Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file frameBufferProperties.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2003-01-27
12  */
14 #include "frameBufferProperties.h"
15 #include "string_utils.h"
16 #include "renderBuffer.h"
17 #include "config_display.h"
18 #include "texture.h"
20 /**
21  * Returns true if this set of properties makes strictly greater or equal
22  * demands of the framebuffer than the other set of framebuffer properties.
23  */
25 subsumes(const FrameBufferProperties &other) const {
26  if (((other._flags & other._flags_specified) & ~(_flags & _flags_specified)) != 0) {
27  // The other has bits enabled that we don't have enabled.
28  return false;
29  }
31  for (int i = 0; i < FBP_COUNT; ++i) {
32  if (other._property[i] > _property[i]) {
33  return false;
34  }
35  }
37  return true;
38 }
40 /**
41  * Returns a FrameBufferProperties structure with all of the default values
42  * filled in according to the user's config file.
43  */
46  static bool default_ready = false;
47  static FrameBufferProperties default_props;
49  if (default_ready) {
50  return default_props;
51  }
53  default_props.set_rgb_color(true);
54  default_props.set_back_buffers(back_buffers);
56  int num_words = framebuffer_mode.get_num_words();
57  if (num_words > 0) {
58  display_cat.error()
59  << "The config-variable 'framebuffer-mode' no longer functions.\n";
60  display_cat.error()
61  << "Instead, use one or more of these:\n";
62  display_cat.error() << " framebuffer-hardware #t\n";
63  display_cat.error() << " framebuffer-software #t\n";
64  display_cat.error() << " framebuffer-depth #t\n";
65  display_cat.error() << " framebuffer-alpha #t\n";
66  display_cat.error() << " framebuffer-stencil #t\n";
67  display_cat.error() << " framebuffer-multisample #t\n";
68  display_cat.error() << " framebuffer-stereo #t\n";
69  display_cat.error() << " depth-bits N\n";
70  display_cat.error() << " color-bits N\n";
71  display_cat.error() << " red-bits N\n";
72  display_cat.error() << " green-bits N\n";
73  display_cat.error() << " blue-bits N\n";
74  display_cat.error() << " alpha-bits N\n";
75  display_cat.error() << " stencil-bits N\n";
76  display_cat.error() << " multisamples N\n";
77  display_cat.error() << " coverage-samples N\n";
78  display_cat.error() << " back-buffers N\n";
79  }
81  if (framebuffer_hardware) {
82  default_props.set_force_hardware(true);
83  }
84  if (framebuffer_software) {
85  default_props.set_force_software(true);
86  }
87  if (framebuffer_depth) {
88  default_props.set_depth_bits(1);
89  }
90  if (framebuffer_alpha) {
91  default_props.set_alpha_bits(1);
92  }
93  if (framebuffer_stencil) {
94  default_props.set_stencil_bits(1);
95  }
96  if (framebuffer_accum) {
97  default_props.set_accum_bits(1);
98  }
99  if (framebuffer_multisample) {
100  default_props.set_multisamples(1);
101  }
102  if (framebuffer_stereo) {
103  default_props.set_stereo(true);
104  }
105  if (framebuffer_srgb) {
106  default_props.set_srgb_color(true);
107  }
108  if (framebuffer_float) {
109  default_props.set_float_color(true);
110  }
111  if (depth_bits > 0) {
112  default_props.set_depth_bits(depth_bits);
113  }
114  switch (color_bits.size()) {
115  case 0:
116  break;
117  case 1:
118  default_props.set_color_bits(color_bits[0]);
119  default_props.set_red_bits(1);
120  default_props.set_green_bits(1);
121  default_props.set_blue_bits(1);
122  break;
123  case 3:
124  default_props.set_color_bits(color_bits[0] + color_bits[1] + color_bits[2]);
125  default_props.set_red_bits(color_bits[0]);
126  default_props.set_green_bits(color_bits[1]);
127  default_props.set_blue_bits(color_bits[2]);
128  break;
129  default:
130  default_props.set_color_bits(color_bits[0]);
131  display_cat.error()
132  << "Configuration variable color-bits takes either 1 or 3 values, not "
133  << color_bits.size() << "\n";
134  break;
135  }
136  if (alpha_bits > 0) {
137  default_props.set_alpha_bits(alpha_bits);
138  }
139  if (stencil_bits > 0) {
140  default_props.set_stencil_bits(stencil_bits);
141  }
142  if (accum_bits > 0) {
143  default_props.set_accum_bits(accum_bits);
144  }
145  if (multisamples > 0) {
146  default_props.set_multisamples(multisamples);
147  }
149  if ((default_props._flags & FBF_force_software) != 0 &&
150  (default_props._flags & FBF_force_hardware) != 0){
151  default_props._flags &= ~(FBF_force_software | FBF_force_hardware);
152  }
154  default_ready = true;
155  return default_props;
156 }
158 /**
159  *
160  */
161 bool FrameBufferProperties::
162 operator == (const FrameBufferProperties &other) const {
163  if ((_flags & _flags_specified) != (other._flags & other._flags_specified)) {
164  return false;
165  }
167  if (_specified != other._specified) {
168  return false;
169  }
171  for (int i = 0; i < FBP_COUNT; ++i) {
172  if (_property[i] != other._property[i]) {
173  return false;
174  }
175  }
177  return true;
178 }
180 /**
181  * Unsets all properties that have been specified so far, and resets the
182  * FrameBufferProperties structure to its initial empty state.
183  */
185 clear() {
186  _flags = 0;
187  _flags_specified = 0;
189  for (int i = 0; i < FBP_COUNT; ++i) {
190  _property[i] = 0;
191  }
192  _specified = 0;
193 }
195 /**
196  * Sets any properties that are explicitly specified in other on this object.
197  * Leaves other properties unchanged.
198  */
201  _flags &= ~other._flags_specified;
202  _flags |= other._flags & other._flags_specified;
204  for (int i = 0; i < FBP_COUNT; ++i) {
205  if (other._specified & (1 << i)) {
206  _property[i] = other._property[i];
207  _specified |= (1 << i);
208  }
209  }
210 }
212 /**
213  * Generates a string representation.
214  */
216 output(std::ostream &out) const {
217  if ((_flags & FBF_float_depth) != 0) {
218  out << "float_depth ";
219  }
220  if (_property[FBP_depth_bits] > 0) {
221  out << "depth_bits=" << _property[FBP_depth_bits] << " ";
222  }
223  if ((_flags & FBF_float_color) != 0) {
224  out << "float_color ";
225  }
226  if ((_flags & FBF_srgb_color) != 0) {
227  out << "srgb_color ";
228  }
229  if ((_flags & FBF_indexed_color) != 0) {
230  out << "indexed_color ";
231  }
232  if (_property[FBP_color_bits] > 0) {
233  out << "color_bits=" << _property[FBP_color_bits] << " ";
234  }
235  if (_property[FBP_red_bits] > 0) {
236  out << "red_bits=" << _property[FBP_red_bits] << " ";
237  }
238  if (_property[FBP_green_bits] > 0) {
239  out << "green_bits=" << _property[FBP_green_bits] << " ";
240  }
241  if (_property[FBP_blue_bits] > 0) {
242  out << "blue_bits=" << _property[FBP_blue_bits] << " ";
243  }
244  if (_property[FBP_alpha_bits] > 0) {
245  out << "alpha_bits=" << _property[FBP_alpha_bits] << " ";
246  }
247  if (_property[FBP_stencil_bits] > 0) {
248  out << "stencil_bits=" << _property[FBP_stencil_bits] << " ";
249  }
250  if (_property[FBP_accum_bits] > 0) {
251  out << "accum_bits=" << _property[FBP_accum_bits] << " ";
252  }
253  if (_property[FBP_aux_rgba] > 0) {
254  out << "aux_rgba=" << _property[FBP_aux_rgba] << " ";
255  }
256  if (_property[FBP_aux_hrgba] > 0) {
257  out << "aux_hrgba=" << _property[FBP_aux_hrgba] << " ";
258  }
259  if (_property[FBP_aux_float] > 0) {
260  out << "aux_float=" << _property[FBP_aux_float] << " ";
261  }
262  if (_property[FBP_multisamples] > 0) {
263  out << "multisamples=" << _property[FBP_multisamples] << " ";
264  }
265  if (_property[FBP_coverage_samples] > 0) {
266  out << "coverage_samples=" << _property[FBP_coverage_samples] << " ";
267  }
268  if (_property[FBP_back_buffers] > 0) {
269  out << "back_buffers=" << _property[FBP_back_buffers] << " ";
270  }
271  if ((_flags & FBF_stereo) != 0) {
272  out << "stereo ";
273  }
274  if ((_flags & FBF_force_hardware) != 0) {
275  out << "force_hardware ";
276  }
277  if ((_flags & FBF_force_software) != 0) {
278  out << "force_software ";
279  }
280 }
282 /**
283  * Converts the aux bitplanes of the framebuffer into a RenderBuffer::Type.
284  */
286 get_aux_mask() const {
287  int mask = 0;
288  for (int i=0; i<_property[FBP_aux_rgba]; i++) {
289  mask |= (RenderBuffer::T_aux_rgba_0 << i);
290  }
291  for (int i=0; i<_property[FBP_aux_hrgba]; i++) {
292  mask |= (RenderBuffer::T_aux_hrgba_0 << i);
293  }
294  for (int i=0; i<_property[FBP_aux_float]; i++) {
295  mask |= (RenderBuffer::T_aux_float_0 << i);
296  }
297  return mask;
298 }
300 /**
301  * Converts the non-aux bitplanes of the framebuffer into a
302  * RenderBuffer::Type.
303  */
306  int mask = 0;
308  if (_property[FBP_back_buffers] > 0) {
309  mask = RenderBuffer::T_front | RenderBuffer::T_back;
310  } else {
311  mask = RenderBuffer::T_front;
312  }
313  if (_property[FBP_depth_bits] > 0) {
314  mask |= RenderBuffer::T_depth;
315  }
316  if (_property[FBP_stencil_bits] > 0) {
317  mask |= RenderBuffer::T_stencil;
318  }
319  return mask;
320 }
322 /**
323  * Returns true if any properties have been specified, false otherwise.
324  */
327  return (_flags_specified | _specified) != 0;
328 }
330 /**
331  * Marks all bits as having been specified.
332  */
335  _flags_specified = FBF_all;
336  _specified = (1 << FBP_COUNT) - 1;
337 }
339 /**
340  * Returns true if the properties are extremely basic. The following count as
341  * basic: rgb or rgba, depth. If anything else is specified, the properties
342  * are non-basic.
343  */
345 is_basic() const {
346  if (_property[FBP_depth_bits] > 1) {
347  return false;
348  }
349  if (_property[FBP_color_bits] > 1) {
350  return false;
351  }
352  if (_property[FBP_red_bits] > 1) {
353  return false;
354  }
355  if (_property[FBP_green_bits] > 1) {
356  return false;
357  }
358  if (_property[FBP_blue_bits] > 1) {
359  return false;
360  }
361  if (_property[FBP_alpha_bits] > 1) {
362  return false;
363  }
364  if (_property[FBP_stencil_bits] > 0) {
365  return false;
366  }
367  if (_property[FBP_aux_rgba] > 0) {
368  return false;
369  }
370  if (_property[FBP_aux_hrgba] > 0) {
371  return false;
372  }
373  if (_property[FBP_aux_float] > 0) {
374  return false;
375  }
376  if (_property[FBP_multisamples] > 1) {
377  return false;
378  }
379  if (_property[FBP_coverage_samples] > 0) {
380  return false;
381  }
382  if (_property[FBP_back_buffers] > 0) {
383  return false;
384  }
385  if ((_flags & FBF_indexed_color) != 0) {
386  return false;
387  }
388  if ((_flags & FBF_force_hardware) != 0) {
389  return false;
390  }
391  if ((_flags & FBF_force_software) != 0) {
392  return false;
393  }
394  if ((_flags & FBF_srgb_color) != 0) {
395  return false;
396  }
397  if ((_flags & FBF_float_color) != 0) {
398  return false;
399  }
400  if ((_flags & FBF_float_depth) != 0) {
401  return false;
402  }
403  return true;
404 }
406 /**
407  * If any of the depth, color, alpha, accum, or stencil properties is set to
408  * more than one, then they are reduced to one.
409  */
412  for (int prop = FBP_depth_bits; prop <= FBP_accum_bits; ++prop) {
413  if (_property[prop] > 1) {
414  _property[prop] = 1;
415  }
416  }
417 }
419 /**
420  * Assumes that these properties are a description of a window.
421  *
422  * Measures how well this window satisfies a specified set of requirements. A
423  * higher quality number means that more requirements were satisfied. A
424  * quality of zero means that the window is unsuitable.
425  *
426  * The routine deducts a lot if the window fails to provide a requested
427  * feature. It deducts less if the window provides a feature, but at a
428  * degraded level of functionality (ie, the user asks for rgba8, color, but
429  * the window only provides rgba4). The routine also deducts a small amount
430  * for unnecessary features. For example, if the window has an accumulation
431  * buffer when one is not requested will reduce quality slightly. Maximum
432  * quality is obtained when the window exactly matches the request.
433  *
434  * If you want to know whether the window satisfies all of the requirements,
435  * use the "subsumes" function.
436  */
438 get_quality(const FrameBufferProperties &reqs) const {
440  if (!get_indexed_color() && !get_rgb_color()) {
441  // Nonfunctioning window.
442  return 0;
443  }
445  if ((reqs.get_rgb_color() && !get_rgb_color()) ||
446  (reqs.get_indexed_color() && !get_indexed_color())) {
447  // These properties are nonnegotiable.
448  return 0;
449  }
451  int quality = 100000000;
453  // Deduct for using the wrong kind of renderer (hardware or software). Cost:
454  // 10,000,000
456  if ((reqs._flags & FBF_force_hardware) > (_flags & FBF_force_hardware) ||
457  (reqs._flags & FBF_force_software) > (_flags & FBF_force_software)) {
458  quality -= 10000000;
459  }
461  // Deduct for software-only renderers in absence of a special request.
462  // Cost: 2,000,000
464  if (get_force_software() && !reqs.get_force_software()) {
465  quality -= 2000000;
466  }
468  // Deduct for missing depth, color, alpha, stencil, or accum. Cost:
469  // 1,000,000
471  for (int prop = FBP_depth_bits; prop <= FBP_accum_bits; ++prop) {
472  if (reqs._property[prop] && _property[prop] == 0) {
473  quality -= 1000000;
474  }
475  }
477  // Deduct for missing aux bitplanes. Cost: 100,000
479  for (int prop = FBP_aux_rgba; prop <= FBP_aux_float; ++prop) {
480  if (reqs._property[prop] > _property[prop]) {
481  quality -= 100000;
482  }
483  }
485  // Deduct for stereo not enabled. Cost: 100,000
487  if (reqs.get_stereo() && !get_stereo()) {
488  quality -= 100000;
489  }
491  // Deduct for not being sRGB-capable. Cost: 100,000
493  if (reqs.get_srgb_color() && !get_srgb_color()) {
494  quality -= 100000;
495  }
497  // Deduct for not having a floating-point format if we requested it. Cost:
498  // 100,000
500  if (reqs.get_float_color() && !get_float_color()) {
501  quality -= 100000;
502  }
504  if (reqs.get_float_depth() && !get_float_depth()) {
505  quality -= 100000;
506  }
508  // Deduct for insufficient back-buffers. Cost: 100,000
510  if (reqs._property[FBP_back_buffers] > _property[FBP_back_buffers]) {
511  quality -= 100000;
512  }
514  // Deduct for lacking multisamples altogether. Cost: 100,000
515  if (reqs._property[FBP_multisamples] != 0 && _property[FBP_multisamples] == 0) {
516  quality -= 100000;
517  }
519  // Deduct for not enough bits in depth, color, alpha, stencil, or accum.
520  // Cost: 10,000
522  for (int prop = FBP_depth_bits; prop <= FBP_accum_bits; ++prop) {
523  if (_property[prop] != 0 && reqs._property[prop] > _property[prop]) {
524  quality -= 10000;
525  }
526  }
528  // deduct for insufficient multisamples. Cost: 1,000
530  if (_property[FBP_multisamples] != 0 &&
531  reqs._property[FBP_multisamples] > _property[FBP_multisamples]) {
532  quality -= 1000;
533  }
535  // Deduct for unrequested bitplanes. Cost: 50
537  for (int prop = FBP_depth_bits; prop <= FBP_accum_bits; ++prop) {
538  if ((_property[prop]) && (reqs._property[prop] == 0)) {
539  quality -= 50;
540  }
541  }
542  for (int prop = FBP_aux_rgba; prop <= FBP_aux_float; ++prop) {
543  int extra = _property[prop] > reqs._property[prop];
544  if (extra > 0) {
545  extra = std::min(extra, 3);
546  quality -= extra*50;
547  }
548  }
550  // Deduct for excessive resolution in any bitplane (unless we asked for only
551  // 1 bit, which is the convention for any amount).
553  // Cost: 50
555  for (int prop = FBP_depth_bits; prop <= FBP_accum_bits; ++prop) {
556  if (reqs._property[prop] > 1 &&
557  _property[prop] > reqs._property[prop]) {
558  quality -= 50;
559  }
560  }
562  // However, deduct for color bits above 24, if we are requesting only 1.
563  // This is to prevent choosing a 64-bit color mode in NVIDIA cards that
564  // is linear and therefore causes the gamma to be off in non-sRGB pipelines.
565  if (reqs._property[FBP_color_bits] <= 3 && _property[FBP_color_bits] > 24) {
566  quality -= 100;
567  }
569  // Bonus for each depth bit. Extra: 8 per bit.
570  // Please note that the Intel Windows driver only gives extra depth in
571  // combination with a stencil buffer, so we need 8 extra depth bits to
572  // outweigh the penalty of 50 for the unwanted stencil buffer, otherwise we
573  // will end up only getting 16-bit depth.
574  if (reqs._property[FBP_depth_bits] != 0) {
575  quality += 8 * _property[FBP_depth_bits];
576  }
578  // Bonus for each multisample. Extra: 2 per sample.
579  if (reqs._property[FBP_multisamples] != 0) {
580  quality += 2 * _property[FBP_multisamples];
581  }
583  // Bonus for each coverage sample. Extra: 2 per sample.
584  if (reqs._property[FBP_coverage_samples] != 0) {
585  quality += 2 * _property[FBP_coverage_samples];
586  }
588  // Bonus for each color, alpha, stencil, and accum. Extra: 1 per bit.
589  for (int prop=FBP_color_bits; prop<=FBP_accum_bits; prop++) {
590  if (reqs._property[prop] != 0) {
591  quality += _property[prop];
592  }
593  }
595  return quality;
596 }
598 /**
599  * Validates that the properties represent the desired kind of renderer
600  * (hardware or software). If not, prints out an error message and returns
601  * false.
602  */
604 verify_hardware_software(const FrameBufferProperties &props, const std::string &renderer) const {
606  if (get_force_hardware() < props.get_force_hardware()) {
607  display_cat.error()
608  << "The application requested harware acceleration, but your OpenGL\n";
609  display_cat.error()
610  << "driver, " << renderer << ", only supports software rendering.\n";
611  display_cat.error()
612  << "You need to install a hardware-accelerated OpenGL driver, or,\n";
613  display_cat.error()
614  << "if you actually *want* to use a software renderer, then\n";
615  display_cat.error()
616  << "alter the hardware/software configuration in your Config.prc file.\n";
617  return false;
618  }
620  if (get_force_software() < props.get_force_software()) {
621  display_cat.error()
622  << "The application requested a software renderer, but your OpenGL\n";
623  display_cat.error()
624  << "driver, " << renderer << ", is probably hardware-accelerated.\n";
625  display_cat.error()
626  << "If you want to allow hardware acceleration, then alter the\n";
627  display_cat.error()
628  << "hardware/software configuration in your Config.prc file.\n";
629  return false;
630  }
632  return true;
633 }
635 /**
636  * Sets the texture up for render-to-texture matching these framebuffer
637  * properties.
638  *
639  * Returns true if there was a format that had enough bits, false otherwise.
640  * Of course, this is no guarantee that a particular graphics back-end
641  * supports rendering to textures of that format.
642  */
645  // Note by rdb: I'm not entirely happy about this system. I'd eventually
646  // like to move to a system in which framebuffer color formats and texture
647  // formats are unified (like in Direct3D and OpenGL) and where a table such
648  // as the below one would be generated dynamically by the GSG to reflect the
649  // formats that are supported for render-to-texture.
651  static const int num_formats = 17;
652  static const struct {
653  unsigned char color_bits, red_bits, green_bits, blue_bits, alpha_bits;
654  bool has_float;
655  Texture::Format format;
656  } formats[num_formats] = {
657  { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, false, Texture::F_red },
658  { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, false, Texture::F_rg },
659  { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, false, Texture::F_rgb },
660  { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, false, Texture::F_rgba },
661  { 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, false, Texture::F_red },
662  { 16, 8, 8, 0, 0, false, Texture::F_rg },
663  { 24, 8, 8, 8, 0, false, Texture::F_rgb8 },
664  { 32, 8, 8, 8, 8, false, Texture::F_rgba8 },
665  { 16, 16, 0, 0, 0, true, Texture::F_r16 },
666  { 32, 16, 16, 0, 0, true, Texture::F_rg16 },
667  { 32, 11, 11, 10, 0, true, Texture::F_r11_g11_b10 },
668  { 48, 16, 16, 16, 0, true, Texture::F_rgb16 },
669  { 48, 16, 16, 16, 16, true, Texture::F_rgba16 },
670  { 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, true, Texture::F_r32 },
671  { 64, 32, 32, 0, 0, true, Texture::F_rg32 },
672  { 96, 32, 32, 32, 0, true, Texture::F_rgb32 },
673  { 96, 32, 32, 32, 32, true, Texture::F_rgba32 },
674  };
676  if (get_srgb_color()) {
677  // These are the only sRGB formats. Deal with it.
678  if (get_alpha_bits() == 0) {
679  tex->set_format(Texture::F_srgb);
680  } else {
681  tex->set_format(Texture::F_srgb_alpha);
682  }
684  return (get_color_bits() <= 24 &&
685  get_red_bits() <= 8 &&
686  get_green_bits() <= 8 &&
687  get_blue_bits() <= 8 &&
688  get_alpha_bits() <= 8);
690  } else {
691  if (get_float_color()) {
692  tex->set_component_type(Texture::T_float);
693  }
695  for (int i = 0; i < num_formats; ++i) {
696  if (get_color_bits() <= (int)formats[i].color_bits &&
697  get_red_bits() <= (int)formats[i].red_bits &&
698  get_green_bits() <= (int)formats[i].green_bits &&
699  get_blue_bits() <= (int)formats[i].blue_bits &&
700  get_alpha_bits() <= (int)formats[i].alpha_bits &&
701  get_float_color() <= formats[i].has_float) {
703  tex->set_format(formats[i].format);
704  return true;
705  }
706  }
708  // Can't get requested bits. Choose a generic format and return.
709  tex->set_format((get_alpha_bits() == 0) ? Texture::F_rgb : Texture::F_rgba);
710  return false;
711  }
712 }
714 /**
715  * Sets the texture up for render-to-texture matching these framebuffer
716  * properties.
717  *
718  * Returns true if there was a format that had enough bits, false otherwise.
719  * Of course, this is no guarantee that a particular graphics back-end
720  * supports rendering to textures of that format.
721  */
724  if (get_float_depth()) {
725  tex->set_component_type(Texture::T_float);
726  tex->set_format(Texture::F_depth_component32);
727  return (get_depth_bits() <= 32);
729  } else if (get_depth_bits() <= 1) {
730  tex->set_format(Texture::F_depth_component);
731  return true;
733  } else if (get_depth_bits() <= 16) {
734  tex->set_format(Texture::F_depth_component16);
735  return true;
737  } else if (get_depth_bits() <= 24) {
738  tex->set_format(Texture::F_depth_component24);
739  return true;
741  } else if (get_depth_bits() <= 32) {
742  tex->set_format(Texture::F_depth_component32);
743  return true;
744  }
746  tex->set_format(Texture::F_depth_component);
747  return false;
748 }
bool is_basic() const
Returns true if the properties are extremely basic.
void output(std::ostream &out) const
Generates a string representation.
static const FrameBufferProperties & get_default()
Returns a FrameBufferProperties structure with all of the default values filled in according to the u...
void set_all_specified()
Marks all bits as having been specified.
void clear()
Unsets all properties that have been specified so far, and resets the FrameBufferProperties structure...
int get_aux_mask() const
Converts the aux bitplanes of the framebuffer into a RenderBuffer::Type.
void add_properties(const FrameBufferProperties &other)
Sets any properties that are explicitly specified in other on this object.
Represents a texture object, which is typically a single 2-d image but may also represent a 1-d or 3-...
Definition: texture.h:71
size_t size() const
Returns the number of unique words in the variable.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
int get_buffer_mask() const
Converts the non-aux bitplanes of the framebuffer into a RenderBuffer::Type.
bool is_any_specified() const
Returns true if any properties have been specified, false otherwise.
size_t get_num_words() const
Returns the number of words in the variable's value.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool setup_depth_texture(Texture *tex) const
Sets the texture up for render-to-texture matching these framebuffer properties.
Changes the format value for the texture components.
Definition: texture.h:362
void set_one_bit_per_channel()
If any of the depth, color, alpha, accum, or stencil properties is set to more than one,...
Sets the number of requested color bits as a single number that represents the sum of the individual ...
bool verify_hardware_software(const FrameBufferProperties &props, const std::string &renderer) const
Validates that the properties represent the desired kind of renderer (hardware or software).
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Changes the data value for the texture components.
Definition: texture.h:366
bool setup_color_texture(Texture *tex) const
Sets the texture up for render-to-texture matching these framebuffer properties.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool subsumes(const FrameBufferProperties &other) const
Returns true if this set of properties makes strictly greater or equal demands of the framebuffer tha...
A container for the various kinds of properties we might ask to have on a graphics frameBuffer before...
int get_quality(const FrameBufferProperties &reqs) const
Assumes that these properties are a description of a window.