Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file physxActor.cxx
10  * @author enn0x
11  * @date 2009-09-14
12  */
14 #include "physxActor.h"
15 #include "physxActorDesc.h"
16 #include "physxBodyDesc.h"
17 #include "physxShapeDesc.h"
18 #include "physxManager.h"
20 TypeHandle PhysxActor::_type_handle;
22 /**
23  *
24  */
25 void PhysxActor::
26 link(NxActor *actorPtr) {
28  // Link self
29  _ptr = actorPtr;
30  _ptr->userData = this;
31  _error_type = ET_ok;
33  set_name(actorPtr->getName());
35  PhysxScene *scene = (PhysxScene *)_ptr->getScene().userData;
36  scene->_actors.add(this);
38  // Link shapes
39  NxShape * const *shapes = _ptr->getShapes();
40  NxU32 nShapes = _ptr->getNbShapes();
42  for (NxU32 i=0; i < nShapes; i++) {
43  PhysxShape *shape = PhysxShape::factory(shapes[i]->getType());
44  shape->link(shapes[i]);
45  }
46 }
48 /**
49  *
50  */
51 void PhysxActor::
52 unlink() {
54  // Unlink shapes
55  NxShape * const *shapes = _ptr->getShapes();
56  NxU32 nShapes = _ptr->getNbShapes();
58  for (NxU32 i=0; i < nShapes; i++) {
59  PhysxShape *shape = (PhysxShape *)shapes[i]->userData;
60  shape->unlink();
61  }
63  // Unlink self
64  _ptr->userData = nullptr;
65  _error_type = ET_released;
67  PhysxScene *scene = (PhysxScene *)_ptr->getScene().userData;
68  scene->_actors.remove(this);
69 }
71 /**
72  *
73  */
74 void PhysxActor::
75 release() {
77  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
79  unlink();
80  _ptr->getScene().releaseActor(*_ptr);
81  _ptr = nullptr;
82 }
84 /**
85  *
86  */
87 void PhysxActor::
88 link_controller(PhysxController *controller) {
90  _controller = controller;
91 }
93 /**
94  * Saves the body information of a dynamic actor to the passed body
95  * descriptor.
96  */
97 bool PhysxActor::
98 save_body_to_desc(PhysxBodyDesc &bodyDesc) const {
100  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, false);
101  return _ptr->saveBodyToDesc(bodyDesc._desc);
102 }
104 /**
105  * Saves the state of the actor to the passed descriptor.
106  */
107 void PhysxActor::
108 save_to_desc(PhysxActorDesc &actorDesc) const {
110  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
111  _ptr->saveToDesc(actorDesc._desc);
112 }
114 /**
115  * Sets a name string for the object that can be retrieved with get_name().
116  * This is for debugging and is not used by the engine.
117  */
118 void PhysxActor::
119 set_name(const char *name) {
121  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
123  _name = name ? name : "";
124  _ptr->setName(_name.c_str());
125 }
127 /**
128  * Retrieves the name string.
129  */
130 const char *PhysxActor::
131 get_name() const {
133  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, "");
134  return _ptr->getName();
135 }
137 /**
138  * Updates the transform of an assigned NodePath. If the actor has been
139  * created by a PhysxController then this method will update the NodePath's
140  * transform from the controller's transform.
141  */
142 void PhysxActor::
143 update_transform(const LMatrix4f &m) {
145  // Active transforms are update AFTER scene.fetchResults() has been called,
146  // and thus can contain removed objects. So either update transforms after
147  // scene.fetchResults() - which means poor performance - or check if an
148  // actor has been removed here in this method.
149  if (_error_type != ET_ok) return;
151  if (_np.is_empty()) return;
153  if (_controller) {
154  LVector3f hpr(_controller->get_h(), 0.0f, 0.0f);
155  LPoint3f pos = _controller->get_pos();
156  _np.set_transform(_np.get_top(), TransformState::make_pos_hpr(pos, hpr));
157  }
158  else {
159  _np.set_transform(_np.get_top(), TransformState::make_mat(m));
160  }
161 }
163 /**
164  * Retrieves the actors world space position.
165  */
166 LPoint3f PhysxActor::
167 get_global_pos() const {
169  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LPoint3f::zero());
170  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_point3(_ptr->getGlobalPosition());
171 }
173 /**
174  * Retrieves the actors world space transform.
175  */
176 LMatrix4f PhysxActor::
177 get_global_mat() const {
179  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LMatrix4f::zeros_mat());
180  return PhysxManager::nxMat34_to_mat4(_ptr->getGlobalPose());
181 }
183 /**
184  * Retrieves the actors world space orientation.
185  */
186 LQuaternionf PhysxActor::
189  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LQuaternionf::zero());
190  return PhysxManager::nxQuat_to_quat(_ptr->getGlobalOrientation());
191 }
193 /**
194  * Method for setting a dynamic actor's position in the world. Please see
195  * set_global_mat for some caveats.
196  */
197 void PhysxActor::
198 set_global_pos(const LPoint3f &pos) {
200  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
201  nassertv_always(!pos.is_nan());
203  _ptr->setGlobalPosition(PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(pos));
204 }
206 /**
207  * Method for setting a dynamic actor's transform matrix in the world.
208  *
209  * This method instantaneously changes the actor space to world space
210  * transformation.
211  *
212  * One should exercise restraint in making use of these methods.
213  *
214  * Static actors should not be moved at all. There are various internal data
215  * structures for static actors which may need to be recomputed when one
216  * moves. Also, moving static actors will not interact correctly with dynamic
217  * actors or joints. If you would like to directly control an actor's
218  * position and would like to have it correctly interact with dynamic bodies
219  * and joints, you should create a dynamic body with the BF_kinematic flag,
220  * and then use the move_global_*() commands to move it along a path!
221  *
222  * When briefly moving dynamic actors, one should not: - Move actors into
223  * other actors, thus causing interpenetration (an invalid physical state). -
224  * Move an actor that is connected by a joint to another away from the other
225  * (thus causing joint error). - When moving jointed actors the joints' cached
226  * transform information is destroyed and recreated next frame; thus this call
227  * is expensive for jointed actors.
228  */
229 void PhysxActor::
230 set_global_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat) {
232  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
233  nassertv_always(!mat.is_nan());
235  _ptr->setGlobalPose(PhysxManager::mat4_to_nxMat34(mat));
236 }
238 /**
239  * Method for setting a dynamic actor's orientation in the world. Please see
240  * set_global_mat for some caveats.
241  */
242 void PhysxActor::
243 set_global_hpr(float h, float p, float r) {
245  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
247  LQuaternionf q;
248  q.set_hpr(LVector3f(h, p, r));
249  _ptr->setGlobalOrientationQuat(PhysxManager::quat_to_nxQuat(q));
250 }
252 /**
253  * The move_global_* calls serve to move kinematically controlled dynamic
254  * actors through the game world.
255  *
256  * See move_global_mat() for more information.
257  *
258  * This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping.
259  */
260 void PhysxActor::
261 move_global_pos(const LPoint3f &pos) {
263  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
264  nassertv_always(!pos.is_nan());
266  _ptr->moveGlobalPosition(PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(pos));
267 }
269 /**
270  * The move_global_* calls serve to move kinematically controlled dynamic
271  * actors through the game world.
272  *
273  * You set a dynamic actor to be kinematic using the BF_KINEMATIC body flag,
274  * used either in the PhysBodyDesc or with set_body_flag().
275  *
276  * The move command will result in a velocity that, when successfully carried
277  * out (i.e. the motion is not blocked due to joints or collisions) inside
278  * run*(), will move the body into the desired pose. After the move is
279  * carried out during a single time step, the velocity is returned to zero.
280  * Thus, you must continuously call this in every time step for kinematic
281  * actors so that they move along a path.
282  *
283  * These functions simply store the move destination until run*() is called,
284  * so consecutive calls will simply overwrite the stored target variable.
285  *
286  * This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping.
287  */
288 void PhysxActor::
289 move_global_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat) {
291  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
292  nassertv_always(!mat.is_nan());
294  _ptr->moveGlobalPose(PhysxManager::mat4_to_nxMat34(mat));
295 }
297 /**
298  * The move_global_* calls serve to move kinematically controlled dynamic
299  * actors through the game world.
300  *
301  * See move_global_mat() for more information.
302  *
303  * This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping.
304  */
305 void PhysxActor::
306 move_global_hpr(float h, float p, float r) {
308  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
310  LQuaternionf q;
311  q.set_hpr(LVector3f(h, p, r));
312  _ptr->moveGlobalOrientationQuat(PhysxManager::quat_to_nxQuat(q));
313 }
315 /**
316  * Attaches a node path to this actor. The node path's transform will be
317  * updated automatically if the actor's transform changes (and only then).
318  *
319  * Note: any non-uniform scale or shear set on the NodePath's transform will
320  * be overwritten at the time of the first update.
321  */
322 void PhysxActor::
325  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
326  nassertv_always(!np.is_empty());
328  _np = NodePath(np);
329 }
331 /**
332  * Detaches a previously assigned NodePath from this actor. The NodePath's
333  * transform will no longer be updated from the actor's transform.
334  */
335 void PhysxActor::
338  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
340  _np = NodePath();
341 }
343 /**
344  * Retrieves a previously attached NodePath. An empty NodePath will be
345  * returned if no NodePath has been attached to this actor.
346  */
348 get_node_path() const {
350  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, NodePath::fail());
352  return _np;
353 }
355 /**
356  * Retrieves the scene which this actor belongs to.
357  */
359 get_scene() const {
361  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, nullptr);
363  NxScene *scenePtr = &(_ptr->getScene());
364  PhysxScene *scene = (PhysxScene *)(scenePtr->userData);
366  return scene;
367 }
369 /**
370  * Returns the number of shapes assigned to the actor.
371  */
372 unsigned int PhysxActor::
373 get_num_shapes() const {
375  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, -1);
377  return _ptr->getNbShapes();
378 }
380 /**
381  * Creates a new shape and adds it to the list of shapes of this actor.
382  *
383  * Mass properties of dynamic actors will not automatically be recomputed to
384  * reflect the new mass distribution implied by the shape. Follow this call
385  * with a call to update_mass_from_shapes() to do that.
386  */
390  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, nullptr);
391  nassertr(desc.is_valid(),nullptr);
393  PhysxShape *shape = PhysxShape::factory(desc.ptr()->getType());
394  nassertr(shape, nullptr);
396  NxShape *shapePtr = _ptr->createShape(*desc.ptr());
397  nassertr(shapePtr, nullptr);
399  shape->link(shapePtr);
401  return shape;
402 }
404 /**
405  * Retrieves an individual shape from the actor's array of shapes. Index must
406  * be in the range from zero to (number-of-shapes minus 1).
407  */
409 get_shape(unsigned int idx) const {
411  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, nullptr);
412  nassertr_always(idx < _ptr->getNbShapes(), nullptr);
414  NxShape * const *shapes = _ptr->getShapes();
415  NxShape *shapePtr = shapes[idx];
416  PhysxShape *shape = (PhysxShape *)(shapePtr->userData);
418  return shape;
419 }
421 /**
422  * Retrieves an individual shape from the actor's array of shapes. The first
423  * shape for which the shape's name matches the specified name is returned, or
424  * NULL if no shape has a matching name.
425  */
427 get_shape_by_name(const char *name) const {
429  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, nullptr);
431  NxShape * const *shapes = _ptr->getShapes();
432  NxShape *shapePtr = nullptr;
433  NxU32 nShapes = _ptr->getNbShapes();
435  for (NxU32 i=0; i < nShapes; i++) {
436  shapePtr = shapes[i];
438  if (strcmp(shapePtr->getName(), name) == 0) {
439  return (PhysxShape *) shapePtr->userData;
440  }
441  }
443  return nullptr;
444 }
446 /**
447  * Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the global coordinate frame to the
448  * actor.
449  *
450  * This will not induce a torque.
451  *
452  * Mode determines if the torque is to be conventional or impulsive.
453  *
454  * The actor must be dynamic. This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping and
455  * the wakeup parameter is true (default).
456  */
457 void PhysxActor::
458 add_force(const LVector3f force, PhysxForceMode mode, bool wakeup) {
460  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
461  nassertv_always(!force.is_nan());
463  _ptr->addForce(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(force), (NxForceMode)mode, wakeup);
464 }
466 /**
467  * Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the global coordinate frame, acting
468  * at a particular point in global coordinates, to the actor.
469  *
470  * Note that if the force does not act along the center of mass of the actor,
471  * this will also add the corresponding torque. Because forces are reset at
472  * the end of every timestep, you can maintain a total external force on an
473  * object by calling this once every frame.
474  *
475  * Mode determines if the torque is to be conventional or impulsive.
476  *
477  * The actor must be dynamic. This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping and
478  * the wakeup parameter is true (default).
479  */
480 void PhysxActor::
481 add_force_at_pos(const LVector3f force, const LPoint3f &pos, PhysxForceMode mode, bool wakeup) {
483  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
484  nassertv_always(!force.is_nan());
485  nassertv_always(!pos.is_nan());
487  _ptr->addForceAtPos(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(force), PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(pos), (NxForceMode)mode, wakeup);
488 }
490 /**
491  * Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the global coordinate frame, acting
492  * at a particular point in local coordinates, to the actor.
493  *
494  * Note that if the force does not act along the center of mass of the actor,
495  * this will also add the corresponding torque. Because forces are reset at
496  * the end of every timestep, you can maintain a total external force on an
497  * object by calling this once every frame.
498  *
499  * Mode determines if the torque is to be conventional or impulsive.
500  *
501  * The actor must be dynamic. This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping and
502  * the wakeup parameter is true (default).
503  */
504 void PhysxActor::
505 add_force_at_local_pos(const LVector3f force, const LPoint3f &pos, PhysxForceMode mode, bool wakeup) {
507  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
508  nassertv_always(!force.is_nan());
509  nassertv_always(!pos.is_nan());
511  _ptr->addForceAtLocalPos(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(force), PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(pos), (NxForceMode)mode, wakeup);
512 }
514 /**
515  * Applies an impulsive torque defined in the global coordinate frame to the
516  * actor.
517  *
518  * Mode determines if the torque is to be conventional or impulsive.
519  *
520  * The actor must be dynamic. This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping and
521  * the wakeup parameter is true (default).
522  */
523 void PhysxActor::
524 add_torque(const LVector3f torque, PhysxForceMode mode, bool wakeup) {
526  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
527  nassertv_always(!torque.is_nan());
529  _ptr->addTorque(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(torque), (NxForceMode)mode, wakeup);
530 }
532 /**
533  * Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the actor local coordinate frame to
534  * the actor. This will not induce a torque.
535  *
536  * Mode determines if the torque is to be conventional or impulsive.
537  *
538  * The actor must be dynamic. This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping and
539  * the wakeup parameter is true (default).
540  */
541 void PhysxActor::
542 add_local_force(const LVector3f force, PhysxForceMode mode, bool wakeup) {
544  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
545  nassertv_always(!force.is_nan());
547  _ptr->addLocalForce(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(force), (NxForceMode)mode, wakeup);
548 }
550 /**
551  * Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the actor local coordinate frame,
552  * acting at a particular point in global coordinates, to the actor.
553  *
554  * Note that if the force does not act along the center of mass of the actor,
555  * this will also add the corresponding torque. Because forces are reset at
556  * the end of every timestep, you can maintain a total external force on an
557  * object by calling this once every frame.
558  *
559  * Mode determines if the torque is to be conventional or impulsive.
560  *
561  * The actor must be dynamic. This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping and
562  * the wakeup parameter is true (default).
563  */
564 void PhysxActor::
565 add_local_force_at_pos(const LVector3f force, const LPoint3f &pos, PhysxForceMode mode, bool wakeup) {
567  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
568  nassertv_always(!force.is_nan());
569  nassertv_always(!pos.is_nan());
571  _ptr->addLocalForceAtPos(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(force), PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(pos), (NxForceMode)mode, wakeup);
572 }
574 /**
575  * Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the actor local coordinate frame,
576  * acting at a particular point in local coordinates, to the actor.
577  *
578  * Note that if the force does not act along the center of mass of the actor,
579  * this will also add the corresponding torque. Because forces are reset at
580  * the end of every timestep, you can maintain a total external force on an
581  * object by calling this once every frame.
582  *
583  * Mode determines if the torque is to be conventional or impulsive.
584  *
585  * The actor must be dynamic. This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping and
586  * the wakeup parameter is true (default).
587  */
588 void PhysxActor::
589 add_local_force_at_local_pos(const LVector3f force, const LPoint3f &pos, PhysxForceMode mode, bool wakeup) {
591  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
592  nassertv_always(!force.is_nan());
593  nassertv_always(!pos.is_nan());
595  _ptr->addLocalForceAtLocalPos(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(force), PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(pos), (NxForceMode)mode, wakeup);
596 }
598 /**
599  * Applies an impulsive torque defined in the actor local coordinate frame to
600  * the actor.
601  *
602  * Mode determines if the torque is to be conventional or impulsive.
603  *
604  * The actor must be dynamic. This call wakes the actor if it is sleeping and
605  * the wakeup parameter is true (default).
606  */
607 void PhysxActor::
608 add_local_torque(const LVector3f torque, PhysxForceMode mode, bool wakeup) {
610  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
611  nassertv_always(!torque.is_nan());
613  _ptr->addLocalTorque(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(torque), (NxForceMode)mode, wakeup);
614 }
616 /**
617  * Recomputes a dynamic actor's mass properties from its shapes.
618  *
619  * Given a constant density or total mass, the actors mass properties can be
620  * recomputed using the shapes attached to the actor. If the actor has no
621  * shapes, then only the totalMass parameter can be used. If all shapes in
622  * the actor are trigger shapes (non-physical), the call will fail.
623  *
624  * The mass of each shape is either the shape's local density (as specified in
625  * the PhysxShapeDesc; default 1.0) multiplied by the shape's volume or a
626  * directly specified shape mass.
627  *
628  * The inertia tensor, mass frame and center of mass will always be
629  * recomputed. If there are no shapes in the actor, the mass will be
630  * totalMass, and the mass frame will be set to the center of the actor.
631  *
632  * If you supply a non-zero total mass, the actor's mass and inertia will
633  * first be computed as above and then scaled to fit this total mass.
634  *
635  * If you supply a non-zero density, the actor's mass and inertia will first
636  * be computed as above and then scaled by this factor.
637  *
638  * Either totalMass or density must be non-zero.
639  *
640  * The actor must be dynamic.
641  */
642 bool PhysxActor::
643 update_mass_from_shapes(float density, float totalMass) {
645  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, false);
646  return _ptr->updateMassFromShapes(density, totalMass);
647 }
649 /**
650  * Computes the total kinetic (rotational and translational) energy of the
651  * object. The actor must be dynamic.
652  */
653 float PhysxActor::
656  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0.0f);
657  return _ptr->computeKineticEnergy();
658 }
660 /**
661  * Returns true if the actor is dynamic.
662  */
663 bool PhysxActor::
664 is_dynamic() const {
666  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, false);
667  return _ptr->isDynamic();
668 }
670 /**
671  * Sets the collision group for all shapes of this actor. See
672  * PhysxShape.setGroup().
673  */
674 void PhysxActor::
675 set_shape_group(unsigned int group) {
677  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
678  nassertv(group >= 0 && group < 32);
680  NxShape * const *shapes = _ptr->getShapes();
681  NxU32 nShapes = _ptr->getNbShapes();
683  for (NxU32 i=0; i < nShapes; i++) {
684  shapes[i]->setGroup( group );
685  }
686 }
688 /**
689  * Raise or lower individual BodyFlag flags.
690  */
691 void PhysxActor::
692 set_body_flag(PhysxBodyFlag flag, bool value) {
694  if (value == true) {
695  _ptr->raiseBodyFlag((NxBodyFlag)flag);
696  }
697  else {
698  _ptr->clearBodyFlag((NxBodyFlag)flag);
699  }
700 }
702 /**
703  * Return the specified BodyFlag flag.
704  */
705 bool PhysxActor::
706 get_body_flag(PhysxBodyFlag flag) const {
708  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, false);
709  return ptr()->readBodyFlag((NxBodyFlag)flag);
710 }
712 /**
713  * Raise or lower individual ActorFlag flags.
714  */
715 void PhysxActor::
716 set_actor_flag(PhysxActorFlag flag, bool value) {
718  if (value == true) {
719  _ptr->raiseActorFlag((NxActorFlag)flag);
720  }
721  else {
722  _ptr->clearActorFlag((NxActorFlag)flag);
723  }
724 }
726 /**
727  * Return the specified ActorFlag flag.
728  */
729 bool PhysxActor::
730 get_actor_flag(PhysxActorFlag flag) const {
732  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, false);
733  return ptr()->readActorFlag((NxActorFlag)flag);
734 }
736 /**
737  * Sets the actor's contact report flags.
738  *
739  * These flags are used to determine the kind of report that is generated for
740  * interactions with other actors.
741  *
742  * Please note: If the actor is part of an interacting pair for which the
743  * contact report generation is controlled already through any other mechanism
744  * (for example by use of PhysxScene::set_actor_pair_flags) then the union of
745  * all the specified contact report flags will be used to generate the report.
746  */
747 void PhysxActor::
748 set_contact_report_flag(PhysxContactPairFlag flag, bool value) {
750  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
752  NxU32 flags = _ptr->getContactReportFlags();
754  if (value == true) {
755  flags |= flag;
756  }
757  else {
758  flags &= ~(flag);
759  }
761  _ptr->setContactReportFlags(flags);
762 }
764 /**
765  * Sets the force threshold for contact reports. The actor must be dynamic.
766  */
767 void PhysxActor::
770  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
771  nassertv(threshold >= 0.0f);
773  _ptr->setContactReportThreshold(threshold);
774 }
776 /**
777  * Assigns the actor to a user defined group of actors. The actor group must
778  * be an integer in between 0 and 0x7fff (32767).
779  *
780  * This is similar to NxShape groups, except those are only five bits and
781  * serve a different purpose.
782  *
783  * The PhysxScene::set_actor_group_pair_flags() lets you set certain behaviors
784  * for pairs of actor groups.
785  *
786  * By default every actor is created in group 0.
787  */
788 void PhysxActor::
789 set_group(unsigned int group) {
791  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
792  nassertv(group >= 0 && group < 0x8000);
794  ptr()->setGroup(group);
795 }
797 /**
798  * Retrieves the actor group this actor is assigned to.
799  */
800 unsigned int PhysxActor::
801 get_group() const {
803  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0);
805  return ptr()->getGroup();
806 }
808 /**
809  * Assigns dynamic actors a dominance group identifier. Dominance groups are
810  * integere in the range from 0 to 31.
811  *
812  * This is similar to shape groups, except those serve a different purpose.
813  *
814  * The PhysxScene::set_dominance_group_pair() lets you set certain behaviors
815  * for pairs of dominance groups.
816  *
817  * By default every actor is created in group 0. Static actors must stay in
818  * group 0; thus you can only call this on dynamic actors.
819  */
820 void PhysxActor::
821 set_dominance_group(unsigned int group) {
823  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
824  nassertv(group >= 0 && group < 32);
825  nassertv(is_dynamic() == true);
827  _ptr->setDominanceGroup(group);
828 }
830 /**
831  * Retrieves the dominance group of this actor.
832  */
833 unsigned int PhysxActor::
836  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0);
838  return ptr()->getDominanceGroup();
839 }
841 /**
842  * Sets the angular damping coefficient. Zero represents no damping. The
843  * angular damping coefficient must be nonnegative. The actor must be
844  * dynamic. Default: 0.05
845  */
846 void PhysxActor::
847 set_angular_damping(float angDamp) {
849  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
850  nassertv(angDamp >= 0.0f);
852  _ptr->setAngularDamping(angDamp);
853 }
855 /**
856  * Returns the angular damping coefficient. The actor must be dynamic.
857  */
858 float PhysxActor::
861  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0.0f);
862  return _ptr->getAngularDamping();
863 }
865 /**
866  * Sets the linear damping coefficient. Zero represents no damping. The
867  * damping coefficient must be nonnegative. The actor must be dynamic.
868  * Default: 0
869  */
870 void PhysxActor::
871 set_linear_damping(float linDamp) {
873  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
874  nassertv(linDamp >= 0.0f);
876  _ptr->setLinearDamping(linDamp);
877 }
879 /**
880  * Retrieves the linear damping coefficient. The actor must be dynamic.
881  */
882 float PhysxActor::
885  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0.0f);
886  return _ptr->getLinearDamping();
887 }
889 /**
890  * Sets the linear velocity of the actor.
891  *
892  * Note that if you continuously set the velocity of an actor yourself, forces
893  * such as gravity or friction will not be able to manifest themselves,
894  * because forces directly influence only the velocity/momentum of an actor.
895  *
896  * The actor must be dynamic.
897  */
898 void PhysxActor::
899 set_linear_velocity(const LVector3f &linVel) {
901  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
902  nassertv(_ptr->isDynamic());
904  _ptr->setLinearVelocity(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(linVel));
905 }
907 /**
908  * Sets the angular velocity of the actor.
909  *
910  * Note that if you continuously set the angular velocity of an actor
911  * yourself, forces such as friction will not be able to rotate the actor,
912  * because forces directly influence only the velocity/momentum.
913  *
914  * The actor must be dynamic.
915  */
916 void PhysxActor::
917 set_angular_velocity(const LVector3f &angVel) {
919  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
920  nassertv(_ptr->isDynamic());
922  _ptr->setAngularVelocity(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(angVel));
923 }
925 /**
926  * Lets you set the maximum angular velocity permitted for this actor.
927  *
928  * Because for various internal computations, very quickly rotating actors
929  * introduce error into the simulation, which leads to undesired results.
930  *
931  * With PhysxManager::set_parameter(PP_max_angular_velocity) you can set the
932  * default maximum velocity for actors created after the call. Bodies' high
933  * angular velocities are clamped to this value.
934  *
935  * However, because some actors, such as car wheels, should be able to rotate
936  * quickly, you can override the default setting on a per-actor basis with the
937  * below call. Note that objects such as wheels which are approximated with
938  * spherical or other smooth collision primitives can be simulated with
939  * stability at a much higher angular velocity than, say, a box that has
940  * corners.
941  *
942  * The actor must be dynamic.
943  */
944 void PhysxActor::
945 set_max_angular_velocity(float maxAngVel) {
947  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
948  nassertv(_ptr->isDynamic());
950  _ptr->setMaxAngularVelocity(maxAngVel);
951 }
953 /**
954  * Returns the linear velocity of an actor. The actor must be dynamic.
955  */
956 LVector3f PhysxActor::
959  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LVector3f::zero());
960  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(_ptr->getLinearVelocity());
961 }
963 /**
964  * Returns the angular velocity of the actor. The actor must be dynamic.
965  */
966 LVector3f PhysxActor::
969  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LVector3f::zero());
970  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(_ptr->getAngularVelocity());
971 }
973 /**
974  * Returns the maximum angular velocity permitted for this actor.
975  */
976 float PhysxActor::
979  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0.0f);
980  return _ptr->getMaxAngularVelocity();
981 }
983 /**
984  * Computes the velocity of a point given in world coordinates if it were
985  * attached to the actor and moving with it.
986  *
987  * The actor must be dynamic.
988  */
989 LVector3f PhysxActor::
990 get_point_velocity(const LPoint3f &point) const {
992  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LVector3f::zero());
993  nassertr_always(!point.is_nan(), LVector3f::zero());
995  NxVec3 nPoint = PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(point);
996  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(_ptr->getPointVelocity(nPoint));
997 }
999 /**
1000  * Computes the velocity of a point given in body local coordinates as if it
1001  * were attached to the actor and moving with it.
1002  *
1003  * The actor must be dynamic.
1004  */
1005 LVector3f PhysxActor::
1006 get_local_point_velocity(const LPoint3f &point) const {
1008  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LVector3f::zero());
1009  nassertr_always(!point.is_nan(), LVector3f::zero());
1011  NxVec3 nPoint = PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(point);
1012  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(_ptr->getLocalPointVelocity(nPoint));
1013 }
1015 /**
1016  * Sets the linear momentum of the actor. Note that if you continuously set
1017  * the linear momentum of an actor yourself, forces such as gravity or
1018  * friction will not be able to manifest themselves, because forces directly
1019  * influence only the velocity/momentum of a actor. The actor must be
1020  * dynamic.
1021  */
1022 void PhysxActor::
1023 set_linear_momentum(const LVector3f &momentum) {
1025  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1026  _ptr->setLinearMomentum(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(momentum));
1027 }
1029 /**
1030  * Sets the angular momentum of the actor. Note that if you continuously set
1031  * the angular velocity of an actor yourself, forces such as friction will not
1032  * be able to rotate the actor, because forces directly influence only the
1033  * velocity of actor. The actor must be dynamic.
1034  */
1035 void PhysxActor::
1036 set_angular_momentum(const LVector3f &momentum) {
1038  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1039  _ptr->setAngularMomentum(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(momentum));
1040 }
1042 /**
1043  * Retrieves the linear momentum of an actor. The momentum is equal to the
1044  * velocity times the mass. The actor must be dynamic.
1045  */
1046 LVector3f PhysxActor::
1049  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LVector3f::zero());
1050  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(_ptr->getLinearMomentum());
1051 }
1053 /**
1054  * Retrieves the angular momentum of an actor. The angular momentum is equal
1055  * to the angular velocity times the global space inertia tensor. The actor
1056  * must be dynamic.
1057  */
1058 LVector3f PhysxActor::
1061  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LVector3f::zero());
1062  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(_ptr->getAngularMomentum());
1063 }
1065 /**
1066  * Sets the linear velocity below which an actor may go to sleep. Actors
1067  * whose linear velocity is above this threshold will not be put to sleep.
1068  *
1069  * Setting the sleep angular/linear velocity only makes sense when the
1070  * BF_energy_sleep_test is not set.
1071  *
1072  * The actor must be dynamic.
1073  */
1074 void PhysxActor::
1075 set_sleep_linear_velocity(float threshold) {
1077  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1078  _ptr->setSleepLinearVelocity(threshold);
1079 }
1081 /**
1082  * Sets the angular velocity below which an actor may go to sleep. Actors
1083  * whose angular velocity is above this threshold will not be put to sleep.
1084  *
1085  * Setting the sleep angular/linear velocity only makes sense when the
1086  * BF_energy_sleep_test is not set.
1087  *
1088  * The actor must be dynamic.
1089  */
1090 void PhysxActor::
1091 set_sleep_angular_velocity(float threshold) {
1093  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1094  _ptr->setSleepAngularVelocity(threshold);
1095 }
1097 /**
1098  * Sets the energy threshold below which an actor may go to sleep. Actors
1099  * whose kinematic energy is above this threshold will not be put to sleep.
1100  *
1101  * Setting the sleep energy threshold only makes sense when the
1102  * BF_energy_sleep_test is set. There are also other types of sleeping that
1103  * uses the linear and angular velocities directly instead of the energy.
1104  *
1105  * The actor must be dynamic.
1106  */
1107 void PhysxActor::
1108 set_sleep_energy_threshold(float threshold) {
1110  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1111  _ptr->setSleepEnergyThreshold(threshold);
1112 }
1114 /**
1115  * Returns the linear velocity below which an actor may go to sleep. Actors
1116  * whose linear velocity is above this threshold will not be put to sleep.
1117  * The actor must be dynamic.
1118  */
1119 float PhysxActor::
1122  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0.0f);
1123  return _ptr->getSleepLinearVelocity();
1124 }
1126 /**
1127  * Returns the angular velocity below which an actor may go to sleep. Actors
1128  * whose angular velocity is above this threshold will not be put to sleep.
1129  * The actor must be dynamic.
1130  */
1131 float PhysxActor::
1134  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0.0f);
1135  return _ptr->getSleepAngularVelocity();
1136 }
1138 /**
1139  * Returns the energy below which an actor may go to sleep. Actors whose
1140  * energy is above this threshold will not be put to sleep. The actor must be
1141  * dynamic.
1142  */
1143 float PhysxActor::
1146  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0.0f);
1147  return _ptr->getSleepEnergyThreshold();
1148 }
1150 /**
1151  * Returns true if this body is sleeping.
1152  *
1153  * When an actor does not move for a period of time, it is no longer simulated
1154  * in order to save time. This state is called sleeping. However, because
1155  * the object automatically wakes up when it is either touched by an awake
1156  * object, or one of its properties is changed by the user, the entire sleep
1157  * mechanism should be transparent to the user.
1158  *
1159  * The actor must be dynamic.
1160  */
1161 bool PhysxActor::
1162 is_sleeping() const {
1164  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, false);
1165  return _ptr->isSleeping();
1166 }
1168 /**
1169  * Wakes up the actor if it is sleeping.
1170  *
1171  * The wakeCounterValue determines how long until the body is put to sleep, a
1172  * value of zero means that the body is sleeping. wake_up(0) is equivalent to
1173  * PhysxActor::put_to_sleep().
1174  *
1175  * The actor must be dynamic.
1176  */
1177 void PhysxActor::
1178 wake_up(float wakeCounterValue) {
1180  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1181  _ptr->wakeUp(wakeCounterValue);
1182 }
1184 /**
1185  * Forces the actor to sleep.
1186  *
1187  * The actor will stay asleep until the next call to simulate, and will not
1188  * wake up until then even when otherwise it would (for example a force is
1189  * applied to it). It can however wake up during the next do_physics call.
1190  *
1191  * The actor must be dynamic.
1192  */
1193 void PhysxActor::
1196  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1197  _ptr->putToSleep();
1198 }
1200 /**
1201  * Sets the mass of a dynamic actor.
1202  */
1203 void PhysxActor::
1204 set_mass(float mass) {
1206  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1207  _ptr->setMass(mass);
1208 }
1210 /**
1211  * Returns the mass of the actor.
1212  */
1213 float PhysxActor::
1214 get_mass() const {
1216  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, 0.0f);
1217  return _ptr->getMass();
1218 }
1220 /**
1221  * Sets the matrix of the center of mass relative to the actor.
1222  */
1223 void PhysxActor::
1224 set_c_mass_offset_local_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat) {
1226  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1227  _ptr->setCMassOffsetLocalPose(PhysxManager::mat4_to_nxMat34(mat));
1228 }
1230 /**
1231  * Sets the position of the center of mass relative to the actor.
1232  */
1233 void PhysxActor::
1234 set_c_mass_offset_local_pos(const LPoint3f &pos) {
1236  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1237  _ptr->setCMassOffsetLocalPosition(PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(pos));
1238 }
1240 /**
1241  * Sets the orientation of the center of mass relative to the actor.
1242  */
1243 void PhysxActor::
1246  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1247  _ptr->setCMassOffsetLocalOrientation(PhysxManager::mat3_to_nxMat33(mat));
1248 }
1250 /**
1251  * Sets the matrix of the center of mass relative to world space.
1252  */
1253 void PhysxActor::
1254 set_c_mass_offset_global_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat) {
1256  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1257  _ptr->setCMassOffsetGlobalPose(PhysxManager::mat4_to_nxMat34(mat));
1258 }
1260 /**
1261  * Sets the position of the center of mass relative to world space.
1262  */
1263 void PhysxActor::
1264 set_c_mass_offset_global_pos(const LPoint3f &pos) {
1266  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1267  _ptr->setCMassOffsetGlobalPosition(PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(pos));
1268 }
1270 /**
1271  * Sets the orientation of the center of mass relative to world space.
1272  */
1273 void PhysxActor::
1276  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1277  _ptr->setCMassOffsetGlobalOrientation(PhysxManager::mat3_to_nxMat33(mat));
1278 }
1280 /**
1281  * Moves the actor by setting the transform of the center of mass.
1282  */
1283 void PhysxActor::
1284 set_c_mass_global_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat) {
1286  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1287  _ptr->setCMassGlobalPose(PhysxManager::mat4_to_nxMat34(mat));
1288 }
1290 /**
1291  * Moves the actor by setting the position of the center of mass.
1292  */
1293 void PhysxActor::
1294 set_c_mass_global_pos(const LPoint3f &pos) {
1296  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1297  _ptr->setCMassGlobalPosition(PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(pos));
1298 }
1300 /**
1301  * Moves the actor by setting the orientation of the center of mass.
1302  */
1303 void PhysxActor::
1304 set_c_mass_global_orientation(const LMatrix3f &mat) {
1306  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1307  _ptr->setCMassGlobalOrientation(PhysxManager::mat3_to_nxMat33(mat));
1308 }
1310 /**
1311  * Sets the inertia tensor, using a parameter specified in mass space
1312  * coordinates.
1313  */
1314 void PhysxActor::
1315 set_mass_space_inertia_tensor(const LVector3f &m) {
1317  nassertv(_error_type == ET_ok);
1318  _ptr->setMassSpaceInertiaTensor(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(m));
1319 }
1321 /**
1322  * Returns the center of mass transform in world space.
1323  */
1324 LMatrix4f PhysxActor::
1327  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LMatrix4f::zeros_mat());
1328  return PhysxManager::nxMat34_to_mat4(_ptr->getCMassGlobalPose());
1329 }
1331 /**
1332  * Returns the center of mass position in world space.
1333  */
1334 LPoint3f PhysxActor::
1337  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LPoint3f::zero());
1338  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_point3(_ptr->getCMassGlobalPosition());
1339 }
1341 /**
1342  * Returns the center of mass orientation in world space.
1343  */
1344 LMatrix3f PhysxActor::
1347  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LMatrix3f::ident_mat());
1348  return PhysxManager::nxMat33_to_mat3(_ptr->getCMassGlobalOrientation());
1349 }
1351 /**
1352  * Returns the center of mass transform relative to the actor.
1353  */
1354 LMatrix4f PhysxActor::
1357  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LMatrix4f::zeros_mat());
1358  return PhysxManager::nxMat34_to_mat4(_ptr->getCMassLocalPose());
1359 }
1361 /**
1362  * Returns the center of mass position relative to the actor.
1363  */
1364 LPoint3f PhysxActor::
1367  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LPoint3f::zero());
1368  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_point3(_ptr->getCMassLocalPosition());
1369 }
1371 /**
1372  * Returns the center of mass orientation relative to the actor.
1373  */
1374 LMatrix3f PhysxActor::
1377  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LMatrix3f::ident_mat());
1378  return PhysxManager::nxMat33_to_mat3(_ptr->getCMassLocalOrientation());
1379 }
1381 /**
1382  * Returns the diagonal inertia tensor of the actor relative to the mass
1383  * coordinate frame.
1384  */
1385 LVector3f PhysxActor::
1388  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LVector3f::zero());
1389  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(_ptr->getMassSpaceInertiaTensor());
1390 }
1392 /**
1393  * Returns the inertia tensor of the actor relative to the world coordinate
1394  * frame.
1395  */
1396 LMatrix3f PhysxActor::
1399  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LMatrix3f::ident_mat());
1400  return PhysxManager::nxMat33_to_mat3(_ptr->getGlobalInertiaTensor());
1401 }
1403 /**
1404  * Returns the inverse of the inertia tensor of the actor relative to the
1405  * world coordinate frame.
1406  */
1407 LMatrix3f PhysxActor::
1410  nassertr(_error_type == ET_ok, LMatrix3f::ident_mat());
1411  return PhysxManager::nxMat33_to_mat3(_ptr->getGlobalInertiaTensorInverse());
1412 }
LVector3f get_angular_velocity() const
Returns the angular velocity of the actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:967
LPoint3f get_c_mass_local_pos() const
Returns the center of mass position relative to the actor.
float get_sleep_energy_threshold() const
Returns the energy below which an actor may go to sleep.
void set_sleep_linear_velocity(float threshold)
Sets the linear velocity below which an actor may go to sleep.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
unsigned int get_dominance_group() const
Retrieves the dominance group of this actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:834
bool save_body_to_desc(PhysxBodyDesc &bodyDesc) const
Saves the body information of a dynamic actor to the passed body descriptor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:98
float get_sleep_linear_velocity() const
Returns the linear velocity below which an actor may go to sleep.
bool get_actor_flag(PhysxActorFlag flag) const
Return the specified ActorFlag flag.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:730
void add_force_at_local_pos(const LVector3f force, const LPoint3f &pos, PhysxForceMode mode=FM_force, bool wakeup=true)
Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the global coordinate frame, acting at a particular point in ...
Definition: physxActor.cxx:505
void set_contact_report_flag(PhysxContactPairFlag flag, bool value)
Sets the actor's contact report flags.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:748
void move_global_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat)
The move_global_* calls serve to move kinematically controlled dynamic actors through the game world.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:289
void set_c_mass_offset_global_orientation(const LMatrix3f &mat)
Sets the orientation of the center of mass relative to world space.
bool is_empty() const
Returns true if the NodePath contains no nodes.
Definition: nodePath.I:188
void set_c_mass_offset_local_orientation(const LMatrix3f &mat)
Sets the orientation of the center of mass relative to the actor.
void move_global_hpr(float h, float p, float r)
The move_global_* calls serve to move kinematically controlled dynamic actors through the game world.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:306
void set_linear_velocity(const LVector3f &linVel)
Sets the linear velocity of the actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:899
static NxQuat quat_to_nxQuat(const LQuaternionf &q)
Converts from LQuaternionf to NxQuat.
Definition: physxManager.I:99
void set_body_flag(PhysxBodyFlag flag, bool value)
Raise or lower individual BodyFlag flags.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:692
LMatrix4f get_global_mat() const
Retrieves the actors world space transform.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:177
void set_mass(float mass)
Sets the mass of a dynamic actor.
void set_c_mass_offset_local_pos(const LPoint3f &pos)
Sets the position of the center of mass relative to the actor.
LVector3f get_linear_momentum() const
Retrieves the linear momentum of an actor.
static NxVec3 point3_to_nxVec3(const LPoint3f &p)
Converts from LPoint3f to NxVec3.
Definition: physxManager.I:63
Abstract base class for shapes.
Definition: physxShape.h:39
void set_c_mass_global_orientation(const LMatrix3f &mat)
Moves the actor by setting the orientation of the center of mass.
void set_linear_damping(float linDamp)
Sets the linear damping coefficient.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:871
bool is_sleeping() const
Returns true if this body is sleeping.
LVector3f get_point_velocity(const LPoint3f &point) const
Computes the velocity of a point given in world coordinates if it were attached to the actor and movi...
Definition: physxActor.cxx:990
void set_global_pos(const LPoint3f &pos)
Method for setting a dynamic actor's position in the world.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:198
void set_shape_group(unsigned int group)
Sets the collision group for all shapes of this actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:675
float compute_kinetic_energy() const
Computes the total kinetic (rotational and translational) energy of the object.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:654
LVector3f get_mass_space_inertia_tensor() const
Returns the diagonal inertia tensor of the actor relative to the mass coordinate frame.
float get_sleep_angular_velocity() const
Returns the angular velocity below which an actor may go to sleep.
float get_mass() const
Returns the mass of the actor.
void set_actor_flag(PhysxActorFlag flag, bool value)
Raise or lower individual ActorFlag flags.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:716
void set_mass_space_inertia_tensor(const LVector3f &m)
Sets the inertia tensor, using a parameter specified in mass space coordinates.
LMatrix3f get_c_mass_local_orientation() const
Returns the center of mass orientation relative to the actor.
A scene is a collection of bodies, constraints, and effectors which can interact.
Definition: physxScene.h:69
LPoint3f get_global_pos() const
Retrieves the actors world space position.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:167
void add_local_torque(const LVector3f torque, PhysxForceMode mode=FM_force, bool wakeup=true)
Applies an impulsive torque defined in the actor local coordinate frame to the actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:608
void update_transform(const LMatrix4f &m)
Updates the transform of an assigned NodePath.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:143
void set_linear_momentum(const LVector3f &momentum)
Sets the linear momentum of the actor.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
float get_max_angular_velocity() const
Returns the maximum angular velocity permitted for this actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:977
static NxMat34 mat4_to_nxMat34(const LMatrix4f &m)
Converts from LMatrix4f to NxMat34.
Definition: physxManager.I:119
LMatrix3f get_global_inertia_tensor() const
Returns the inertia tensor of the actor relative to the world coordinate frame.
LQuaternionf get_global_quat() const
Retrieves the actors world space orientation.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:187
void set_transform(const TransformState *transform, Thread *current_thread=Thread::get_current_thread())
Changes the complete transform object on this node.
Definition: nodePath.I:565
const char * get_name() const
Retrieves the name string.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:131
void add_local_force_at_pos(const LVector3f force, const LPoint3f &pos, PhysxForceMode mode=FM_force, bool wakeup=true)
Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the actor local coordinate frame, acting at a particular poin...
Definition: physxActor.cxx:565
LMatrix4f get_c_mass_global_mat() const
Returns the center of mass transform in world space.
void move_global_pos(const LPoint3f &pos)
The move_global_* calls serve to move kinematically controlled dynamic actors through the game world.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:261
void save_to_desc(PhysxActorDesc &actorDesc) const
Saves the state of the actor to the passed descriptor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:108
void add_force(const LVector3f force, PhysxForceMode mode=FM_force, bool wakeup=true)
Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the global coordinate frame to the actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:458
void set_sleep_angular_velocity(float threshold)
Sets the angular velocity below which an actor may go to sleep.
void set_global_hpr(float h, float p, float r)
Method for setting a dynamic actor's orientation in the world.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:243
void add_local_force_at_local_pos(const LVector3f force, const LPoint3f &pos, PhysxForceMode mode=FM_force, bool wakeup=true)
Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the actor local coordinate frame, acting at a particular poin...
Definition: physxActor.cxx:589
void wake_up(float wakeCounterValue=NX_SLEEP_INTERVAL)
Wakes up the actor if it is sleeping.
Abstract base class for character controllers.
static NodePath fail()
Creates a NodePath with the ET_fail error type set.
Definition: nodePath.I:149
void set_angular_momentum(const LVector3f &momentum)
Sets the angular momentum of the actor.
static NxVec3 vec3_to_nxVec3(const LVector3f &v)
Converts from LVector3f to NxVec3.
Definition: physxManager.I:27
static LQuaternionf nxQuat_to_quat(const NxQuat &q)
Converts from NxQuat to LQuaternionf.
Definition: physxManager.I:110
static NxMat33 mat3_to_nxMat33(const LMatrix3f &m)
Converts from LMatrix3f to NxMat33.
Definition: physxManager.I:139
static LVector3f nxVec3_to_vec3(const NxVec3 &v)
Converts from NxVec3 to LVector3f.
Definition: physxManager.I:36
void set_contact_report_threshold(float threshold)
Sets the force threshold for contact reports.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:768
bool update_mass_from_shapes(float density, float totalMass)
Recomputes a dynamic actor's mass properties from its shapes.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:643
Descriptor for PhysxActor.
LVector3f get_linear_velocity() const
Returns the linear velocity of an actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:957
PhysxShape * create_shape(PhysxShapeDesc &desc)
Creates a new shape and adds it to the list of shapes of this actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:388
void add_force_at_pos(const LVector3f force, const LPoint3f &pos, PhysxForceMode mode=FM_force, bool wakeup=true)
Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the global coordinate frame, acting at a particular point in ...
Definition: physxActor.cxx:481
bool is_dynamic() const
Returns true if the actor is dynamic.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:664
float get_linear_damping() const
Retrieves the linear damping coefficient.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:883
void set_sleep_energy_threshold(float threshold)
Sets the energy threshold below which an actor may go to sleep.
void add_local_force(const LVector3f force, PhysxForceMode mode=FM_force, bool wakeup=true)
Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the actor local coordinate frame to the actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:542
LMatrix3f get_c_mass_global_orientation() const
Returns the center of mass orientation in world space.
void set_angular_velocity(const LVector3f &angVel)
Sets the angular velocity of the actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:917
void set_c_mass_global_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat)
Moves the actor by setting the transform of the center of mass.
Retrieves an individual shape from the actor's array of shapes.
Definition: physxActor.h:90
void set_name(const char *name)
Sets a name string for the object that can be retrieved with get_name().
Definition: physxActor.cxx:119
void set_global_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat)
Method for setting a dynamic actor's transform matrix in the world.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:230
void set_c_mass_offset_global_pos(const LPoint3f &pos)
Sets the position of the center of mass relative to world space.
Abstract base class for shape descriptors.
LPoint3f get_c_mass_global_pos() const
Returns the center of mass position in world space.
LMatrix3f get_global_inertia_tensor_inverse() const
Returns the inverse of the inertia tensor of the actor relative to the world coordinate frame.
void set_max_angular_velocity(float maxAngVel)
Lets you set the maximum angular velocity permitted for this actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:945
void attach_node_path(const NodePath &np)
Attaches a node path to this actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:323
static LPoint3f nxVec3_to_point3(const NxVec3 &p)
Converts from NxVec3 to LPoint3f.
Definition: physxManager.I:72
void add_torque(const LVector3f torque, PhysxForceMode mode=FM_force, bool wakeup=true)
Applies an impulsive torque defined in the global coordinate frame to the actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:524
void detach_node_path()
Detaches a previously assigned NodePath from this actor.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:336
unsigned int get_group() const
Retrieves the actor group this actor is assigned to.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:801
void set_c_mass_offset_global_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat)
Sets the matrix of the center of mass relative to world space.
NodePath get_top(Thread *current_thread=Thread::get_current_thread()) const
Returns a singleton NodePath that represents the top of the path, or empty NodePath if this path is e...
Definition: nodePath.cxx:209
Descriptor for the optional rigid body dynamic state of PhysxActor.
Definition: physxBodyDesc.h:26
PhysxShape * get_shape_by_name(const char *name) const
Retrieves an individual shape from the actor's array of shapes.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:427
bool get_body_flag(PhysxBodyFlag flag) const
Return the specified BodyFlag flag.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:706
PhysxScene * get_scene() const
Retrieves the scene which this actor belongs to.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:359
LVector3f get_local_point_velocity(const LPoint3f &point) const
Computes the velocity of a point given in body local coordinates as if it were attached to the actor ...
void put_to_sleep()
Forces the actor to sleep.
TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types.
Definition: typeHandle.h:81
void set_group(unsigned int group)
Assigns the actor to a user defined group of actors.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:789
void set_c_mass_global_pos(const LPoint3f &pos)
Moves the actor by setting the position of the center of mass.
static LMatrix4f nxMat34_to_mat4(const NxMat34 &m)
Converts from NxMat34 to LMatrix4f.
Definition: physxManager.I:130
NodePath get_node_path() const
Retrieves a previously attached NodePath.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:348
static LMatrix3f nxMat33_to_mat3(const NxMat33 &m)
Converts from NxMat33 to LMatrix3f.
Definition: physxManager.I:150
LVector3f get_angular_momentum() const
Retrieves the angular momentum of an actor.
void set_c_mass_offset_local_mat(const LMatrix4f &mat)
Sets the matrix of the center of mass relative to the actor.
NodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also provides a higher-level int...
Definition: nodePath.h:161
void set_dominance_group(unsigned int group)
Assigns dynamic actors a dominance group identifier.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:821
LMatrix4f get_c_mass_local_mat() const
Returns the center of mass transform relative to the actor.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
float get_angular_damping() const
Returns the angular damping coefficient.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:859
void set_angular_damping(float angDamp)
Sets the angular damping coefficient.
Definition: physxActor.cxx:847