Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file triangulator.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2007-01-18
12  */
14 #include "triangulator.h"
15 #include "randomizer.h"
17 /**
18  *
19  */
20 Triangulator::
21 Triangulator() {
22 }
24 /**
25  * Removes all vertices and polygon specifications from the Triangulator, and
26  * prepares it to start over.
27  */
28 void Triangulator::
29 clear() {
30  _vertices.clear();
31  clear_polygon();
32 }
34 /**
35  * Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool. Returns the vertex index number.
36  */
38 add_vertex(const LPoint2d &point) {
39  int index = (int)_vertices.size();
40  _vertices.push_back(point);
41  return index;
42 }
44 /**
45  * Removes the current polygon definition (and its set of holes), but does not
46  * clear the vertex pool.
47  */
48 void Triangulator::
50  _polygon.clear();
51  _holes.clear();
52 }
54 /**
55  * Adds the next consecutive vertex of the polygon. This vertex should index
56  * into the vertex pool established by repeated calls to add_vertex().
57  *
58  * The vertices may be listed in either clockwise or counterclockwise order.
59  * Vertices should not be repeated. In particular, do not repeat the first
60  * vertex at the end.
61  */
62 void Triangulator::
63 add_polygon_vertex(int index) {
64  _polygon.push_back(index);
65 }
67 /**
68  * Finishes the previous hole, if any, and prepares to add a new hole.
69  */
70 void Triangulator::
72  _holes.push_back(vector_int());
73 }
75 /**
76  * Adds the next consecutive vertex of the current hole. This vertex should
77  * index into the vertex pool established by repeated calls to add_vertex().
78  *
79  * The vertices may be listed in either clockwise or counterclockwise order.
80  * Vertices should not be repeated.
81  */
82 void Triangulator::
83 add_hole_vertex(int index) {
84  nassertv(!_holes.empty());
85  _holes.back().push_back(index);
86 }
88 /**
89  * Does the work of triangulating the specified polygon. After this call, you
90  * may retrieve the new triangles one at a time by iterating through
91  * get_triangle_v0/1/2().
92  */
93 void Triangulator::
95  _result.clear();
97  // Make sure our index numbers are reasonable.
98  cleanup_polygon_indices(_polygon);
99  Holes::iterator hi;
100  for (hi = _holes.begin(); hi != _holes.end(); ++hi) {
101  cleanup_polygon_indices(*hi);
102  }
104  if (_polygon.size() < 3) {
105  // Degenerate case.
106  return;
107  }
109  // Set up the list of segments.
110  seg.clear();
111  seg.push_back(segment_t()); // we don't use the first entry.
112  make_segment(_polygon, true);
114  for (hi = _holes.begin(); hi != _holes.end(); ++hi) {
115  if ((*hi).size() >= 3) {
116  make_segment(*hi, false);
117  }
118  }
120  // Shuffle the segment index.
121  int num_segments = (int)seg.size() - 1;
122  permute.reserve(num_segments);
123  int i;
124  for (i = 0; i < num_segments; ++i) {
125  permute.push_back(i + 1);
126  }
128  // Actually, I'm not sure why we should shuffle the index. That makes the
129  // result non-deterministic, and isn't one order--for instance, the initial
130  // order--as good as any other?
131  /*
132  Randomizer randomizer;
133  for (i = 0; i < num_segments; ++i) {
134  int j = randomizer.random_int(num_segments);
135  nassertv(j >= 0 && j < num_segments);
136  int t = permute[i];
137  permute[i] = permute[j];
138  permute[j] = t;
139  }
140  */
141  choose_idx = 0;
143  /*
144  // cerr << "got " << num_segments << " segments\n";
145  for (i = 1; i < (int)seg.size(); ++i) {
146  segment_t &s = seg[i];
147  printf(" %d. (%g %g), (%g %g)\n", i, s.v0.x, s.v0.y, s.v1.x, s.v1.y);
148  printf(" root0 = %d, root1 = %d\n", s.root0, s.root1);
149  printf(" next = %d, prev = %d\n",, s.prev);
150  }
151  */
153  while (construct_trapezoids(num_segments) != 0) {
154  // If there's an error, re-shuffle the index and try again.
155  Randomizer randomizer;
156  for (i = 0; i < num_segments; ++i) {
157  int j = randomizer.random_int(num_segments);
158  nassertv(j >= 0 && j < num_segments);
159  int t = permute[i];
160  permute[i] = permute[j];
161  permute[j] = t;
162  }
163  choose_idx = 0;
165  /*
166  // cerr << "got " << num_segments << " segments\n";
167  for (i = 1; i < (int)seg.size(); ++i) {
168  segment_t &s = seg[i];
169  printf(" %d. (%g %g), (%g %g)\n", i, s.v0.x, s.v0.y, s.v1.x, s.v1.y);
170  printf(" root0 = %d, root1 = %d\n", s.root0, s.root1);
171  printf(" next = %d, prev = %d\n",, s.prev);
172  }
173  */
174  }
176  /*
177  // cerr << "got " << tr.size() - 1 << " trapezoids\n";
178  for (i = 1; i < (int)tr.size(); ++i) {
179  trap_t &t = tr[i];
180  // cerr << " " << i << ". state = " << t.state << "\n"; cerr << " lseg
181  // = " << t.lseg << " rseg = " << t.rseg << "\n"; cerr << " hi = " <<
182  // t.hi.x << " " << t.hi.y << " lo = " << t.lo.x << " " << t.lo.y << "\n";
183  }
184  */
186  int nmonpoly = monotonate_trapezoids(num_segments);
188  // cerr << "got " << nmonpoly << " monotone polygons\n";
190  triangulate_monotone_polygons(num_segments, nmonpoly);
192  /*
193  Result::iterator ri;
194  for (ri = _result.begin(); ri != _result.end(); ++ri) {
195  // cerr << "tri: " << (*ri)._v0 << " " << (*ri)._v1 << " " << (*ri)._v2 <<
196  // "\n";
197  }
198  */
199 }
201 /**
202  * Returns the number of triangles generated by the previous call to
203  * triangulate().
204  */
205 int Triangulator::
207  return _result.size();
208 }
210 /**
211  * Returns vertex 0 of the nth triangle generated by the previous call to
212  * triangulate().
213  *
214  * This is a zero-based index into the vertices added by repeated calls to
215  * add_vertex().
216  */
217 int Triangulator::
218 get_triangle_v0(int n) const {
219  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_result.size(), -1);
220  return _result[n]._v0;
221 }
223 /**
224  * Returns vertex 1 of the nth triangle generated by the previous call to
225  * triangulate().
226  *
227  * This is a zero-based index into the vertices added by repeated calls to
228  * add_vertex().
229  */
230 int Triangulator::
231 get_triangle_v1(int n) const {
232  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_result.size(), -1);
233  return _result[n]._v1;
234 }
236 /**
237  * Returns vertex 2 of the nth triangle generated by the previous call to
238  * triangulate().
239  *
240  * This is a zero-based index into the vertices added by repeated calls to
241  * add_vertex().
242  */
243 int Triangulator::
244 get_triangle_v2(int n) const {
245  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < (int)_result.size(), -1);
246  return _result[n]._v2;
247 }
249 /**
250  * Removes any invalid index numbers from the list.
251  */
252 void Triangulator::
253 cleanup_polygon_indices(vector_int &polygon) {
254  // First, check for index bounds.
255  size_t pi = 0;
256  while (pi < polygon.size()) {
257  if (polygon[pi] >= 0 && (size_t)polygon[pi] < _vertices.size()) {
258  // This vertex is OK.
259  ++pi;
260  } else {
261  // This index is out-of-bounds; remove it.
262  polygon.erase(_polygon.begin() + pi);
263  }
264  }
266  // Now, remove any consecutive repeated vertices.
267  pi = 1;
268  while (pi < polygon.size()) {
269  if (_vertices[polygon[pi]] != _vertices[polygon[pi - 1]]) {
270  // This vertex is OK.
271  ++pi;
272  } else {
273  // This vertex repeats the previous one; remove it.
274  polygon.erase(_polygon.begin() + pi);
275  }
276  }
278  if (polygon.size() > 1 && _vertices[polygon.back()] == _vertices[_polygon.front()]) {
279  // The last vertex repeats the first one; remove it.
280  polygon.pop_back();
281  }
282 }
285 // The remainder of the code in this file is adapted more or less from the C
286 // code published with the referenced paper.
288 #define T_X 1
289 #define T_Y 2
290 #define T_SINK 3
293 #define FIRSTPT 1 /* checking whether pt. is inserted */
294 #define LASTPT 2
297 #define REALLY_BIG 1<<30
298 #define C_EPS 1.0e-7 /* tolerance value: Used for making */
299  /* all decisions about collinearity or */
300  /* left/right of segment. Decrease */
301  /* this value if the input points are */
302  /* spaced very close together */
305 #define S_LEFT 1 /* for merge-direction */
306 #define S_RIGHT 2
309 #define ST_VALID 1 /* for trapezium state */
310 #define ST_INVALID 2
313 #define SP_SIMPLE_LRUP 1 /* for splitting trapezoids */
314 #define SP_SIMPLE_LRDN 2
315 #define SP_2UP_2DN 3
316 #define SP_2UP_LEFT 4
317 #define SP_2UP_RIGHT 5
318 #define SP_2DN_LEFT 6
319 #define SP_2DN_RIGHT 7
320 #define SP_NOSPLIT -1
322 #define TR_FROM_UP 1 /* for traverse-direction */
323 #define TR_FROM_DN 2
325 #define TRI_LHS 1
326 #define TRI_RHS 2
329 #define CROSS(v0, v1, v2) (((v1).x - (v0).x)*((v2).y - (v0).y) - \
330  ((v1).y - (v0).y)*((v2).x - (v0).x))
332 #define DOT(v0, v1) ((v0).x * (v1).x + (v0).y * (v1).y)
334 #define FP_EQUAL(s, t) (fabs(s - t) <= C_EPS)
337 #define CROSS_SINE(v0, v1) ((v0).x * (v1).y - (v1).x * (v0).y)
338 #define LENGTH(v0) (sqrt((v0).x * (v0).x + (v0).y * (v0).y))
341 /**
342  * Returns true if the list of vertices is counter-clockwise, false if it is
343  * clockwise.
344  */
345 bool Triangulator::
346 check_left_winding(const vector_int &range) const {
347  // We do this by computing the polygon's signed area. If it comes out
348  // negative, the polygon is right-winding.
350  double area = 0.0;
351  size_t j = range.size() - 1;
352  for (size_t i = 0; i < range.size(); ++i) {
353  const LPoint2d &p0 = _vertices[range[j]];
354  const LPoint2d &p1 = _vertices[range[i]];
355  area += p0[0] * p1[1] - p0[1] * p1[0];
356  j = i;
357  }
359  return area >= 0.0;
360 }
362 /**
363  * Converts a linear list of integer vertices to a list of segment_t. If
364  * want_left_winding is true, the list is reversed if necessary to make it
365  * left-winding; otherwise, it is reversed to make it right-winding.
366  */
367 void Triangulator::
368 make_segment(const vector_int &range, bool want_left_winding) {
369  int num_points = (int)range.size();
370  nassertv(num_points >= 2);
372  int first = (int)seg.size();
373  int last = first + num_points - 1;
375  if (want_left_winding == check_left_winding(range)) {
376  // Keep it in its natural order.
377  int first = (int)seg.size();
378  int last = first + num_points - 1;
380  seg.push_back(segment_t(this, range[0], range[1],
381  last, first + 1));
383  for (int i = 1; i < num_points - 1; ++i) {
384  seg.push_back(segment_t(this, range[i], range[i + 1],
385  first + i - 1, first + i + 1));
386  }
388  seg.push_back(segment_t(this, range[num_points - 1], range[0],
389  last - 1, first));
391  } else {
392  // Reverse it.
393  seg.push_back(segment_t(this, range[0], range[num_points - 1],
394  last, first + 1));
396  for (int i = 1; i < num_points - 1; ++i) {
397  seg.push_back(segment_t(this, range[num_points - i], range[num_points - i - 1],
398  first + i - 1, first + i + 1));
399  }
401  seg.push_back(segment_t(this, range[1], range[0],
402  last - 1, first));
404  }
405 }
407 /* Return the next segment in the generated random ordering of all the */
408 /* segments in S */
409 int Triangulator::
410 choose_segment() {
411  nassertr(choose_idx < (int)permute.size(), 0);
412  // segment_t &s = seg[permute[choose_idx]]; cerr << "choose_segment " <<
413  // permute[choose_idx] << ": " << s.v0.x << ", " << s.v0.y << " to " <<
414  // s.v1.x << ", " << s.v1.y << "\n";
415  return permute[choose_idx++];
416 }
418 double Triangulator::
419 math_log2(double v) {
420  static const double log2 = log(2.0);
421  return log(v) / log2;
422 }
424 /* Get log*n for given n */
425 int Triangulator::
426 math_logstar_n(int n) {
427  int i;
428  double v;
430  for (i = 0, v = (double) n; v >= 1; i++)
431  v = math_log2(v);
433  return (i - 1);
434 }
437 int Triangulator::
438 math_N(int n, int h) {
439  int i;
440  double v;
442  for (i = 0, v = (int) n; i < h; i++)
443  v = math_log2(v);
445  return (int) ceil((double) 1.0*n/v);
446 }
449 /* Return a new node to be added into the query tree */
450 int Triangulator::newnode() {
451  int index = (int)qs.size();
452  qs.push_back(node_t());
453  // cerr << "creating new node " << index << "\n";
454  return index;
455 }
457 /* Return a free trapezoid */
458 int Triangulator::newtrap() {
459  int tr_idx = (int)tr.size();
460  tr.push_back(trap_t());
461  tr[tr_idx].lseg = -1;
462  tr[tr_idx].rseg = -1;
463  tr[tr_idx].state = ST_VALID;
464  // cerr << "creating new trapezoid " << tr_idx << "\n";
465  return tr_idx;
466 }
469 /* Return the maximum of the two points into the yval structure */
470 int Triangulator::_max(point_t *yval, point_t *v0, point_t *v1) {
471  if (v0->y > v1->y + C_EPS)
472  *yval = *v0;
473  else if (FP_EQUAL(v0->y, v1->y))
474  {
475  if (v0->x > v1->x + C_EPS)
476  *yval = *v0;
477  else
478  *yval = *v1;
479  }
480  else
481  *yval = *v1;
483  return 0;
484 }
487 /* Return the minimum of the two points into the yval structure */
488 int Triangulator::_min(point_t *yval, point_t *v0, point_t *v1) {
489  if (v0->y < v1->y - C_EPS)
490  *yval = *v0;
491  else if (FP_EQUAL(v0->y, v1->y))
492  {
493  if (v0->x < v1->x)
494  *yval = *v0;
495  else
496  *yval = *v1;
497  }
498  else
499  *yval = *v1;
501  return 0;
502 }
505 int Triangulator::
506 _greater_than(point_t *v0, point_t *v1) {
507  if (v0->y > v1->y + C_EPS)
508  return true;
509  else if (v0->y < v1->y - C_EPS)
510  return false;
511  else
512  return (v0->x > v1->x);
513 }
516 int Triangulator::
517 _equal_to(point_t *v0, point_t *v1) {
518  return (FP_EQUAL(v0->y, v1->y) && FP_EQUAL(v0->x, v1->x));
519 }
521 int Triangulator::
522 _greater_than_equal_to(point_t *v0, point_t *v1) {
523  if (v0->y > v1->y + C_EPS)
524  return true;
525  else if (v0->y < v1->y - C_EPS)
526  return false;
527  else
528  return (v0->x >= v1->x);
529 }
531 int Triangulator::
532 _less_than(point_t *v0, point_t *v1) {
533  if (v0->y < v1->y - C_EPS)
534  return true;
535  else if (v0->y > v1->y + C_EPS)
536  return false;
537  else
538  return (v0->x < v1->x);
539 }
542 /* Initilialise the query structure (Q) and the trapezoid table (T)
543  * when the first segment is added to start the trapezoidation. The
544  * query-tree starts out with 4 trapezoids, one S-node and 2 Y-nodes
545  *
546  * 4
547  * -----------------------------------
548  * \
549  * 1 \ 2
550  * \
551  * -----------------------------------
552  * 3
553  */
555 int Triangulator::
556 init_query_structure(int segnum) {
557  int i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, root;
558  int t1, t2, t3, t4;
559  segment_t *s = &seg[segnum];
561  tr.clear();
562  qs.clear();
564  // We don't use the first elements.
565  tr.push_back(trap_t());
566  qs.push_back(node_t());
568  i1 = newnode();
569  qs[i1].nodetype = T_Y;
570  _max(&qs[i1].yval, &s->v0, &s->v1); /* root */
571  root = i1;
573  i2 = newnode();
574  qs[i1].right = i2;
575  qs[i2].nodetype = T_SINK;
576  qs[i2].parent = i1;
578  i3 = newnode();
579  qs[i1].left = i3;
581  qs[i3].nodetype = T_Y;
582  _min(&qs[i3].yval, &s->v0, &s->v1); /* root */
583  qs[i3].parent = i1;
585  i4 = newnode();
586  qs[i3].left = i4;
587  qs[i4].nodetype = T_SINK;
588  qs[i4].parent = i3;
590  i5 = newnode();
591  qs[i3].right = i5;
592  qs[i5].nodetype = T_X;
593  qs[i5].segnum = segnum;
594  qs[i5].parent = i3;
596  i6 = newnode();
597  qs[i5].left = i6;
598  qs[i6].nodetype = T_SINK;
599  qs[i6].parent = i5;
601  i7 = newnode();
602  qs[i5].right = i7;
603  qs[i7].nodetype = T_SINK;
604  qs[i7].parent = i5;
606  t1 = newtrap(); /* middle left */
607  t2 = newtrap(); /* middle right */
608  t3 = newtrap(); /* bottom-most */
609  t4 = newtrap(); /* topmost */
611  tr[t4].lo = qs[i1].yval;
612  tr[t2].hi = qs[i1].yval;
613  tr[t1].hi = qs[i1].yval;
614  tr[t3].hi = qs[i3].yval;
615  tr[t2].lo = qs[i3].yval;
616  tr[t1].lo = qs[i3].yval;
617  tr[t4].hi.y = (double) (REALLY_BIG);
618  tr[t4].hi.x = (double) (REALLY_BIG);
619  tr[t3].lo.y = (double) -1* (REALLY_BIG);
620  tr[t3].lo.x = (double) -1* (REALLY_BIG);
621  tr[t2].lseg = segnum;
622  tr[t1].rseg = segnum;
623  tr[t2].u0 = t4;
624  tr[t1].u0 = t4;
625  tr[t2].d0 = t3;
626  tr[t1].d0 = t3;
627  tr[t3].u0 = t1;
628  tr[t4].d0 = t1;
629  tr[t3].u1 = t2;
630  tr[t4].d1 = t2;
632  tr[t1].sink = i6;
633  tr[t2].sink = i7;
634  tr[t3].sink = i4;
635  tr[t4].sink = i2;
637  tr[t2].state = ST_VALID;
638  tr[t1].state = ST_VALID;
639  tr[t4].state = ST_VALID;
640  tr[t3].state = ST_VALID;
642  qs[i2].trnum = t4;
643  qs[i4].trnum = t3;
644  qs[i6].trnum = t1;
645  qs[i7].trnum = t2;
647  s->is_inserted = true;
648  return root;
649 }
652 /* Retun true if the vertex v is to the left of line segment no.
653  * segnum. Takes care of the degenerate cases when both the vertices
654  * have the same y--cood, etc.
655  */
657 int Triangulator::
658 is_left_of(int segnum, point_t *v) {
659  segment_t *s = &seg[segnum];
660  double area;
662  if (_greater_than(&s->v1, &s->v0)) /* seg. going upwards */
663  {
664  if (FP_EQUAL(s->v1.y, v->y))
665  {
666  if (v->x < s->v1.x)
667  area = 1.0;
668  else
669  area = -1.0;
670  }
671  else if (FP_EQUAL(s->v0.y, v->y))
672  {
673  if (v->x < s->v0.x)
674  area = 1.0;
675  else
676  area = -1.0;
677  }
678  else
679  area = CROSS(s->v0, s->v1, (*v));
680  }
681  else /* v0 > v1 */
682  {
683  if (FP_EQUAL(s->v1.y, v->y))
684  {
685  if (v->x < s->v1.x)
686  area = 1.0;
687  else
688  area = -1.0;
689  }
690  else if (FP_EQUAL(s->v0.y, v->y))
691  {
692  if (v->x < s->v0.x)
693  area = 1.0;
694  else
695  area = -1.0;
696  }
697  else
698  area = CROSS(s->v1, s->v0, (*v));
699  }
701  if (area > 0.0)
702  return true;
703  else
704  return false;
705 }
709 /* Returns true if the corresponding endpoint of the given segment is */
710 /* already inserted into the segment tree. Use the simple test of */
711 /* whether the segment which shares this endpoint is already inserted */
713 int Triangulator::
714 inserted(int segnum, int whichpt) {
715  if (whichpt == FIRSTPT)
716  return seg[seg[segnum].prev].is_inserted;
717  else
718  return seg[seg[segnum].next].is_inserted;
719 }
721 /* This is query routine which determines which trapezoid does the
722  * point v lie in. The return value is the trapezoid number.
723  */
725 int Triangulator::
726 locate_endpoint(point_t *v, point_t *vo, int r) {
727  // cerr << "locate_endpoint(" << v->x << " " << v->y << ", " << vo->x << " "
728  // << vo->y << ", " << r << ")\n";
729  node_t *rptr = &qs[r];
731  switch (rptr->nodetype)
732  {
733  case T_SINK:
734  return rptr->trnum;
736  case T_Y:
737  if (_greater_than(v, &rptr->yval)) /* above */
738  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->right);
739  else if (_equal_to(v, &rptr->yval)) /* the point is already */
740  { /* inserted. */
741  if (_greater_than(vo, &rptr->yval)) /* above */
742  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->right);
743  else
744  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->left); /* below */
745  }
746  else
747  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->left); /* below */
749  case T_X:
750  if (_equal_to(v, &seg[rptr->segnum].v0) ||
751  _equal_to(v, &seg[rptr->segnum].v1))
752  {
753  if (FP_EQUAL(v->y, vo->y)) /* horizontal segment */
754  {
755  if (vo->x < v->x)
756  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->left); /* left */
757  else
758  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->right); /* right */
759  }
761  else if (is_left_of(rptr->segnum, vo))
762  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->left); /* left */
763  else
764  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->right); /* right */
765  }
766  else if (is_left_of(rptr->segnum, v))
767  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->left); /* left */
768  else
769  return locate_endpoint(v, vo, rptr->right); /* right */
771  default:
772  fprintf(stderr, "Haggu !!!!!\n");
773  nassertr(false, -1);
774  return -1;
775  }
776 }
779 /* Thread in the segment into the existing trapezoidation. The
780  * limiting trapezoids are given by tfirst and tlast (which are the
781  * trapezoids containing the two endpoints of the segment. Merges all
782  * possible trapezoids which flank this segment and have been recently
783  * divided because of its insertion
784  */
786 int Triangulator::
787 merge_trapezoids(int segnum, int tfirst, int tlast, int side) {
788  int t, tnext, cond;
789  int ptnext;
791  // cerr << "merge_trapezoids(" << segnum << ", " << tfirst << ", " << tlast
792  // << ", " << side << ")\n";
794  /* First merge polys on the LHS */
795  t = tfirst;
796  while ((t > 0) && _greater_than_equal_to(&tr[t].lo, &tr[tlast].lo))
797  {
798  if (side == S_LEFT)
799  cond = ((((tnext = tr[t].d0) > 0) && (tr[tnext].rseg == segnum)) ||
800  (((tnext = tr[t].d1) > 0) && (tr[tnext].rseg == segnum)));
801  else
802  cond = ((((tnext = tr[t].d0) > 0) && (tr[tnext].lseg == segnum)) ||
803  (((tnext = tr[t].d1) > 0) && (tr[tnext].lseg == segnum)));
805  if (cond)
806  {
807  if ((tr[t].lseg == tr[tnext].lseg) &&
808  (tr[t].rseg == tr[tnext].rseg)) /* good neighbours */
809  { /* merge them */
810  /* Use the upper node as the new node i.e. t */
812  ptnext = qs[tr[tnext].sink].parent;
814  if (qs[ptnext].left == tr[tnext].sink)
815  qs[ptnext].left = tr[t].sink;
816  else
817  qs[ptnext].right = tr[t].sink; /* redirect parent */
820  /* Change the upper neighbours of the lower trapezoids */
822  if ((tr[t].d0 = tr[tnext].d0) > 0) {
823  if (tr[tr[t].d0].u0 == tnext) {
824  tr[tr[t].d0].u0 = t;
825  } else if (tr[tr[t].d0].u1 == tnext) {
826  tr[tr[t].d0].u1 = t;
827  }
828  }
830  if ((tr[t].d1 = tr[tnext].d1) > 0) {
831  if (tr[tr[t].d1].u0 == tnext) {
832  tr[tr[t].d1].u0 = t;
833  } else if (tr[tr[t].d1].u1 == tnext) {
834  tr[tr[t].d1].u1 = t;
835  }
836  }
838  tr[t].lo = tr[tnext].lo;
839  tr[tnext].state = ST_INVALID; /* invalidate the lower */
840  /* trapezium */
841  }
842  else /* not good neighbours */
843  t = tnext;
844  }
845  else /* do not satisfy the outer if */
846  t = tnext;
848  } /* end-while */
850  return 0;
851 }
854 /* Add in the new segment into the trapezoidation and update Q and T
855  * structures. First locate the two endpoints of the segment in the
856  * Q-structure. Then start from the topmost trapezoid and go down to
857  * the lower trapezoid dividing all the trapezoids in between .
858  */
860 int Triangulator::
861 add_segment(int segnum) {
862  // cerr << "add_segment(" << segnum << ")\n";
864  segment_t s;
865  // segment_t *so = &seg[segnum];
866  int tu, tl, sk, tfirst, tlast; //, tnext;
867  int tfirstr = 0, tlastr = 0, tfirstl = 0, tlastl = 0;
868  int i1, i2, t, tn; // t1, t2,
869  point_t tpt;
870  int tribot = 0, is_swapped = 0;
871  int tmptriseg;
873  s = seg[segnum];
874  if (_greater_than(&s.v1, &s.v0)) /* Get higher vertex in v0 */
875  {
876  int tmp;
877  tpt = s.v0;
878  s.v0 = s.v1;
879  s.v1 = tpt;
880  tmp = s.root0;
881  s.root0 = s.root1;
882  s.root1 = tmp;
883  is_swapped = true;
884  }
886  if ((is_swapped) ? !inserted(segnum, LASTPT) :
887  !inserted(segnum, FIRSTPT)) /* insert v0 in the tree */
888  {
889  int tmp_d;
891  tu = locate_endpoint(&s.v0, &s.v1, s.root0);
892  tl = newtrap(); /* tl is the new lower trapezoid */
893  tr[tl].state = ST_VALID;
894  tr[tl] = tr[tu];
895  tr[tl].hi.y = s.v0.y;
896  tr[tu].lo.y = s.v0.y;
897  tr[tl].hi.x = s.v0.x;
898  tr[tu].lo.x = s.v0.x;
899  tr[tu].d0 = tl;
900  tr[tu].d1 = 0;
901  tr[tl].u0 = tu;
902  tr[tl].u1 = 0;
904  if (((tmp_d = tr[tl].d0) > 0) && (tr[tmp_d].u0 == tu))
905  tr[tmp_d].u0 = tl;
906  if (((tmp_d = tr[tl].d0) > 0) && (tr[tmp_d].u1 == tu))
907  tr[tmp_d].u1 = tl;
909  if (((tmp_d = tr[tl].d1) > 0) && (tr[tmp_d].u0 == tu))
910  tr[tmp_d].u0 = tl;
911  if (((tmp_d = tr[tl].d1) > 0) && (tr[tmp_d].u1 == tu))
912  tr[tmp_d].u1 = tl;
914  /* Now update the query structure and obtain the sinks for the */
915  /* two trapezoids */
917  i1 = newnode(); /* Upper trapezoid sink */
918  i2 = newnode(); /* Lower trapezoid sink */
919  sk = tr[tu].sink;
921  qs[sk].nodetype = T_Y;
922  qs[sk].yval = s.v0;
923  qs[sk].segnum = segnum; /* not really reqd ... maybe later */
924  qs[sk].left = i2;
925  qs[sk].right = i1;
927  qs[i1].nodetype = T_SINK;
928  qs[i1].trnum = tu;
929  qs[i1].parent = sk;
931  qs[i2].nodetype = T_SINK;
932  qs[i2].trnum = tl;
933  qs[i2].parent = sk;
935  tr[tu].sink = i1;
936  tr[tl].sink = i2;
937  tfirst = tl;
938  }
939  else /* v0 already present */
940  { /* Get the topmost intersecting trapezoid */
941  tfirst = locate_endpoint(&s.v0, &s.v1, s.root0);
942  }
945  if ((is_swapped) ? !inserted(segnum, FIRSTPT) :
946  !inserted(segnum, LASTPT)) /* insert v1 in the tree */
947  {
948  int tmp_d;
950  tu = locate_endpoint(&s.v1, &s.v0, s.root1);
952  tl = newtrap(); /* tl is the new lower trapezoid */
953  tr[tl].state = ST_VALID;
954  tr[tl] = tr[tu];
955  tr[tl].hi.y = s.v1.y;
956  tr[tu].lo.y = s.v1.y;
957  tr[tl].hi.x = s.v1.x;
958  tr[tu].lo.x = s.v1.x;
959  tr[tu].d0 = tl;
960  tr[tu].d1 = 0;
961  tr[tl].u0 = tu;
962  tr[tl].u1 = 0;
964  if (((tmp_d = tr[tl].d0) > 0) && (tr[tmp_d].u0 == tu))
965  tr[tmp_d].u0 = tl;
966  if (((tmp_d = tr[tl].d0) > 0) && (tr[tmp_d].u1 == tu))
967  tr[tmp_d].u1 = tl;
969  if (((tmp_d = tr[tl].d1) > 0) && (tr[tmp_d].u0 == tu))
970  tr[tmp_d].u0 = tl;
971  if (((tmp_d = tr[tl].d1) > 0) && (tr[tmp_d].u1 == tu))
972  tr[tmp_d].u1 = tl;
974  /* Now update the query structure and obtain the sinks for the */
975  /* two trapezoids */
977  i1 = newnode(); /* Upper trapezoid sink */
978  i2 = newnode(); /* Lower trapezoid sink */
979  sk = tr[tu].sink;
981  qs[sk].nodetype = T_Y;
982  qs[sk].yval = s.v1;
983  qs[sk].segnum = segnum; /* not really reqd ... maybe later */
984  qs[sk].left = i2;
985  qs[sk].right = i1;
987  qs[i1].nodetype = T_SINK;
988  qs[i1].trnum = tu;
989  qs[i1].parent = sk;
991  qs[i2].nodetype = T_SINK;
992  qs[i2].trnum = tl;
993  qs[i2].parent = sk;
995  tr[tu].sink = i1;
996  tr[tl].sink = i2;
997  tlast = tu;
998  }
999  else /* v1 already present */
1000  { /* Get the lowermost intersecting trapezoid */
1001  tlast = locate_endpoint(&s.v1, &s.v0, s.root1);
1002  tribot = 1;
1003  }
1005  /* Thread the segment into the query tree creating a new X-node */
1006  /* First, split all the trapezoids which are intersected by s into */
1007  /* two */
1009  t = tfirst; /* topmost trapezoid */
1011  while ((t > 0) &&
1012  _greater_than_equal_to(&tr[t].lo, &tr[tlast].lo))
1013  /* traverse from top to bot */
1014  {
1015  int t_sav, tn_sav;
1016  sk = tr[t].sink;
1017  i1 = newnode(); /* left trapezoid sink */
1018  i2 = newnode(); /* right trapezoid sink */
1020  qs[sk].nodetype = T_X;
1021  qs[sk].segnum = segnum;
1022  qs[sk].left = i1;
1023  qs[sk].right = i2;
1025  qs[i1].nodetype = T_SINK; /* left trapezoid (use existing one) */
1026  qs[i1].trnum = t;
1027  qs[i1].parent = sk;
1029  qs[i2].nodetype = T_SINK; /* right trapezoid (allocate new) */
1030  tn = newtrap();
1031  qs[i2].trnum = tn;
1032  tr[tn].state = ST_VALID;
1033  qs[i2].parent = sk;
1035  if (t == tfirst)
1036  tfirstr = tn;
1037  if (_equal_to(&tr[t].lo, &tr[tlast].lo))
1038  tlastr = tn;
1040  tr[tn] = tr[t];
1041  tr[t].sink = i1;
1042  tr[tn].sink = i2;
1043  t_sav = t;
1044  tn_sav = tn;
1046  /* error */
1048  if ((tr[t].d0 <= 0) && (tr[t].d1 <= 0)) /* case cannot arise */
1049  {
1050  /* Actually, this case does sometimes arise. Huh. */
1051  fprintf(stderr, "add_segment: error\n");
1052  return 1;
1053  }
1055  /* only one trapezoid below. partition t into two and make the */
1056  /* two resulting trapezoids t and tn as the upper neighbours of */
1057  /* the sole lower trapezoid */
1059  else if ((tr[t].d0 > 0) && (tr[t].d1 <= 0))
1060  { /* Only one trapezoid below */
1061  if ((tr[t].u0 > 0) && (tr[t].u1 > 0))
1062  { /* continuation of a chain from abv. */
1063  if (tr[t].usave > 0) /* three upper neighbours */
1064  {
1065  if (tr[t].uside == S_LEFT)
1066  {
1067  tr[tn].u0 = tr[t].u1;
1068  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1069  tr[tn].u1 = tr[t].usave;
1071  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1072  tr[tr[tn].u0].d0 = tn;
1073  tr[tr[tn].u1].d0 = tn;
1074  }
1075  else /* intersects in the right */
1076  {
1077  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1078  tr[tn].u0 = tr[t].u1;
1079  tr[t].u1 = tr[t].u0;
1080  tr[t].u0 = tr[t].usave;
1082  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1083  tr[tr[t].u1].d0 = t;
1084  tr[tr[tn].u0].d0 = tn;
1085  }
1086  tr[tn].usave = 0;
1087  tr[t].usave = 0;
1088  }
1089  else /* No usave.... simple case */
1090  {
1091  tr[tn].u0 = tr[t].u1;
1092  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1093  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1094  tr[tr[tn].u0].d0 = tn;
1095  }
1096  }
1097  else
1098  { /* fresh seg. or upward cusp */
1099  int tmp_u = tr[t].u0;
1100  int td0, td1;
1101  if (((td0 = tr[tmp_u].d0) > 0) &&
1102  ((td1 = tr[tmp_u].d1) > 0))
1103  { /* upward cusp */
1104  if ((tr[td0].rseg > 0) &&
1105  !is_left_of(tr[td0].rseg, &s.v1))
1106  {
1107  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1108  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1109  tr[t].u0 = -1;
1110  tr[tr[tn].u0].d1 = tn;
1111  }
1112  else /* cusp going leftwards */
1113  {
1114  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1115  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1116  tr[tn].u0 = -1;
1117  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1118  }
1119  }
1120  else /* fresh segment */
1121  {
1122  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1123  tr[tr[t].u0].d1 = tn;
1124  }
1125  }
1127  if (FP_EQUAL(tr[t].lo.y, tr[tlast].lo.y) &&
1128  FP_EQUAL(tr[t].lo.x, tr[tlast].lo.x) && tribot)
1129  { /* bottom forms a triangle */
1131  if (is_swapped)
1132  tmptriseg = seg[segnum].prev;
1133  else
1134  tmptriseg = seg[segnum].next;
1136  if ((tmptriseg > 0) && is_left_of(tmptriseg, &s.v0))
1137  {
1138  /* L-R downward cusp */
1139  tr[tr[t].d0].u0 = t;
1140  tr[tn].d1 = -1;
1141  tr[tn].d0 = -1;
1142  }
1143  else
1144  {
1145  /* R-L downward cusp */
1146  tr[tr[tn].d0].u1 = tn;
1147  tr[t].d1 = -1;
1148  tr[t].d0 = -1;
1149  }
1150  }
1151  else
1152  {
1153  if ((tr[tr[t].d0].u0 > 0) && (tr[tr[t].d0].u1 > 0))
1154  {
1155  if (tr[tr[t].d0].u0 == t) /* passes thru LHS */
1156  {
1157  tr[tr[t].d0].usave = tr[tr[t].d0].u1;
1158  tr[tr[t].d0].uside = S_LEFT;
1159  }
1160  else
1161  {
1162  tr[tr[t].d0].usave = tr[tr[t].d0].u0;
1163  tr[tr[t].d0].uside = S_RIGHT;
1164  }
1165  }
1166  tr[tr[t].d0].u0 = t;
1167  tr[tr[t].d0].u1 = tn;
1168  }
1170  t = tr[t].d0;
1171  }
1174  else if ((tr[t].d0 <= 0) && (tr[t].d1 > 0))
1175  { /* Only one trapezoid below */
1176  if ((tr[t].u0 > 0) && (tr[t].u1 > 0))
1177  { /* continuation of a chain from abv. */
1178  if (tr[t].usave > 0) /* three upper neighbours */
1179  {
1180  if (tr[t].uside == S_LEFT)
1181  {
1182  tr[tn].u0 = tr[t].u1;
1183  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1184  tr[tn].u1 = tr[t].usave;
1186  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1187  tr[tr[tn].u0].d0 = tn;
1188  tr[tr[tn].u1].d0 = tn;
1189  }
1190  else /* intersects in the right */
1191  {
1192  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1193  tr[tn].u0 = tr[t].u1;
1194  tr[t].u1 = tr[t].u0;
1195  tr[t].u0 = tr[t].usave;
1197  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1198  tr[tr[t].u1].d0 = t;
1199  tr[tr[tn].u0].d0 = tn;
1200  }
1202  tr[tn].usave = 0;
1203  tr[t].usave = 0;
1204  }
1205  else /* No usave.... simple case */
1206  {
1207  tr[tn].u0 = tr[t].u1;
1208  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1209  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1210  tr[tr[tn].u0].d0 = tn;
1211  }
1212  }
1213  else
1214  { /* fresh seg. or upward cusp */
1215  int tmp_u = tr[t].u0;
1216  int td0, td1;
1217  if (((td0 = tr[tmp_u].d0) > 0) &&
1218  ((td1 = tr[tmp_u].d1) > 0))
1219  { /* upward cusp */
1220  if ((tr[td0].rseg > 0) &&
1221  !is_left_of(tr[td0].rseg, &s.v1))
1222  {
1223  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1224  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1225  tr[t].u0 = -1;
1226  tr[tr[tn].u0].d1 = tn;
1227  }
1228  else
1229  {
1230  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1231  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1232  tr[tn].u0 = -1;
1233  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1234  }
1235  }
1236  else /* fresh segment */
1237  {
1238  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1239  tr[tr[t].u0].d1 = tn;
1240  }
1241  }
1243  if (FP_EQUAL(tr[t].lo.y, tr[tlast].lo.y) &&
1244  FP_EQUAL(tr[t].lo.x, tr[tlast].lo.x) && tribot)
1245  { /* bottom forms a triangle */
1246  if (is_swapped)
1247  tmptriseg = seg[segnum].prev;
1248  else
1249  tmptriseg = seg[segnum].next;
1251  if ((tmptriseg > 0) && is_left_of(tmptriseg, &s.v0))
1252  {
1253  /* L-R downward cusp */
1254  tr[tr[t].d1].u0 = t;
1255  tr[tn].d1 = -1;
1256  tr[tn].d0 = -1;
1257  }
1258  else
1259  {
1260  /* R-L downward cusp */
1261  tr[tr[tn].d1].u1 = tn;
1262  tr[t].d1 = -1;
1263  tr[t].d0 = -1;
1264  }
1265  }
1266  else
1267  {
1268  if ((tr[tr[t].d1].u0 > 0) && (tr[tr[t].d1].u1 > 0))
1269  {
1270  if (tr[tr[t].d1].u0 == t) /* passes thru LHS */
1271  {
1272  tr[tr[t].d1].usave = tr[tr[t].d1].u1;
1273  tr[tr[t].d1].uside = S_LEFT;
1274  }
1275  else
1276  {
1277  tr[tr[t].d1].usave = tr[tr[t].d1].u0;
1278  tr[tr[t].d1].uside = S_RIGHT;
1279  }
1280  }
1281  tr[tr[t].d1].u0 = t;
1282  tr[tr[t].d1].u1 = tn;
1283  }
1285  t = tr[t].d1;
1286  }
1288  /* two trapezoids below. Find out which one is intersected by */
1289  /* this segment and proceed down that one */
1291  else
1292  {
1293  // int tmpseg = tr[tr[t].d0].rseg;
1294  double y0, yt;
1295  point_t tmppt;
1296  int tnext, i_d0;
1298  i_d0 = false;
1299  if (FP_EQUAL(tr[t].lo.y, s.v0.y))
1300  {
1301  if (tr[t].lo.x > s.v0.x)
1302  i_d0 = true;
1303  }
1304  else
1305  {
1306  y0 = tr[t].lo.y;
1307  tmppt.y = y0;
1308  yt = (y0 - s.v0.y)/(s.v1.y - s.v0.y);
1309  tmppt.x = s.v0.x + yt * (s.v1.x - s.v0.x);
1311  if (_less_than(&tmppt, &tr[t].lo))
1312  i_d0 = true;
1313  }
1315  /* check continuity from the top so that the lower-neighbour */
1316  /* values are properly filled for the upper trapezoid */
1318  if ((tr[t].u0 > 0) && (tr[t].u1 > 0))
1319  { /* continuation of a chain from abv. */
1320  if (tr[t].usave > 0) /* three upper neighbours */
1321  {
1322  if (tr[t].uside == S_LEFT)
1323  {
1324  tr[tn].u0 = tr[t].u1;
1325  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1326  tr[tn].u1 = tr[t].usave;
1328  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1329  tr[tr[tn].u0].d0 = tn;
1330  tr[tr[tn].u1].d0 = tn;
1331  }
1332  else /* intersects in the right */
1333  {
1334  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1335  tr[tn].u0 = tr[t].u1;
1336  tr[t].u1 = tr[t].u0;
1337  tr[t].u0 = tr[t].usave;
1339  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1340  tr[tr[t].u1].d0 = t;
1341  tr[tr[tn].u0].d0 = tn;
1342  }
1344  tr[tn].usave = 0;
1345  tr[t].usave = 0;
1346  }
1347  else /* No usave.... simple case */
1348  {
1349  tr[tn].u0 = tr[t].u1;
1350  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1351  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1352  tr[tr[tn].u0].d0 = tn;
1353  }
1354  }
1355  else
1356  { /* fresh seg. or upward cusp */
1357  int tmp_u = tr[t].u0;
1358  int td0, td1;
1359  if (((td0 = tr[tmp_u].d0) > 0) &&
1360  ((td1 = tr[tmp_u].d1) > 0))
1361  { /* upward cusp */
1362  if ((tr[td0].rseg > 0) &&
1363  !is_left_of(tr[td0].rseg, &s.v1))
1364  {
1365  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1366  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1367  tr[t].u0 = -1;
1368  tr[tr[tn].u0].d1 = tn;
1369  }
1370  else
1371  {
1372  tr[t].u1 = -1;
1373  tr[tn].u1 = -1;
1374  tr[tn].u0 = -1;
1375  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1376  }
1377  }
1378  else /* fresh segment */
1379  {
1380  tr[tr[t].u0].d0 = t;
1381  tr[tr[t].u0].d1 = tn;
1382  }
1383  }
1385  if (FP_EQUAL(tr[t].lo.y, tr[tlast].lo.y) &&
1386  FP_EQUAL(tr[t].lo.x, tr[tlast].lo.x) && tribot)
1387  {
1388  /* this case arises only at the lowest trapezoid.. i.e.
1389  tlast, if the lower endpoint of the segment is
1390  already inserted in the structure */
1392  tr[tr[t].d0].u0 = t;
1393  tr[tr[t].d0].u1 = -1;
1394  tr[tr[t].d1].u0 = tn;
1395  tr[tr[t].d1].u1 = -1;
1397  tr[tn].d0 = tr[t].d1;
1398  tr[tn].d1 = -1;
1399  tr[t].d1 = -1;
1401  tnext = tr[t].d1;
1402  }
1403  else if (i_d0)
1404  /* intersecting d0 */
1405  {
1406  tr[tr[t].d0].u0 = t;
1407  tr[tr[t].d0].u1 = tn;
1408  tr[tr[t].d1].u0 = tn;
1409  tr[tr[t].d1].u1 = -1;
1411  /* new code to determine the bottom neighbours of the */
1412  /* newly partitioned trapezoid */
1414  tr[t].d1 = -1;
1416  tnext = tr[t].d0;
1417  }
1418  else /* intersecting d1 */
1419  {
1420  tr[tr[t].d0].u0 = t;
1421  tr[tr[t].d0].u1 = -1;
1422  tr[tr[t].d1].u0 = t;
1423  tr[tr[t].d1].u1 = tn;
1425  /* new code to determine the bottom neighbours of the */
1426  /* newly partitioned trapezoid */
1428  tr[tn].d0 = tr[t].d1;
1429  tr[tn].d1 = -1;
1431  tnext = tr[t].d1;
1432  }
1434  t = tnext;
1435  }
1437  tr[tn_sav].lseg = segnum;
1438  tr[t_sav].rseg = segnum;
1439  } /* end-while */
1441  /* Now combine those trapezoids which share common segments. We can */
1442  /* use the pointers to the parent to connect these together. This */
1443  /* works only because all these new trapezoids have been formed */
1444  /* due to splitting by the segment, and hence have only one parent */
1446  tfirstl = tfirst;
1447  tlastl = tlast;
1448  merge_trapezoids(segnum, tfirstl, tlastl, S_LEFT);
1449  merge_trapezoids(segnum, tfirstr, tlastr, S_RIGHT);
1451  seg[segnum].is_inserted = true;
1452  return 0;
1453 }
1456 /* Update the roots stored for each of the endpoints of the segment.
1457  * This is done to speed up the location-query for the endpoint when
1458  * the segment is inserted into the trapezoidation subsequently
1459  */
1460 int Triangulator::
1461 find_new_roots(int segnum) {
1462  // cerr << "find_new_roots(" << segnum << ")\n";
1463  segment_t *s = &seg[segnum];
1465  if (s->is_inserted)
1466  return 0;
1468  s->root0 = locate_endpoint(&s->v0, &s->v1, s->root0);
1469  s->root0 = tr[s->root0].sink;
1471  s->root1 = locate_endpoint(&s->v1, &s->v0, s->root1);
1472  s->root1 = tr[s->root1].sink;
1473  return 0;
1474 }
1477 /* Main routine to perform trapezoidation */
1478 int Triangulator::
1479 construct_trapezoids(int nseg) {
1480  // cerr << "construct_trapezoids(" << nseg << ")\n";
1481  int i;
1482  int root, h;
1484  /* Add the first segment and get the query structure and trapezoid */
1485  /* list initialised */
1487  root = init_query_structure(choose_segment());
1489  for (i = 1; i <= nseg; i++) {
1490  seg[i].root1 = root;
1491  seg[i].root0 = root;
1492  }
1494  for (h = 1; h <= math_logstar_n(nseg); h++)
1495  {
1496  for (i = math_N(nseg, h -1) + 1; i <= math_N(nseg, h); i++) {
1497  if (add_segment(choose_segment()) != 0) {
1498  // error in add_segment.
1499  return 1;
1500  }
1501  }
1503  /* Find a new root for each of the segment endpoints */
1504  for (i = 1; i <= nseg; i++)
1505  find_new_roots(i);
1506  }
1508  for (i = math_N(nseg, math_logstar_n(nseg)) + 1; i <= nseg; i++)
1509  add_segment(choose_segment());
1511  return 0;
1512 }
1516 /* Function returns true if the trapezoid lies inside the polygon */
1517 int Triangulator::
1518 inside_polygon(trap_t *t) {
1519  int rseg = t->rseg;
1521  if (t->state == ST_INVALID)
1522  return 0;
1524  if ((t->lseg <= 0) || (t->rseg <= 0))
1525  return 0;
1527  if (((t->u0 <= 0) && (t->u1 <= 0)) ||
1528  ((t->d0 <= 0) && (t->d1 <= 0))) /* triangle */
1529  return (_greater_than(&seg[rseg].v1, &seg[rseg].v0));
1531  return 0;
1532 }
1535 /* return a new mon structure from the table */
1536 int Triangulator::
1537 newmon() {
1538  int index = (int)mon.size();
1539  mon.push_back(0);
1540  // cerr << "newmon " << index << "\n";
1541  return index;
1542 }
1545 /* return a new chain element from the table */
1546 int Triangulator::
1547 new_chain_element() {
1548  int index = (int)mchain.size();
1549  mchain.push_back(monchain_t());
1550  // cerr << "new_chain_element " << index << "\n";
1551  return index;
1552 }
1555 double Triangulator::
1556 get_angle(point_t *vp0, point_t *vpnext, point_t *vp1) {
1557  point_t v0, v1;
1559  v0.x = vpnext->x - vp0->x;
1560  v0.y = vpnext->y - vp0->y;
1562  v1.x = vp1->x - vp0->x;
1563  v1.y = vp1->y - vp0->y;
1565  if (CROSS_SINE(v0, v1) >= 0) /* sine is positive */
1566  return DOT(v0, v1)/LENGTH(v0)/LENGTH(v1);
1567  else
1568  return (-1.0 * DOT(v0, v1)/LENGTH(v0)/LENGTH(v1) - 2);
1569 }
1572 /* (v0, v1) is the new diagonal to be added to the polygon. Find which */
1573 /* chain to use and return the positions of v0 and v1 in p and q */
1574 int Triangulator::
1575 get_vertex_positions(int v0, int v1, int *ip, int *iq) {
1576  vertexchain_t *vp0, *vp1;
1577  int i;
1578  double angle, temp;
1579  int tp = 0, tq = 0;
1581  vp0 = &vert[v0];
1582  vp1 = &vert[v1];
1584  /* p is identified as follows. Scan from (v0, v1) rightwards till */
1585  /* you hit the first segment starting from v0. That chain is the */
1586  /* chain of our interest */
1588  angle = -4.0;
1589  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1590  {
1591  if (vp0->vnext[i] <= 0)
1592  continue;
1593  if ((temp = get_angle(&vp0->pt, &(vert[vp0->vnext[i]].pt),
1594  &vp1->pt)) > angle)
1595  {
1596  angle = temp;
1597  tp = i;
1598  }
1599  }
1601  *ip = tp;
1603  /* Do similar actions for q */
1605  angle = -4.0;
1606  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1607  {
1608  if (vp1->vnext[i] <= 0)
1609  continue;
1610  if ((temp = get_angle(&vp1->pt, &(vert[vp1->vnext[i]].pt),
1611  &vp0->pt)) > angle)
1612  {
1613  angle = temp;
1614  tq = i;
1615  }
1616  }
1618  *iq = tq;
1620  return 0;
1621 }
1624 /* v0 and v1 are specified in anti-clockwise order with respect to
1625  * the current monotone polygon mcur. Split the current polygon into
1626  * two polygons using the diagonal (v0, v1)
1627  */
1628 int Triangulator::
1629 make_new_monotone_poly(int mcur, int v0, int v1) {
1630  int p, q, ip, iq;
1631  int mnew = newmon();
1632  int i, j, nf0, nf1;
1633  vertexchain_t *vp0, *vp1;
1635  if (v0 <= 0 || v1 <= 0) {
1636  return -1;
1637  }
1639  vp0 = &vert[v0];
1640  vp1 = &vert[v1];
1642  get_vertex_positions(v0, v1, &ip, &iq);
1644  p = vp0->vpos[ip];
1645  q = vp1->vpos[iq];
1647  /* At this stage, we have got the positions of v0 and v1 in the */
1648  /* desired chain. Now modify the linked lists */
1650  i = new_chain_element(); /* for the new list */
1651  j = new_chain_element();
1653  mchain[i].vnum = v0;
1654  mchain[j].vnum = v1;
1656  mchain[i].next = mchain[p].next;
1657  mchain[mchain[p].next].prev = i;
1658  mchain[i].prev = j;
1659  mchain[j].next = i;
1660  mchain[j].prev = mchain[q].prev;
1661  mchain[mchain[q].prev].next = j;
1663  mchain[p].next = q;
1664  mchain[q].prev = p;
1666  nf0 = vp0->nextfree;
1667  nf1 = vp1->nextfree;
1669  vp0->vnext[ip] = v1;
1671  vp0->vpos[nf0] = i;
1672  vp0->vnext[nf0] = mchain[mchain[i].next].vnum;
1673  vp1->vpos[nf1] = j;
1674  vp1->vnext[nf1] = v0;
1676  vp0->nextfree++;
1677  vp1->nextfree++;
1679 #ifdef DEBUG
1680  fprintf(stderr, "make_poly: mcur = %d, (v0, v1) = (%d, %d)\n",
1681  mcur, v0, v1);
1682  fprintf(stderr, "next posns = (p, q) = (%d, %d)\n", p, q);
1683 #endif
1685  mon[mcur] = p;
1686  mon[mnew] = i;
1687  return mnew;
1688 }
1690 /* Main routine to get monotone polygons from the trapezoidation of
1691  * the polygon.
1692  */
1694 int Triangulator::
1695 monotonate_trapezoids(int n) {
1696  int i;
1697  int tr_start;
1699  vert.clear();
1700  visited.clear();
1701  mchain.clear();
1702  mon.clear();
1704  vert.insert(vert.begin(), n + 1, vertexchain_t());
1705  mchain.insert(mchain.begin(), n + 1, monchain_t());
1707  visited.insert(visited.begin(), tr.size(), 0);
1709  /* First locate a trapezoid which lies inside the polygon */
1710  /* and which is triangular */
1711  for (i = 1; i < (int)tr.size(); i++)
1712  if (inside_polygon(&tr[i]))
1713  break;
1714  if (i >= (int)tr.size()) {
1715  // No valid trapezoids.
1716  return 0;
1717  }
1718  // printf("start = %d\n", i);
1719  tr_start = i;
1721  /* Initialise the mon data-structure and start spanning all the */
1722  /* trapezoids within the polygon */
1724 #if 0
1725  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
1726  {
1727  mchain[i].prev = i - 1;
1728  mchain[i].next = i + 1;
1729  mchain[i].vnum = i;
1730  vert[i].pt = seg[i].v0;
1731  vert[i].vnext[0] = i + 1; /* next vertex */
1732  vert[i].vpos[0] = i; /* locn. of next vertex */
1733  vert[i].nextfree = 1;
1734  vert[i].user_i = seg[i].v0_i;
1735  }
1736  mchain[1].prev = n;
1737  mchain[n].next = 1;
1738  vert[n].vnext[0] = 1;
1739  vert[n].vpos[0] = n;
1740  mon.push_back(1); /* position of any vertex in the first */
1741  /* chain */
1743 #else
1745  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
1746  {
1747  mchain[i].prev = seg[i].prev;
1748  mchain[i].next = seg[i].next;
1749  mchain[i].vnum = i;
1750  vert[i].pt = seg[i].v0;
1751  vert[i].vnext[0] = seg[i].next; /* next vertex */
1752  vert[i].vpos[0] = i; /* locn. of next vertex */
1753  vert[i].nextfree = 1;
1754  vert[i].user_i = seg[i].v0_i;
1755  }
1757  mon.push_back(1); /* position of any vertex in the first */
1758  /* chain */
1760 #endif
1762  /* traverse the polygon */
1763  if (tr[tr_start].u0 > 0)
1764  traverse_polygon(0, tr_start, tr[tr_start].u0, TR_FROM_UP);
1765  else if (tr[tr_start].d0 > 0)
1766  traverse_polygon(0, tr_start, tr[tr_start].d0, TR_FROM_DN);
1768  /* return the number of polygons created */
1769  return newmon();
1770 }
1773 /* recursively visit all the trapezoids */
1774 int Triangulator::
1775 traverse_polygon(int mcur, int trnum, int from, int dir) {
1776  // printf("traverse_polygon(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", mcur, trnum, from, dir);
1778  if (mcur < 0 || trnum <= 0)
1779  return 0;
1781  if (visited[trnum])
1782  return 0;
1784  trap_t *t = &tr[trnum];
1785  // int howsplit;
1786  int mnew;
1787  int v0, v1; //, v0next, v1next;
1788  int retval = 0; //, tmp;
1790  // printf("visited size = %d, visited[trnum] = %d\n", visited.size(),
1791  // visited[trnum]);
1793  visited[trnum] = true;
1795  /* We have much more information available here. */
1796  /* rseg: goes upwards */
1797  /* lseg: goes downwards */
1799  /* Initially assume that dir = TR_FROM_DN (from the left) */
1800  /* Switch v0 and v1 if necessary afterwards */
1803  /* special cases for triangles with cusps at the opposite ends. */
1804  /* take care of this first */
1805  if ((t->u0 <= 0) && (t->u1 <= 0))
1806  {
1807  if ((t->d0 > 0) && (t->d1 > 0)) /* downward opening triangle */
1808  {
1809  v0 = tr[t->d1].lseg;
1810  v1 = t->lseg;
1811  if (from == t->d1)
1812  {
1813  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v1, v0);
1814  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1815  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1816  }
1817  else
1818  {
1819  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v0, v1);
1820  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1821  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1822  }
1823  }
1824  else
1825  {
1826  retval = SP_NOSPLIT; /* Just traverse all neighbours */
1827  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1828  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1829  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1830  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1831  }
1832  }
1834  else if ((t->d0 <= 0) && (t->d1 <= 0))
1835  {
1836  if ((t->u0 > 0) && (t->u1 > 0)) /* upward opening triangle */
1837  {
1838  v0 = t->rseg;
1839  v1 = tr[t->u0].rseg;
1840  if (from == t->u1)
1841  {
1842  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v1, v0);
1843  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1844  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1845  }
1846  else
1847  {
1848  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v0, v1);
1849  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1850  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1851  }
1852  }
1853  else
1854  {
1855  retval = SP_NOSPLIT; /* Just traverse all neighbours */
1856  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1857  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1858  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1859  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1860  }
1861  }
1863  else if ((t->u0 > 0) && (t->u1 > 0))
1864  {
1865  if ((t->d0 > 0) && (t->d1 > 0)) /* downward + upward cusps */
1866  {
1867  v0 = tr[t->d1].lseg;
1868  v1 = tr[t->u0].rseg;
1869  retval = SP_2UP_2DN;
1870  if (((dir == TR_FROM_DN) && (t->d1 == from)) ||
1871  ((dir == TR_FROM_UP) && (t->u1 == from)))
1872  {
1873  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v1, v0);
1874  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1875  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1876  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1877  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1878  }
1879  else
1880  {
1881  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v0, v1);
1882  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1883  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1884  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1885  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1886  }
1887  }
1888  else /* only downward cusp */
1889  {
1890  if (_equal_to(&t->lo, &seg[t->lseg].v1))
1891  {
1892  v0 = tr[t->u0].rseg;
1893  v1 = seg[t->lseg].next;
1895  retval = SP_2UP_LEFT;
1896  if ((dir == TR_FROM_UP) && (t->u0 == from))
1897  {
1898  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v1, v0);
1899  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1900  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1901  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1902  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1903  }
1904  else
1905  {
1906  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v0, v1);
1907  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1908  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1909  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1910  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1911  }
1912  }
1913  else
1914  {
1915  v0 = t->rseg;
1916  v1 = tr[t->u0].rseg;
1917  retval = SP_2UP_RIGHT;
1918  if ((dir == TR_FROM_UP) && (t->u1 == from))
1919  {
1920  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v1, v0);
1921  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1922  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1923  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1924  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1925  }
1926  else
1927  {
1928  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v0, v1);
1929  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1930  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1931  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1932  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1933  }
1934  }
1935  }
1936  }
1937  else if ((t->u0 > 0) || (t->u1 > 0)) /* no downward cusp */
1938  {
1939  if ((t->d0 > 0) && (t->d1 > 0)) /* only upward cusp */
1940  {
1941  if (_equal_to(&t->hi, &seg[t->lseg].v0))
1942  {
1943  v0 = tr[t->d1].lseg;
1944  v1 = t->lseg;
1945  retval = SP_2DN_LEFT;
1946  if (!((dir == TR_FROM_DN) && (t->d0 == from)))
1947  {
1948  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v1, v0);
1949  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1950  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1951  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1952  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1953  }
1954  else
1955  {
1956  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v0, v1);
1957  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1958  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1959  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1960  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1961  }
1962  }
1963  else
1964  {
1965  v0 = tr[t->d1].lseg;
1966  v1 = seg[t->rseg].next;
1968  retval = SP_2DN_RIGHT;
1969  if ((dir == TR_FROM_DN) && (t->d1 == from))
1970  {
1971  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v1, v0);
1972  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1973  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1974  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1975  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1976  }
1977  else
1978  {
1979  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v0, v1);
1980  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1981  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1982  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1983  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
1984  }
1985  }
1986  }
1987  else /* no cusp */
1988  {
1989  if (_equal_to(&t->hi, &seg[t->lseg].v0) &&
1990  _equal_to(&t->lo, &seg[t->rseg].v0))
1991  {
1992  v0 = t->rseg;
1993  v1 = t->lseg;
1994  retval = SP_SIMPLE_LRDN;
1995  if (dir == TR_FROM_UP)
1996  {
1997  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v1, v0);
1998  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
1999  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
2000  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2001  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2002  }
2003  else
2004  {
2005  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v0, v1);
2006  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2007  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2008  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
2009  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
2010  }
2011  }
2012  else if (_equal_to(&t->hi, &seg[t->rseg].v1) &&
2013  _equal_to(&t->lo, &seg[t->lseg].v1))
2014  {
2015  v0 = seg[t->rseg].next;
2016  v1 = seg[t->lseg].next;
2018  retval = SP_SIMPLE_LRUP;
2019  if (dir == TR_FROM_UP)
2020  {
2021  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v1, v0);
2022  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
2023  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
2024  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2025  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2026  }
2027  else
2028  {
2029  mnew = make_new_monotone_poly(mcur, v0, v1);
2030  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2031  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2032  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
2033  traverse_polygon(mnew, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
2034  }
2035  }
2036  else /* no split possible */
2037  {
2038  retval = SP_NOSPLIT;
2039  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u0, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
2040  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d0, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2041  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->u1, trnum, TR_FROM_DN);
2042  traverse_polygon(mcur, t->d1, trnum, TR_FROM_UP);
2043  }
2044  }
2045  }
2047  return retval;
2048 }
2051 /* For each monotone polygon, find the ymax and ymin (to determine the */
2052 /* two y-monotone chains) and pass on this monotone polygon for greedy */
2053 /* triangulation. */
2054 /* Take care not to triangulate duplicate monotone polygons */
2056 void Triangulator::
2057 triangulate_monotone_polygons(int nvert, int nmonpoly) {
2058  int i;
2059  point_t ymax, ymin;
2060  int p, vfirst, posmax, posmin, v;
2061  int vcount, processed;
2063  #ifdef DEBUG
2064  for (i = 0; i < nmonpoly; i++)
2065  {
2066  fprintf(stderr, "\n\nPolygon %d: ", i);
2067  vfirst = mchain[mon[i]].vnum;
2068  p = mchain[mon[i]].next;
2069  fprintf (stderr, "%d ", mchain[mon[i]].vnum);
2070  while (mchain[p].vnum != vfirst)
2071  {
2072  fprintf(stderr, "%d ", mchain[p].vnum);
2073  if (mchain[p].vnum == -1) {
2074  fprintf(stderr, " xx");
2075  break;
2076  }
2077  p = mchain[p].next;
2078  }
2079  }
2080  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
2081  #endif
2083  for (i = 0; i < nmonpoly; i++)
2084  {
2085  vcount = 1;
2086  processed = false;
2087  vfirst = mchain[mon[i]].vnum;
2088  if (vfirst <= 0) {
2089  return;
2090  }
2091  ymin = vert[vfirst].pt;
2092  ymax = ymin;
2093  posmin = mon[i];
2094  posmax = posmin;
2095  mchain[mon[i]].marked = true;
2096  p = mchain[mon[i]].next;
2097  while ((v = mchain[p].vnum) != vfirst)
2098  {
2099  if (v <= 0) {
2100  return;
2101  }
2102  if (mchain[p].marked)
2103  {
2104  processed = true;
2105  break; /* break from while */
2106  }
2107  else
2108  mchain[p].marked = true;
2110  if (_greater_than(&vert[v].pt, &ymax))
2111  {
2112  ymax = vert[v].pt;
2113  posmax = p;
2114  }
2115  if (_less_than(&vert[v].pt, &ymin))
2116  {
2117  ymin = vert[v].pt;
2118  posmin = p;
2119  }
2120  p = mchain[p].next;
2121  vcount++;
2122  }
2124  if (processed) /* Go to next polygon */
2125  continue;
2127  if (vcount == 3) /* already a triangle */
2128  {
2129  _result.push_back(Triangle(this, mchain[p].vnum,
2130  mchain[mchain[p].next].vnum,
2131  mchain[mchain[p].prev].vnum));
2132  }
2133  else /* triangulate the polygon */
2134  {
2135  v = mchain[mchain[posmax].next].vnum;
2136  if (_equal_to(&vert[v].pt, &ymin))
2137  { /* LHS is a single line */
2138  triangulate_single_polygon(nvert, posmax, TRI_LHS);
2139  }
2140  else
2141  triangulate_single_polygon(nvert, posmax, TRI_RHS);
2142  }
2143  }
2144 }
2147 /* A greedy corner-cutting algorithm to triangulate a y-monotone
2148  * polygon in O(n) time.
2149  * Joseph O-Rourke, Computational Geometry in C.
2150  */
2151 void Triangulator::
2152 triangulate_single_polygon(int nvert, int posmax, int side) {
2153  int v;
2154  vector_int rc; /* reflex chain */
2155  int ri;
2156  int endv, tmp, vpos;
2158  // cerr << "triangulate_single_polygon(" << nvert << ", " << posmax << ", "
2159  // << side << ")\n";
2161  if (side == TRI_RHS) /* RHS segment is a single segment */
2162  {
2163  rc.push_back(mchain[posmax].vnum);
2164  tmp = mchain[posmax].next;
2165  rc.push_back(mchain[tmp].vnum);
2166  ri = 1;
2168  vpos = mchain[tmp].next;
2169  v = mchain[vpos].vnum;
2171  if ((endv = mchain[mchain[posmax].prev].vnum) == 0)
2172  endv = nvert;
2173  }
2174  else /* LHS is a single segment */
2175  {
2176  tmp = mchain[posmax].next;
2177  rc.push_back(mchain[tmp].vnum);
2178  tmp = mchain[tmp].next;
2179  rc.push_back(mchain[tmp].vnum);
2180  ri = 1;
2182  vpos = mchain[tmp].next;
2183  v = mchain[vpos].vnum;
2185  endv = mchain[posmax].vnum;
2186  }
2188  while ((v != endv) || (ri > 1))
2189  {
2190  // cerr << " v = " << v << " ri = " << ri << " rc = " << rc.size() << "
2191  // _result = " << _result.size() << "\n";
2192  if (v <= 0) {
2193  // Something went wrong.
2194  return;
2195  }
2196  if (ri > 0) /* reflex chain is non-empty */
2197  {
2198  PN_stdfloat crossResult = CROSS(vert[v].pt, vert[rc[ri - 1]].pt,
2199  vert[rc[ri]].pt);
2200  if ( crossResult >= 0 ) /* could be convex corner or straight */
2201  {
2202  if ( crossResult > 0) /* convex corner: cut it off */
2203  _result.push_back(Triangle(this, rc[ri - 1], rc[ri], v));
2204  /* else : perfectly straight, will be abandoned anyway */
2205  ri--;
2206  rc.pop_back();
2207  nassertv(ri + 1 == (int)rc.size());
2208  }
2209  else /* concave, add v to the chain */
2210  {
2211  ri++;
2212  rc.push_back(v);
2213  nassertv(ri + 1 == (int)rc.size());
2214  vpos = mchain[vpos].next;
2215  v = mchain[vpos].vnum;
2216  }
2217  }
2218  else /* reflex-chain empty: add v to the */
2219  { /* reflex chain and advance it */
2220  ri++;
2221  rc.push_back(v);
2222  nassertv(ri + 1 == (int)rc.size());
2223  vpos = mchain[vpos].next;
2224  v = mchain[vpos].vnum;
2225  }
2226  } /* end-while */
2228  /* reached the bottom vertex. Add in the triangle formed */
2229  _result.push_back(Triangle(this, rc[ri - 1], rc[ri], v));
2230  ri--;
2231 }
void triangulate()
Does the work of triangulating the specified polygon.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
int get_triangle_v0(int n) const
Returns vertex 0 of the nth triangle generated by the previous call to triangulate().
void begin_hole()
Finishes the previous hole, if any, and prepares to add a new hole.
int get_triangle_v2(int n) const
Returns vertex 2 of the nth triangle generated by the previous call to triangulate().
void add_hole_vertex(int index)
Adds the next consecutive vertex of the current hole.
void clear_polygon()
Removes the current polygon definition (and its set of holes), but does not clear the vertex pool.
int random_int(int range)
Returns a random integer in the range [0, range).
Definition: randomizer.I:45
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
int get_num_triangles() const
Returns the number of triangles generated by the previous call to triangulate().
void clear()
Removes all vertices and polygon specifications from the Triangulator, and prepares it to start over.
void add_polygon_vertex(int index)
Adds the next consecutive vertex of the polygon.
A handy class to return random numbers.
Definition: randomizer.h:26
int get_triangle_v1(int n) const
Returns vertex 1 of the nth triangle generated by the previous call to triangulate().
int add_vertex(const LPoint2d &point)
Adds a new vertex to the vertex pool.