Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file eggMatrixTablePointer.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2001-02-26
12  */
14 #include "eggMatrixTablePointer.h"
16 #include "dcast.h"
17 #include "eggCharacterDb.h"
18 #include "eggSAnimData.h"
19 #include "eggXfmAnimData.h"
20 #include "eggXfmSAnim.h"
22 using std::string;
24 TypeHandle EggMatrixTablePointer::_type_handle;
26 /**
27  *
28  */
29 EggMatrixTablePointer::
30 EggMatrixTablePointer(EggObject *object) {
31  _table = DCAST(EggTable, object);
33  if (_table != nullptr) {
34  // Now search for the child named "xform". This contains the actual table
35  // data.
36  EggGroupNode::iterator ci;
37  bool found = false;
38  for (ci = _table->begin(); ci != _table->end() && !found; ++ci) {
39  EggNode *child = (*ci);
40  if (child->get_name() == "xform") {
41  if (child->is_of_type(EggXfmSAnim::get_class_type())) {
42  _xform = DCAST(EggXfmSAnim, child);
43  _xform->normalize();
44  found = true;
46  } else if (child->is_of_type(EggXfmAnimData::get_class_type())) {
47  // Quietly replace old-style XfmAnim tables with new-style XfmSAnim
48  // tables.
49  PT(EggXfmAnimData) anim = DCAST(EggXfmAnimData, child);
50  _xform = new EggXfmSAnim(*anim);
51  _table->replace(ci, _xform.p());
52  found = true;
53  }
54  }
55  }
56  }
57 }
59 /**
60  * Returns the stated frame rate of this particular joint, or 0.0 if it
61  * doesn't state.
62  */
64 get_frame_rate() const {
65  if (_xform == nullptr || !_xform->has_fps()) {
66  return 0.0;
67  } else {
68  return _xform->get_fps();
69  }
70 }
72 /**
73  * Returns the number of frames of animation for this particular joint.
74  */
76 get_num_frames() const {
77  if (_xform == nullptr) {
78  return 0;
79  } else {
80  return _xform->get_num_rows();
81  }
82 }
84 /**
85  * Extends the table to the indicated number of frames.
86  */
88 extend_to(int num_frames) {
89  nassertv(_xform != nullptr);
90  _xform->normalize();
91  int num_rows = _xform->get_num_rows();
92  LMatrix4d last_mat;
93  if (num_rows == 0) {
94  last_mat = LMatrix4d::ident_mat();
95  } else {
96  _xform->get_value(num_rows - 1, last_mat);
97  }
99  while (num_rows < num_frames) {
100  _xform->add_data(last_mat);
101  num_rows++;
102  }
103 }
105 /**
106  * Returns the transform matrix corresponding to this joint position in the
107  * nth frame.
108  */
109 LMatrix4d EggMatrixTablePointer::
110 get_frame(int n) const {
111  if (get_num_frames() == 1) {
112  // If we have exactly one frame, then we have as many frames as we want;
113  // just repeat the first frame.
114  n = 0;
116  } else if (get_num_frames() == 0) {
117  // If we have no frames, we really have the identity matrix.
118  return LMatrix4d::ident_mat();
119  }
121  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < get_num_frames(), LMatrix4d::ident_mat());
122  LMatrix4d mat;
123  _xform->get_value(n, mat);
124  return mat;
125 }
127 /**
128  * Sets the transform matrix corresponding to this joint position in the nth
129  * frame.
130  */
132 set_frame(int n, const LMatrix4d &mat) {
133  nassertv(n >= 0 && n < get_num_frames());
134  _xform->set_value(n, mat);
135 }
137 /**
138  * Appends a new frame onto the end of the data, if possible; returns true if
139  * not possible, or false otherwise (e.g. for a static joint).
140  */
142 add_frame(const LMatrix4d &mat) {
143  if (_xform == nullptr) {
144  return false;
145  }
147  return _xform->add_data(mat);
148 }
150 /**
151  * Performs the actual reparenting operation by removing the node from its old
152  * parent and associating it with its new parent, if any.
153  */
156  if (new_parent == nullptr) {
157  // No new parent; unparent the joint.
158  EggGroupNode *egg_parent = _table->get_parent();
159  if (egg_parent != nullptr) {
160  egg_parent->remove_child(_table.p());
161  }
163  } else {
164  // Reparent the joint to its new parent (implicitly unparenting it from
165  // its previous parent).
166  EggMatrixTablePointer *new_node = DCAST(EggMatrixTablePointer, new_parent);
167  if (new_node->_table != _table->get_parent()) {
168  new_node->_table->add_child(_table.p());
169  }
170  }
171 }
173 /**
174  * Rebuilds the entire table all at once, based on the frames added by
175  * repeated calls to add_rebuild_frame() since the last call to
176  * begin_rebuild().
177  *
178  * Until do_rebuild() is called, the animation table is not changed.
179  *
180  * The return value is true if all frames are acceptable, or false if there is
181  * some problem.
182  */
185  LMatrix4d mat;
186  if (!db.get_matrix(this, EggCharacterDb::TT_rebuild_frame, 0, mat)) {
187  // No rebuild frame; this is OK.
188  return true;
189  }
191  if (_xform == nullptr) {
192  return false;
193  }
195  bool all_ok = true;
197  _xform->clear_data();
198  if (!_xform->add_data(mat)) {
199  all_ok = false;
200  }
202  // Assume all frames will be contiguous.
203  int n = 1;
204  while (db.get_matrix(this, EggCharacterDb::TT_rebuild_frame, n, mat)) {
205  if (!_xform->add_data(mat)) {
206  all_ok = false;
207  }
208  ++n;
209  }
211  return all_ok;
212 }
214 /**
215  * Resets the table before writing to disk so that redundant rows (e.g. i { 1
216  * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 }) are collapsed out.
217  */
220  if (_xform != nullptr) {
221  _xform->optimize();
222  }
223 }
225 /**
226  * Zeroes out the named components of the transform in the animation frames.
227  */
229 zero_channels(const string &components) {
230  if (_xform == nullptr) {
231  return;
232  }
234  // This is particularly easy: we only have to remove children from the
235  // _xform object whose name is listed in the components.
236  string::const_iterator si;
237  for (si = components.begin(); si != components.end(); ++si) {
238  string table_name(1, *si);
239  EggNode *child = _xform->find_child(table_name);
240  if (child != nullptr) {
241  _xform->remove_child(child);
242  }
243  }
244 }
246 /**
247  * Rounds the named components of the transform to the nearest multiple of
248  * quantum.
249  */
251 quantize_channels(const string &components, double quantum) {
252  if (_xform == nullptr) {
253  return;
254  }
256  // This is similar to the above: we quantize children of the _xform object
257  // whose name is listed in the components.
258  string::const_iterator si;
259  for (si = components.begin(); si != components.end(); ++si) {
260  string table_name(1, *si);
261  EggNode *child = _xform->find_child(table_name);
262  if (child != nullptr &&
263  child->is_of_type(EggSAnimData::get_class_type())) {
264  EggSAnimData *anim = DCAST(EggSAnimData, child);
265  anim->quantize(quantum);
266  }
267  }
268 }
270 /**
271  * Creates a new child of the current joint in the egg data, and returns a
272  * pointer to it.
273  */
275 make_new_joint(const string &name) {
276  EggTable *new_table = new EggTable(name);
277  _table->add_child(new_table);
278  CoordinateSystem cs = CS_default;
279  if (_xform != nullptr) {
280  cs = _xform->get_coordinate_system();
281  }
282  EggXfmSAnim *new_xform = new EggXfmSAnim("xform", cs);
283  new_table->add_child(new_xform);
284  new_xform->add_data(LMatrix4d::ident_mat());
286  return new EggMatrixTablePointer(new_table);
287 }
289 /**
290  * Applies the indicated name change to the egg file.
291  */
293 set_name(const string &name) {
294  _table->set_name(name);
295 }
virtual LMatrix4d get_frame(int n) const
Returns the transform matrix corresponding to this joint position in the nth frame.
bool add_data(const LMatrix4d &mat)
Adds a new matrix to the table, by adding a new row to each of the subtables.
virtual void set_frame(int n, const LMatrix4d &mat)
Sets the transform matrix corresponding to this joint position in the nth frame.
void quantize(double quantum)
Rounds each element of the table to the nearest multiple of quantum.
Definition: eggAnimData.cxx:22
A base class for nodes in the hierarchy that are not leaf nodes.
Definition: eggGroupNode.h:46
virtual void extend_to(int num_frames)
Extends the table to the indicated number of frames.
Corresponding to an <S$Anim> entry, this stores a single column of numbers, for instance for a morph ...
Definition: eggSAnimData.h:25
virtual void zero_channels(const std::string &components)
Zeroes out the named components of the transform in the animation frames.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual void optimize()
Resets the table before writing to disk so that redundant rows (e.g.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual EggJointPointer * make_new_joint(const std::string &name)
Creates a new child of the current joint in the egg data, and returns a pointer to it.
This class is used during joint optimization or restructuring to store the table of interim joint com...
virtual bool do_rebuild(EggCharacterDb &db)
Rebuilds the entire table all at once, based on the frames added by repeated calls to add_rebuild_fra...
virtual bool add_frame(const LMatrix4d &mat)
Appends a new frame onto the end of the data, if possible; returns true if not possible,...
This corresponds to an <Xfm$Anim_S$> entry, which is a collection of up to nine <S$Anim> entries that...
Definition: eggXfmSAnim.h:28
This is a base class for EggJointNodePointer and EggMatrixTablePointer.
Corresponding to an <Xfm$Anim> entry, this stores a two-dimensional table with up to nine columns,...
This corresponds to a.
Definition: eggTable.h:27
virtual void set_name(const std::string &name)
Applies the indicated name change to the egg file.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
EggNode * add_child(EggNode *node)
Adds the indicated child to the group and returns it.
This stores a pointer back to an EggXfmSAnim table (i.e.
virtual void quantize_channels(const std::string &components, double quantum)
Rounds the named components of the transform to the nearest multiple of quantum.
A base class for things that may be directly added into the egg hierarchy.
Definition: eggNode.h:35
virtual int get_num_frames() const
Returns the number of frames of animation for this particular joint.
virtual void do_finish_reparent(EggJointPointer *new_parent)
Performs the actual reparenting operation by removing the node from its old parent and associating it...
bool is_of_type(TypeHandle handle) const
Returns true if the current object is or derives from the indicated type.
Definition: typedObject.I:28
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual double get_frame_rate() const
Returns the stated frame rate of this particular joint, or 0.0 if it doesn't state.
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
The highest-level base class in the egg directory.
Definition: eggObject.h:29
bool get_matrix(const EggJointPointer *joint, TableType type, int frame, LMatrix4d &mat) const
Looks up the data for the indicated joint, type, and frame, and fills it in result (and returns true)...