleSystemManagerManages a set of individual ParticleSystem objects, so that each individual one doesn't have to be updated and rendered every frame See Also : particleSystemManager.cxx
 CPartSubsetThis class is used to define a subset of part names to apply to the PartBundle::bind_anim() operation
 CPathFindThis class contains all the members and functions that are required to form an interface between the AIBehaviors class and the PathFinder class
 CPathFinderThis class implements pathfinding using A* algorithm
 CPerlinNoiseThis is the base class for PerlinNoise2 and PerlinNoise3, different dimensions of Perlin noise implementation
 CPfmVizzerThis class aids in the visualization and manipulation of PfmFile objects
 CPGItemNotifyObjects that inherit from this class can receive specialized messages when PGItems change in certain ways
 CPhysicsManagerPhysics don't get much higher-level than this
 CPhysicsObjectCollectionThis is a set of zero or more PhysicsObjects
 CPhysxActorDescDescriptor for PhysxActor
 CPhysxBounds3Represention of a axis aligned bounding box
 CPhysxBoxRepresents an oriented bounding box, as a center point, extents(radii) and a rotation
 CPhysxCapsuleRepresents a capsule
 CPhysxConstraintDominanceExpresses the dominance relationship of a constraint
 CPhysxControllerDescDescriptor class for a character controller
 CPhysxEnumsThis class exists just to provide scoping for the enums shared by PhysX classes
 CPhysxForceFieldShapeDescAbstract base class for descriptors for force field shapes descriptors
 CPhysxGroupsMask128-bit bitmask class
 CPhysxHeightFieldDescDescriptor class for height fields
 CPhysxJointLimitDescDescribes a joint limit
 CPhysxJointLimitSoftDescDescribes a joint limit
 CPhysxMask32-bit bitmask class
 CPhysxMeshHashUtility class used in building links between a tetrahedron mesh (soft body) and a triangle mesh used for rendering the soft body
 CPhysxMeshPoolThis class unifies all references to the same filename, so that multiple attempts to load the same mesh will return the same pointer
 CPhysxMotorDescDescribes a joint motor
 CPhysxObjectCollection< T >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxActor >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxCcdSkeleton >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxCloth >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxClothMesh >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxController >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxConvexMesh >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxForceField >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxForceFieldShape >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxForceFieldShapeGroup >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxHeightField >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxJoint >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxMaterial >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxScene >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxShape >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxSoftBody >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxSoftBodyMesh >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxTriangleMesh >
 CPhysxObjectCollection< PhysxVehicle >
 CPhysxRayRepresents an ray as an origin and direction
 CPhysxRaycastHitThis structure captures results for a single raycast query
 CPhysxSegmentRepresents a line segment
 CPhysxSphereRepresents a sphere defined by its center point and radius
 CPhysxSpringDescDescribes a joint spring
 CPipelineCyclerLinksThis just stores the pointers to implement a doubly-linked list of PipelineCyclers for a particular Pipeline object
 CPipelineCyclerTrivialImplThis is the trivial, non-threaded implementation of PipelineCyclerBase
 CPNMFileTypeRegistryThis class maintains the set of all known PNMFileTypes in the universe
 CPNMImageHeaderThis is the base class of PNMImage, PNMReader, and PNMWriter
 CPNMPainterThis class provides a number of convenient methods for painting drawings directly into a PNMImage
 CPNMTextGlyphA single glyph in a PNMTextMaker
 CPointerDataHolds the data that might be generated by a 2-d pointer input device, such as the mouse in the GraphicsWindow
 CPointerEventRecords a pointer movement event
 CPointerSlotStorage< T, SIZE >Class to keep a list of pointers and nullpointers
 CPointerSlotStorage< RPLight *, 65535 >
 CPointerSlotStorage< ShadowSource *, 2048 >
 CPrimeNumberGeneratorThis class generates a table of prime numbers, up to the limit of an int
 CProgramBaseThis is intended to be the base class for most general-purpose utility programs in the PANDATOOL tree
 CPStatClientManages the communications to report statistics via a network connection to a remote PStatServer
 CPStatClientControlMessageThis kind of message is sent from the client to the server on the TCP socket to establish critical control information
 CPStatCollectorA lightweight class that represents a single element that may be timed and/or counted via stats
 CPStatCollectorDefDefines the details about the Collectors: the name, the suggested color, etc
 CPStatFrameDataContains the raw timing and level data for a single frame
 CPStatGraphThis is an abstract base class for several different kinds of graphs that have a few things in common, like labels and guide bars
 CPStatServerControlMessageThis kind of message is sent from the server to the client on the TCP socket to establish critical control information
 CPStatThreadA lightweight class that represents a single thread of execution to PStats
 CPStatTimerA lightweight class that can be used to automatically start and stop a PStatCollector around a section of code
 CPStatViewA View boils down the frame data to a linear list of times spent in a number of different Collectors, within a particular thread
 CPStatViewLevelThis is a single level value, or band of color, within a View
 CQtessGlobalsSimply used as a namespace to scope some global variables for this program, set from the command line
 CQtessInputEntryStores one entry in the qtess input file
 CQtessInputFileStores all the information read from a tesselation input file: a list of QtessInputEntry's
 CQueuedReturn< Thing >This is the implementation of a family of things that queue up their return values for later retrieval by client code, like QueuedConnectionReader, QueuedConnectionListener, QueuedConnectionManager
 CQueuedReturn< ConnectionListenerData >
 CQueuedReturn< Datagram >
 CQueuedReturn< NetDatagram >
 CQueuedReturn< PT(Connection) >
 CRamfileAn in-memory buffer specifically designed for downloading files to memory
 CRandomizerA handy class to return random numbers
 CRangeDescriptionThis describes a sparse range of Unicode character codes for conversion that may be specified on the command line
 CRangeIteratorWalks through all the Unicode characters described by a RangeDescription class
 Cpallocator_array< Type >::rebind< U >
 Cpallocator_single< Type >::rebind< U >
 CRecorderBaseThis is the base class to a number of objects that record particular kinds of user input (like a MouseRecorder) to use in conjunction with a RecorderController to record the user's inputs for a session
 CReMutexDirectThis class implements a standard reMutex by making direct calls to the underlying implementation layer
 CReMutexHolderSimilar to MutexHolder, but for a reentrant mutex
 CRenderAttribRegistryThis class is used to associate each RenderAttrib with a different slot index at runtime, so we can store a list of RenderAttribs in the RenderState object, and very quickly look them up by type
 CRenderBufferA RenderBuffer is an arbitrary subset of the various layers (depth buffer, color buffer, etc.) of a drawing region
 CReversedNumericDataNativeNumericData and ReversedNumericData work together to provide a sneaky interface for automatically byte-swapping numbers, when necessary, to transparency support big-endian and little-endian architectures
 CSamplerStateRepresents a set of settings that indicate how a texture is sampled
 CSceneGraphAnalyzerA handy class that can scrub over a scene graph and collect interesting statistics on it
 CSceneGraphReducerAn interface for simplifying ("flattening") scene graphs by eliminating unneeded nodes and collapsing out unneeded state changes and transforms
 CSemaphoreA classic semaphore synchronization primitive
 Cstd::set< K >STL class
 CShaderInputThis is a small container class that can hold any one of the value types that can be passed as input to a shader
 CShaderPoolThis is the preferred interface for loading shaders for the TextNode system
 CShadowAtlasClass which manages distributing shadow maps in an atlas
 CSimpleHashMap< Key, Value, Compare >This template class implements an unordered map of keys to data, implemented as a hashtable
 CSimpleHashMap< const RenderState *, Composition, pointer_hash >
 CSimpleHashMap< const TransformState *, Composition, pointer_hash >
 CSimpleHashMap< size_t, PT(GeomMunger), size_t_hash >
 CSimpleHashMap< size_t, WCPT(RenderState), size_t_hash >
 CSimpleHashMap< std::string, std::string, string_hash >
 CSimpleKeyValuePair< Key, Value >Entry in the SimpleHashMap
 CSimpleKeyValuePair< Key, std::nullptr_t >Specialisation of SimpleKeyValuePair to not waste memory for nullptr_t values
 CSmoothMoverThis class handles smoothing of sampled motion points over time, e.g
 CSocket_AddressA simple place to store and manipulate tcp and port address for communication layer
 CSomethingToEggConverterThis is a base class for a family of converter classes that manage a conversion from some file type to egg format
 CSparseArrayThis class records a set of integers, where each integer is either present or not present in the set
 CSpriteWriterHelper class used by SpriteParticleRenderer to keep track of the various GeomVertexWriters associated with each geom created in SpriteParticleRenderer::init_geoms()
 CStackedPerlinNoise2Implements a multi-layer PerlinNoise, with one or more high-frequency noise functions added to a lower-frequency base noise function
 CStackedPerlinNoise3Implements a multi-layer PerlinNoise, with one or more high-frequency noise functions added to a lower-frequency base noise function
 CStaticDeletedChain< Type >This template class is used to conveniently declare a single instance of the DeletedChain template object, above, for a particular type
 CStreamReaderA class to read sequential binary data directly from an istream
 CStreamWrapperBaseThe base class for both IStreamWrapper and OStreamWrapper, this provides the common locking interface
 CStreamWriterA StreamWriter object is used to write sequential binary data directly to an ostream
 CStringDecoderThe base class to a family of classes that decode various kinds of encoded byte streams
 CSTTransformRepresents a transform that may be applied to a particular instance of a tree when added to the SpeedTreeNode
 CSubdivSegmentRepresents a single hypothetical subdivided segment, under consideration by the IsoPlacer
 CSubfileInfoThis class records a particular byte sub-range within an existing file on disk
 CSubprocessWindowBufferThis is a special class that is designed to faciliate SubprocessWindow
 CTagStateManagerThis class handles all different tag states
 CTextAssemblerThis class is not normally used directly by user code, but is used by the TextNode to lay out a block of text and convert it into rows of Geoms according to the TextProperties
 CTextEncoderThis class can be used to convert text between multiple representations, e.g
 CTextGraphicThis defines a special model that has been constructed for the purposes of embedding an arbitrary graphic image within a text paragraph
 CTextPropertiesThis defines the set of visual properties that may be assigned to the individual characters of the text
 CTextPropertiesManagerThis defines all of the TextProperties structures that might be referenced by name from an embedded text string
 CTextureCollectionManages a list of Texture objects, as returned by TexturePool::find_all_textures()
 CTextureMemoryCounterThis class is used to gather statistics on texture memory usage, etc
 CTexturePoolThis is the preferred interface for loading textures from image files
 CTextureRequestThese are the things that a user might explicitly request to adjust on a texture via a line in the .txa file
 CTextureStagePoolThe TextureStagePool (there is only one in the universe) serves to unify different pointers to the same TextureStage, mainly to help developers use a common pointer to access things that are loaded from different model files
 CTime_ClockThis class is to provide a consistant interface and storage to clock time
 CTimedCycleA class for anything that needs to cycle over some finite list of elements in increments based on time
 CTiXmlBaseTiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml
 CTiXmlHandleA TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing
 CTiXmlVisitorImplements the interface to the "Visitor pattern" (see the Accept() method.) If you call the Accept() method, it requires being passed a TiXmlVisitor class to handle callbacks
 CTouchInfoStores information for a single touch event
 CTrackerDataStores the kinds of data that a tracker might output
 CTransformBlendThis defines a single entry in a TransformBlendTable
 CTriangulatorThis class can triangulate a convex or concave polygon, even one with holes
 CTrueClockAn interface to whatever real-time clock we might have available in the current environment
 CTxaFileThis represents the .txa file (usually textures.txa) that contains the user instructions for resizing, grouping, etc
 CTxaLineThis is a single matching line in the .txa file
 CTypeHandleTypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types
 CTypeRegistryNodeThis is a single entry in the TypeRegistry
 CUnicodeLatinMapThis class mainly serves as a container for a largish table of the subset of the Unicode character set that corresponds to the Latin alphabet, with its various accent marks and so on
 CUniqueEggMaterialsAn STL function object for sorting materials into order by properties
 CUniqueEggTexturesAn STL function object for sorting textures into order by properties
 CUniqueEggVerticesAn STL function object for sorting vertices into order by properties
 CUniqueIdAllocatorManage a set of ID values from min to max inclusive
 CUpdateSeqThis is a sequence number that increments monotonically
 CURLSpecA container for a URL, e.g
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 CVertexDataBookA collection of VertexDataPages, which can be used to allocate new VertexDataBlock objects
 CVertexDataBufferA block of bytes that stores the actual raw vertex data referenced by a GeomVertexArrayData object
 CVertexElementArrayThis class gives the ability for a user-friendly way of creating a vertex declaration for DirectX 9
 CVertexMembershipThis class is used to help EggOptchar quantize the membership of one vertex among its various groups
 CVirtualFileSystemA hierarchy of directories and files that appears to be one continuous file system, even though the files may originate from several different sources that may not be related to the actual OS's file system
 CVrpnAnalogThis is the actual interface to a particular VRPN analog device, and all of its numbered controls
 CVrpnButtonThis is the actual interface to a particular VRPN button device, and all of its numbered buttons
 CVrpnDialThis is the actual interface to a particular VRPN dial device, and all of its numbered dials
 CVrpnTrackerThis is the actual interface to a particular VRPN tracker object, and all of its sensors
 CWeakNodePathThis class is a wrapper around a NodePath that, unlike the actual NodePath class, doesn't hold a reference count to the node
 CWeakPointerCallbackDerive from this class and override the callback() method if you want to get an immediate callback from a WeakPointerTo object when its referenced pointer is deleted
 CWeakReferenceListThis is an object shared by all the weak pointers that point to the same ReferenceCount object
 CWindowPropertiesA container for the various kinds of properties we might ask to have on a graphics window before we open it
 CWindowsGuidThis is an implementation of the Windows GUID object, used everywhere as a world-unique identifier for anything and everything
 CWinStatsChartMenuA pulldown menu of charts available for a particular thread
 CWinStatsGraphThis is just an abstract base class to provide a common pointer type for the various kinds of graphs that may be created for a WinStatsMonitor
 CWinStatsLabelA text label that will draw in color appropriate for a particular collector
 CWinStatsLabelStackA window that contains a stack of labels from bottom to top
 CWithOutputFileThis is the bare functionality (intended to be inherited from along with ProgramBase or some derivative) for a program that might generate an output file
 CWorkingNodePathThis is a class designed to support low-overhead traversals of the complete scene graph, with a memory of the complete path through the graph at any given point
 CXFileArrayDefDefines one level of array bounds for an associated XFileDataDef element
 CXFileFaceThis represents a single face of an XFileMesh
 CXFileMakerThis class converts a Panda scene graph into a .X file and writes it out
 CXFileMaterialThis represents an X file "material", which consists of a color, lighting, and/or texture specification
 CXFileNormalThis represents a single normal associated with an XFileFace
 CXFileParseDataThis class is used to fill up the data into an XFileDataNodeTemplate object as the data values are parsed out of the X file
 CXFileParseDataListA container for a pvector of the above objects
 CXFileVertexThis represents a single vertex associated with an XFileFace
 CXFileVertexPoolThis is a collection of unique vertices as extracted out of a Geom or a series of Geoms