Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file aiPathFinder.cxx
10  * @author Deepak, John, Navin
11  * @date 2009-11-10
12  */
14 #include "aiPathFinder.h"
16 PathFinder::PathFinder(NavMesh nav_mesh) {
17  _grid = nav_mesh;
18 }
20 PathFinder::~PathFinder() {
21 }
23 /**
24  * This function initializes the pathfinding process by accepting the source
25  * and destination nodes. It then calls the generate_path().
26  */
27 void PathFinder::find_path(Node *src_node, Node *dest_node) {
28  _src_node = src_node;
29  _dest_node = dest_node;
31  // Add a dummy node as the first element of the open list with score = -1.
32  // Inorder to implement a binary heap the index of the elements should never
33  // be 0.
34  Node *_dummy_node = new Node(-1, -1, LVecBase3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0, 0, 0);
35  _dummy_node->_status = _dummy_node->open;
36  _dummy_node->_score = -1;
37  _open_list.push_back(_dummy_node);
39  // Add the source node to the open list.
40  add_to_olist(_src_node);
42  // Generate the path.
43  generate_path();
44 }
46 /**
47  * This function performs the pathfinding process using the A* algorithm. It
48  * updates the openlist and closelist.
49  */
51  // All the A* algorithm is implemented here. The check is > 1 due to the
52  // existence of the dummy node.
53  while(_open_list.size() > 1) {
54  // The first element of the open list will always be the optimal node.
55  // This is because the open list is a binary heap with element having the
56  // smallest score at the top of the heap.
57  Node* nxt_node = _open_list[1];
59  if(nxt_node->_grid_x == _dest_node->_grid_x &&
60  nxt_node->_grid_y == _dest_node->_grid_y) {
61  // Remove the optimal node from the top of the heap.
64  // add the used node to the closed list.
65  add_to_clist(nxt_node);
67  // At this point the destination is reached.
68  return;
69  }
70  else {
71  identify_neighbors(nxt_node);
73  // add the used node to the closed list.
74  add_to_clist(nxt_node);
75  }
76  }
77  std::cout << "DESTINATION NOT REACHABLE MATE!" << std::endl;
78  _closed_list.clear();
79 }
81 /**
82  * This function traverses through the 8 neigbors of the parent node and then
83  * adds the neighbors to the _open_list based on A* criteria.
84  */
86  // Remove the parent node from the open_list so that it is not considered
87  // while adding new nodes to the open list heap.
89  for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
90  if(parent_node->_neighbours[i] != nullptr) {
91  if(parent_node->_neighbours[i]->_status == parent_node->_neighbours[i]->neutral
92  && parent_node->_neighbours[i]->_type == true) {
93  // Link the neighbor to the parent node.
94  parent_node->_neighbours[i]->_prv_node = parent_node;
95  // Calculate and update the score for the node.
96  calc_node_score(parent_node->_neighbours[i]);
97  // Add the neighbor to the open list.
98  add_to_olist(parent_node->_neighbours[i]);
99  }
100  }
101  }
102 }
104 /**
105  * This function calculates the score of each node. Score = Cost +
106  * Heuristics.
107  */
109  nd->_cost = calc_cost_frm_src(nd);
110  nd->_heuristic = calc_heuristic(nd);
111  nd->_score = nd->_cost + nd->_heuristic;
112 }
114 /**
115  * This function calculates the cost of each node by finding out the number of
116  * node traversals required to reach the source node. Diagonal traversals
117  * have cost = 14. Horizontal and vertical traversals have cost = 10.
118  */
120  int cost = 0;
121  Node *start_node = nd;
122  while(start_node->_prv_node != _src_node) {
123  if(is_diagonal_node(start_node)) {
124  cost += 14;
125  }
126  else {
127  cost += 10;
128  }
129  start_node = start_node->_prv_node;
130  }
131  // Add the cost of traversal to the source node also.
132  if(is_diagonal_node(start_node)) {
133  cost += 14;
134  }
135  else {
136  cost += 10;
137  }
138  return cost;
139 }
141 /**
142  * This function calculates the heuristic of the nodes using Manhattan method.
143  * All it does is predict the number of node traversals required to reach the
144  * target node. No diagonal traversals are allowed in this technique.
145  */
147  int row_diff = abs(_dest_node->_grid_x - nd->_grid_x);
148  int col_diff = abs(_dest_node->_grid_y - nd->_grid_y);
150  int heuristic = 10 * (row_diff + col_diff);
151  return heuristic;
152 }
154 /**
155  * This function checks if the traversal from a node is diagonal.
156  */
158  // Calculate the row and column differences between child and parent nodes.
159  float row_diff = nd->_grid_x - nd->_prv_node->_grid_x;
160  float col_diff = nd->_grid_y - nd->_prv_node->_grid_y;
162  // Check if the relationship between child and parent node is diagonal.
163  if(row_diff == 0 || col_diff == 0) {
164  return false;
165  }
166  else {
167  return true;
168  }
169 }
171 /**
172  * This function adds a node to the open list heap. A binay heap is
173  * maintained to improve the search.
174  */
176  // Variables required to search the binary heap.
177  Node *child_node, *parent_node;
178  int child_idx, parent_idx;
180  // Set the status as open.
181  nd->_status = nd->open;
182  // Add the node to the open list.
183  _open_list.push_back(nd);
185  // Find the parent and child nodes and create temporary nodes out of them.
186  // In a binary heap the children of a parent node are always i*2 and i*2 +
187  // 1, where i is the index of the parent node in the heap. And hence, the
188  // parent of a node can be easily found out by dividing by 2 and rounding
189  // it.
190  child_idx = _open_list.size() - 1;
191  parent_idx = child_idx / 2;
192  child_node = _open_list[child_idx];
193  parent_node = _open_list[parent_idx];
195  // Keep traversing the heap until the lowest element in the list is bubbled
196  // to the top of the heap.
197  while(_open_list[child_idx]->_score <= _open_list[parent_idx]->_score) {
198  // Swap the parent node and the child node.
199  _open_list[parent_idx] = child_node;
200  _open_list[child_idx] = parent_node;
202  // Update the new child and parent indices.
203  child_idx = parent_idx;
204  parent_idx = child_idx / 2;
206  // Update the new child and parent nodes.
207  child_node = _open_list[child_idx];
208  parent_node = _open_list[parent_idx];
209  }
211  // At this point the Node with the smallest score will be at the top of the
212  // heap.
213 }
215 /**
216  * This function removes a node from the open list. During the removal the
217  * binary heap is maintained.
218  */
220  // Variables for maintaining the binary heap.
221  Node *child_node, *child_node_1, *child_node_2;
222  int child_idx, child_idx_1, child_idx_2;
224  // Remove the Node at index 1 from the open list binary heap. Note: Node at
225  // index 0 of open list is a dummy node.
226  _open_list.erase(_open_list.begin() + 1);
228  if(_open_list.size() > 1) {
229  // Store the last element in the open list to a temp_node.
230  Node *temp_node = _open_list[_open_list.size() - 1];
232  // Shift the elements of the open list to the right by 1 element
233  // circularly, excluding element at 0 index.
234  for(int i = _open_list.size() - 1; i > 1; --i) {
235  _open_list[i] = _open_list[i - 1];
236  }
238  // Assign the temp_node to 1st element in the open list.
239  _open_list[1] = temp_node;
241  // Set the iterator for traversing the node from index 1 in the heap.
242  unsigned int k = 1;
244  // This loop traverses down the open list till the node reaches the
245  // correct position in the binary heap.
246  while(true) {
247  if((k * 2 + 1) < _open_list.size()) {
248  // Two children exists for the parent node.
249  child_idx_1 = k * 2;
250  child_idx_2 = k * 2 + 1;
251  child_node_1 = _open_list[child_idx_1];
252  child_node_2 = _open_list[child_idx_2];
254  if(_open_list[child_idx_1]->_score < _open_list[child_idx_2]->_score) {
255  if(_open_list[k]->_score > _open_list[child_idx_1]->_score) {
256  // Swap the parent node and the child node.
257  _open_list[child_idx_1] = _open_list[k];
258  _open_list[k] = child_node_1;
260  // Update the parent node index.
261  k = child_idx_1;
262  }
263  else {
264  break;
265  }
266  }
267  else {
268  if(_open_list[k]->_score > _open_list[child_idx_2]->_score) {
269  // Swap the parent node and the child node.
270  _open_list[child_idx_2] = _open_list[k];
271  _open_list[k] = child_node_2;
273  // Update the parent node index.
274  k = child_idx_2;
275  }
276  else {
277  break;
278  }
279  }
280  }
281  else if((k * 2) < _open_list.size()) {
282  // Only one child exists for the parent node.
283  child_idx = k * 2;
284  child_node = _open_list[child_idx];
286  if(_open_list[k]->_score > _open_list[child_idx]->_score) {
287  // Swap the parent node and the child node.
288  _open_list[child_idx] = _open_list[k];
289  _open_list[k] = child_node;
291  // Update the parent node index.
292  k = child_idx;
293  }
294  else {
295  break;
296  }
297  }
298  else {
299  // No children exists.
300  break;
301  }
302  }
303  }
305  // At this point the Node was succesfully removed and the binary heap re-
306  // arranged.
307 }
309 /**
310  * This function adds a node to the closed list.
311  */
313  // Set the status as closed.
314  nd->_status = nd->close;
315  // Add the node to the close list.
316  _closed_list.push_back(nd);
317 }
319 /**
320  * This function removes a node from the closed list.
321  */
322 void PathFinder::remove_from_clist(int r, int c) {
323  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _closed_list.size(); ++i) {
324  if(_closed_list[i]->_grid_x == r && _closed_list[i]->_grid_y == c) {
325  _closed_list.erase(_closed_list.begin() + i);
326  break;
327  }
328  }
329 }
331 /**
332  * This function allows the user to pass a position and it returns the
333  * corresponding node on the navigation mesh. A very useful function as it
334  * allows for dynamic updation of the mesh based on position.
335  */
336 Node* find_in_mesh(NavMesh nav_mesh, LVecBase3 pos, int grid_size) {
337  int size = grid_size;
338  float x = pos[0];
339  float y = pos[1];
341  for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
342  for(int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
343  if(nav_mesh[i][j] != nullptr && nav_mesh[i][j]->contains(x, y)) {
344  return(nav_mesh[i][j]);
345  }
346  }
347  }
348  return nullptr;
349 }
Node * find_in_mesh(NavMesh nav_mesh, LVecBase3 pos, int grid_size)
This function allows the user to pass a position and it returns the corresponding node on the navigat...
void generate_path()
This function performs the pathfinding process using the A* algorithm.
This class is used to assign the nodes on the mesh.
Definition: meshNode.h:16
void add_to_clist(Node *nd)
This function adds a node to the closed list.
bool is_diagonal_node(Node *nd)
This function checks if the traversal from a node is diagonal.
void remove_from_olist()
This function removes a node from the open list.
void find_path(Node *src_node, Node *dest_node)
This function initializes the pathfinding process by accepting the source and destination nodes.
void identify_neighbors(Node *nd)
This function traverses through the 8 neigbors of the parent node and then adds the neighbors to the ...
void calc_node_score(Node *nd)
This function calculates the score of each node.
void add_to_olist(Node *nd)
This function adds a node to the open list heap.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void remove_from_clist(int r, int c)
This function removes a node from the closed list.
int calc_heuristic(Node *nd)
This function calculates the heuristic of the nodes using Manhattan method.
int calc_cost_frm_src(Node *nd)
This function calculates the cost of each node by finding out the number of node traversals required ...