Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file physxScene.h
10  * @author enn0x
11  * @date 2009-09-14
12  */
14 #ifndef PHYSXSCENE_H
15 #define PHYSXSCENE_H
17 #include "pandabase.h"
18 #include "luse.h"
19 #include "callbackObject.h"
21 #include "physxObject.h"
22 #include "physxObjectCollection.h"
23 #include "physxEnums.h"
24 #include "physxContactReport.h"
25 #include "physxControllerReport.h"
26 #include "physxTriggerReport.h"
27 #include "physxOverlapReport.h"
28 #include "physxMask.h"
29 #include "physxGroupsMask.h"
30 #include "physx_includes.h"
32 class PhysxActor;
33 class PhysxActorDesc;
34 class PhysxController;
37 class PhysxDebugGeomNode;
38 class PhysxForceField;
42 class PhysxJoint;
43 class PhysxJointDesc;
44 class PhysxMaterial;
45 class PhysxMaterialDesc;
46 class PhysxOverlapReport;
47 class PhysxRay;
48 class PhysxRaycastHit;
49 class PhysxRaycastReport;
50 class PhysxSceneStats2;
51 class PhysxVehicle;
52 class PhysxVehicleDesc;
53 class PhysxCloth;
54 class PhysxClothDesc;
55 class PhysxSoftBody;
56 class PhysxSoftBodyDesc;
58 /**
59  * A scene is a collection of bodies, constraints, and effectors which can
60  * interact.
61  *
62  * The scene simulates the behavior of these objects over time. Several
63  * scenes may exist at the same time, but each body, constraint, or effector
64  * object is specific to a scene -- they may not be shared.
65  *
66  * For example, attempting to create a joint in one scene and then using it to
67  * attach bodies from a different scene results in undefined behavior.
68  */
69 class EXPCL_PANDAPHYSX PhysxScene : public PhysxObject, public PhysxEnums {
72  INLINE PhysxScene();
73  INLINE ~PhysxScene();
75  void simulate(float dt);
76  void fetch_results();
77  void set_timing_variable();
78  void set_timing_fixed(float maxTimestep=1.0f/60.0f, unsigned int maxIter=8);
80  PhysxDebugGeomNode *get_debug_geom_node();
82  void enable_contact_reporting(bool enabled);
83  bool is_contact_reporting_enabled() const;
84  void enable_trigger_reporting(bool enabled);
85  bool is_trigger_reporting_enabled() const;
86  void enable_controller_reporting(bool enabled);
87  bool is_controller_reporting_enabled() const;
89  INLINE void set_controller_shape_hit_callback(PT(CallbackObject) cbobj);
90  INLINE void set_controller_controller_hit_callback(PT(CallbackObject) cbobj);
92  void set_gravity(const LVector3f &gravity);
94  LVector3f get_gravity() const;
95  PhysxSceneStats2 get_stats2() const;
96  bool get_flag(PhysxSceneFlag flag) const;
97  bool is_hardware_scene() const;
99  // Actors
100  unsigned int get_num_actors() const;
101  PhysxActor *create_actor(PhysxActorDesc &desc);
102  PhysxActor *get_actor(unsigned int idx) const;
103  MAKE_SEQ(get_actors, get_num_actors, get_actor);
105  // Joints
106  unsigned int get_num_joints() const;
107  PhysxJoint *create_joint(PhysxJointDesc &desc);
108  PhysxJoint *get_joint(unsigned int idx) const;
109  MAKE_SEQ(get_joints, get_num_joints, get_joint);
111  // Materials
112  unsigned int get_num_materials() const;
113  unsigned int get_hightest_material_index() const;
114  PhysxMaterial *create_material(PhysxMaterialDesc &desc);
115  PhysxMaterial *create_material();
116  PhysxMaterial *get_material(unsigned int idx) const;
117  PhysxMaterial *get_material_from_index(unsigned int idx) const;
118  MAKE_SEQ(get_materials, get_num_materials, get_material);
120  // Controllers
121  unsigned int get_num_controllers() const;
122  PhysxController *create_controller(PhysxControllerDesc &controllerDesc);
123  PhysxController *get_controller(unsigned int idx) const;
124  MAKE_SEQ(get_controllers, get_num_controllers, get_controller);
126  // Force fields
127  unsigned int get_num_force_fields() const;
128  PhysxForceField *create_force_field(PhysxForceFieldDesc &desc);
129  PhysxForceField *get_force_field(unsigned int idx) const;
130  MAKE_SEQ(get_force_fields, get_num_force_fields, get_force_field);
132  // Force field shape groups
133  unsigned int get_num_force_field_shape_groups() const;
134  PhysxForceFieldShapeGroup *create_force_field_shape_group(PhysxForceFieldShapeGroupDesc &desc);
135  PhysxForceFieldShapeGroup *get_force_field_shape_group(unsigned int idx) const;
136  MAKE_SEQ(get_force_field_shape_groups, get_num_force_field_shape_groups, get_force_field_shape_group);
138  // Cloths
139  unsigned int get_num_cloths() const;
140  PhysxCloth *create_cloth(PhysxClothDesc &desc);
141  PhysxCloth *get_cloth(unsigned int idx) const;
142  MAKE_SEQ(get_cloths, get_num_cloths, get_cloth);
144  // Soft bodies
145  unsigned int get_num_soft_bodies() const;
146  PhysxSoftBody *create_soft_body(PhysxSoftBodyDesc &desc);
147  PhysxSoftBody *get_soft_body(unsigned int idx) const;
148  MAKE_SEQ(get_soft_bodies, get_num_soft_bodies, get_soft_body);
150  // Vehicles
151  unsigned int get_num_vehicles() const;
152  PhysxVehicle *create_vehicle(PhysxVehicleDesc &desc);
153  PhysxVehicle *get_vehicle(unsigned int idx) const;
154  MAKE_SEQ(get_vehicles, get_num_vehicles, get_vehicle);
156  // Raycast queries
157  bool raycast_any_shape(const PhysxRay &ray,
158  PhysxShapesType shapesType=ST_all,
160  PhysxGroupsMask *groups=nullptr) const;
162  PhysxRaycastHit raycast_closest_shape(const PhysxRay &ray,
163  PhysxShapesType shapesType=ST_all,
165  PhysxGroupsMask *groups=nullptr, bool smoothNormal=true) const;
167  PhysxRaycastReport raycast_all_shapes(const PhysxRay &ray,
168  PhysxShapesType shapesType=ST_all,
170  PhysxGroupsMask *groups=nullptr, bool smoothNormal=true) const;
172  bool raycast_any_bounds(const PhysxRay &ray,
173  PhysxShapesType shapesType=ST_all,
175  PhysxGroupsMask *groups=nullptr) const;
177  PhysxRaycastHit raycast_closest_bounds(const PhysxRay &ray,
178  PhysxShapesType shapesType=ST_all,
180  PhysxGroupsMask *groups=nullptr, bool smoothNormal=true) const;
182  PhysxRaycastReport raycast_all_bounds(const PhysxRay &ray,
183  PhysxShapesType shapesType=ST_all,
185  PhysxGroupsMask *groups=nullptr, bool smoothNormal=true) const;
187  // Overlap queries
188  PhysxOverlapReport overlap_sphere_shapes(const LPoint3f &center, float radius,
189  PhysxShapesType shapesType=ST_all,
190  PhysxMask mask=PhysxMask::all_on(), bool accurateCollision=true) const;
192  PhysxOverlapReport overlap_capsule_shapes(const LPoint3f &p0, const LPoint3f &p1, float radius,
193  PhysxShapesType shapesType=ST_all,
194  PhysxMask mask=PhysxMask::all_on(), bool accurateCollision=true) const;
196  // Filters
197  void set_actor_pair_flag(PhysxActor &actorA, PhysxActor &actorB, PhysxContactPairFlag flag, bool value);
198  void set_shape_pair_flag(PhysxShape &shapeA, PhysxShape &shapeB, bool value);
199  void set_actor_group_pair_flag(unsigned int g1, unsigned int g2, PhysxContactPairFlag flag, bool value);
200  void set_group_collision_flag(unsigned int g1, unsigned int g2, bool enable);
201  void set_filter_ops(PhysxFilterOp op0, PhysxFilterOp op1, PhysxFilterOp op2);
202  void set_filter_bool(bool flag);
203  void set_filter_constant0(const PhysxGroupsMask &mask);
204  void set_filter_constant1(const PhysxGroupsMask &mask);
205  void set_dominance_group_pair(unsigned int g1, unsigned int g2, PhysxConstraintDominance dominance);
207  bool get_actor_pair_flag(PhysxActor &actorA, PhysxActor &actorB, PhysxContactPairFlag flag);
208  bool get_shape_pair_flag(PhysxShape &shapeA, PhysxShape &shapeB);
209  bool get_actor_group_pair_flag(unsigned int g1, unsigned int g2, PhysxContactPairFlag flag);
210  bool get_group_collision_flag(unsigned int g1, unsigned int g2);
211  bool get_filter_bool() const;
212  PhysxGroupsMask get_filter_constant0() const;
213  PhysxGroupsMask get_filter_constant1() const;
214  PhysxFilterOp get_filter_op0() const;
215  PhysxFilterOp get_filter_op1() const;
216  PhysxFilterOp get_filter_op2() const;
217  PhysxConstraintDominance get_dominance_group_pair(unsigned int g1, unsigned int g2);
220  void release();
222  INLINE void ls() const;
223  INLINE void ls(std::ostream &out, int indent_level=0) const;
225 public:
226  INLINE NxScene *ptr() const { return _ptr; };
227  INLINE NxControllerManager *cm() const { return _cm; };
229  void link(NxScene *ptr);
230  void unlink();
242  PhysxMaterial *get_wheel_shape_material();
244 private:
245  NxScene *_ptr;
246  NxControllerManager *_cm;
247  PT(PhysxDebugGeomNode) _debugNode;
248  PT(PhysxMaterial) _wheelShapeMaterial;
250  PhysxContactReport _contact_report;
251  PhysxControllerReport _controller_report;
252  PhysxTriggerReport _trigger_report;
254  static PStatCollector _pcollector_fetch_results;
255  static PStatCollector _pcollector_update_transforms;
256  static PStatCollector _pcollector_debug_renderer;
257  static PStatCollector _pcollector_simulate;
258  static PStatCollector _pcollector_cloth;
259  static PStatCollector _pcollector_softbody;
261 public:
262  static TypeHandle get_class_type() {
263  return _type_handle;
264  }
265  static void init_type() {
266  PhysxObject::init_type();
267  register_type(_type_handle, "PhysxScene",
268  PhysxObject::get_class_type());
269  }
270  virtual TypeHandle get_type() const {
271  return get_class_type();
272  }
273  virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {
274  init_type();
275  return get_class_type();
276  }
278 private:
279  static TypeHandle _type_handle;
280 };
282 #include "physxScene.I"
284 #endif // PHYSXSCENE_H
Objects of this class are returned by the 'overlap shape' methods, for example overlapSphereShapes.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Descriptor class for materials.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void register_type(TypeHandle &type_handle, const std::string &name)
This inline function is just a convenient way to call TypeRegistry::register_type(),...
Definition: register_type.I:22
Abstract base class for the different types of joints.
Definition: physxJoint.h:32
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Abstract base class for shapes.
Definition: physxShape.h:39
Descriptor for PhysxCloth.
Implementation of the NxUserContactReport interface.
Abstract base class for joint descriptors.
A scene is a collection of bodies, constraints, and effectors which can interact.
Definition: physxScene.h:69
Descriptor class for force fields.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A class for describing a shape's surface properties.
Definition: physxMaterial.h:44
Descriptor class for a character controller.
This structure captures results for a single raycast query.
A lightweight class that represents a single element that may be timed and/or counted via stats.
Abstract base class for character controllers.
Descriptor for PhysxSoftBody.
This class exists just to provide scoping for the enums shared by PhysX classes.
Definition: physxEnums.h:355
static PhysxMask all_on()
Returns a PhysxMask whose bits are all on.
Definition: physxMask.cxx:20
32-bit bitmask class.
Definition: physxMask.h:24
Descriptor for PhysxActor.
Actors are the main simulation objects.
Definition: physxActor.h:44
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a generic object that can be assigned to a callback at various points in the rendering proces...
A force field effector.
Implementation of the NxUserControllerHitReport interface.
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Implementation of the NxUserTriggerReport interface.
Objects of this class are returned by the 'raycast all' methods.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Represents an ray as an origin and direction.
Definition: physxRay.h:26
Renderable geometry which represents visualizations of physics objects.
128-bit bitmask class.
Expresses the dominance relationship of a constraint.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.