Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file config_assimp.cxx
10  * @author rdb
11  * @date 2011-03-29
12  */
14 #include "config_assimp.h"
16 #include "loaderFileTypeAssimp.h"
18 #include "dconfig.h"
19 #include "loaderFileTypeRegistry.h"
21 ConfigureDef(config_assimp);
22 NotifyCategoryDef(assimp, "");
24 ConfigureFn(config_assimp) {
26 }
28 ConfigVariableBool assimp_calc_tangent_space
29 ("assimp-calc-tangent-space", false,
30  PRC_DESC("Calculates tangents and binormals for meshes imported via Assimp."));
32 ConfigVariableBool assimp_join_identical_vertices
33 ("assimp-join-identical-vertices", true,
34  PRC_DESC("Merges duplicate vertices. Set this to false if you want each "
35  "vertex to only be in use on one triangle."));
37 ConfigVariableBool assimp_improve_cache_locality
38 ("assimp-improve-cache-locality", true,
39  PRC_DESC("Improves rendering performance of the loaded meshes by reordering "
40  "triangles for better vertex cache locality. Set this to false if "
41  "you need geometry to be loaded in the exact order that it was "
42  "specified in the file, or to improve load performance."));
44 ConfigVariableBool assimp_remove_redundant_materials
45 ("assimp-remove-redundant-materials", true,
46  PRC_DESC("Removes redundant/unreferenced materials from assets."));
48 ConfigVariableBool assimp_fix_infacing_normals
49 ("assimp-fix-infacing-normals", false,
50  PRC_DESC("Determines which normal vectors are facing inward and inverts them "
51  "so that they are facing outward."));
53 ConfigVariableBool assimp_optimize_meshes
54 ("assimp-optimize-meshes", true,
55  PRC_DESC("Removes the number of draw calls by unifying geometry with the same "
56  "materials. Especially effective in conjunction with "
57  "assimp-optimize-graph and assimp-remove-redundant-materials."));
59 ConfigVariableBool assimp_optimize_graph
60 ("assimp-optimize-graph", false,
61  PRC_DESC("Optimizes the scene geometry by flattening the scene hierarchy. "
62  "This is very efficient (combined with assimp-optimize-meshes), but "
63  "it may result the hierarchy to become lost, so it is disabled by "
64  "default."));
66 ConfigVariableBool assimp_flip_winding_order
67 ("assimp-flip-winding-order", false,
68  PRC_DESC("Set this true to flip the winding order of all models loaded via "
69  "the Assimp loader. Note that you may need to clear the model-cache "
70  "after changing this."));
72 ConfigVariableBool assimp_gen_normals
73 ("assimp-gen-normals", false,
74  PRC_DESC("Set this true to generate normals (if absent from file) on import. "
75  "See assimp-smooth-normal-angle for more information. "
76  "Note that you may need to clear the model-cache after "
77  "changing this."));
79 ConfigVariableDouble assimp_smooth_normal_angle
80 ("assimp-smooth-normal-angle", 0.0,
81  PRC_DESC("Set this to anything other than 0.0 in degrees (so 180.0 is PI) to "
82  "specify the maximum angle that may be between two face normals at "
83  "the same vertex position that are smoothed together. Sometimes "
84  "referred to as 'crease angle'. Only has effect if "
85  "assimp-gen-normals is set to true and the file does not contain "
86  "normals. Note that you may need to clear the model-cache after "
87  "changing this."));
89 /**
90  * Initializes the library. This must be called at least once before any of
91  * the functions or classes in this library can be used. Normally it will be
92  * called by the static initializers and need not be called explicitly, but
93  * special cases exist.
94  */
95 void
97  static bool initialized = false;
98  if (initialized) {
99  return;
100  }
101  initialized = true;
103  LoaderFileTypeAssimp::init_type();
107 }
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void init_libassimp()
Initializes the library.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a boolean type.
This defines the Loader interface that uses the Assimp library to load various model formats.
static LoaderFileTypeRegistry * get_global_ptr()
Returns a pointer to the global LoaderFileTypeRegistry object.
void register_type(LoaderFileType *type)
Defines a new LoaderFileType in the universe.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a floating- point type.
This class maintains the set of all known LoaderFileTypes in the universe.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.