Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file stTerrain.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2010-10-11
12  */
14 #include "stTerrain.h"
15 #include "indent.h"
17 TypeHandle STTerrain::_type_handle;
19 /**
20  *
21  */
22 STTerrain::
23 STTerrain() {
24  _is_valid = false;
25  _min_height = 0.0f;
26  _max_height = 1.0f;
27 }
29 /**
30  *
31  */
32 STTerrain::
33 STTerrain(const STTerrain &copy) :
34  TypedReferenceCount(copy),
35  Namable(copy),
36  _is_valid(copy._is_valid),
37  _normal_map(copy._normal_map),
38  _splat_layers(copy._splat_layers),
39  _min_height(copy._min_height),
40  _max_height(copy._max_height)
41 {
42  set_vertex_format(copy._vertex_format);
43 }
45 /**
46  *
47  */
48 STTerrain::
49 ~STTerrain() {
50 }
52 /**
53  * Resets the terrain to its initial, unloaded state.
54  */
55 void STTerrain::
56 clear() {
57  _is_valid = false;
58  _min_height = 0.0f;
59  _max_height = 1.0f;
61  _normal_map = "";
62  _splat_map = "";
63  _splat_layers.clear();
65  set_vertex_format(nullptr);
66 }
68 /**
69  * This will be called at some point after initialization. It should be
70  * overridden by a derived class to load up the terrain data from its source
71  * and fill in the data members of this class appropriately, especially
72  * _is_valid. After this call, if _is_valid is true, then get_height() etc.
73  * will be called to query the terrain's data.
74  */
75 void STTerrain::
77 }
79 /**
80  * After load_data() has been called, this should return the computed height
81  * value at point (x, y) of the terrain, where x and y are unbounded and may
82  * refer to any 2-d point in space.
83  */
84 PN_stdfloat STTerrain::
85 get_height(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y) const {
86  return 0.0f;
87 }
89 /**
90  * After load_data() has been called, this should return the approximate
91  * average height value over a circle of the specified radius, centered at
92  * point (x, y) of the terrain.
93  */
94 PN_stdfloat STTerrain::
95 get_smooth_height(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat radius) const {
96  return get_height(x, y);
97 }
99 /**
100  * After load_data() has been called, this should return the directionless
101  * slope at point (x, y) of the terrain, where 0.0 is flat and 1.0 is
102  * vertical. This is used for determining the legal points to place trees and
103  * grass.
104  */
105 PN_stdfloat STTerrain::
106 get_slope(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y) const {
107  return 0.0f;
108 }
110 /**
111  * Returns true if the elevation and slope of point (x, y) fall within the
112  * requested limits, false otherwise.
113  */
114 bool STTerrain::
115 placement_is_acceptable(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y,
116  PN_stdfloat height_min, PN_stdfloat height_max,
117  PN_stdfloat slope_min, PN_stdfloat slope_max) {
118  PN_stdfloat height = get_height(x, y);
119  if (height < height_min || height > height_max) {
120  return false;
121  }
123  PN_stdfloat slope = get_slope(x, y);
124  if (slope < slope_min || slope > slope_max) {
125  return false;
126  }
128  return true;
129 }
131 /**
132  * After load_data() has been called, this will be called occasionally to
133  * populate the vertices for a terrain cell.
134  *
135  * It will be passed a GeomVertexData whose format will match
136  * get_vertex_format(), and already allocated with num_xy * num_xy rows. This
137  * method should fill the rows of the data with the appropriate vertex data
138  * for the terrain, over the grid described by the corners (start_x, start_y)
139  * up to and including (start_x + size_x, start_y + size_xy)--a square of the
140  * terrain with num_xy vertices on a side, arranged in row-major order.
141  */
142 void STTerrain::
144  PN_stdfloat start_x, PN_stdfloat start_y,
145  PN_stdfloat size_xy, int num_xy) const {
146 }
148 /**
149  *
150  */
151 void STTerrain::
152 output(std::ostream &out) const {
153  Namable::output(out);
154 }
156 /**
157  *
158  */
159 void STTerrain::
160 write(std::ostream &out, int indent_level) const {
161  indent(out, indent_level)
162  << *this << "\n";
163 }
165 /**
166  * Returns a pointer to the SpeedTree array of vertex attribs that defines the
167  * vertex format for SpeedTree.
168  */
169 const SpeedTree::SVertexAttribDesc *STTerrain::
171  // return SpeedTree::std_vertex_format;
172  nassertr(!_st_vertex_attribs.empty(), nullptr);
174  return &_st_vertex_attribs[0];
175 }
177 /**
178  * Should be called in load_data() by a derived class to fill in the
179  * _vertex_format member. This will also compute and store the appropriate
180  * value for _st_vertex_attribs.
181  */
182 bool STTerrain::
183 set_vertex_format(const GeomVertexFormat *format) {
184  if (format == nullptr) {
185  _vertex_format = nullptr;
186  _st_vertex_attribs.clear();
187  _is_valid = false;
188  return true;
189  }
191  _vertex_format = GeomVertexFormat::register_format(format);
192  if (!convert_vertex_format(_st_vertex_attribs, _vertex_format)) {
193  _is_valid = false;
194  return false;
195  }
197  return true;
198 }
200 /**
201  * Populates the indicated st_vertex_attribs vector with an array of SpeedTree
202  * vertex attribute entries that corresponds to the requested format. Returns
203  * true on success, or false if the format cannot be represented in SpeedTree.
204  */
205 bool STTerrain::
206 convert_vertex_format(STTerrain::VertexAttribs &st_vertex_attribs,
207  const GeomVertexFormat *format) {
208  st_vertex_attribs.clear();
210  if (format->get_num_arrays() != 1) {
211  speedtree_cat.error()
212  << "Cannot represent multi-array vertex format in SpeedTree.\n";
213  return false;
214  }
216  const GeomVertexArrayFormat *array = format->get_array(0);
218  int num_columns = array->get_num_columns();
219  for (int ci = 0; ci < num_columns; ++ci) {
220  const GeomVertexColumn *column = array->get_column(ci);
221  st_vertex_attribs.push_back(SpeedTree::SVertexAttribDesc());
222  SpeedTree::SVertexAttribDesc &attrib = st_vertex_attribs.back();
223  if (!convert_vertex_column(attrib, column)) {
224  st_vertex_attribs.clear();
225  return false;
226  }
227  }
229  st_vertex_attribs.push_back(SpeedTree::st_attrib_end);
231  return true;
232 }
234 /**
235  * Converts the indicated vertex column definition to the corresponding
236  * SpeedTree::SVertexAttribDesc format. Returns true on success, false on
237  * failure.
238  */
239 bool STTerrain::
240 convert_vertex_column(SpeedTree::SVertexAttribDesc &st_attrib,
241  const GeomVertexColumn *column) {
242  switch (column->get_numeric_type()) {
243  case GeomEnums::NT_stdfloat:
244  st_attrib.m_eDataType = SpeedTree::VERTEX_ATTRIB_TYPE_FLOAT;
245  break;
247  default:
248  speedtree_cat.error()
249  << "Unsupported vertex numeric type for " << *column << "\n";
250  return false;
251  }
253  st_attrib.m_uiNumElements = column->get_num_components();
255  if (column->get_name() == InternalName::get_vertex()) {
256  st_attrib.m_eSemantic = SpeedTree::VERTEX_ATTRIB_SEMANTIC_POS;
258  } else if (column->get_name() == InternalName::get_texcoord()) {
259  st_attrib.m_eSemantic = SpeedTree::VERTEX_ATTRIB_SEMANTIC_TEXCOORD0;
261  } else {
262  speedtree_cat.error()
263  << "Unsupported vertex semantic name for " << *column << "\n";
264  return false;
265  }
267  nassertr(st_attrib.SizeOfAttrib() == column->get_total_bytes(), false);
269  return true;
270 }
Returns the number of different columns in the array.
NumericType get_numeric_type() const
Returns the token representing the numeric type of the data storage.
const SpeedTree::SVertexAttribDesc * get_st_vertex_format() const
Returns a pointer to the SpeedTree array of vertex attribs that defines the vertex format for SpeedTr...
Definition: stTerrain.cxx:170
A base class for things which need to inherit from both TypedObject and from ReferenceCount.
This is the abstract base class that defines the interface needed to describe a terrain for rendering...
Definition: stTerrain.h:34
virtual PN_stdfloat get_slope(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y) const
After load_data() has been called, this should return the directionless slope at point (x,...
Definition: stTerrain.cxx:106
virtual void fill_vertices(GeomVertexData *data, PN_stdfloat start_x, PN_stdfloat start_y, PN_stdfloat size_xy, int num_xy) const
After load_data() has been called, this will be called occasionally to populate the vertices for a te...
Definition: stTerrain.cxx:143
This defines how a single column is interleaved within a vertex array stored within a Geom.
void output(std::ostream &out) const
Outputs the Namable.
Definition: namable.I:61
A base class for all things which can have a name.
Definition: namable.h:26
virtual PN_stdfloat get_smooth_height(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat radius) const
After load_data() has been called, this should return the approximate average height value over a cir...
Definition: stTerrain.cxx:95
std::ostream & indent(std::ostream &out, int indent_level)
A handy function for doing text formatting.
Definition: indent.cxx:20
This defines the actual numeric vertex data stored in a Geom, in the structure defined by a particula...
Returns the number of individual arrays required by the format.
virtual void clear()
Resets the terrain to its initial, unloaded state.
Definition: stTerrain.cxx:56
This class defines the physical layout of the vertex data stored within a Geom.
This describes the structure of a single array within a Geom data.
virtual PN_stdfloat get_height(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y) const =0
After load_data() has been called, this should return the computed height value at point (x,...
Definition: stTerrain.cxx:85
virtual void load_data()=0
This will be called at some point after initialization.
Definition: stTerrain.cxx:76
const InternalName * get_name() const
Returns the name of this particular data field, e.g.
int get_total_bytes() const
Returns the number of bytes used by each element of the column: component_bytes * num_components.
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
int get_num_components() const
Returns the number of components of the column: the number of instances of the NumericType in each el...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Returns the description of the nth array used by the format.
Returns the specification with the indicated name, or NULL if the name is not used.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool placement_is_acceptable(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat height_min, PN_stdfloat height_max, PN_stdfloat slope_min, PN_stdfloat slope_max)
Returns true if the elevation and slope of point (x, y) fall within the requested limits,...
Definition: stTerrain.cxx:115