Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file collisionEntry.I
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2002-03-16
12  */
14 /**
15  *
16  */
17 INLINE CollisionEntry::
18 CollisionEntry() {
19  _flags = 0;
20  // > 1. means collision didn't happen
21  _t = 2.f;
22 }
24 /**
25  * Returns the CollisionSolid pointer for the particular solid that triggered
26  * this collision.
27  */
28 INLINE const CollisionSolid *CollisionEntry::
29 get_from() const {
30  return _from;
31 }
33 /**
34  * Returns true if the "into" solid is, in fact, a CollisionSolid, and its
35  * pointer is known (in which case get_into() may be called to retrieve it).
36  * If this returns false, the collision was detected into a GeomNode, and
37  * there is no CollisionSolid pointer to be retrieved.
38  */
39 INLINE bool CollisionEntry::
40 has_into() const {
41  return (_into != nullptr);
42 }
44 /**
45  * Returns the CollisionSolid pointer for the particular solid was collided
46  * into. This pointer might be NULL if the collision was into a piece of
47  * visible geometry, instead of a normal CollisionSolid collision; see
48  * has_into().
49  */
50 INLINE const CollisionSolid *CollisionEntry::
51 get_into() const {
52  return _into;
53 }
55 /**
56  * Returns the node that contains the CollisionSolid that triggered this
57  * collision. This will be a node that has been added to a CollisionTraverser
58  * via add_collider().
59  */
60 INLINE CollisionNode *CollisionEntry::
61 get_from_node() const {
62  return _from_node;
63 }
65 /**
66  * Returns the node that contains the CollisionSolid that was collided into.
67  * This returns a PandaNode pointer instead of something more specific,
68  * because it might be either a CollisionNode or a GeomNode.
69  *
70  * Also see get_into_node_path().
71  */
72 INLINE PandaNode *CollisionEntry::
73 get_into_node() const {
74  return _into_node;
75 }
77 /**
78  * Returns the NodePath that represents the CollisionNode that contains the
79  * CollisionSolid that triggered this collision. This will be a NodePath that
80  * has been added to a CollisionTraverser via add_collider().
81  */
82 INLINE NodePath CollisionEntry::
83 get_from_node_path() const {
84  return _from_node_path;
85 }
87 /**
88  * Returns the NodePath that represents the specific CollisionNode or GeomNode
89  * instance that was collided into. This is the same node returned by
90  * get_into_node(), represented as a NodePath; however, it may be more useful
91  * because the NodePath can resolve the particular instance of the node, if
92  * there is more than one.
93  */
94 INLINE NodePath CollisionEntry::
95 get_into_node_path() const {
96  return _into_node_path;
97 }
99 /**
100  * Sets a time value for this collision relative to other CollisionEntries
101  */
102 INLINE void CollisionEntry::
103 set_t(PN_stdfloat t) {
104  nassertv(!cnan(t));
105  _t = t;
106 }
108 /**
109  * returns time value for this collision relative to other CollisionEntries
110  */
111 INLINE PN_stdfloat CollisionEntry::
112 get_t() const {
113  return _t;
114 }
116 /**
117  * returns true if this represents an actual collision as opposed to a
118  * potential collision, needed for iterative collision resolution where path
119  * of collider changes mid-frame
120  */
121 INLINE bool CollisionEntry::
122 collided() const {
123  return ((0.f <= _t) && (_t <= 1.f));
124 }
126 /**
127  * prepare for another collision test
128  */
129 INLINE void CollisionEntry::
131  _t = 2.f;
132 }
134 /**
135  * Returns true if the collision was detected by a CollisionTraverser whose
136  * respect_prev_transform flag was set true, meaning we should consider motion
137  * significant in evaluating collisions.
138  */
139 INLINE bool CollisionEntry::
140 get_respect_prev_transform() const {
141  return (_flags & F_respect_prev_transform) != 0;
142 }
145 /**
146  * Stores the point, on the surface of the "into" object, at which a collision
147  * is detected.
148  *
149  * This point is specified in the coordinate space of the "into" object.
150  */
151 INLINE void CollisionEntry::
152 set_surface_point(const LPoint3 &point) {
153  nassertv(!point.is_nan());
154  _surface_point = point;
155  _flags |= F_has_surface_point;
156 }
158 /**
159  * Stores the surface normal of the "into" object at the point of the
160  * intersection.
161  *
162  * This normal is specified in the coordinate space of the "into" object.
163  */
164 INLINE void CollisionEntry::
165 set_surface_normal(const LVector3 &normal) {
166  nassertv(!normal.is_nan());
167  _surface_normal = normal;
168  _flags |= F_has_surface_normal;
169 }
171 /**
172  * Stores the point, within the interior of the "into" object, which
173  * represents the depth to which the "from" object has penetrated. This can
174  * also be described as the intersection point on the surface of the "from"
175  * object (which is inside the "into" object).
176  *
177  * This point is specified in the coordinate space of the "into" object.
178  */
179 INLINE void CollisionEntry::
180 set_interior_point(const LPoint3 &point) {
181  nassertv(!point.is_nan());
182  _interior_point = point;
183  _flags |= F_has_interior_point;
184 }
186 /**
187  * Returns true if the surface point has been specified, false otherwise. See
188  * get_surface_point(). Some types of collisions may not compute the surface
189  * point.
190  */
191 INLINE bool CollisionEntry::
193  return (_flags & F_has_surface_point) != 0;
194 }
196 /**
197  * Returns true if the surface normal has been specified, false otherwise.
198  * See get_surface_normal(). Some types of collisions may not compute the
199  * surface normal.
200  */
201 INLINE bool CollisionEntry::
203  return (_flags & F_has_surface_normal) != 0;
204 }
206 /**
207  * Returns true if the interior point has been specified, false otherwise.
208  * See get_interior_point(). Some types of collisions may not compute the
209  * interior point.
210  */
211 INLINE bool CollisionEntry::
213  return (_flags & F_has_interior_point) != 0;
214 }
216 /**
217  * Stores the position of the "from" object at the instant at which the
218  * collision is first detected.
219  *
220  * This position is specified in the coordinate space of the "into" object.
221  */
222 INLINE void CollisionEntry::
223 set_contact_pos(const LPoint3 &pos) {
224  nassertv(!pos.is_nan());
225  _contact_pos = pos;
226  _flags |= F_has_contact_pos;
227 }
229 /**
230  * Stores the surface normal of the "into" object at the contact pos.
231  *
232  * This normal is specified in the coordinate space of the "into" object.
233  */
234 INLINE void CollisionEntry::
235 set_contact_normal(const LVector3 &normal) {
236  nassertv(!normal.is_nan());
237  _contact_normal = normal;
238  _flags |= F_has_contact_normal;
239 }
241 /**
242  * Returns true if the contact position has been specified, false otherwise.
243  * See get_contact_pos(). Some types of collisions may not compute the
244  * contact pos.
245  */
246 INLINE bool CollisionEntry::
248  return (_flags & F_has_contact_pos) != 0;
249 }
251 /**
252  * Returns true if the contact normal has been specified, false otherwise.
253  * See get_contact_normal(). Some types of collisions may not compute the
254  * contact normal.
255  */
256 INLINE bool CollisionEntry::
258  return (_flags & F_has_contact_normal) != 0;
259 }
261 /**
262  * Returns the relative transform of the from node as seen from the into node.
263  */
264 INLINE CPT(TransformState) CollisionEntry::
265 get_wrt_space() const {
266  return _from_node_path.get_transform(_into_node_path);
267 }
269 /**
270  * Returns the relative transform of the into node as seen from the from node.
271  */
272 INLINE CPT(TransformState) CollisionEntry::
273 get_inv_wrt_space() const {
274  return _into_node_path.get_transform(_from_node_path);
275 }
277 /**
278  * Returns the relative transform of the from node as seen from the into node,
279  * as of the previous frame (according to set_prev_transform(),
280  * set_fluid_pos(), etc.)
281  */
282 INLINE CPT(TransformState) CollisionEntry::
283 get_wrt_prev_space() const {
285  return _from_node_path.get_prev_transform(_into_node_path);
286  } else {
287  return get_wrt_space();
288  }
289 }
291 /**
292  * Returns the relative transform of the from node as seen from the into node.
293  */
294 INLINE const LMatrix4 &CollisionEntry::
295 get_wrt_mat() const {
296  return get_wrt_space()->get_mat();
297 }
299 /**
300  * Returns the relative transform of the into node as seen from the from node.
301  */
302 INLINE const LMatrix4 &CollisionEntry::
303 get_inv_wrt_mat() const {
304  return get_inv_wrt_space()->get_mat();
305 }
307 /**
308  * Returns the relative transform of the from node as seen from the into node,
309  * as of the previous frame (according to set_prev_transform(),
310  * set_fluid_pos(), etc.)
311  */
312 INLINE const LMatrix4 &CollisionEntry::
313 get_wrt_prev_mat() const {
314  return get_wrt_prev_space()->get_mat();
315 }
317 /**
318  * Returns the ClipPlaneAttrib, if any, that is applied to the into_node_path,
319  * or NULL if there is no clip plane in effect.
320  */
321 INLINE const ClipPlaneAttrib *CollisionEntry::
322 get_into_clip_planes() const {
323  if ((_flags & F_checked_clip_planes) == 0) {
324  ((CollisionEntry *)this)->check_clip_planes();
325  }
326  return _into_clip_planes;
327 }
329 /**
330  * This is intended to be called only by the CollisionTraverser. It requests
331  * the CollisionEntry to start the intersection test between the from and into
332  * solids stored within it, passing the result (if positive) to the indicated
333  * CollisionHandler.
334  */
335 INLINE void CollisionEntry::
336 test_intersection(CollisionHandler *record,
337  const CollisionTraverser *trav) const {
338  PT(CollisionEntry) result = get_from()->test_intersection(*this);
340  if (trav->has_recorder()) {
341  if (result != nullptr) {
342  trav->get_recorder()->collision_tested(*result, true);
343  } else {
344  trav->get_recorder()->collision_tested(*this, false);
345  }
346  }
348 #ifdef DO_PSTATS
349  ((CollisionSolid *)get_into())->get_test_pcollector().add_level(1);
350 #endif // DO_PSTATS
351  // if there was no collision detected but the handler wants to know about
352  // all potential collisions, create a "didn't collide" collision entry for
353  // it
354  if (record->wants_all_potential_collidees() && result == nullptr) {
355  result = new CollisionEntry(*this);
356  result->reset_collided();
357  }
358  if (result != nullptr) {
359  record->add_entry(result);
360  }
361 }
363 INLINE std::ostream &
364 operator << (std::ostream &out, const CollisionEntry &entry) {
365  entry.output(out);
366  return out;
367 }
bool has_surface_point() const
Returns true if the surface point has been specified, false otherwise.
A basic node of the scene graph or data graph.
Definition: pandaNode.h:64
The abstract interface to a number of classes that decide what to do when a collision is detected.
Indicates a coordinate-system transform on vertices.
The abstract base class for all things that can collide with other things in the world,...
bool has_contact_normal() const
Returns true if the contact normal has been specified, false otherwise.
void set_contact_normal(const LVector3 &normal)
Stores the surface normal of the "into" object at the contact pos.
CPT(TransformState) CollisionEntry
Returns the relative transform of the from node as seen from the into node.
bool collided() const
returns true if this represents an actual collision as opposed to a potential collision,...
This functions similarly to a LightAttrib.
void set_interior_point(const LPoint3 &point)
Stores the point, within the interior of the "into" object, which represents the depth to which the "...
bool has_into() const
Returns true if the "into" solid is, in fact, a CollisionSolid, and its pointer is known (in which ca...
bool has_surface_normal() const
Returns true if the surface normal has been specified, false otherwise.
Sets a time value for this collision relative to other CollisionEntries.
Returns true if the collision was detected by a CollisionTraverser whose respect_prev_transform flag ...
Defines a single collision event.
bool has_contact_pos() const
Returns true if the contact position has been specified, false otherwise.
void set_contact_pos(const LPoint3 &pos)
Stores the position of the "from" object at the instant at which the collision is first detected.
Returns the CollisionSolid pointer for the particular solid was collided into.
Returns the CollisionSolid pointer for the particular solid that triggered this collision.
A node in the scene graph that can hold any number of CollisionSolids.
Definition: collisionNode.h:30
bool has_interior_point() const
Returns true if the interior point has been specified, false otherwise.
This class manages the traversal through the scene graph to detect collisions.
const TransformState * get_transform(Thread *current_thread=Thread::get_current_thread()) const
Returns the complete transform object set on this node.
Definition: nodePath.cxx:758
void set_surface_point(const LPoint3 &point)
Stores the point, on the surface of the "into" object, at which a collision is detected.
NodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also provides a higher-level int...
Definition: nodePath.h:161
void set_surface_normal(const LVector3 &normal)
Stores the surface normal of the "into" object at the point of the intersection.
void reset_collided()
prepare for another collision test
const TransformState * get_prev_transform(Thread *current_thread=Thread::get_current_thread()) const
Returns the transform that has been set as this node's "previous" position.
Definition: nodePath.cxx:846