Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file physxUtilLib.cxx
10  * @author enn0x
11  * @date 2009-11-01
12  */
14 #include "physxUtilLib.h"
15 #include "physxManager.h"
16 #include "physxBounds3.h"
17 #include "physxBox.h"
18 #include "physxCapsule.h"
19 #include "physxPlane.h"
20 #include "physxRay.h"
21 #include "physxSegment.h"
22 #include "physxSphere.h"
24 /**
25  * Set FPU precision.
26  */
27 void PhysxUtilLib::
30  _ptr->NxSetFPUExceptions(b);
31 }
33 /**
34  * Set FPU precision.
35  */
36 void PhysxUtilLib::
39  _ptr->NxSetFPUPrecision24();
40 }
42 /**
43  * Set FPU precision.
44  */
45 void PhysxUtilLib::
48  _ptr->NxSetFPUPrecision53();
49 }
51 /**
52  * Set FPU precision.
53  */
54 void PhysxUtilLib::
57  _ptr->NxSetFPUPrecision64();
58 }
60 /**
61  * Set FPU precision.
62  */
63 void PhysxUtilLib::
66  _ptr->NxSetFPURoundingChop();
67 }
69 /**
70  * Set FPU rounding mode.
71  */
72 void PhysxUtilLib::
75  _ptr->NxSetFPURoundingDown();
76 }
78 /**
79  * Set FPU rounding mode.
80  */
81 void PhysxUtilLib::
84  _ptr->NxSetFPURoundingNear();
85 }
87 /**
88  * Set FPU rounding mode.
89  */
90 void PhysxUtilLib::
93  _ptr->NxSetFPURoundingUp();
94 }
96 /**
97  * Convert a floating point number to an integer.
98  */
100 int_ceil(const float &f) {
102  return _ptr->NxIntCeil(f);
103 }
105 /**
106  * Convert a floating point number to an integer.
107  */
108 int PhysxUtilLib::
109 int_chop(const float &f) {
111  return _ptr->NxIntChop(f);
112 }
114 /**
115  * Convert a floating point number to an integer.
116  */
117 int PhysxUtilLib::
118 int_floor(const float &f) {
120  return _ptr->NxIntFloor(f);
121 }
123 /**
124  * Test if an oriented box contains a point.
125  *
126  * \param [in] box \param [in] p
127  */
128 bool PhysxUtilLib::
129 box_contains_point(const PhysxBox &box, const LPoint3f &p) {
131  return _ptr->NxBoxContainsPoint(box._box, PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(p));
132 }
134 /**
135  * Create an oriented box from an axis aligned box and a transformation.
136  *
137  * \param [in] aabb \param [in] mat
138  */
140 create_box(const PhysxBounds3 &aabb, const LMatrix4f &mat) {
142  PhysxBox box;
143  _ptr->NxCreateBox(box._box, aabb._bounds, PhysxManager::mat4_to_nxMat34(mat));
144  return box;
145 }
147 /**
148  * Compute and edge normals for an oriented box. This is an averaged normal,
149  * from the two faces sharing the edge. The edge index should be from 0 to 11
150  * (i.e. a box has 12 edges).
151  *
152  * \param [in] box \param [in] edge_index
153  */
154 LVector3f PhysxUtilLib::
155 compute_box_world_edge_normal(const PhysxBox &box, unsigned int edge_index) {
157  NxVec3 nNormal;
159  nassertr(edge_index < 12, LVector3f::zero());
161  _ptr->NxComputeBoxWorldEdgeNormal(box._box, edge_index, nNormal);
162  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(nNormal);
163 }
165 /**
166  * Compute a capsule which encloses a box.
167  *
168  * \param [in] box
169  */
173  PhysxCapsule capsule;
174  _ptr->NxComputeCapsuleAroundBox(box._box, capsule._capsule);
175  return capsule;
176 }
178 /**
179  * Test if box A is inside another box B. Returns TRUE if box A is inside box
180  * B.
181  *
182  * \param [in] a \param [in] b
183  */
184 bool PhysxUtilLib::
187  return _ptr->NxIsBoxAInsideBoxB(a._box, b._box);
188 }
190 /**
191  * Compute a box which encloses a capsule.
192  *
193  * \param [in] capsule
194  */
198  PhysxBox box;
199  _ptr->NxComputeBoxAroundCapsule(capsule._capsule, box._box);
200  return box;
201 }
203 /**
204  * Compute the distance squared from a point to a ray.
205  *
206  * \param [in] ray \param [in] point
207  */
208 float PhysxUtilLib::
209 compute_distance_squared(const PhysxRay &ray, const LPoint3f &point) {
211  NxF32 t; // not used
212  return _ptr->NxComputeDistanceSquared(ray._ray, PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(point), &t);
213 }
215 /**
216  * Compute the distance squared from a point to a line segment.
217  *
218  * \param [in] seg \param [in] point
219  */
220 float PhysxUtilLib::
221 compute_square_distance(const PhysxSegment &seg, const LPoint3f &point) {
223  NxF32 t; // not used
224  return _ptr->NxComputeSquareDistance(seg._segment, PhysxManager::point3_to_nxVec3(point), &t);
225 }
227 /**
228  * Compute an overall bounding sphere for a pair of spheres.
229  *
230  * \param [in] sphere0 \param [in] sphere1
231  */
233 merge_spheres(const PhysxSphere &sphere0, const PhysxSphere &sphere1) {
235  PhysxSphere merged;
236  _ptr->NxMergeSpheres(merged._sphere, sphere0._sphere, sphere1._sphere);
237  return merged;
238 }
240 /**
241  * Get the tangent vectors associated with a normal.
242  *
243  * \param [in] n \param [out] t1 \param [out] t2
244  */
245 void PhysxUtilLib::
246 normal_to_tangents(const LVector3f &n, LVector3f &t1, LVector3f &t2) {
248  NxVec3 nt1;
249  NxVec3 nt2;
251  _ptr->NxNormalToTangents(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(n), nt1, nt2);
253  t1.set_x(nt1.x);
254  t1.set_y(nt1.y);
255  t1.set_z(nt1.z);
257  t2.set_x(nt2.x);
258  t2.set_y(nt2.y);
259  t2.set_z(nt2.z);
260 }
262 /**
263  * Computes a rotation matrix M so that: M * x = b (x and b are unit vectors).
264  *
265  * \param [in] x \param [in] b
266  */
267 LMatrix3f PhysxUtilLib::
268 find_rotation_matrix(const LVector3f &x, const LVector3f &b) {
270  NxMat33 nmat;
271  _ptr->NxFindRotationMatrix(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(x),
273  nmat);
274  return PhysxManager::nxMat33_to_mat3(nmat);
275 }
277 /**
278  * Computes mass of a homogeneous sphere according to sphere density.
279  *
280  * \param [in] radius \param [in] density
281  */
282 float PhysxUtilLib::
283 compute_sphere_mass(float radius, float density) {
285  return _ptr->NxComputeSphereMass(radius, density);
286 }
288 /**
289  * Computes density of a homogeneous sphere according to sphere mass
290  *
291  * \param [in] radius \param [in] mass
292  */
293 float PhysxUtilLib::
294 compute_sphere_density(float radius, float mass) {
296  return _ptr->NxComputeSphereDensity(radius, mass);
297 }
299 /**
300  * Computes mass of a homogeneous box according to box density.
301  *
302  * \param [in] radius \param [in] density
303  */
304 float PhysxUtilLib::
305 compute_box_mass(const LVector3f &extents, float density) {
307  return _ptr->NxComputeBoxMass(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(extents), density);
308 }
310 /**
311  * Computes density of a homogeneous box according to box mass.
312  *
313  * \param [in] radius \param [in] mass
314  */
315 float PhysxUtilLib::
316 compute_box_density(const LVector3f &extents, float mass) {
318  return _ptr->NxComputeBoxDensity(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(extents), mass);
319 }
321 /**
322  * Computes mass of a homogeneous ellipsoid according to ellipsoid density.
323  *
324  * \param [in] radius \param [in] density
325  */
326 float PhysxUtilLib::
327 compute_ellipsoid_mass(const LVector3f &extents, float density ) {
329  return _ptr->NxComputeEllipsoidMass(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(extents), density);
330 }
332 /**
333  * Computes density of a homogeneous ellipsoid according to ellipsoid mass.
334  *
335  * \param [in] radius \param [in] mass
336  */
337 float PhysxUtilLib::
338 compute_ellipsoid_density(const LVector3f &extents, float mass) {
340  return _ptr->NxComputeEllipsoidDensity(PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(extents), mass);
341 }
343 /**
344  * Computes mass of a homogeneous cylinder according to cylinder density.
345  *
346  * \param [in] radius \param [in] density
347  */
348 float PhysxUtilLib::
349 compute_cylinder_mass(float radius, float length, float density) {
351  return _ptr->NxComputeCylinderMass(radius, length, density);
352 }
354 /**
355  * Computes density of a homogeneous cylinder according to cylinder mass.
356  *
357  * \param [in] radius \param [in] mass
358  */
359 float PhysxUtilLib::
360 compute_cylinder_density(float radius, float length, float mass) {
362  return _ptr->NxComputeCylinderDensity(radius, length, mass);
363 }
365 /**
366  * Computes mass of a homogeneous cone according to cone density.
367  *
368  * \param [in] radius \param [in] density
369  */
370 float PhysxUtilLib::
371 compute_cone_mass(float radius, float length, float density) {
373  return _ptr->NxComputeConeMass(radius, length, density);
374 }
376 /**
377  * Computes density of a homogeneous cone according to cone mass.
378  *
379  * \param [in] radius \param [in] mass
380  */
381 float PhysxUtilLib::
382 compute_cone_density(float radius, float length, float mass) {
384  return _ptr->NxComputeConeDensity(radius, length, mass);
385 }
387 /**
388  * Computes diagonalized inertia tensor for a box.
389  *
390  * \param [in] mass \param [in] xlength \param [in] ylength \param [in]
391  * zlength
392  */
393 LVector3f PhysxUtilLib::
394 compute_box_inertia_tensor(float mass, float xlength, float ylength, float zlength) {
396  NxVec3 tensor;
397  _ptr->NxComputeBoxInertiaTensor(tensor, mass, xlength, ylength, zlength);
398  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(tensor);
399 }
401 /**
402  * Computes diagonalized inertia tensor for a sphere.
403  *
404  * \param [in] mass \param [in] radius \param [in] hollow
405  */
406 LVector3f PhysxUtilLib::
407 compute_sphere_inertia_tensor(float mass, float radius, bool hollow) {
409  NxVec3 tensor;
410  _ptr->NxComputeSphereInertiaTensor(tensor, mass, radius, hollow);
411  return PhysxManager::nxVec3_to_vec3(tensor);
412 }
414 /**
415  * Boolean intersection test between two OBBs. Uses the separating axis
416  * theorem. Disabling 'full_test' only performs 6 axis tests out of 15.
417  *
418  * \param [in] extents0 \param [in] center0 \param [in] rotation0 \param [in]
419  * extents1 \param [in] center1 \param [in] rotation1 \param [in] full_test
420  */
421 bool PhysxUtilLib::
422 box_box_intersect(const LVector3f &extents0, const LPoint3f &center0, const LMatrix3f &rotation0, const LVector3f &extents1, const LPoint3f &center1, const LMatrix3f &rotation1, bool full_test) {
424  nassertr_always(!extents0.is_nan(), false);
425  nassertr_always(!center0.is_nan(), false);
426  nassertr_always(!rotation0.is_nan(), false);
427  nassertr_always(!extents1.is_nan(), false);
428  nassertr_always(!center1.is_nan(), false);
429  nassertr_always(!rotation1.is_nan(), false);
431  return _ptr->NxBoxBoxIntersect(
437  PhysxManager::mat3_to_nxMat33(rotation1), full_test);
438 }
440 /**
441  * Boolean intersection test between a triangle and a box.
442  *
443  * \param [in] vertex0 \param [in] vertex1 \param [in] vertex2 \param [in]
444  * center \param [in] extents
445  */
446 bool PhysxUtilLib::
447 tri_box_intersect(const LPoint3f &vertex0, const LPoint3f &vertex1, const LPoint3f &vertex2, const LPoint3f &center, const LVector3f &extents) {
449  nassertr_always(!vertex0.is_nan(), false);
450  nassertr_always(!vertex1.is_nan(), false);
451  nassertr_always(!vertex2.is_nan(), false);
452  nassertr_always(!center.is_nan(), false);
453  nassertr_always(!extents.is_nan(), false);
455  return _ptr->NxTriBoxIntersect(
461 }
463 /**
464  * Ray-plane intersection test.
465  *
466  * \param [in] ray \param [in] plane \param [out] point_on_plane
467  */
468 bool PhysxUtilLib::
469 ray_plane_intersect(const PhysxRay &ray, const PhysxPlane &plane, LPoint3f &point_on_plane) {
471  NxReal dist; // not used
472  NxVec3 nPointOnPlane;
474  bool result = _ptr->NxRayPlaneIntersect(ray._ray, plane._plane, dist, nPointOnPlane);
476  PhysxManager::update_point3_from_nxVec3(point_on_plane, nPointOnPlane);
477  return result;
478 }
480 /**
481  * Ray-sphere intersection test. Returns true if the ray intersects the
482  * sphere, and the impact point if needed.
483  *
484  * \param [in] origin \param [in] dir \param [in] length \param [in] center
485  * \param [in] radius \param [out] hit_pos
486  */
487 bool PhysxUtilLib::
488 ray_sphere_intersect(const LPoint3f &origin, const LVector3f &dir, float length, const LPoint3f &center, float radius, LPoint3f &hit_pos) {
490  nassertr_always(!origin.is_nan(), false);
491  nassertr_always(!dir.is_nan(), false);
492  nassertr_always(!center.is_nan(), false);
494  NxReal nHitTime; // not used
495  NxVec3 nPointOnPlane;
497  bool result = _ptr->NxRaySphereIntersect(
500  length,
502  radius,
503  nHitTime,
504  nPointOnPlane);
506  PhysxManager::update_point3_from_nxVec3(hit_pos, nPointOnPlane);
507  return result;
508 }
510 /**
511  * Segment-AABB intersection test. Also computes intersection point.
512  *
513  * \param [in] p1 \param [in] p2 \param [in] bbox_min \param [in] bbox_max
514  * \param [out] intercept
515  */
516 bool PhysxUtilLib::
517 segment_box_intersect(const LPoint3f &p1, const LPoint3f &p2, const LPoint3f &bbox_min, const LPoint3f &bbox_max, LPoint3f &intercept) {
519  nassertr_always(!p1.is_nan(), false);
520  nassertr_always(!p2.is_nan(), false);
521  nassertr_always(!bbox_min.is_nan(), false);
522  nassertr_always(!bbox_max.is_nan(), false);
524  NxVec3 nIntercept;
526  bool result =_ptr->NxSegmentBoxIntersect(
531  nIntercept);
533  PhysxManager::update_point3_from_nxVec3(intercept, nIntercept);
534  return result;
535 }
537 /**
538  * Ray-AABB intersection test. Also computes intersection point.
539  *
540  * \param [in] min \param [in] max \param [in] origin \param [in] dir \param
541  * [out] coord
542  */
543 bool PhysxUtilLib::
544 ray_aabb_intersect(const LPoint3f &min, const LPoint3f &max, const LPoint3f &origin, const LVector3f &dir, LPoint3f &coord) {
546  nassertr_always(!min.is_nan(), false);
547  nassertr_always(!max.is_nan(), false);
548  nassertr_always(!origin.is_nan(), false);
549  nassertr_always(!dir.is_nan(), false);
551  NxVec3 nCoord;
553  bool result = _ptr->NxRayAABBIntersect(
558  nCoord);
560  PhysxManager::update_point3_from_nxVec3(coord, nCoord);
561  return result;
562 }
564 /**
565  * Boolean segment-OBB intersection test. Based on separating axis theorem.
566  *
567  * \param [in] p0 \param [in] p1 \param [in] center \param [in] extents \param
568  * [in] rot
569  */
570 bool PhysxUtilLib::
571 segment_obb_intersect(const LPoint3f &p0, const LPoint3f &p1, const LPoint3f &center, const LVector3f &extents, const LMatrix3f &rot) {
573  nassertr_always(!p0.is_nan(), false);
574  nassertr_always(!p1.is_nan(), false);
575  nassertr_always(!center.is_nan(), false);
576  nassertr_always(!extents.is_nan(), false);
577  nassertr_always(!rot.is_nan(), false);
579  return _ptr->NxSegmentOBBIntersect(
585 }
587 /**
588  * Boolean segment-AABB intersection test. Based on separating axis theorem.
589  *
590  * \param [in] p0 \param [in] p1 \param [in] min \param [in] max
591  */
592 bool PhysxUtilLib::
593 segment_aabb_intersect(const LPoint3f &p0, const LPoint3f &p1, const LPoint3f &min, const LPoint3f &max) {
595  nassertr_always(!p0.is_nan(), false);
596  nassertr_always(!p1.is_nan(), false);
597  nassertr_always(!min.is_nan(), false);
598  nassertr_always(!max.is_nan(), false);
600  return _ptr->NxSegmentAABBIntersect(
605 }
607 /**
608  * Boolean ray-OBB intersection test. Based on separating axis theorem.
609  *
610  * \param [in] ray \param [in] center \param [in] extents \param [in] rot
611  */
612 bool PhysxUtilLib::
613 ray_obb_intersect(const PhysxRay &ray, const LPoint3f &center, const LVector3f &extents, const LMatrix3f &rot) {
615  nassertr_always(!center.is_nan(), false);
616  nassertr_always(!extents.is_nan(), false);
617  nassertr_always(!rot.is_nan(), false);
619  return _ptr->NxRayOBBIntersect(
620  ray._ray,
624 }
626 /**
627  * Ray-capsule intersection test. Returns number of intersection points (0,1
628  * or 2) along the ray.
629  *
630  * \param [in] origin \param [in] dir \param [in] capsule
631  */
632 unsigned int PhysxUtilLib::
633 ray_capsule_intersect(const LPoint3f &origin, const LVector3f &dir, const PhysxCapsule &capsule) {
635  nassertr_always(!origin.is_nan(), -1);
636  nassertr_always(!dir.is_nan(), -1);
638  NxReal t[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; // not used
640  return _ptr->NxRayCapsuleIntersect(
643  capsule._capsule, t);
644 }
646 /**
647  * Sphere-sphere sweep test. Returns true if spheres intersect during their
648  * linear motion along provided velocity vectors.
649  *
650  * \param [in] sphere0 \param [in] velocity0 \param [in] sphere1 \param [in]
651  * velocity1
652  */
653 bool PhysxUtilLib::
654 swept_spheres_intersect(const PhysxSphere &sphere0, const LVector3f &velocity0, const PhysxSphere &sphere1, const LVector3f &velocity1) {
656  nassertr_always(!velocity0.is_nan(), false);
657  nassertr_always(!velocity1.is_nan(), false);
659  return _ptr->NxSweptSpheresIntersect(
660  sphere0._sphere,
661  PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(velocity0),
662  sphere1._sphere,
663  PhysxManager::vec3_to_nxVec3(velocity1));
664 }
666 /**
667  * Ray-triangle intersection test. Returns impact distance (t) as well as
668  * barycentric coordinates (u,v) of impact point. The test performs back face
669  * culling or not according to 'cull'.
670  *
671  * \param [in] orig \param [in] dir \param [in] vert0 \param [in] vert1 \param
672  * [in] vert2 \param [out] hit, with coordinates (t,u,v) \param [in] cull
673  */
674 bool PhysxUtilLib::
675 ray_tri_intersect(const LPoint3f &orig, const LVector3f &dir, const LPoint3f &vert0, const LPoint3f &vert1, const LPoint3f &vert2, LVector3f &hit, bool cull) {
677  nassertr_always(!orig.is_nan(), false);
678  nassertr_always(!dir.is_nan(), false);
679  nassertr_always(!vert0.is_nan(), false);
680  nassertr_always(!vert1.is_nan(), false);
681  nassertr_always(!vert2.is_nan(), false);
683  NxReal t, u, v;
685  bool result = _ptr->NxRayTriIntersect(
691  t, u, v, cull);
693  hit.set_x(t);
694  hit.set_y(u);
695  hit.set_z(v);
697  return result;
698 }
700 /**
701  * Box-vs-capsule sweep test. Sweeps a box against a capsule, returns true if
702  * box hit the capsule. Also returns contact information.
703  *
704  * \param [in] box Box \param [in] lss Capsule \param [in] dir Unit-length
705  * sweep direction \param [in] length Length of sweep \param [out] normal
706  * Normal at impact point
707  */
708 bool PhysxUtilLib::
709 sweep_box_capsule(const PhysxBox &box, const PhysxCapsule &lss, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LVector3f &normal) {
711  nassertr_always(!dir.is_nan(), false);
713  NxReal min_dist; // not used
714  NxVec3 nNormal;
716  bool result = _ptr->NxSweepBoxCapsule(
717  box._box, lss._capsule,
719  length, min_dist, nNormal);
721  PhysxManager::update_vec3_from_nxVec3(normal, nNormal);
722  return result;
723 }
725 /**
726  * Box-vs-sphere sweep test. Sweeps a box against a sphere, returns true if
727  * box hit the sphere. Also returns contact information.
728  *
729  * \param [in] box Box \param [in] sphere Sphere \param [in] dir Unit-length
730  * sweep direction \param [in] length Length of sweep \param [out] normal
731  * Normal at impact point
732  */
733 bool PhysxUtilLib::
734 sweep_box_sphere(const PhysxBox &box, const PhysxSphere &sphere, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LVector3f &normal) {
736  nassertr_always(!dir.is_nan(), false);
738  NxReal min_dist; // not used
739  NxVec3 nNormal;
741  bool result = _ptr->NxSweepBoxSphere(
742  box._box, sphere._sphere,
744  length, min_dist, nNormal);
746  PhysxManager::update_vec3_from_nxVec3(normal, nNormal);
747  return result;
748 }
750 /**
751  * Capsule-vs-capsule sweep test. Sweeps a capsule against a capsule, returns
752  * true if capsule hit the other capsule. Also returns contact information.
753  *
754  * \param [in] lss0 \param [in] lss1 \param [in] dir Unit-length sweep
755  * direction \param [in] length Length of sweep \param [out] ip Impact point
756  * \param [out] normal Normal at impact point
757  */
758 bool PhysxUtilLib::
759 sweep_capsule_capsule(const PhysxCapsule &lss0, const PhysxCapsule &lss1, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LPoint3f &ip, LVector3f &normal) {
761  nassertr_always(!dir.is_nan(), false);
763  NxReal min_dist; // not used
764  NxVec3 nIp;
765  NxVec3 nNormal;
767  bool result = _ptr->NxSweepCapsuleCapsule(
768  lss0._capsule, lss1._capsule,
770  length, min_dist, nIp, nNormal);
772  PhysxManager::update_point3_from_nxVec3(ip, nIp);
773  PhysxManager::update_vec3_from_nxVec3(normal, nNormal);
774  return result;
775 }
777 /**
778  * Sphere-vs-capsule sweep test. Sweeps a sphere against a capsule, returns
779  * true if sphere hit the capsule. Also returns contact information.
780  *
781  * \param [in] sphere \param [in] lss \param [in] dir Unit-length sweep
782  * direction \param [in] length Length of sweep \param [out] ip Impact point
783  * \param [out] normal Normal at impact point
784  */
785 bool PhysxUtilLib::
786 sweep_sphere_capsule(const PhysxSphere &sphere, const PhysxCapsule &lss, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LPoint3f &ip, LVector3f &normal) {
788  nassertr_always(!dir.is_nan(), false);
790  NxReal min_dist; // not used
791  NxVec3 nIp;
792  NxVec3 nNormal;
794  bool result = _ptr->NxSweepSphereCapsule(
795  sphere._sphere, lss._capsule,
797  length, min_dist, nIp, nNormal);
799  PhysxManager::update_point3_from_nxVec3(ip, nIp);
800  PhysxManager::update_vec3_from_nxVec3(normal, nNormal);
801  return result;
802 }
804 /**
805  * Box-vs-box sweep test. Sweeps a box against a box, returns true if box hit
806  * the other box. Also returns contact information.
807  *
808  * \param [in] box0 \param [in] box1 \param [in] dir Unit-length sweep
809  * direction \param [in] length Length of sweep \param [out] ip Impact point
810  * \param [out] normal Normal at impact point
811  */
812 bool PhysxUtilLib::
813 sweep_box_box(const PhysxBox &box0, const PhysxBox &box1, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LPoint3f &ip, LVector3f &normal) {
815  nassertr_always(!dir.is_nan(), false);
817  NxReal min_dist; // not used
818  NxVec3 nIp;
819  NxVec3 nNormal;
821  bool result = _ptr->NxSweepBoxBox(
822  box0._box, box1._box,
824  length, nIp, nNormal, min_dist);
826  PhysxManager::update_point3_from_nxVec3(ip, nIp);
827  PhysxManager::update_vec3_from_nxVec3(normal, nNormal);
828  return result;
829 }
831 /**
832  * Point-vs-OBB distance computation. Returns distance between a point and an
833  * OBB.
834  *
835  * \param [in] point The point \param [in] center OBB center \param [in]
836  * extents OBB extents \param [in] rot OBB rotation \param [out] params
837  * Closest point on the box, in box space
838  */
839 float PhysxUtilLib::
840 point_obb_sqr_dist(const LPoint3f &point, const LPoint3f &center, const LVector3f &extents, const LMatrix3f &rot, LPoint3f &params) {
842  nassertr_always(!point.is_nan(), 0.0f);
843  nassertr_always(!center.is_nan(), 0.0f);
844  nassertr_always(!extents.is_nan(), 0.0f);
845  nassertr_always(!rot.is_nan(), 0.0f);
847  NxVec3 nParams;
849  float result = _ptr->NxPointOBBSqrDist(
854  &nParams);
856  PhysxManager::update_point3_from_nxVec3(params, nParams);
857  return result;
858 }
bool ray_sphere_intersect(const LPoint3f &origin, const LVector3f &dir, float length, const LPoint3f &center, float radius, LPoint3f &hit_pos)
Ray-sphere intersection test.
bool box_box_intersect(const LVector3f &extents0, const LPoint3f &center0, const LMatrix3f &rotation0, const LVector3f &extents1, const LPoint3f &center1, const LMatrix3f &rotation1, bool full_test)
Boolean intersection test between two OBBs.
float compute_sphere_density(float radius, float mass)
Computes density of a homogeneous sphere according to sphere mass.
LVector3f compute_box_inertia_tensor(float mass, float xlength, float ylength, float zlength)
Computes diagonalized inertia tensor for a box.
bool sweep_box_box(const PhysxBox &box0, const PhysxBox &box1, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LPoint3f &ip, LVector3f &normal)
Box-vs-box sweep test.
float compute_cone_density(float radius, float length, float mass)
Computes density of a homogeneous cone according to cone mass.
bool sweep_capsule_capsule(const PhysxCapsule &lss0, const PhysxCapsule &lss1, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LPoint3f &ip, LVector3f &normal)
Capsule-vs-capsule sweep test.
Represents a sphere defined by its center point and radius.
Definition: physxSphere.h:25
bool segment_obb_intersect(const LPoint3f &p0, const LPoint3f &p1, const LPoint3f &center, const LVector3f &extents, const LMatrix3f &rot)
Boolean segment-OBB intersection test.
PhysxSphere merge_spheres(const PhysxSphere &sphere0, const PhysxSphere &sphere1)
Compute an overall bounding sphere for a pair of spheres.
bool ray_tri_intersect(const LPoint3f &orig, const LVector3f &dir, const LPoint3f &vert0, const LPoint3f &vert1, const LPoint3f &vert2, LVector3f &hit, bool cull)
Ray-triangle intersection test.
float compute_ellipsoid_density(const LVector3f &extents, float mass)
Computes density of a homogeneous ellipsoid according to ellipsoid mass.
bool tri_box_intersect(const LPoint3f &vertex0, const LPoint3f &vertex1, const LPoint3f &vertex2, const LPoint3f &center, const LVector3f &extents)
Boolean intersection test between a triangle and a box.
float compute_cylinder_density(float radius, float length, float mass)
Computes density of a homogeneous cylinder according to cylinder mass.
Represents an oriented bounding box, as a center point, extents(radii) and a rotation.
Definition: physxBox.h:29
static NxVec3 point3_to_nxVec3(const LPoint3f &p)
Converts from LPoint3f to NxVec3.
Definition: physxManager.I:63
Represention of a axis aligned bounding box.
Definition: physxBounds3.h:29
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool segment_box_intersect(const LPoint3f &p1, const LPoint3f &p2, const LPoint3f &bbox_min, const LPoint3f &bbox_max, LPoint3f &intercept)
Segment-AABB intersection test.
static NxMat34 mat4_to_nxMat34(const LMatrix4f &m)
Converts from LMatrix4f to NxMat34.
Definition: physxManager.I:119
Represents a line segment.
Definition: physxSegment.h:25
void set_fpu_rounding_down()
Set FPU rounding mode.
float compute_cylinder_mass(float radius, float length, float density)
Computes mass of a homogeneous cylinder according to cylinder density.
int int_chop(const float &f)
Convert a floating point number to an integer.
static NxVec3 vec3_to_nxVec3(const LVector3f &v)
Converts from LVector3f to NxVec3.
Definition: physxManager.I:27
bool sweep_sphere_capsule(const PhysxSphere &sphere, const PhysxCapsule &lss, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LPoint3f &ip, LVector3f &normal)
Sphere-vs-capsule sweep test.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool ray_aabb_intersect(const LPoint3f &min, const LPoint3f &max, const LPoint3f &origin, const LVector3f &dir, LPoint3f &coord)
Ray-AABB intersection test.
static NxMat33 mat3_to_nxMat33(const LMatrix3f &m)
Converts from LMatrix3f to NxMat33.
Definition: physxManager.I:139
unsigned int ray_capsule_intersect(const LPoint3f &origin, const LVector3f &dir, const PhysxCapsule &capsule)
Ray-capsule intersection test.
bool segment_aabb_intersect(const LPoint3f &p0, const LPoint3f &p1, const LPoint3f &min, const LPoint3f &max)
Boolean segment-AABB intersection test.
static LVector3f nxVec3_to_vec3(const NxVec3 &v)
Converts from NxVec3 to LVector3f.
Definition: physxManager.I:36
LVector3f compute_sphere_inertia_tensor(float mass, float radius, bool hollow)
Computes diagonalized inertia tensor for a sphere.
Represents a capsule.
Definition: physxCapsule.h:25
bool ray_plane_intersect(const PhysxRay &ray, const PhysxPlane &plane, LPoint3f &point_on_plane)
Ray-plane intersection test.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
float compute_sphere_mass(float radius, float density)
Computes mass of a homogeneous sphere according to sphere density.
float compute_box_mass(const LVector3f &extents, float density)
Computes mass of a homogeneous box according to box density.
float compute_cone_mass(float radius, float length, float density)
Computes mass of a homogeneous cone according to cone density.
int int_ceil(const float &f)
Convert a floating point number to an integer.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void set_fpu_rounding_up()
Set FPU rounding mode.
void set_fpu_precision64()
Set FPU precision.
PhysxCapsule compute_capsule_around_box(const PhysxBox &box)
Compute a capsule which encloses a box.
float compute_distance_squared(const PhysxRay &ray, const LPoint3f &point)
Compute the distance squared from a point to a ray.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
LMatrix3f find_rotation_matrix(const LVector3f &x, const LVector3f &b)
Computes a rotation matrix M so that: M * x = b (x and b are unit vectors).
void set_fpu_rounding_chop()
Set FPU precision.
void set_fpu_rounding_near()
Set FPU rounding mode.
bool is_box_a_inside_box_b(const PhysxBox &a, const PhysxBox &b)
Test if box A is inside another box B.
void normal_to_tangents(const LVector3f &n, LVector3f &t1, LVector3f &t2)
Get the tangent vectors associated with a normal.
bool box_contains_point(const PhysxBox &box, const LPoint3f &p)
Test if an oriented box contains a point.
float compute_ellipsoid_mass(const LVector3f &extents, float density)
Computes mass of a homogeneous ellipsoid according to ellipsoid density.
bool ray_obb_intersect(const PhysxRay &ray, const LPoint3f &center, const LVector3f &extents, const LMatrix3f &rot)
Boolean ray-OBB intersection test.
void set_fpu_exceptions(bool b)
Set FPU precision.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void set_fpu_precision24()
Set FPU precision.
PhysxBox create_box(const PhysxBounds3 &aabb, const LMatrix4f &mat)
Create an oriented box from an axis aligned box and a transformation.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
static LMatrix3f nxMat33_to_mat3(const NxMat33 &m)
Converts from NxMat33 to LMatrix3f.
Definition: physxManager.I:150
int int_floor(const float &f)
Convert a floating point number to an integer.
float compute_box_density(const LVector3f &extents, float mass)
Computes density of a homogeneous box according to box mass.
float point_obb_sqr_dist(const LPoint3f &point, const LPoint3f &center, const LVector3f &extents, const LMatrix3f &rot, LPoint3f &params)
Point-vs-OBB distance computation.
bool sweep_box_capsule(const PhysxBox &box, const PhysxCapsule &lss, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LVector3f &normal)
Box-vs-capsule sweep test.
float compute_square_distance(const PhysxSegment &seg, const LPoint3f &point)
Compute the distance squared from a point to a line segment.
bool sweep_box_sphere(const PhysxBox &box, const PhysxSphere &sphere, const LVector3f &dir, float length, LVector3f &normal)
Box-vs-sphere sweep test.
Represents an ray as an origin and direction.
Definition: physxRay.h:26
PhysxBox compute_box_around_capsule(const PhysxCapsule &capsule)
Compute a box which encloses a capsule.
bool swept_spheres_intersect(const PhysxSphere &sphere0, const LVector3f &velocity0, const PhysxSphere &sphere1, const LVector3f &velocity1)
Sphere-sphere sweep test.
void set_fpu_precision53()
Set FPU precision.
LVector3f compute_box_world_edge_normal(const PhysxBox &box, unsigned int edge_index)
Compute and edge normals for an oriented box.