Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file dcFile.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2000-10-05
12  */
14 #include "dcFile.h"
15 #include "dcClass.h"
16 #include "dcSwitch.h"
17 #include "dcParserDefs.h"
18 #include "dcLexerDefs.h"
19 #include "dcTypedef.h"
20 #include "dcKeyword.h"
21 #include "hashGenerator.h"
23 #ifdef WITHIN_PANDA
24 #include "filename.h"
25 #include "config_express.h"
26 #include "virtualFileSystem.h"
27 #include "executionEnvironment.h"
28 #include "configVariableList.h"
29 #endif
31 using std::cerr;
32 using std::string;
35 /**
36  *
37  */
38 DCFile::
39 DCFile() {
40  _all_objects_valid = true;
41  _inherited_fields_stale = false;
43  setup_default_keywords();
44 }
46 /**
47  *
48  */
49 DCFile::
50 ~DCFile() {
51  clear();
52 }
54 /**
55  * Removes all of the classes defined within the DCFile and prepares it for
56  * reading a new file.
57  */
58 void DCFile::
59 clear() {
60  Declarations::iterator di;
61  for (di = _declarations.begin(); di != _declarations.end(); ++di) {
62  delete (*di);
63  }
64  for (di = _things_to_delete.begin(); di != _things_to_delete.end(); ++di) {
65  delete (*di);
66  }
68  _classes.clear();
69  _imports.clear();
70  _things_by_name.clear();
71  _typedefs.clear();
72  _typedefs_by_name.clear();
73  _keywords.clear_keywords();
74  _declarations.clear();
75  _things_to_delete.clear();
76  setup_default_keywords();
78  _all_objects_valid = true;
79  _inherited_fields_stale = false;
80 }
82 #ifdef WITHIN_PANDA
84 /**
85  * This special method reads all of the .dc files named by the "dc-file"
86  * config.prc variable, and loads them into the DCFile namespace.
87  */
88 bool DCFile::
89 read_all() {
90  static ConfigVariableList dc_files
91  ("dc-file", PRC_DESC("The list of dc files to load."));
93  if (dc_files.size() == 0) {
94  cerr << "No files specified via dc-file Config.prc variable!\n";
95  return false;
96  }
98  int size = dc_files.size();
100  // Load the DC files in opposite order, because we want to load the least-
101  // important (most fundamental) files first.
102  for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
103  string dc_file = ExecutionEnvironment::expand_string(dc_files[i]);
104  Filename filename = Filename::from_os_specific(dc_file);
105  if (!read(filename)) {
106  return false;
107  }
108  }
110  return true;
111 }
113 #endif // WITHIN_PANDA
115 /**
116  * Opens and reads the indicated .dc file by name. The distributed classes
117  * defined in the file will be appended to the set of distributed classes
118  * already recorded, if any.
119  *
120  * Returns true if the file is successfully read, false if there was an error
121  * (in which case the file might have been partially read).
122  */
123 bool DCFile::
124 read(Filename filename) {
125 #ifdef WITHIN_PANDA
126  filename.set_text();
128  std::istream *in = vfs->open_read_file(filename, true);
129  if (in == nullptr) {
130  cerr << "Cannot open " << filename << " for reading.\n";
131  return false;
132  }
133  bool okflag = read(*in, filename);
135  // For some reason--compiler bug in gcc 3.2?--explicitly deleting the in
136  // pointer does not call the appropriate global delete function; instead
137  // apparently calling the system delete function. So we call the delete
138  // function by hand instead.
139  vfs->close_read_file(in);
141  return okflag;
143 #else // WITHIN_PANDA
145  pifstream in;
148  if (!in) {
149  cerr << "Cannot open " << filename << " for reading.\n";
150  return false;
151  }
153  return read(in, filename);
155 #endif // WITHIN_PANDA
156 }
158 /**
159  * Parses the already-opened input stream for distributed class descriptions.
160  * The filename parameter is optional and is only used when reporting errors.
161  *
162  * The distributed classes defined in the file will be appended to the set of
163  * distributed classes already recorded, if any.
164  *
165  * Returns true if the file is successfully read, false if there was an error
166  * (in which case the file might have been partially read).
167  */
168 bool DCFile::
169 read(std::istream &in, const string &filename) {
170  cerr << "DCFile::read of " << filename << "\n";
171  dc_init_parser(in, filename, *this);
172  dcyyparse();
173  dc_cleanup_parser();
175  return (dc_error_count() == 0);
176 }
178 /**
179  * Opens the indicated filename for output and writes a parseable description
180  * of all the known distributed classes to the file.
181  *
182  * Returns true if the description is successfully written, false otherwise.
183  */
184 bool DCFile::
185 write(Filename filename, bool brief) const {
186  pofstream out;
188 #ifdef WITHIN_PANDA
189  filename.set_text();
190  filename.open_write(out);
191 #else
193 #endif
195  if (!out) {
196  cerr << "Can't open " << filename << " for output.\n";
197  return false;
198  }
199  return write(out, brief);
200 }
202 /**
203  * Writes a parseable description of all the known distributed classes to the
204  * stream.
205  *
206  * Returns true if the description is successfully written, false otherwise.
207  */
208 bool DCFile::
209 write(std::ostream &out, bool brief) const {
210  if (!_imports.empty()) {
211  Imports::const_iterator ii;
212  for (ii = _imports.begin(); ii != _imports.end(); ++ii) {
213  const Import &import = (*ii);
214  if (import._symbols.empty()) {
215  out << "import " << import._module << "\n";
216  } else {
217  out << "from " << import._module << " import ";
218  ImportSymbols::const_iterator si = import._symbols.begin();
219  out << *si;
220  ++si;
221  while (si != import._symbols.end()) {
222  out << ", " << *si;
223  ++si;
224  }
225  out << "\n";
226  }
227  }
228  out << "\n";
229  }
231  Declarations::const_iterator di;
232  for (di = _declarations.begin(); di != _declarations.end(); ++di) {
233  (*di)->write(out, brief, 0);
234  out << "\n";
235  }
237  return !;
238 }
240 /**
241  * Returns the number of classes read from the .dc file(s).
242  */
243 int DCFile::
245  return _classes.size();
246 }
248 /**
249  * Returns the nth class read from the .dc file(s).
250  */
252 get_class(int n) const {
253  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_classes.size(), nullptr);
254  return _classes[n];
255 }
257 /**
258  * Returns the class that has the indicated name, or NULL if there is no such
259  * class.
260  */
262 get_class_by_name(const string &name) const {
263  ThingsByName::const_iterator ni;
264  ni = _things_by_name.find(name);
265  if (ni != _things_by_name.end()) {
266  return (*ni).second->as_class();
267  }
269  return nullptr;
270 }
272 /**
273  * Returns the switch that has the indicated name, or NULL if there is no such
274  * switch.
275  */
277 get_switch_by_name(const string &name) const {
278  ThingsByName::const_iterator ni;
279  ni = _things_by_name.find(name);
280  if (ni != _things_by_name.end()) {
281  return (*ni).second->as_switch();
282  }
284  return nullptr;
285 }
287 /**
288  * Returns a pointer to the one DCField that has the indicated index number,
289  * of all the DCFields across all classes in the file.
290  *
291  * This method is only valid if dc-multiple-inheritance is set true in the
292  * Config.prc file. Without this setting, different DCFields may share the
293  * same index number, so this global lookup is not possible.
294  */
296 get_field_by_index(int index_number) const {
297  nassertr(dc_multiple_inheritance, nullptr);
299  if (index_number >= 0 && index_number < (int)_fields_by_index.size()) {
300  return _fields_by_index[index_number];
301  }
303  return nullptr;
304 }
306 /**
307  * Returns the number of import lines read from the .dc file(s).
308  */
309 int DCFile::
311  return _imports.size();
312 }
314 /**
315  * Returns the module named by the nth import line read from the .dc file(s).
316  */
317 string DCFile::
318 get_import_module(int n) const {
319  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_imports.size(), string());
320  return _imports[n]._module;
321 }
323 /**
324  * Returns the number of symbols explicitly imported by the nth import line.
325  * If this is 0, the line is "import modulename"; if it is more than 0, the
326  * line is "from modulename import symbol, symbol ... ".
327  */
328 int DCFile::
330  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_imports.size(), 0);
331  return _imports[n]._symbols.size();
332 }
334 /**
335  * Returns the ith symbol named by the nth import line read from the .dc
336  * file(s).
337  */
338 string DCFile::
339 get_import_symbol(int n, int i) const {
340  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_imports.size(), string());
341  nassertr(i >= 0 && i < (int)_imports[n]._symbols.size(), string());
342  return _imports[n]._symbols[i];
343 }
345 /**
346  * Returns the number of typedefs read from the .dc file(s).
347  */
348 int DCFile::
350  return _typedefs.size();
351 }
353 /**
354  * Returns the nth typedef read from the .dc file(s).
355  */
357 get_typedef(int n) const {
358  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_typedefs.size(), nullptr);
359  return _typedefs[n];
360 }
362 /**
363  * Returns the typedef that has the indicated name, or NULL if there is no
364  * such typedef name.
365  */
367 get_typedef_by_name(const string &name) const {
368  TypedefsByName::const_iterator ni;
369  ni = _typedefs_by_name.find(name);
370  if (ni != _typedefs_by_name.end()) {
371  return (*ni).second;
372  }
374  return nullptr;
375 }
377 /**
378  * Returns the number of keywords read from the .dc file(s).
379  */
380 int DCFile::
382  return _keywords.get_num_keywords();
383 }
385 /**
386  * Returns the nth keyword read from the .dc file(s).
387  */
388 const DCKeyword *DCFile::
389 get_keyword(int n) const {
390  return _keywords.get_keyword(n);
391 }
393 /**
394  * Returns the keyword that has the indicated name, or NULL if there is no
395  * such keyword name.
396  */
397 const DCKeyword *DCFile::
398 get_keyword_by_name(const string &name) const {
399  const DCKeyword *keyword = _keywords.get_keyword_by_name(name);
400  if (keyword == nullptr) {
401  keyword = _default_keywords.get_keyword_by_name(name);
402  if (keyword != nullptr) {
403  // One of the historical default keywords was used, but wasn't defined.
404  // Define it implicitly right now.
405  ((DCFile *)this)->_keywords.add_keyword(keyword);
406  }
407  }
409  return keyword;
410 }
412 /**
413  * Returns a 32-bit hash index associated with this file. This number is
414  * guaranteed to be consistent if the contents of the file have not changed,
415  * and it is very likely to be different if the contents of the file do
416  * change.
417  */
418 unsigned long DCFile::
419 get_hash() const {
420  HashGenerator hashgen;
421  generate_hash(hashgen);
422  return hashgen.get_hash();
423 }
425 /**
426  * Accumulates the properties of this file into the hash.
427  */
428 void DCFile::
429 generate_hash(HashGenerator &hashgen) const {
430  if (dc_virtual_inheritance) {
431  // Just to make the hash number change in this case.
432  if (dc_sort_inheritance_by_file) {
433  hashgen.add_int(1);
434  } else {
435  hashgen.add_int(2);
436  }
437  }
439  hashgen.add_int(_classes.size());
440  Classes::const_iterator ci;
441  for (ci = _classes.begin(); ci != _classes.end(); ++ci) {
442  (*ci)->generate_hash(hashgen);
443  }
444 }
446 /**
447  * Adds the newly-allocated distributed class definition to the file. The
448  * DCFile becomes the owner of the pointer and will delete it when it
449  * destructs. Returns true if the class is successfully added, or false if
450  * there was a name conflict.
451  */
452 bool DCFile::
453 add_class(DCClass *dclass) {
454  if (!dclass->get_name().empty()) {
455  bool inserted = _things_by_name.insert
456  (ThingsByName::value_type(dclass->get_name(), dclass)).second;
458  if (!inserted) {
459  return false;
460  }
461  }
463  if (!dclass->is_struct()) {
464  dclass->set_number(get_num_classes());
465  }
466  _classes.push_back(dclass);
468  if (dclass->is_bogus_class()) {
469  _all_objects_valid = false;
470  }
472  if (!dclass->is_bogus_class()) {
473  _declarations.push_back(dclass);
474  } else {
475  _things_to_delete.push_back(dclass);
476  }
478  return true;
479 }
481 /**
482  * Adds the newly-allocated switch definition to the file. The DCFile becomes
483  * the owner of the pointer and will delete it when it destructs. Returns
484  * true if the switch is successfully added, or false if there was a name
485  * conflict.
486  */
487 bool DCFile::
488 add_switch(DCSwitch *dswitch) {
489  if (!dswitch->get_name().empty()) {
490  bool inserted = _things_by_name.insert
491  (ThingsByName::value_type(dswitch->get_name(), dswitch)).second;
493  if (!inserted) {
494  return false;
495  }
496  }
498  _declarations.push_back(dswitch);
500  return true;
501 }
503 /**
504  * Adds a new name to the list of names of Python modules that are to be
505  * imported by the client or AI to define the code that is associated with the
506  * class interfaces named within the .dc file.
507  */
508 void DCFile::
509 add_import_module(const string &import_module) {
510  Import import;
511  import._module = import_module;
512  _imports.push_back(import);
513 }
515 /**
516  * Adds a new name to the list of symbols that are to be explicitly imported
517  * from the most-recently added module, e.g. "from module_name import
518  * symbol". If the list of symbols is empty, the syntax is taken to be
519  * "import module_name".
520  */
521 void DCFile::
522 add_import_symbol(const string &import_symbol) {
523  nassertv(!_imports.empty());
524  _imports.back()._symbols.push_back(import_symbol);
525 }
527 /**
528  * Adds the newly-allocated distributed typedef definition to the file. The
529  * DCFile becomes the owner of the pointer and will delete it when it
530  * destructs. Returns true if the typedef is successfully added, or false if
531  * there was a name conflict.
532  */
533 bool DCFile::
534 add_typedef(DCTypedef *dtypedef) {
535  bool inserted = _typedefs_by_name.insert
536  (TypedefsByName::value_type(dtypedef->get_name(), dtypedef)).second;
538  if (!inserted) {
539  return false;
540  }
542  dtypedef->set_number(get_num_typedefs());
543  _typedefs.push_back(dtypedef);
545  if (dtypedef->is_bogus_typedef()) {
546  _all_objects_valid = false;
547  }
549  if (!dtypedef->is_bogus_typedef() && !dtypedef->is_implicit_typedef()) {
550  _declarations.push_back(dtypedef);
551  } else {
552  _things_to_delete.push_back(dtypedef);
553  }
555  return true;
556 }
558 /**
559  * Adds the indicated keyword string to the list of keywords known to the
560  * DCFile. These keywords may then be added to DCFields. It is not an error
561  * to add a particular keyword more than once.
562  */
563 bool DCFile::
564 add_keyword(const string &name) {
565  DCKeyword *keyword = new DCKeyword(name);
566  bool added = _keywords.add_keyword(keyword);
568  if (added) {
569  _declarations.push_back(keyword);
570  } else {
571  delete keyword;
572  }
574  return added;
575 }
577 /**
578  * Adds the indicated declaration to the list of declarations that are not
579  * reported with the file, but will be deleted when the DCFile object
580  * destructs. That is, transfers ownership of the indicated pointer to the
581  * DCFile.
582  */
583 void DCFile::
585  _things_to_delete.push_back(decl);
586 }
588 /**
589  * Sets the next sequential available index number on the indicated field.
590  * This is only meant to be called
591  */
592 void DCFile::
594  field->set_number((int)_fields_by_index.size());
595  _fields_by_index.push_back(field);
596 }
598 /**
599  * Adds an entry for each of the default keywords that are defined for every
600  * DCFile for legacy reasons.
601  */
602 void DCFile::
603 setup_default_keywords() {
604  struct KeywordDef {
605  const char *name;
606  int flag;
607  };
608  static KeywordDef default_keywords[] = {
609  { "required", 0x0001 },
610  { "broadcast", 0x0002 },
611  { "ownrecv", 0x0004 },
612  { "ram", 0x0008 },
613  { "db", 0x0010 },
614  { "clsend", 0x0020 },
615  { "clrecv", 0x0040 },
616  { "ownsend", 0x0080 },
617  { "airecv", 0x0100 },
618  { nullptr, 0 }
619  };
621  _default_keywords.clear_keywords();
622  for (int i = 0; default_keywords[i].name != nullptr; ++i) {
623  DCKeyword *keyword =
624  new DCKeyword(default_keywords[i].name,
625  default_keywords[i].flag);
627  _default_keywords.add_keyword(keyword);
628  _things_to_delete.push_back(keyword);
629  }
630 }
632 /**
633  * Reconstructs the inherited fields table of all classes.
634  */
635 void DCFile::
636 rebuild_inherited_fields() {
637  _inherited_fields_stale = false;
639  Classes::iterator ci;
640  for (ci = _classes.begin(); ci != _classes.end(); ++ci) {
641  (*ci)->clear_inherited_fields();
642  }
643  for (ci = _classes.begin(); ci != _classes.end(); ++ci) {
644  (*ci)->rebuild_inherited_fields();
645  }
646 }
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool open_write(std::ofstream &stream, bool truncate=true) const
Opens the indicated ifstream for writing the file, if possible.
Definition: filename.cxx:1899
This represents a single keyword declaration in the dc file.
Definition: dcKeyword.h:28
DCClass * get_class_by_name(const std::string &name) const
Returns the class that has the indicated name, or NULL if there is no such class.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:262
int get_num_import_modules() const
Returns the number of import lines read from the .dc file(s).
Definition: dcFile.cxx:310
void set_number(int number)
Assigns the unique number to this typedef.
Definition: dcTypedef.cxx:119
const DCKeyword * get_keyword(int n) const
Returns the nth keyword read from the .dc file(s).
Definition: dcFile.cxx:389
This represents a single typedef declaration in the dc file.
Definition: dcTypedef.h:26
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool add_keyword(const std::string &name)
Adds the indicated keyword string to the list of keywords known to the DCFile.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:564
DCTypedef * get_typedef_by_name(const std::string &name) const
Returns the typedef that has the indicated name, or NULL if there is no such typedef name.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:367
const DCKeyword * get_keyword(int n) const
Returns the nth keyword in the list.
void add_int(int num)
Adds another integer to the hash so far.
A single field of a Distributed Class, either atomic or molecular.
Definition: dcField.h:37
A hierarchy of directories and files that appears to be one continuous file system,...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
std::istream * open_read_file(const Filename &filename, bool auto_unwrap) const
Convenience function; returns a newly allocated istream if the file exists and can be read,...
bool add_class(DCClass *dclass)
Adds the newly-allocated distributed class definition to the file.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:453
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void set_text()
Indicates that the filename represents a text file.
Definition: filename.I:424
void set_number(int number)
Assigns the unique number to this field.
Definition: dcField.I:158
bool read(Filename filename)
Opens and reads the indicated .dc file by name.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:124
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This represents a switch statement, which can appear inside a class body and represents two or more a...
Definition: dcSwitch.h:30
Defines a particular DistributedClass as read from an input .dc file.
Definition: dcClass.h:44
bool is_struct() const
Returns true if the class has been identified with the "struct" keyword in the dc file,...
Definition: dcClass.I:44
bool add_typedef(DCTypedef *dtypedef)
Adds the newly-allocated distributed typedef definition to the file.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:534
void set_new_index_number(DCField *field)
Sets the next sequential available index number on the indicated field.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:593
int get_num_typedefs() const
Returns the number of typedefs read from the .dc file(s).
Definition: dcFile.cxx:349
int get_num_import_symbols(int n) const
Returns the number of symbols explicitly imported by the nth import line.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:329
void generate_hash(HashGenerator &hashgen) const
Accumulates the properties of this file into the hash.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:429
bool write(Filename filename, bool brief) const
Opens the indicated filename for output and writes a parseable description of all the known distribut...
Definition: dcFile.cxx:185
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This class is similar to ConfigVariable, but it reports its value as a list of strings.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
DCTypedef * get_typedef(int n) const
Returns the nth typedef read from the .dc file(s).
Definition: dcFile.cxx:357
const DCKeyword * get_keyword_by_name(const std::string &name) const
Returns the keyword in the list with the indicated name, or NULL if there is no keyword in the list w...
Represents the complete list of Distributed Class descriptions as read from a .dc file.
Definition: dcFile.h:32
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
DCClass * get_class(int n) const
Returns the nth class read from the .dc file(s).
Definition: dcFile.cxx:252
DCField * get_field_by_index(int index_number) const
Returns a pointer to the one DCField that has the indicated index number, of all the DCFields across ...
Definition: dcFile.cxx:296
bool add_switch(DCSwitch *dswitch)
Adds the newly-allocated switch definition to the file.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:488
static void close_read_file(std::istream *stream)
Closes a file opened by a previous call to open_read_file().
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
int get_num_keywords() const
Returns the number of keywords read from the .dc file(s).
Definition: dcFile.cxx:381
bool is_implicit_typedef() const
Returns true if the typedef has been flagged as an implicit typedef, meaning it was created for a DCC...
Definition: dcTypedef.cxx:98
int get_num_keywords() const
Returns the number of keywords in the list.
The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file.
Definition: filename.h:39
unsigned long get_hash() const
Returns a 32-bit hash index associated with this file.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:419
static std::string expand_string(const std::string &str)
Reads the string, looking for environment variable names marked by a $.
void add_import_module(const std::string &import_module)
Adds a new name to the list of names of Python modules that are to be imported by the client or AI to...
Definition: dcFile.cxx:509
This is a common interface for a declaration in a DC file.
Definition: dcDeclaration.h:29
const std::string & get_name() const
Returns the name of this switch.
Definition: dcSwitch.cxx:84
void add_thing_to_delete(DCDeclaration *decl)
Adds the indicated declaration to the list of declarations that are not reported with the file,...
Definition: dcFile.cxx:584
DCSwitch * get_switch_by_name(const std::string &name) const
Returns the switch that has the indicated name, or NULL if there is no such switch.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:277
bool is_bogus_typedef() const
Returns true if the typedef has been flagged as a bogus typedef.
Definition: dcTypedef.cxx:89
const std::string & get_name() const
Returns the name of this typedef.
Definition: dcTypedef.cxx:68
void add_import_symbol(const std::string &import_symbol)
Adds a new name to the list of symbols that are to be explicitly imported from the most-recently adde...
Definition: dcFile.cxx:522
static VirtualFileSystem * get_global_ptr()
Returns the default global VirtualFileSystem.
This class generates an arbitrary hash number from a sequence of ints.
Definition: hashGenerator.h:24
const DCKeyword * get_keyword_by_name(const std::string &name) const
Returns the keyword that has the indicated name, or NULL if there is no such keyword name.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:398
bool add_keyword(const DCKeyword *keyword)
Adds the indicated keyword to the list.
unsigned long get_hash() const
Returns the hash number generated.
void clear()
Removes all of the classes defined within the DCFile and prepares it for reading a new file.
Definition: dcFile.cxx:59
void clear_keywords()
Removes all keywords from the field.
int get_num_classes() const
Returns the number of classes read from the .dc file(s).
Definition: dcFile.cxx:244
const std::string & get_name() const
Returns the name of this class.
Definition: dcClass.I:26
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool is_bogus_class() const
Returns true if the class has been flagged as a bogus class.
Definition: dcClass.I:55
static Filename from_os_specific(const std::string &os_specific, Type type=T_general)
This named constructor returns a Panda-style filename (that is, using forward slashes,...
Definition: filename.cxx:328
void set_number(int number)
Assigns the unique number to this class.
Definition: dcClass.cxx:1326
std::string get_import_symbol(int n, int i) const
Returns the ith symbol named by the nth import line read from the .dc file(s).
Definition: dcFile.cxx:339
std::string get_import_module(int n) const
Returns the module named by the nth import line read from the .dc file(s).
Definition: dcFile.cxx:318