Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file bamCache.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2006-06-09
12  */
14 #include "bamCache.h"
15 #include "bamCacheIndex.h"
16 #include "bamReader.h"
17 #include "bamWriter.h"
18 #include "hashVal.h"
19 #include "datagramInputFile.h"
20 #include "datagramOutputFile.h"
21 #include "config_putil.h"
22 #include "bam.h"
23 #include "typeRegistry.h"
24 #include "string_utils.h"
25 #include "configVariableInt.h"
26 #include "configVariableString.h"
27 #include "configVariableFilename.h"
28 #include "virtualFileSystem.h"
30 using std::istream;
31 using std::ostream;
32 using std::ostringstream;
33 using std::string;
35 BamCache *BamCache::_global_ptr = nullptr;
37 /**
38  *
39  */
40 BamCache::
41 BamCache() :
42  _active(true),
43  _read_only(false),
44  _index(new BamCacheIndex),
45  _index_stale_since(0)
46 {
47  ConfigVariableFilename model_cache_dir
48  ("model-cache-dir", Filename(),
49  PRC_DESC("The full path to a directory, local to this computer, in which "
50  "model and texture files will be cached on load. If a directory "
51  "name is specified here, files may be loaded from the cache "
52  "instead of from their actual pathnames, which may save load time, "
53  "especially if you are loading egg files instead of bam files, "
54  "or if you are loading models from a shared network drive. "
55  "If this is the empty string, no cache will be used."));
57  ConfigVariableInt model_cache_flush
58  ("model-cache-flush", 30,
59  PRC_DESC("This is the amount of time, in seconds, between automatic "
60  "flushes of the model-cache index."));
62  ConfigVariableBool model_cache_models
63  ("model-cache-models", true,
64  PRC_DESC("If this is set to true, models will be cached in the "
65  "model cache, as bam files."));
67  ConfigVariableBool model_cache_textures
68  ("model-cache-textures", true,
69  PRC_DESC("If this is set to true, textures will also be cached in the "
70  "model cache, as txo files."));
72  ConfigVariableBool model_cache_compressed_textures
73  ("model-cache-compressed-textures", false,
74  PRC_DESC("If this is set to true, compressed textures will be cached "
75  "in the model cache, in their compressed form as downloaded "
76  "by the GSG. This may be set in conjunction with "
77  "model-cache-textures, or it may be independent."));
79  ConfigVariableBool model_cache_compiled_shaders
80  ("model-cache-compiled-shaders", false,
81  PRC_DESC("If this is set to true, compiled shaders will be cached "
82  "in the model cache, in their binary form as downloaded "
83  "by the GSG."));
85  ConfigVariableInt model_cache_max_kbytes
86  ("model-cache-max-kbytes", 10485760,
87  PRC_DESC("This is the maximum size of the model cache, in kilobytes."));
89  _cache_models = model_cache_models;
90  _cache_textures = model_cache_textures;
91  _cache_compressed_textures = model_cache_compressed_textures;
92  _cache_compiled_shaders = model_cache_compiled_shaders;
94  _flush_time = model_cache_flush;
95  _max_kbytes = model_cache_max_kbytes;
97  if (!model_cache_dir.empty()) {
98  set_root(model_cache_dir);
99  }
100 }
102 /**
103  *
104  */
105 BamCache::
106 ~BamCache() {
107  flush_index();
108  delete _index;
109  _index = nullptr;
110 }
112 /**
113  * Changes the current root pathname of the cache. This specifies where the
114  * cache files are stored on disk. This should name a directory that is on a
115  * disk local to the machine (not on a network-mounted disk), for instance,
116  * /tmp/panda-cache or /c/panda-cache.
117  *
118  * If the directory does not already exist, it will be created as a result of
119  * this call.
120  */
121 void BamCache::
122 set_root(const Filename &root) {
123  ReMutexHolder holder(_lock);
124  flush_index();
125  _root = root;
127  // The root filename must be a directory.
129  if (!vfs->is_directory(_root)) {
130  vfs->make_directory_full(_root);
131  }
133  delete _index;
134  _index = new BamCacheIndex;
135  _index_stale_since = 0;
136  read_index();
137  check_cache_size();
139  nassertv(vfs->is_directory(_root));
140 }
142 /**
143  * Looks up a file in the cache.
144  *
145  * If the file is cacheable, then regardless of whether the file is found in
146  * the cache or not, this returns a BamCacheRecord. On the other hand, if the
147  * file cannot be cached, returns NULL.
148  *
149  * If record->has_data() returns true, then the file was found in the cache,
150  * and you may call record->extract_data() to get the object. If
151  * record->has_data() returns false, then the file was not found in the cache
152  * or the cache was stale; and you should reload the source file (calling
153  * record->add_dependent_file() for each file loaded, including the original
154  * source file), and then call record->set_data() to record the resulting
155  * loaded object; and finally, you should call store() to write the cached
156  * record to disk.
157  */
158 PT(BamCacheRecord) BamCache::
159 lookup(const Filename &source_filename, const string &cache_extension) {
160  ReMutexHolder holder(_lock);
165  Filename source_pathname(source_filename);
166  source_pathname.make_absolute(vfs->get_cwd());
168  Filename rel_pathname(source_pathname);
169  rel_pathname.make_relative_to(_root, false);
170  if (rel_pathname.is_local()) {
171  // If the source pathname is already within the cache directory, don't
172  // cache it further.
173  return nullptr;
174  }
176  Filename cache_filename = hash_filename(source_pathname.get_fullpath());
177  cache_filename.set_extension(cache_extension);
179  return find_and_read_record(source_pathname, cache_filename);
180 }
182 /**
183  * Flushes a cache entry to disk. You must have retrieved the cache record
184  * via a prior call to lookup(), and then stored the data via
185  * record->set_data(). Returns true on success, false on failure.
186  */
187 bool BamCache::
190  ReMutexHolder holder(_lock);
191  nassertr(!record->_cache_pathname.empty(), false);
192  nassertr(record->has_data(), false);
194  if (_read_only) {
195  return false;
196  }
200 #ifndef NDEBUG
201  // Ensure that the cache_pathname is within the _root directory tree.
202  Filename rel_pathname(record->_cache_pathname);
203  rel_pathname.make_relative_to(_root, false);
204  nassertr(rel_pathname.is_local(), false);
205 #endif // NDEBUG
207  record->_recorded_time = time(nullptr);
209  Filename cache_pathname = Filename::binary_filename(record->_cache_pathname);
211  // We actually do the write to a temporary filename first, and then move it
212  // into place, so that no one attempts to read the file while it is in the
213  // process of being written.
214  Thread *current_thread = Thread::get_current_thread();
215  string extension = current_thread->get_unique_id() + string(".tmp");
216  Filename temp_pathname = cache_pathname;
217  temp_pathname.set_extension(extension);
218  temp_pathname.set_binary();
220  DatagramOutputFile dout;
221  if (! {
222  util_cat.error()
223  << "Could not write cache file: " << temp_pathname << "\n";
224  vfs->delete_file(temp_pathname);
225  emergency_read_only();
226  return false;
227  }
229  if (!dout.write_header(_bam_header)) {
230  util_cat.error()
231  << "Unable to write to " << temp_pathname << "\n";
232  vfs->delete_file(temp_pathname);
233  return false;
234  }
236  {
237  BamWriter writer(&dout);
238  if (!writer.init()) {
239  util_cat.error()
240  << "Unable to write Bam header to " << temp_pathname << "\n";
241  vfs->delete_file(temp_pathname);
242  return false;
243  }
245  TypeRegistry *type_registry = TypeRegistry::ptr();
246  TypeHandle texture_type = type_registry->find_type("Texture");
247  if (record->get_data()->is_of_type(texture_type)) {
248  // Texture objects write the actual texture image.
249  writer.set_file_texture_mode(BamWriter::BTM_rawdata);
250  } else {
251  // Any other kinds of objects write texture references.
252  writer.set_file_texture_mode(BamWriter::BTM_fullpath);
253  }
255  // This is necessary for relative NodePaths to work.
256  TypeHandle node_type = type_registry->find_type("PandaNode");
257  if (record->get_data()->is_of_type(node_type)) {
258  writer.set_root_node(record->get_data());
259  }
261  if (!writer.write_object(record)) {
262  util_cat.error()
263  << "Unable to write object to " << temp_pathname << "\n";
264  vfs->delete_file(temp_pathname);
265  return false;
266  }
268  if (!writer.write_object(record->get_data())) {
269  util_cat.error()
270  << "Unable to write object data to " << temp_pathname << "\n";
271  vfs->delete_file(temp_pathname);
272  return false;
273  }
275  // Now that we are done with the BamWriter, it's important to let it
276  // destruct now and clean itself up, or it might get mad if we delete any
277  // TypedWritables below that haven't been written yet.
278  }
280  record->_record_size = dout.get_file_pos();
281  dout.close();
283  // Now move the file into place.
284  if (!vfs->rename_file(temp_pathname, cache_pathname) && vfs->exists(temp_pathname)) {
285  vfs->delete_file(cache_pathname);
286  if (!vfs->rename_file(temp_pathname, cache_pathname)) {
287  util_cat.error()
288  << "Unable to rename " << temp_pathname << " to "
289  << cache_pathname << "\n";
290  vfs->delete_file(temp_pathname);
291  return false;
292  }
293  }
295  add_to_index(record);
297  return true;
298 }
300 /**
301  * Called when an attempt to write to the cache dir has failed, usually for
302  * lack of disk space or because of incorrect file permissions. Outputs an
303  * error and puts the BamCache into read-only mode.
304  */
305 void BamCache::
306 emergency_read_only() {
307  util_cat.error() <<
308  "Could not write to the Bam Cache. Disabling future attempts.\n";
309  _read_only = true;
310 }
312 /**
313  * Flushes the index if enough time has elapsed since the index was last
314  * flushed.
315  */
316 void BamCache::
318 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) || defined(DEBUG_THREADS)
319  if (!_lock.try_lock()) {
320  // If we can't grab the lock, no big deal. We don't want to hold up
321  // the frame waiting for a cache operation. We can try again later.
322  return;
323  }
324 #endif
326  if (_index_stale_since != 0) {
327  int elapsed = (int)time(nullptr) - (int)_index_stale_since;
328  if (elapsed > _flush_time) {
329  flush_index();
330  }
331  }
333 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) || defined(DEBUG_THREADS)
334  _lock.unlock();
335 #endif
336 }
338 /**
339  * Ensures the index is written to disk.
340  */
341 void BamCache::
343  ReMutexHolder holder(_lock);
344  if (_index_stale_since == 0) {
345  // Never mind.
346  return;
347  }
349  while (true) {
350  if (_read_only) {
351  return;
352  }
354  Filename temp_pathname = Filename::temporary(_root, "index-", ".boo");
356  if (!do_write_index(temp_pathname, _index)) {
357  emergency_read_only();
358  return;
359  }
361  // Now atomically write the name of this index file to the index reference
362  // file.
364  Filename index_ref_pathname(_root, Filename("index_name.txt"));
365  string old_index = _index_ref_contents;
366  string new_index = temp_pathname.get_basename() + "\n";
367  string orig_index;
369  if (vfs->atomic_compare_and_exchange_contents(index_ref_pathname, orig_index, old_index, new_index)) {
370  // We successfully wrote our version of the index, and no other process
371  // beat us to it. Our index is now the official one. Remove the old
372  // index.
373  vfs->delete_file(_index_pathname);
374  _index_pathname = temp_pathname;
375  _index_ref_contents = new_index;
376  _index_stale_since = 0;
377  return;
378  }
380  // Shoot, some other process updated the index while we were trying to
381  // update it, and they beat us to it. We have to merge, and try again.
382  vfs->delete_file(temp_pathname);
383  _index_pathname = Filename(_root, Filename(trim(orig_index)));
384  _index_ref_contents = orig_index;
385  read_index();
386  }
387  check_cache_size();
388 }
390 /**
391  * Writes the contents of the index to standard output.
392  */
393 void BamCache::
394 list_index(ostream &out, int indent_level) const {
395  _index->write(out, indent_level);
396 }
398 /**
399  * Reads, or re-reads the index file from disk. If _index_stale_since is
400  * nonzero, the index file is read and then merged with our current index.
401  */
402 void BamCache::
403 read_index() {
404  if (!read_index_pathname(_index_pathname, _index_ref_contents)) {
405  // Couldn't read the index ref; rebuild the index.
406  rebuild_index();
407  return;
408  }
410  while (true) {
411  BamCacheIndex *new_index = do_read_index(_index_pathname);
412  if (new_index != nullptr) {
413  merge_index(new_index);
414  return;
415  }
417  // We couldn't read the index. Maybe it's been removed already. See if
418  // the index_pathname has changed.
419  Filename old_index_pathname = _index_pathname;
420  if (!read_index_pathname(_index_pathname, _index_ref_contents)) {
421  // Couldn't read the index ref; rebuild the index.
422  rebuild_index();
423  return;
424  }
426  if (old_index_pathname == _index_pathname) {
427  // Nope, we just couldn't read it. Delete it and build a new one.
429  vfs->delete_file(_index_pathname);
430  rebuild_index();
431  flush_index();
432  return;
433  }
434  }
435 }
437 /**
438  * Atomically reads the current index filename from the index reference file.
439  * The index filename moves around as different processes update the index.
440  */
441 bool BamCache::
442 read_index_pathname(Filename &index_pathname, string &index_ref_contents) const {
444  index_ref_contents.clear();
445  Filename index_ref_pathname(_root, Filename("index_name.txt"));
446  if (!vfs->atomic_read_contents(index_ref_pathname, index_ref_contents)) {
447  return false;
448  }
450  string trimmed = trim(index_ref_contents);
451  if (trimmed.empty()) {
452  index_pathname = Filename();
453  } else {
454  index_pathname = Filename(_root, Filename(trimmed));
455  }
456  return true;
457 }
459 /**
460  * The supplied index file has been updated by some other process. Merge it
461  * with our current index.
462  *
463  * Ownership of the pointer is transferred with this call. The caller should
464  * assume that new_index will be deleted by this method.
465  */
466 void BamCache::
467 merge_index(BamCacheIndex *new_index) {
468  if (_index_stale_since == 0) {
469  // If our index isn't stale, just replace it.
470  delete _index;
471  _index = new_index;
472  return;
473  }
475  BamCacheIndex *old_index = _index;
476  old_index->release_records();
477  new_index->release_records();
478  _index = new BamCacheIndex;
480  BamCacheIndex::Records::const_iterator ai = old_index->_records.begin();
481  BamCacheIndex::Records::const_iterator bi = new_index->_records.begin();
483  while (ai != old_index->_records.end() &&
484  bi != new_index->_records.end()) {
485  if ((*ai).first < (*bi).first) {
486  // Here is an entry we have in our index, not present in the new index.
487  PT(BamCacheRecord) record = (*ai).second;
488  Filename cache_pathname(_root, record->get_cache_filename());
489  if (cache_pathname.exists()) {
490  // The file exists; keep it.
491  _index->_records.insert(_index->_records.end(), BamCacheIndex::Records::value_type(record->get_source_pathname(), record));
492  }
493  ++ai;
495  } else if ((*bi).first < (*ai).first) {
496  // Here is an entry in the new index, not present in our index.
497  PT(BamCacheRecord) record = (*bi).second;
498  Filename cache_pathname(_root, record->get_cache_filename());
499  if (cache_pathname.exists()) {
500  // The file exists; keep it.
501  _index->_records.insert(_index->_records.end(), BamCacheIndex::Records::value_type(record->get_source_pathname(), record));
502  }
503  ++bi;
505  } else {
506  // Here is an entry we have in both.
507  PT(BamCacheRecord) a_record = (*ai).second;
508  PT(BamCacheRecord) b_record = (*bi).second;
509  if (*a_record == *b_record) {
510  // They're the same entry. It doesn't really matter which one we
511  // keep.
512  _index->_records.insert(_index->_records.end(), BamCacheIndex::Records::value_type(a_record->get_source_pathname(), a_record));
514  } else {
515  // They're different. Just throw them both away, and re-read the
516  // current data from the cache file.
518  Filename cache_pathname(_root, a_record->get_cache_filename());
520  if (cache_pathname.exists()) {
521  PT(BamCacheRecord) record = do_read_record(cache_pathname, false);
522  if (record != nullptr) {
523  _index->_records.insert(_index->_records.end(), BamCacheIndex::Records::value_type(record->get_source_pathname(), record));
524  }
525  }
526  }
528  ++ai;
529  ++bi;
530  }
531  }
533  while (ai != old_index->_records.end()) {
534  // Here is an entry we have in our index, not present in the new index.
535  PT(BamCacheRecord) record = (*ai).second;
536  Filename cache_pathname(_root, record->get_cache_filename());
537  if (cache_pathname.exists()) {
538  // The file exists; keep it.
539  _index->_records.insert(_index->_records.end(), BamCacheIndex::Records::value_type(record->get_source_pathname(), record));
540  }
541  ++ai;
542  }
544  while (bi != new_index->_records.end()) {
545  // Here is an entry in the new index, not present in our index.
546  PT(BamCacheRecord) record = (*bi).second;
547  Filename cache_pathname(_root, record->get_cache_filename());
548  if (cache_pathname.exists()) {
549  // The file exists; keep it.
550  _index->_records.insert(_index->_records.end(), BamCacheIndex::Records::value_type(record->get_source_pathname(), record));
551  }
552  ++bi;
553  }
555  _index->process_new_records();
556 }
558 /**
559  * Regenerates the index from scratch by scanning the directory.
560  */
561 void BamCache::
562 rebuild_index() {
565  PT(VirtualFileList) contents = vfs->scan_directory(_root);
566  if (contents == nullptr) {
567  util_cat.error()
568  << "Unable to read directory " << _root << ", caching disabled.\n";
569  set_active(false);
570  return;
571  }
573  delete _index;
574  _index = new BamCacheIndex;
576  int num_files = contents->get_num_files();
577  for (int ci = 0; ci < num_files; ++ci) {
578  VirtualFile *file = contents->get_file(ci);
579  Filename filename = file->get_filename();
580  if (filename.get_extension() == "bam" ||
581  filename.get_extension() == "txo") {
582  Filename pathname(_root, filename);
584  PT(BamCacheRecord) record = do_read_record(pathname, false);
585  if (record == nullptr) {
586  // Well, it was invalid, so blow it away.
587  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
588  util_cat.debug()
589  << "Deleting invalid " << pathname << "\n";
590  }
591  file->delete_file();
593  } else {
594  record->_record_access_time = record->_recorded_time;
596  bool inserted = _index->_records.insert(BamCacheIndex::Records::value_type(record->get_source_pathname(), record)).second;
597  if (!inserted) {
599  << "Multiple cache files defining " << record->get_source_pathname() << "\n";
600  file->delete_file();
601  }
602  }
603  }
604  }
605  _index->process_new_records();
607  _index_stale_since = time(nullptr);
608  check_cache_size();
609  flush_index();
610 }
612 /**
613  * Updates the index entry for the indicated record. Note that a copy of the
614  * record is made first.
615  */
616 void BamCache::
617 add_to_index(const BamCacheRecord *record) {
618  PT(BamCacheRecord) new_record = record->make_copy();
620  if (_index->add_record(new_record)) {
621  mark_index_stale();
622  check_cache_size();
623  }
624 }
626 /**
627  * Removes the index entry for the indicated record, if there is one.
628  */
629 void BamCache::
630 remove_from_index(const Filename &source_pathname) {
631  if (_index->remove_record(source_pathname)) {
632  mark_index_stale();
633  }
634 }
636 /**
637  * If the cache size has exceeded its specified size limit, removes an old
638  * file.
639  */
640 void BamCache::
641 check_cache_size() {
642  if (_index->_cache_size == 0) {
643  // 0 means no limit.
644  return;
645  }
647  if (_index->_cache_size / 1024 > _max_kbytes) {
648  while (_index->_cache_size / 1024 > _max_kbytes) {
649  PT(BamCacheRecord) record = _index->evict_old_file();
650  if (record == nullptr) {
651  // Never mind; the cache is empty.
652  break;
653  }
655  Filename cache_pathname(_root, record->get_cache_filename());
656  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
657  util_cat.debug()
658  << "Deleting " << cache_pathname
659  << " to keep cache size below " << _max_kbytes << "K\n";
660  }
661  vfs->delete_file(cache_pathname);
662  }
663  mark_index_stale();
664  }
665 }
667 /**
668  * Reads the index data from the specified filename. Returns a newly-
669  * allocated BamCacheIndex object on success, or NULL on failure.
670  */
671 BamCacheIndex *BamCache::
672 do_read_index(const Filename &index_pathname) {
673  if (index_pathname.empty()) {
674  return nullptr;
675  }
677  DatagramInputFile din;
678  if (! {
679  util_cat.debug()
680  << "Could not read index file: " << index_pathname << "\n";
681  return nullptr;
682  }
684  string head;
685  if (!din.read_header(head, _bam_header.size())) {
686  util_cat.debug()
687  << index_pathname << " is not an index file.\n";
688  return nullptr;
689  }
691  if (head != _bam_header) {
692  util_cat.debug()
693  << index_pathname << " is not an index file.\n";
694  return nullptr;
695  }
697  BamReader reader(&din);
698  if (!reader.init()) {
699  return nullptr;
700  }
702  TypedWritable *object = reader.read_object();
704  if (object == nullptr) {
705  util_cat.error()
706  << "Cache index " << index_pathname << " is empty.\n";
707  return nullptr;
709  } else if (!object->is_of_type(BamCacheIndex::get_class_type())) {
710  util_cat.error()
711  << "Cache index " << index_pathname << " contains a "
712  << object->get_type() << ", not a BamCacheIndex.\n";
713  return nullptr;
714  }
716  BamCacheIndex *index = DCAST(BamCacheIndex, object);
717  if (!reader.resolve()) {
718  util_cat.error()
719  << "Unable to fully resolve cache index file.\n";
720  return nullptr;
721  }
723  return index;
724 }
726 /**
727  * Writes the given index data to the specified filename.
728  */
729 bool BamCache::
730 do_write_index(const Filename &index_pathname, const BamCacheIndex *index) {
732  DatagramOutputFile dout;
733  if (! {
734  util_cat.error()
735  << "Could not write index file: " << index_pathname << "\n";
736  vfs->delete_file(index_pathname);
737  return false;
738  }
740  if (!dout.write_header(_bam_header)) {
741  util_cat.error()
742  << "Unable to write to " << index_pathname << "\n";
743  vfs->delete_file(index_pathname);
744  return false;
745  }
747  {
748  BamWriter writer(&dout);
749  if (!writer.init()) {
750  vfs->delete_file(index_pathname);
751  return false;
752  }
754  if (!writer.write_object(index)) {
755  vfs->delete_file(index_pathname);
756  return false;
757  }
758  }
760  return true;
761 }
763 /**
764  * Looks for the existing cache file that corresponds to the indicated
765  * filename. Normally, this is the specified cache filename exactly; but in
766  * the case of a hash collision, it may be a variant of the cache filename.
767  */
768 PT(BamCacheRecord) BamCache::
769 find_and_read_record(const Filename &source_pathname,
770  const Filename &cache_filename) {
771  int pass = 0;
772  while (true) {
773  PT(BamCacheRecord) record =
774  read_record(source_pathname, cache_filename, pass);
775  if (record != nullptr) {
776  add_to_index(record);
777  return record;
778  }
779  ++pass;
780  }
781 }
783 /**
784  * Reads the indicated cache file and returns its associated record if it can
785  * be read and it matches the source filename.
786  */
787 PT(BamCacheRecord) BamCache::
788 read_record(const Filename &source_pathname,
789  const Filename &cache_filename,
790  int pass) {
792  Filename cache_pathname(_root, cache_filename);
793  if (pass != 0) {
794  ostringstream strm;
795  strm << cache_pathname.get_basename_wo_extension() << "_" << pass;
796  cache_pathname.set_basename_wo_extension(strm.str());
797  }
799  if (!cache_pathname.exists()) {
800  // There is no such cache file already. Declare it.
801  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
802  util_cat.debug()
803  << "Declaring new cache file " << cache_pathname << " for " << source_pathname << "\n";
804  }
805  PT(BamCacheRecord) record =
806  new BamCacheRecord(source_pathname, cache_filename);
807  record->_cache_pathname = cache_pathname;
808  return record;
809  }
811  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
812  util_cat.debug()
813  << "Reading cache file " << cache_pathname << " for " << source_pathname << "\n";
814  }
816  PT(BamCacheRecord) record = do_read_record(cache_pathname, true);
817  if (record == nullptr) {
818  // Well, it was invalid, so blow it away, and make a new one.
819  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
820  util_cat.debug()
821  << "Deleting invalid cache file " << cache_pathname << "\n";
822  }
823  vfs->delete_file(cache_pathname);
824  remove_from_index(source_pathname);
826  PT(BamCacheRecord) record =
827  new BamCacheRecord(source_pathname, cache_filename);
828  record->_cache_pathname = cache_pathname;
829  return record;
830  }
832  if (record->get_source_pathname() != source_pathname) {
833  // This might be just a hash conflict.
834  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
835  util_cat.debug()
836  << "Cache file " << cache_pathname << " references "
837  << record->get_source_pathname() << ", not "
838  << source_pathname << "\n";
839  }
840  return nullptr;
841  }
843  if (!record->has_data()) {
844  // If we didn't find any data, the caller will have to reload it.
845  record->clear_dependent_files();
846  }
848  record->_cache_pathname = cache_pathname;
849  return record;
850 }
852 /**
853  * Actually reads a record from the file.
854  */
855 PT(BamCacheRecord) BamCache::
856 do_read_record(const Filename &cache_pathname, bool read_data) {
857  DatagramInputFile din;
858  if (! {
859  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
860  util_cat.debug()
861  << "Could not read cache file: " << cache_pathname << "\n";
862  }
863  return nullptr;
864  }
866  string head;
867  if (!din.read_header(head, _bam_header.size())) {
868  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
869  util_cat.debug()
870  << cache_pathname << " is not a cache file.\n";
871  }
872  return nullptr;
873  }
875  if (head != _bam_header) {
876  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
877  util_cat.debug()
878  << cache_pathname << " is not a cache file.\n";
879  }
880  return nullptr;
881  }
883  BamReader reader(&din);
884  if (!reader.init()) {
885  return nullptr;
886  }
888  TypedWritable *object = reader.read_object();
889  if (object == nullptr) {
890  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
891  util_cat.debug()
892  << cache_pathname << " is empty.\n";
893  }
894  return nullptr;
896  } else if (!object->is_of_type(BamCacheRecord::get_class_type())) {
897  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
898  util_cat.debug()
899  << "Cache file " << cache_pathname << " contains a "
900  << object->get_type() << ", not a BamCacheRecord.\n";
901  }
902  return nullptr;
903  }
905  PT(BamCacheRecord) record = DCAST(BamCacheRecord, object);
906  if (!reader.resolve()) {
907  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
908  util_cat.debug()
909  << "Unable to fully resolve cache record in " << cache_pathname << "\n";
910  }
911  return nullptr;
912  }
914  // From this point below, we have validated that the selected filename is
915  // indeed a cache record for the indicated source file, and therefore the
916  // cache record will be returned.
918  // We still need to decide whether the cache record is stale.
919  if (read_data && record->dependents_unchanged()) {
920  // The cache record doesn't appear to be stale. Load the cached object.
921  TypedWritable *ptr;
922  ReferenceCount *ref_ptr;
924  if (reader.read_object(ptr, ref_ptr)) {
925  if (!reader.resolve()) {
926  if (util_cat.is_debug()) {
927  util_cat.debug()
928  << "Unable to fully resolve cached object in " << cache_pathname << "\n";
929  }
930  delete object;
931  } else {
932  // The object is valid. Store it in the record.
933  record->set_data(ptr, ref_ptr);
934  }
935  }
936  }
938  // Also get the total file size.
939  PT(VirtualFile) vfile = din.get_vfile();
940  istream &in = din.get_stream();
941  in.clear();
942  record->_record_size = vfile->get_file_size(&in);
944  // And the last access time is now, duh.
945  record->_record_access_time = time(nullptr);
947  return record;
948 }
950 /**
951  * Returns the appropriate filename to use for a cache file, given the
952  * fullpath string to the source filename.
953  */
954 string BamCache::
955 hash_filename(const string &filename) {
956 #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL
957  // With OpenSSl, use the MD5 hash of the filename.
958  HashVal hv;
959  hv.hash_string(filename);
960  ostringstream strm;
961  hv.output_hex(strm);
962  return strm.str();
964 #else // HAVE_OPENSSL
965  // Without OpenSSL, don't get fancy; just build a simple hash.
966  unsigned int hash = 0;
967  for (string::const_iterator si = filename.begin();
968  si != filename.end();
969  ++si) {
970  hash = (hash * 9109) + (unsigned int)(*si);
971  }
973  ostringstream strm;
974  strm << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << hash;
975  return strm.str();
977 #endif // HAVE_OPENSSL
978 }
980 /**
981  * Constructs the global BamCache object.
982  */
983 void BamCache::
984 make_global() {
985  _global_ptr = new BamCache;
987  if (_global_ptr->_root.empty()) {
988  _global_ptr->set_active(false);
989  }
990 }
std::istream & get_stream()
Returns the istream represented by the input file.
bool try_lock()
Alias for try_acquire() to match C++11 semantics.
Definition: reMutexDirect.I:48
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual std::streampos get_file_pos()
Returns the current file position within the data stream, if any, or 0 if the file position is not me...
void set_extension(const std::string &s)
Replaces the file extension.
Definition: filename.cxx:804
Stores a new data object on the record.
bool rename_file(const Filename &orig_filename, const Filename &new_filename)
Attempts to move or rename the indicated file or directory.
Sets the root node of the part of the scene graph we are currently writing out.
Definition: bamWriter.h:96
Changes the state of the active flag.
Definition: bamCache.h:88
This is the fundamental interface for extracting binary objects from a Bam file, as generated by a Ba...
Definition: bamReader.h:110
This class maintains a cache of Bam and/or Txo objects generated from model files and texture images ...
Definition: bamCache.h:42
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a Filename type.
A hierarchy of directories and files that appears to be one continuous file system,...
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a boolean type.
This class can be used to read a binary file that consists of an arbitrary header followed by a numbe...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void set_binary()
Indicates that the filename represents a binary file.
Definition: filename.I:414
Base class for objects that can be written to and read from Bam files.
Definition: typedWritable.h:35
bool read_header(std::string &header, size_t num_bytes)
Reads a sequence of bytes from the beginning of the datagram file.
bool write_header(const std::string &header)
Writes a sequence of bytes to the beginning of the datagram file.
bool atomic_read_contents(const Filename &filename, std::string &contents) const
See Filename::atomic_read_contents().
void flush_index()
Ensures the index is written to disk.
Definition: bamCache.cxx:342
Stores a 128-bit value that represents the hashed contents (typically MD5) of a file or buffer.
Definition: hashVal.h:31
This is the fundamental interface for writing binary objects to a Bam file, to be extracted later by ...
Definition: bamWriter.h:63
bool make_directory_full(const Filename &filename)
Attempts to create a directory within the file system.
bool open(const FileReference *file)
Opens the indicated filename for reading.
The abstract base class for a file or directory within the VirtualFileSystem.
Definition: virtualFile.h:35
void output_hex(std::ostream &out) const
Outputs the HashVal as a 32-digit hexadecimal number.
Definition: hashVal.cxx:34
TypeHandle find_type(const std::string &name) const
Looks for a previously-registered type of the given name.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool open(const FileReference *file)
Opens the indicated filename for writing.
PT(BamCacheRecord) BamCache
Looks up a file in the cache.
Definition: bamCache.cxx:158
void list_index(std::ostream &out, int indent_level=0) const
Writes the contents of the index to standard output.
Definition: bamCache.cxx:394
Type get_type() const
Returns the type of the file represented by the filename, as previously set by set_type().
Definition: filename.I:485
virtual VirtualFile * get_vfile()
Returns the VirtualFile that provides the source for these datagrams, if any, or NULL if the datagram...
This represents the in-memory index that records the list of files stored in the BamCache.
Definition: bamCacheIndex.h:33
void set_file_texture_mode(BamTextureMode file_texture_mode)
Changes the BamTextureMode preference for the Bam file currently being written.
Definition: bamWriter.I:101
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool store(BamCacheRecord *record)
Flushes a cache entry to disk.
Definition: bamCache.cxx:188
A list of VirtualFiles, as returned by VirtualFile::scan_directory().
bool exists(const Filename &filename) const
Convenience function; returns true if the named file exists.
bool is_directory(const Filename &filename) const
Convenience function; returns true if the named file exists and is a directory.
The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file.
Definition: filename.h:39
An instance of this class is written to the front of a Bam or Txo file to make the file a cached inst...
std::string get_fullpath() const
Returns the entire filename: directory, basename, extension.
Definition: filename.I:338
static VirtualFileSystem * get_global_ptr()
Returns the default global VirtualFileSystem.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Returns a pointer to the data stored in the record, or NULL if there is no data.
virtual bool delete_file()
Attempts to delete this file or directory.
Definition: virtualFile.cxx:69
bool write_object(const TypedWritable *obj)
Writes a single object to the Bam file, so that the BamReader::read_object() can later correctly rest...
Definition: bamWriter.cxx:204
string trim(const string &str)
Returns a new string representing the contents of the given string with both leading and trailing whi...
void unlock()
Alias for release() to match C++11 semantics.
Definition: reMutexDirect.I:62
Similar to MutexHolder, but for a reentrant mutex.
Definition: reMutexHolder.h:25
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool is_local() const
Returns true if the filename is local, e.g.
Definition: filename.I:549
std::string get_extension() const
Returns the file extension.
Definition: filename.I:400
bool make_relative_to(Filename directory, bool allow_backups=true)
Adjusts this filename, which must be a fully-specified pathname beginning with a slash,...
Definition: filename.cxx:1640
std::string get_basename() const
Returns the basename part of the filename.
Definition: filename.I:367
Changes the current root pathname of the cache.
Definition: bamCache.h:95
static TypeRegistry * ptr()
Returns the pointer to the global TypeRegistry object.
Definition: typeRegistry.I:30
This class can be used to write a binary file that consists of an arbitrary header followed by a numb...
void make_absolute()
Converts the filename to a fully-qualified pathname from the root (if it is a relative pathname),...
Definition: filename.cxx:968
A base class for all things that want to be reference-counted.
void clear_dependent_files()
Empties the list of files that contribute to the data in this record.
The TypeRegistry class maintains all the assigned TypeHandles in a given system.
Definition: typeRegistry.h:36
A thread; that is, a lightweight process.
Definition: thread.h:46
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as an integer type.
Returns a string that is guaranteed to be unique to this thread, across all processes on the machine,...
Definition: thread.h:104
static Filename temporary(const std::string &dirname, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &suffix=std::string(), Type type=T_general)
Generates a temporary filename within the indicated directory, using the indicated prefix.
Definition: filename.cxx:424
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool is_of_type(TypeHandle handle) const
Returns true if the current object is or derives from the indicated type.
Definition: typedObject.I:28
Filename get_cwd() const
Returns the current directory name.
bool dependents_unchanged() const
Returns true if all of the dependent files are still the same as when the cache was recorded,...
bool delete_file(const Filename &filename)
Attempts to delete the indicated file or directory.
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
void close()
Closes the file.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool init()
Initializes the BamWriter prior to writing any objects to its output stream.
Definition: bamWriter.cxx:147
bool atomic_compare_and_exchange_contents(const Filename &filename, std::string &orig_contents, const std::string &old_contents, const std::string &new_contents)
See Filename::atomic_compare_and_exchange_contents().
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void consider_flush_index()
Flushes the index if enough time has elapsed since the index was last flushed.
Definition: bamCache.cxx:317