Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file conditionVarDirect.I
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2006-02-13
12  */
14 /**
15  * You must pass in a Mutex to the condition variable constructor. This mutex
16  * may be shared by other condition variables, if desired. It is the caller's
17  * responsibility to ensure the Mutex object does not destruct during the
18  * lifetime of the condition variable.
19  */
22  _mutex(mutex),
23  _impl(mutex._impl)
24 {
25 }
27 /**
28  * Returns the mutex associated with this condition variable.
29  */
31 get_mutex() const {
32  return _mutex;
33 }
35 /**
36  * Waits on the condition. The caller must already be holding the lock
37  * associated with the condition variable before calling this function.
38  *
39  * wait() will release the lock, then go to sleep until some other thread
40  * calls notify() on this condition variable. At that time at least one
41  * thread waiting on the same ConditionVarDirect will grab the lock again, and
42  * then return from wait().
43  *
44  * It is possible that wait() will return even if no one has called notify().
45  * It is the responsibility of the calling process to verify the condition on
46  * return from wait, and possibly loop back to wait again if necessary.
47  *
48  * Note the semantics of a condition variable: the mutex must be held before
49  * wait() is called, and it will still be held when wait() returns. However,
50  * it will be temporarily released during the wait() call itself.
51  */
52 INLINE void ConditionVarDirect::
53 wait() {
54  TAU_PROFILE("ConditionVarDirect::wait()", " ", TAU_USER);
55  _impl.wait();
56 }
58 /**
59  * Waits on the condition, with a timeout. The function will return when the
60  * condition variable is notified, or the timeout occurs. There is no way to
61  * directly tell which happened, and it is possible that neither in fact
62  * happened (spurious wakeups are possible).
63  *
64  * See wait() with no parameters for more.
65  */
67 wait(double timeout) {
68  TAU_PROFILE("ConditionVarDirect::wait(double)", " ", TAU_USER);
69  _impl.wait(timeout);
70 }
72 /**
73  * Informs one of the other threads who are currently blocked on wait() that
74  * the relevant condition has changed. If multiple threads are currently
75  * waiting, at least one of them will be woken up, although there is no way to
76  * predict which one. It is possible that more than one thread will be woken
77  * up.
78  *
79  * The caller must be holding the mutex associated with the condition variable
80  * before making this call, which will not release the mutex.
81  *
82  * If no threads are waiting, this is a no-op: the notify event is lost.
83  */
84 INLINE void ConditionVarDirect::
85 notify() {
86  TAU_PROFILE("ConditionVarDirect::notify()", " ", TAU_USER);
87  _impl.notify();
88 }
ConditionVarDirect(MutexDirect &mutex)
You must pass in a Mutex to the condition variable constructor.
MutexDirect & get_mutex() const
Returns the mutex associated with this condition variable.
void wait()
Waits on the condition.
void notify()
Informs one of the other threads who are currently blocked on wait() that the relevant condition has ...
This class implements a standard mutex by making direct calls to the underlying implementation layer.
Definition: mutexDirect.h:30