Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file typeRegistryNode.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2001-08-06
12  */
14 #include "typeRegistryNode.h"
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <string.h>
19 bool TypeRegistryNode::_paranoid_inheritance = false;
21 /**
22  *
23  */
24 TypeRegistryNode::
25 TypeRegistryNode(TypeHandle handle, const std::string &name, TypeHandle &ref) :
26  _handle(handle), _name(name), _ref(ref)
27 {
28  clear_subtree();
29  memset(_memory_usage, 0, sizeof(_memory_usage));
30 }
32 /**
33  * Returns true if the child RegistryNode represents a class that inherits
34  * directly or indirectly from the class represented by the base RegistryNode.
35  */
38  // This function is the basis for TypedObject::is_of_type(), which gets used
39  // quite frequently within Panda, often in inner-loop code. Therefore, we
40  // go through some pains to make this function as efficient as possible.
42  // First, compare the subtree tops. If they are the same, then this node
43  // and the base node are within the same single-inheritance subtree, and we
44  // can use our bitmask trick to determine the relationship with no
45  // additional work. (See r_build_subtrees()).
47  if (child->_inherit._top == base->_inherit._top) {
48  assert(child->_inherit._top != nullptr);
50  bool derives =
51  Inherit::is_derived_from(child->_inherit, base->_inherit);
53 #ifndef NDEBUG
54  if (_paranoid_inheritance) {
55  bool paranoid_derives = check_derived_from(child, base);
56  if (derives != paranoid_derives) {
57  std::cerr
58  << "Inheritance test for " << child->_name
59  << " from " << base->_name << " failed!\n"
60  << "Result: " << derives << " should have been: "
61  << paranoid_derives << "\n"
62  << "Classes are in the same single inheritance subtree, children of "
63  << child->_inherit._top->_name << "\n"
64  << std::hex
65  << child->_name << " has mask " << child->_inherit._mask
66  << " and bits " << child->_inherit._bits << "\n"
67  << base->_name << " has mask " << base->_inherit._mask
68  << " and bits " << base->_inherit._bits << "\n"
69  << std::dec;
70  return paranoid_derives;
71  }
72  }
73 #endif
75  /*
76  cerr << "trivial: " << child->_name << " vs. " << base->_name
77  << " (" << child->_inherit._top->_name << ") = " << derives << "\n";
78  */
80  return derives;
81  }
83  // The two nodes are not within the same single-inheritance subtree. This
84  // complicates things a bit.
86  // First, we should check whether the subtree tops of the two nodes inherit
87  // from each other.
88  TypeRegistryNode *child_top = child->_inherit._top;
89  TypeRegistryNode *base_top = base->_inherit._top;
91  bool derives = false;
93  // If child_top does not inherit from base_top, it follows that child does
94  // not inherit from base.
95  TopInheritance::const_iterator ti =
96  lower_bound(child_top->_top_inheritance.begin(),
97  child_top->_top_inheritance.end(),
98  Inherit(base_top, 0, 0));
100  while (ti != child_top->_top_inheritance.end() &&
101  (*ti)._top == base_top &&
102  !derives) {
103  // If child_top *does* inherit from base_top, then child may or may not
104  // inherit from base. This depends on the exact path of inheritance.
105  // Since there might be multiple paths from child_top to base_top, we have
106  // to examine all of them.
107  const Inherit &connection = (*ti);
109  // Here is one inheritance from child_top to base_top. If the connecting
110  // node inherits from base, then child also inherits from base. If the
111  // connecting node does not inherit from base, we must keep looking.
112  derives = Inherit::is_derived_from(connection, base->_inherit);
114  ++ti;
115  }
117 #ifndef NDEBUG
118  if (_paranoid_inheritance) {
119  bool paranoid_derives = check_derived_from(child, base);
120  if (derives != paranoid_derives) {
121  std::cerr
122  << "Inheritance test for " << child->_name
123  << " from " << base->_name << " failed!\n"
124  << "Result: " << derives << " should have been: "
125  << paranoid_derives << "\n"
126  << child->_name << " is a descendent of "
127  << child_top->_name << "\n"
128  << base->_name << " is a descendent of "
129  << base_top->_name << "\n";
130  return paranoid_derives;
131  }
132  }
133 #endif
135  /*
136  cerr << "complex: " << child->_name << " (" << child->_inherit._top->_name
137  << ") vs. " << base->_name << " (" << base->_inherit._top->_name
138  << ") = " << derives << "\n";
139  */
140  return derives;
141 }
143 /**
144  * Returns the first parent class of child that is a descendant of the
145  * indicated base class.
146  */
149  const TypeRegistryNode *base) {
150  if (child == base) {
151  return child->_handle;
152  }
154  Classes::const_iterator ni;
155  for (ni = child->_parent_classes.begin();
156  ni != child->_parent_classes.end(); ++ni) {
157  if (is_derived_from((*ni), base)) {
158  return (*ni)->_handle;
159  }
160  }
162  return TypeHandle::none();
163 }
166 /**
167  * Removes any subtree definition previously set up via define_subtree(), in
168  * preparation for rebuilding the subtree data.
169  */
172  _inherit = Inherit();
173  _top_inheritance.clear();
174  _visit_count = 0;
175 }
177 /**
178  * Indicates that this TypeRegistryNode is the top of a subtree within the
179  * inheritance graph (typically, this indicates a multiple-inheritance node).
180  * Builds all the subtree_mask etc. flags for nodes at this level and below.
181  */
184  // cerr << "Building subtree for " << _name << ", top inheritance is:\n";
186  /*
187  TopInheritance::const_iterator ti;
188  for (ti = _top_inheritance.begin(); ti != _top_inheritance.end(); ++ti) {
189  const Inherit &t = (*ti);
190  cerr << " from " << t._top->_name << " via "
191  << hex << t._bits << " / " << t._mask << dec << "\n";
192  }
193  */
195  r_build_subtrees(this, 0, 0);
196 }
198 /**
199  * Recursively builds up all the subtree cache information for this node and
200  * the ones below. This information is used to quickly determine class
201  * inheritance.
202  */
203 void TypeRegistryNode::
204 r_build_subtrees(TypeRegistryNode *top, int bit_count,
205  TypeRegistryNode::SubtreeMaskType bits) {
206  // The idea with these bits is to optimize the common case of a single-
207  // inheritance graph (that is, an inheritance tree), or a single-inheritance
208  // subgraph of the full multiple-inheritance graph (i.e. a subtree of the
209  // inheritance graph).
211 /*
212  * When we have just single inheritance, we can define a unique number for
213  * each node in the inheritance tree that allows us to immediately determine
214  * the inheritance relationship between any two nodes in the tree. We choose
215  * a number such that for a given node whose number has n bits, each child
216  * node has m + n bits where the low-order n bits are the same as the parent
217  * node's bits, and the high-order m bits are unique among each sibling. The
218  * node at the top of the tree has zero bits.
219  */
221  // That way, we can simply compare bitmasks to determine if class A inherits
222  // from class B. If the low-order bits are the same, they have some
223  // ancestry in common. The highest-order bit that still matches corresponds
224  // to the lowest node in the tree that they have in common; i.e. the node
225  // from which they both inherit.
227  // To put it more formally, let count(A) be the number of bits in A's
228  // number, and count(B) be the number of bits in B's number. A inherits
229  // from B if and only if count(B) <= count(A), and the lower count(B) bits
230  // of A's number are the same as those in B's number.
232  // This algorithm breaks down in the presence of multiple inheritance, since
233  // we can't make up a single number for each node any more. We still take
234  // advantage of the algorithm by considering each single-inheritance
235  // subgraph separately.
237  // To handle multiple inheritance, we reset the numbers to zero every time
238  // we come across a multiple-inheritance node (this begins a new subtree).
239  // There are relatively few of these "subtree top" nodes, and we record the
240  // explicit inheritance of each one from all of its ancestor "subtree top"
241  // nodes within the node itself.
243  if (top != this && _parent_classes.size() != 1) {
244  assert(!_parent_classes.empty());
246  // This class multiply inherits; it therefore begins a new subtree.
248  // Copy in the inheritance relations from our parent subtree tops.
249  _top_inheritance.insert(_top_inheritance.end(),
250  top->_top_inheritance.begin(),
251  top->_top_inheritance.end());
252  _top_inheritance.push_back(Inherit(top, bit_count, bits));
254  _visit_count++;
255  if (_visit_count == (int)_parent_classes.size()) {
256  // This is the last time we'll visit this node, so continue the
257  // recursion now.
258  assert(_inherit._top == nullptr);
259  sort(_top_inheritance.begin(), _top_inheritance.end());
260  define_subtree();
261  }
263  } else {
264  // This class singly inherits, so this had better be the only time this
265  // function is called on it since clear_subtree().
266  assert(_inherit._top == nullptr);
268  assert(bit_count < (int)(sizeof(SubtreeMaskType) * 8));
270  _inherit = Inherit(top, bit_count, bits);
272  // Now, how many more bits do we need to encode each of our children?
273  int num_children = (int)_child_classes.size();
274  int more_bits = 0;
275  int i = num_children - 1;
276  while (i > 0) {
277  more_bits++;
278  i >>= 1;
279  }
281  // We need at least one bit, even if there is only one child, so we can
282  // differentiate parent from child.
283  more_bits = std::max(more_bits, 1);
285  assert(more_bits < (int)(sizeof(SubtreeMaskType) * 8));
287  if (bit_count + more_bits > (int)(sizeof(SubtreeMaskType) * 8)) {
288  // Too many bits; we need to start a new subtree right here. This node
289  // becomes a subtree top node, even though it's not a multiple-
290  // inheritance node.
291  assert(top != this);
292  _top_inheritance = top->_top_inheritance;
293  _top_inheritance.push_back(_inherit);
294  sort(_top_inheritance.begin(), _top_inheritance.end());
295  _inherit = Inherit();
296  define_subtree();
298  } else {
299  // Still plenty of bits, so keep going.
300  for (i = 0; i < num_children; i++) {
301  TypeRegistryNode *child = _child_classes[i];
302  SubtreeMaskType next_bits = ((SubtreeMaskType)i << bit_count);
304  child->r_build_subtrees(top, bit_count + more_bits,
305  bits | next_bits);
306  }
307  }
308  }
309 }
311 /**
312  * Recurses through the parent nodes to find the best Python type object to
313  * represent objects of this type.
314  */
315 PyObject *TypeRegistryNode::
316 r_get_python_type() const {
317  Classes::const_iterator ni;
318  for (ni = _parent_classes.begin(); ni != _parent_classes.end(); ++ni) {
319  const TypeRegistryNode *parent = *ni;
320  if (parent->_python_type != nullptr) {
321  return parent->_python_type;
323  } else if (!parent->_parent_classes.empty()) {
324  PyObject *py_type = parent->r_get_python_type();
325  if (py_type != nullptr) {
326  return py_type;
327  }
328  }
329  }
331  return nullptr;
332 }
334 /**
335  * A recursive function to double-check the result of is_derived_from(). This
336  * is the slow, examine-the-whole-graph approach, as opposed to the clever and
337  * optimal algorithm of is_derived_from(); it's intended to be used only for
338  * debugging said clever algorithm.
339  */
340 bool TypeRegistryNode::
341 check_derived_from(const TypeRegistryNode *child,
342  const TypeRegistryNode *base) {
343  if (child == base) {
344  return true;
345  }
347  Classes::const_iterator ni;
348  for (ni = child->_parent_classes.begin();
349  ni != child->_parent_classes.end();
350  ++ni) {
351  if (check_derived_from(*ni, base)) {
352  return true;
353  }
354  }
356  return false;
357 }
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void clear_subtree()
Removes any subtree definition previously set up via define_subtree(), in preparation for rebuilding ...
static TypeHandle get_parent_towards(const TypeRegistryNode *child, const TypeRegistryNode *base)
Returns the first parent class of child that is a descendant of the indicated base class.
This is a single entry in the TypeRegistry.
static bool is_derived_from(const TypeRegistryNode *child, const TypeRegistryNode *base)
Returns true if the child RegistryNode represents a class that inherits directly or indirectly from t...
void define_subtree()
Indicates that this TypeRegistryNode is the top of a subtree within the inheritance graph (typically,...
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81