Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file drawableRegion.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2002-07-11
12  */
14 #include "drawableRegion.h"
15 #include "config_display.h"
18 /**
19  *
20  */
21 DrawableRegion::
22 ~DrawableRegion() {
23 }
25 /**
26  * Sets the clear-active flag for any bitplane.
27  */
29 set_clear_active(int n, bool clear_active) {
30  nassertv(n >= 0 && n < RTP_COUNT);
31  if (clear_active) {
32  _clear_mask |= 1 << n;
33  } else {
34  _clear_mask &= ~(1 << n);
35  }
36  update_pixel_factor();
37 }
39 /**
40  * Gets the clear-active flag for any bitplane.
41  */
43 get_clear_active(int n) const {
44  nassertr(n >= 0 && n < RTP_COUNT, false);
45  return (_clear_mask & (1 << n)) != 0;
46 }
48 /**
49  * Sets the clear value for any bitplane.
50  */
52 set_clear_value(int n, const LColor &clear_value) {
53  nassertv((n >= 0) && (n < RTP_COUNT));
54  _clear_value[n] = clear_value;
55 }
57 /**
58  * Returns the clear value for any bitplane.
59  */
60 const LColor &DrawableRegion::
61 get_clear_value(int n) const {
62  static LColor blank(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.0);
63  nassertr((n >= 0) && (n < RTP_COUNT), blank);
64  return _clear_value[n];
65 }
67 /**
68  * Disables both the color and depth clear. See set_clear_color_active and
69  * set_clear_depth_active.
70  */
73  _clear_mask = 0;
74  update_pixel_factor();
75 }
77 /**
78  * Returns true if any of the clear types (so far there are just color or
79  * depth) have been set active, or false if none of them are active and there
80  * is no need to clear.
81  */
84  return (_clear_mask != 0);
85 }
87 /**
88  * Sets the amount by which the pixels of the region are scaled internally
89  * when filling the image interally. Setting this number larger makes the
90  * pixels blockier, but may make the rendering faster, particularly for
91  * software renderers. Setting this number to 2.0 reduces the number of
92  * pixels that have to be filled by the renderer by a factor of 2.0. It
93  * doesn't make sense to set this lower than 1.0.
94  *
95  * It is possible to set this on either individual DisplayRegions or on
96  * overall GraphicsWindows, but you will get better performance for setting it
97  * on the window rather than its individual DisplayRegions. Also, you may not
98  * set it on a DisplayRegion that doesn't have both clear_color() and
99  * clear_depth() enabled.
100  *
101  * This property is only supported on renderers for which it is particularly
102  * useful--currently, this is the tinydisplay software renderer. Other kinds
103  * of renderers allow you to set this property, but ignore it.
104  */
105 void DrawableRegion::
106 set_pixel_zoom(PN_stdfloat pixel_zoom) {
107  _pixel_zoom = pixel_zoom;
108  update_pixel_factor();
109 }
111 /**
112  * Returns true if a call to set_pixel_zoom() will be respected, false if it
113  * will be ignored. If this returns false, then get_pixel_factor() will
114  * always return 1.0, regardless of what value you specify for
115  * set_pixel_zoom().
116  *
117  * This may return false if the underlying renderer doesn't support pixel
118  * zooming, or if you have called this on a DisplayRegion that doesn't have
119  * both set_clear_color() and set_clear_depth() enabled.
120  */
121 bool DrawableRegion::
123  return false;
124 }
126 /**
127  * Returns the RenderBuffer::Type that corresponds to a RenderTexturePlane.
128  */
131  switch(rtp) {
132  case RTP_stencil: return RenderBuffer::T_stencil;
133  case RTP_depth: return RenderBuffer::T_depth;
134  case RTP_depth_stencil: return RenderBuffer::T_depth | RenderBuffer::T_stencil;
135  case RTP_color: return RenderBuffer::T_color;
136  case RTP_aux_rgba_0: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_rgba_0;
137  case RTP_aux_rgba_1: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_rgba_1;
138  case RTP_aux_rgba_2: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_rgba_2;
139  case RTP_aux_rgba_3: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_rgba_3;
140  case RTP_aux_hrgba_0: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_hrgba_0;
141  case RTP_aux_hrgba_1: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_hrgba_1;
142  case RTP_aux_hrgba_2: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_hrgba_2;
143  case RTP_aux_hrgba_3: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_hrgba_3;
144  case RTP_aux_float_0: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_float_0;
145  case RTP_aux_float_1: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_float_1;
146  case RTP_aux_float_2: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_float_2;
147  case RTP_aux_float_3: return RenderBuffer::T_aux_float_3;
148  default:
149  display_cat.error() << "DrawableRegion::get_renderbuffer_type unexpected case!\n";
150  return 0;
151  };
152 }
154 /**
155  * Called internally when the pixel factor changes.
156  */
157 void DrawableRegion::
158 pixel_factor_changed() {
159 }
static int get_renderbuffer_type(int plane)
Returns the RenderBuffer::Type that corresponds to a RenderTexturePlane.
virtual void set_clear_active(int n, bool clear_aux_active)
Sets the clear-active flag for any bitplane.
virtual bool get_clear_active(int n) const
Gets the clear-active flag for any bitplane.
virtual void set_clear_value(int n, const LColor &clear_value)
Sets the clear value for any bitplane.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
virtual void disable_clears()
Disables both the color and depth clear.
virtual const LColor & get_clear_value(int n) const
Returns the clear value for any bitplane.
virtual bool supports_pixel_zoom() const
Returns true if a call to set_pixel_zoom() will be respected, false if it will be ignored.
Sets the amount by which the pixels of the region are scaled internally when filling the image intera...
virtual bool is_any_clear_active() const
Returns true if any of the clear types (so far there are just color or depth) have been set active,...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.