Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file eggMesherFanMaker.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2005-03-22
12  */
14 #include "eggMesherFanMaker.h"
15 #include "eggMesher.h"
16 #include "eggPolygon.h"
17 #include "eggGroupNode.h"
19 /**
20  *
21  */
22 EggMesherFanMaker::
23 EggMesherFanMaker(int vertex, EggMesherStrip *tri,
24  EggMesher *mesher) {
25  _vertex = vertex;
26  const EggMesherEdge *edge = tri->find_opposite_edge(vertex);
27  if (edge != nullptr) {
28  _edges.push_back(edge);
29  }
30  _strips.push_back(tri);
31  _planar = tri->_planar;
32  _mesher = mesher;
33 }
35 /**
36  *
37  */
38 EggMesherFanMaker::
39 EggMesherFanMaker(const EggMesherFanMaker &copy) :
40  _vertex(copy._vertex),
41  _edges(copy._edges),
42  _strips(copy._strips),
43  _planar(copy._planar),
44  _mesher(copy._mesher)
45 {
46 }
48 /**
49  *
50  */
51 void EggMesherFanMaker::
52 operator = (const EggMesherFanMaker &copy) {
53  _vertex = copy._vertex;
54  _edges = copy._edges;
55  _strips = copy._strips;
56  _planar = copy._planar;
57  _mesher = copy._mesher;
58 }
60 /**
61  * Attempts to connect two fans end-to-end. They must both share the same
62  * common vertex and a common edge.
63  *
64  * The return value is true if the fans were successfully joined, or false if
65  * they could not be.
66  */
69  nassertr(_vertex == other._vertex, false);
70  nassertr(_mesher == other._mesher, false);
72  nassertr(!_edges.empty() && !other._edges.empty(), false);
74  const EggMesherEdge *my_back = _edges.back();
75  const EggMesherEdge *other_front = other._edges.front();
76  nassertr(my_back != nullptr &&
77  other_front != nullptr, false);
79  int my_back_b = my_back->_vi_b;
80  int other_front_a = other_front->_vi_a;
82  if (my_back_b == other_front_a) {
83  _planar = is_coplanar_with(other);
84  _edges.splice(_edges.end(), other._edges);
85  _strips.splice(_strips.end(), other._strips);
86  return true;
87  }
89  const EggMesherEdge *my_front = _edges.front();
90  const EggMesherEdge *other_back = other._edges.back();
91  nassertr(my_front != nullptr &&
92  other_back != nullptr, false);
94  int my_front_a = my_front->_vi_a;
95  int other_back_b = other_back->_vi_b;
97  if (my_front_a == other_back_b) {
98  _planar = is_coplanar_with(other);
99  _edges.splice(_edges.begin(), other._edges);
100  _strips.splice(_strips.begin(), other._strips);
101  return true;
102  }
104  return false;
105 }
107 /**
108  * Returns the overall angle subtended by the fan, from the leading edge to
109  * the trailing edge, in degrees.
110  */
111 double EggMesherFanMaker::
112 compute_angle() const {
113  // We sum up the angles of each triangle. This is more correct than taking
114  // the net angle from the first edge to the last (since we may not be in a
115  // plane).
116  nassertr(is_valid(), 0.0);
118  EggVertexPool *vertex_pool = _mesher->_vertex_pool;
120  double angle = 0.0;
121  LPoint3d v0 = vertex_pool->get_vertex(_vertex)->get_pos3();
123  Edges::const_iterator ei;
124  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
125  LVector3d v1 = vertex_pool->get_vertex((*ei)->_vi_a)->get_pos3() - v0;
126  LVector3d v2 = vertex_pool->get_vertex((*ei)->_vi_b)->get_pos3() - v0;
128  v1 = normalize(v1);
129  v2 = normalize(v2);
130  angle += acos(dot(v1, v2));
131  }
133  return rad_2_deg(angle);
134 }
136 /**
137  * Begins the fanning process. Searches for triangles and connects them into
138  * a fan.
139  *
140  * In certain cases, if egg_unroll_fans is enabled, the resulting fan may be
141  * retesselated into a series of zig-zag triangles, which are stored in
142  * unrolled_tris. Otherwise, an EggMesherStrip (representing the fan) is
143  * created and added to the mesher.
144  *
145  * The return value is (loosely) the number of primitives created.
146  */
148 build(EggGroupNode *unrolled_tris) {
149  nassertr(_edges.size() == _strips.size(), 0);
151  int num_tris = _edges.size();
152  double net_angle = compute_angle();
153  double avg_angle = net_angle / (double)num_tris;
155  if (avg_angle > egg_max_tfan_angle) {
156  // The triangles are too loose to justify making a fan; it'll probably
157  // make a better quadsheet.
158  return 0;
159  }
161  if (egg_min_tfan_tris == 0 || num_tris < egg_min_tfan_tris) {
162  // Oops, not enough triangles to justify a fan.
163  if (!egg_unroll_fans) {
164  return 0;
165  }
167  // However, we could (maybe) make it a few tristrips!
169  // Each section of the fan which is made up of coplanar tris, with
170  // identical properties, may be retesselated into a tristrip. What a
171  // sneaky trick! To do this, we must first identify each such qualifying
172  // section.
174  // We define a seam as the edge between any two tris which are noncoplanar
175  // or have different properties. Then we can send each piece between the
176  // seams to unroll().
178  Strips::iterator si, last_si;
179  Edges::iterator ei, last_ei;
181  // First, rotate the fan so it begins at a seam. We do this so we won't
182  // be left out with part of one piece at the beginning and also at the
183  // end.
184  si = _strips.begin();
185  last_si = si;
186  ei = _edges.begin();
187  last_ei = ei;
188  int found_seam = false;
190  for (++si, ++ei; si != _strips.end() && !found_seam; ++si, ++ei) {
191  nassertr(ei != _edges.end(), 0);
192  if ( ((*si)->_prims.front()->compare_to(*(*last_si)->_prims.front()) != 0) ||
193  !(*si)->is_coplanar_with(*(*last_si), egg_coplanar_threshold)) {
194  // Here's a seam. Break the fan here.
195  found_seam = true;
196  _edges.splice(_edges.begin(), _edges, ei, _edges.end());
197  _strips.splice(_strips.begin(), _strips, si, _strips.end());
198  }
199  }
201  // Now break the fan up along its seams and unroll each piece separately.
202  si = _strips.begin();
203  last_si = si;
204  ei = _edges.begin();
205  last_ei = ei;
207  int count = 0;
208  for (++si, ++ei; si != _strips.end(); ++si, ++ei) {
209  nassertr(ei != _edges.end(), 0);
210  if ( ((*si)->_prims.front()->compare_to(*(*last_si)->_prims.front()) != 0) ||
211  !(*si)->is_coplanar_with(*(*last_si), egg_coplanar_threshold)) {
212  // Here's the end of a run of matching pieces.
213  count += unroll(last_si, si, last_ei, ei, unrolled_tris);
214  last_si = si;
215  last_ei = ei;
216  }
217  }
218  count += unroll(last_si, si, last_ei, ei, unrolled_tris);
220  return count;
222  } else {
223  EggMesherStrip new_fan(EggMesherStrip::PT_trifan, EggMesherStrip::MO_fanpoly);
224  new_fan._verts.push_back(_vertex);
226  new_fan._verts.push_back(_edges.front()->_vi_a);
227  Edges::iterator ei;
228  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
229  new_fan._verts.push_back((*ei)->_vi_b);
230  }
232  Strips::iterator si;
233  for (si = _strips.begin(); si != _strips.end(); ++si) {
234  new_fan._prims.splice(new_fan._prims.end(), (*si)->_prims);
235  (*si)->remove_all_edges();
236  (*si)->_verts.clear();
237  (*si)->_status = EggMesherStrip::MS_dead;
238  }
240  // If we'd built our list of edges and strips right, this sum should come
241  // out so that there are two more vertices than triangles in the new fan.
242  nassertr(new_fan._verts.size() == new_fan._prims.size() + 2, 0);
244  // Now we've built a fan, and it won't be able to mate with anything else,
245  // so add it to the done list.
246  _mesher->_done.push_back(new_fan);
247  }
249  return 1;
250 }
252 /**
253  * Unrolls a planar subset of the current working fan, defined by the given
254  * iterators, into a series of triangles that zig-zag back and forth for
255  * better tristripping properties. The new triangles are added to
256  * unrolled_tris; the return value is 1 if successful, or 0 otherwise.
257  */
259 unroll(Strips::iterator strip_begin, Strips::iterator strip_end,
260  Edges::iterator edge_begin, Edges::iterator edge_end,
261  EggGroupNode *unrolled_tris) {
262  Edges::iterator ei;
263  Strips::iterator si;
265  int num_tris = 0;
266  for (ei = edge_begin; ei != edge_end; ++ei) {
267  num_tris++;
268  }
270  if (num_tris < 3) {
271  // Don't even bother.
272  return 0;
273  }
275  PT(EggPolygon) poly = new EggPolygon;
277  // Now we build an n-sided polygon the same shape as the fan. We'll
278  // decompose it into tris in a second.
279  poly->copy_attributes(*(*strip_begin)->_prims.front());
280  EggVertexPool *vertex_pool = _mesher->_vertex_pool;
282  ei = edge_end;
283  --ei;
284  if ((*ei)->_vi_b != (*edge_begin)->_vi_a) {
285  // If the fan is less than a full circle, we need to keep the hub vertex
286  // and initial vertex in the poly. Otherwise, we'll discard them.
287  poly->add_vertex(vertex_pool->get_vertex(_vertex));
288  poly->add_vertex(vertex_pool->get_vertex((*edge_begin)->_vi_a));
289  }
291  for (ei = edge_begin; ei != edge_end; ++ei) {
292  poly->add_vertex(vertex_pool->get_vertex((*ei)->_vi_b));
293  }
295  bool result = true;
297  if (egg_show_quads) {
298  // If we're showing quads, also show retesselated triangles.
300  // We can't add it directly to the mesher, that's unsafe; instead, we'll
301  // just add it to the end of the unrolled_tris list. This does mean we
302  // won't be able to color it a fancy color, but too bad.
303  // _mesher->add_polygon(poly, EggMesherStrip::MO_fanpoly);
304  unrolled_tris->add_child(poly);
306  } else {
307  // Now decompose the new polygon into triangles.
308  result = poly->triangulate_into(unrolled_tris, true);
309  }
311  if (result) {
312  // Now that we've created a new poly, kill off all the old ones.
313  for (si = strip_begin; si != strip_end; ++si) {
314  (*si)->remove_all_edges();
315  (*si)->_verts.clear();
316  (*si)->_prims.clear();
317  (*si)->_status = EggMesherStrip::MS_dead;
318  }
319  return 1;
320  } else {
321  return 0;
322  }
323 }
325 /**
326  *
327  */
328 void EggMesherFanMaker::
329 output(std::ostream &out) const {
330  out << _vertex << ":[";
331  if (!_edges.empty()) {
332  Edges::const_iterator ei;
333  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
334  out << " " << (*ei)->_vi_a;
335  }
336  out << " " << _edges.back()->_vi_b;
337  }
338  out << " ]";
340  if (_planar) {
341  out << " (planar)";
342  }
343 }
double compute_angle() const
Returns the overall angle subtended by the fan, from the leading edge to the trailing edge,...
EggVertex * add_vertex(EggVertex *vertex, int index=-1)
Adds the indicated vertex to the pool.
A base class for nodes in the hierarchy that are not leaf nodes.
Definition: eggGroupNode.h:46
EggVertex * get_vertex(int index) const
Returns the vertex in the pool with the indicated index number, or NULL if no vertices have that inde...
void copy_attributes(const EggAttributes &other)
Copies the rendering attributes from the indicated primitive.
LVertexd get_pos3() const
Valid if get_num_dimensions() returns 3 or 4.
Definition: eggVertex.I:131
int unroll(Strips::iterator strip_begin, Strips::iterator strip_end, Edges::iterator edge_begin, Edges::iterator edge_end, EggGroupNode *unrolled_tris)
Unrolls a planar subset of the current working fan, defined by the given iterators,...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
const EggMesherEdge * find_opposite_edge(int vi) const
Returns the first edge found that does not contain the given vertex.
This class is used by EggMesher::find_fans() to attempt to make an EggTriangleFan out of the polygons...
Collects together unrelated EggPrimitives, determines their edge connectivity, and generates a set of...
Definition: eggMesher.h:33
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
int build(EggGroupNode *unrolled_tris)
Begins the fanning process.
bool is_coplanar_with(const EggMesherFanMaker &other) const
Returns true if the strip and the other strip are coplanar.
A single polygon.
Definition: eggPolygon.h:24
Represents one edge of a triangle, as used by the EggMesher to discover connected triangles.
Definition: eggMesherEdge.h:29
EggNode * add_child(EggNode *node)
Adds the indicated child to the group and returns it.
Represents a triangle strip or quad strip in progress, as assembled by the mesher.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool join(EggMesherFanMaker &other)
Attempts to connect two fans end-to-end.
bool is_valid() const
Returns true if the fan maker has enough edges to define at least one fan, false otherwise.
A collection of vertices.
Definition: eggVertexPool.h:41