Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file pmap.h
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2001-06-05
12  */
14 #ifndef PMAP_H
15 #define PMAP_H
17 #include "dtoolbase.h"
18 #include "pallocator.h"
19 #include "stl_compares.h"
20 #include "register_type.h"
22 #include <map>
23 #ifdef HAVE_STL_HASH
24 #include <hash_map>
25 #endif
27 #if !defined(USE_STL_ALLOCATOR) || defined(CPPPARSER)
28 // If we're not using custom allocators, just use the standard class
29 // definition.
30 #define pmap std::map
31 #define pmultimap std::multimap
33 #ifdef HAVE_STL_HASH
34 #define phash_map stdext::hash_map
35 #define phash_multimap stdext::hash_multimap
36 #else // HAVE_STL_HASH
37 #define phash_map map
38 #define phash_multimap multimap
39 #endif // HAVE_STL_HASH
43 /**
44  * This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL map. Its main
45  * purpose is to call the hooks for MemoryUsage to properly track STL-
46  * allocated memory.
47  */
48 template<class Key, class Value, class Compare = std::less<Key> >
49 class pmap : public std::map<Key, Value, Compare, pallocator_single<std::pair<const Key, Value> > > {
50 public:
52  typedef std::map<Key, Value, Compare, allocator> base_class;
54  pmap(TypeHandle type_handle = pmap_type_handle) : base_class(Compare(), allocator(type_handle)) { }
55  pmap(const Compare &comp, TypeHandle type_handle = pmap_type_handle) : base_class(comp, allocator(type_handle)) { }
57 #ifdef USE_TAU
58  typename base_class::mapped_type &
59  operator [] (const typename base_class::key_type &k) {
60  TAU_PROFILE("pmap::operator [] (const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
61  return base_class::operator [] (k);
62  }
64  std::pair<typename base_class::iterator, bool>
65  insert(const typename base_class::value_type &x) {
66  TAU_PROFILE("pmap::insert(const value_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
67  return base_class::insert(x);
68  }
70  typename base_class::iterator
71  insert(typename base_class::iterator position,
72  const typename base_class::value_type &x) {
73  TAU_PROFILE("pmap::insert(iterator, const value_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
74  return base_class::insert(position, x);
75  }
77  void
78  erase(typename base_class::iterator position) {
79  TAU_PROFILE("pmap::erase(iterator)", " ", TAU_USER);
80  base_class::erase(position);
81  }
83  typename base_class::size_type
84  erase(const typename base_class::key_type &x) {
85  TAU_PROFILE("pmap::erase(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
86  return base_class::erase(x);
87  }
89  void
90  clear() {
91  TAU_PROFILE("pmap::clear()", " ", TAU_USER);
92  base_class::clear();
93  }
95  typename base_class::iterator
96  find(const typename base_class::key_type &x) {
97  TAU_PROFILE("pmap::find(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
98  return base_class::find(x);
99  }
101  typename base_class::const_iterator
102  find(const typename base_class::key_type &x) const {
103  TAU_PROFILE("pmap::find(const key_type &)", " ", TAU_USER);
104  return base_class::find(x);
105  }
107 #endif // USE_TAU
108 };
110 /**
111  * This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL multimap. Its main
112  * purpose is to call the hooks for MemoryUsage to properly track STL-
113  * allocated memory.
114  */
115 template<class Key, class Value, class Compare = std::less<Key> >
116 class pmultimap : public std::multimap<Key, Value, Compare, pallocator_single<std::pair<const Key, Value> > > {
117 public:
119  pmultimap(TypeHandle type_handle = pmap_type_handle) : std::multimap<Key, Value, Compare, allocator>(Compare(), allocator(type_handle)) { }
120  pmultimap(const Compare &comp, TypeHandle type_handle = pmap_type_handle) : std::multimap<Key, Value, Compare, allocator>(comp, allocator(type_handle)) { }
121 };
123 #ifdef HAVE_STL_HASH
124 /**
125  * This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL hash_map. Its main
126  * purpose is to call the hooks for MemoryUsage to properly track STL-
127  * allocated memory.
128  */
129 template<class Key, class Value, class Compare = method_hash<Key, std::less<Key> > >
130 class phash_map : public stdext::hash_map<Key, Value, Compare, pallocator_array<std::pair<const Key, Value> > > {
131 public:
132  phash_map() : stdext::hash_map<Key, Value, Compare, pallocator_array<std::pair<const Key, Value> > >() { }
133  phash_map(const Compare &comp) : stdext::hash_map<Key, Value, Compare, pallocator_array<std::pair<const Key, Value> > >(comp) { }
134 };
136 /**
137  * This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL hash_multimap. Its
138  * main purpose is to call the hooks for MemoryUsage to properly track STL-
139  * allocated memory.
140  */
141 template<class Key, class Value, class Compare = method_hash<Key, std::less<Key> > >
142 class phash_multimap : public stdext::hash_multimap<Key, Value, Compare, pallocator_array<std::pair<const Key, Value> > > {
143 public:
144  phash_multimap() : stdext::hash_multimap<Key, Value, Compare, pallocator_array<std::pair<const Key, Value> > >() { }
145  phash_multimap(const Compare &comp) : stdext::hash_multimap<Key, Value, Compare, pallocator_array<std::pair<const Key, Value> > >(comp) { }
146 };
148 #else // HAVE_STL_HASH
149 #define phash_map pmap
150 #define phash_multimap pmultimap
151 #endif // HAVE_STL_HASH
153 #endif // USE_STL_ALLOCATOR
154 #endif
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL map.
Definition: pmap.h:49
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL allocator.
Definition: pallocator.h:45
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is our own Panda specialization on the default STL multimap.
Definition: pmap.h:116