Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file config_text.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2000-03-02
12  */
14 #include "config_text.h"
15 #include "staticTextFont.h"
16 #include "textFont.h"
17 #include "textGlyph.h"
18 #include "textNode.h"
19 #include "textProperties.h"
20 #include "dynamicTextFont.h"
21 #include "dynamicTextGlyph.h"
22 #include "dynamicTextPage.h"
23 #include "geomTextGlyph.h"
24 #include "unicodeLatinMap.h"
25 #include "pandaSystem.h"
27 #include "dconfig.h"
28 #include "config_express.h"
30 #if !defined(CPPPARSER) && !defined(LINK_ALL_STATIC) && !defined(BUILDING_PANDA_TEXT)
31  #error Buildsystem error: BUILDING_PANDA_TEXT not defined
32 #endif
34 using std::wstring;
36 Configure(config_text);
37 NotifyCategoryDef(text, "");
39 ConfigureFn(config_text) {
40  init_libtext();
41 }
43 ConfigVariableBool text_flatten
44 ("text-flatten", true,
45  PRC_DESC("Set this true to flatten text when it is generated, or false to "
46  "keep it as a deep hierarchy. Usually it's a performance "
47  "advantage to keep this true, but this also depends on the setting "
48  "of text-dynamic-merge. See TextNode::set_flatten_flags()."));
50 ConfigVariableBool text_dynamic_merge
51 ("text-dynamic-merge", true,
52  PRC_DESC("Set this true to merge generated glyphs into the GeomVertexData "
53  "as the text is assembled, or false to wait for the flatten "
54  "operation. Usually it's a performance "
55  "advantage to keep this true. See TextNode::set_flatten_flags()."));
57 ConfigVariableBool text_kerning
58 ("text-kerning", false,
59  PRC_DESC("Set this true to enable kerning when the font provides kerning "
60  "tables. This can result in more aesthetically pleasing spacing "
61  "between individual glyphs. Has no effect when text-use-harfbuzz "
62  "is true, since HarfBuzz offers superior kerning support."));
64 ConfigVariableBool text_use_harfbuzz
65 ("text-use-harfbuzz", false,
66  PRC_DESC("Set this true to enable HarfBuzz support, which offers superior "
67  "text shaping and better support for non-Latin text."));
69 ConfigVariableInt text_anisotropic_degree
70 ("text-anisotropic-degree", 1,
71  PRC_DESC("This is the default anisotropic-degree that is set on dynamic "
72  "font textures. Setting this to a value greater than 1 can help "
73  "smooth out the antialiasing for small letters."));
75 ConfigVariableInt text_texture_margin
76 ("text-texture-margin", 2,
77  PRC_DESC("This is the number of texels of empty space reserved around each "
78  "glyph in the texture. Setting this value larger will decrease "
79  "the tendency for adjacent glyphs to bleed into each other at "
80  "small sizes, but it will increase amount of wasted texture "
81  "memory."));
83 ConfigVariableDouble text_poly_margin
84 ("text-poly-margin", 0.0f,
85  PRC_DESC("This is the amount by which to make each glyph polygon larger "
86  "than strictly necessary, in screen units that are added to each "
87  "margin. Increasing this value will decrease the tendency for "
88  "letters to get chopped off at the edges, but it will also "
89  "increase the tendency for adjacent glyphs to bleed into each "
90  "other (unless you also increase text-texture-margin)."));
92 ConfigVariableInt text_page_size
93 ("text-page-size", "256 256",
94  PRC_DESC("This is the default size for new textures created for dynamic "
95  "fonts."));
97 ConfigVariableBool text_small_caps
98 ("text-small-caps", false,
99  PRC_DESC("This controls the default setting for "
100  "TextNode::set_small_caps()."));
102 ConfigVariableDouble text_small_caps_scale
103 ("text-small-caps-scale", 0.8f,
104  PRC_DESC("This controls the default setting for "
105  "TextNode::set_small_caps_scale()."));
107 ConfigVariableFilename text_default_font
108 ("text-default-font", "",
109  PRC_DESC("This names a filename that will be loaded at startup time as "
110  "the default font for any TextNode that does not specify a font "
111  "otherwise. The default is to use a special font that is "
112  "compiled into Panda, if available."));
114 ConfigVariableDouble text_tab_width
115 ("text-tab-width", 5.0f,
116  PRC_DESC("This controls the default setting for "
117  "TextNode::set_tab_width()."));
119 ConfigVariableInt text_push_properties_key
120 ("text-push-properties-key", 1,
121  PRC_DESC("This is the decimal character number that, embedded in "
122  "a string, is used to bracket the name of a TextProperties "
123  "structure added to the TextPropertiesManager object, to "
124  "control the appearance of subsequent text."));
126 ConfigVariableInt text_pop_properties_key
127 ("text-pop-properties-key", 2,
128  PRC_DESC("This is the decimal character number that undoes the "
129  "effect of a previous appearance of text_push_properties_key."));
131 ConfigVariableInt text_soft_hyphen_key
132 ("text-soft-hyphen-key", 3,
133  PRC_DESC("This is the decimal character number that, embedded in a "
134  "string, is identified as the soft-hyphen character."));
136 ConfigVariableInt text_soft_break_key
137 ("text-soft-break-key", 4,
138  PRC_DESC("This is similar to text-soft-hyphen-key, except that "
139  "when it is used as a break point, no character is "
140  "introduced in its place."));
142 ConfigVariableInt text_embed_graphic_key
143 ("text-embed-graphic-key", 5,
144  PRC_DESC("This is the decimal character number that, embedded in "
145  "a string, is used to bracket the name of a model "
146  "added to the TextPropertiesManager object, to "
147  "embed an arbitrary graphic image within a paragraph."));
149 wstring
150 get_text_soft_hyphen_output() {
151  static wstring *text_soft_hyphen_output = nullptr;
152  static ConfigVariableString
153  cv("text-soft-hyphen-output", "-",
154  PRC_DESC("This is the string that is output, encoded in the default "
155  "encoding, to represent the hyphen character that is "
156  "introduced when the line is broken at a soft-hyphen key."));
158  if (text_soft_hyphen_output == nullptr) {
159  TextEncoder encoder;
160  text_soft_hyphen_output = new wstring(encoder.decode_text(cv));
161  }
163  return *text_soft_hyphen_output;
164 }
166 ConfigVariableDouble text_hyphen_ratio
167 ("text-hyphen-ratio", 0.7,
168  PRC_DESC("If the rightmost whitespace character falls before this "
169  "fraction of the line, hyphenate a word to the right of that "
170  "if possible."));
172 wstring
173 get_text_never_break_before() {
174  static wstring *text_never_break_before = nullptr;
175  static ConfigVariableString
176  cv("text-never-break-before", ",.-:?!;",
177  PRC_DESC("This string represents a list of individual characters "
178  "that should never appear at the beginning of a line "
179  "following a forced break. Typically these will be "
180  "punctuation characters."));
182  if (text_never_break_before == nullptr) {
183  TextEncoder encoder;
184  text_never_break_before = new wstring(encoder.decode_text(cv));
185  }
187  return *text_never_break_before;
188 }
190 ConfigVariableInt text_max_never_break
191 ("text-max-never-break", 3,
192  PRC_DESC("If we have more than this number of text-never-break-before "
193  "characters in a row, do not treat any of them as special and "
194  "instead break the line wherever we can."));
196 ConfigVariableDouble text_default_underscore_height
197 ("text-default-underscore-height", -0.2,
198  PRC_DESC("Specifies the default height of the underscore line, relative "
199  "to the text baseline, when underscoring is enabled."));
202 ("text-minfilter", SamplerState::FT_linear,
203  PRC_DESC("The default texture minfilter type for dynamic text fonts"));
205 ("text-magfilter", SamplerState::FT_linear,
206  PRC_DESC("The default texture magfilter type for dynamic text fonts"));
208 ("text-wrap-mode", SamplerState::WM_border_color,
209  PRC_DESC("The default wrap mode for dynamic text fonts"));
211 ("text-quality-level", Texture::QL_best,
212  PRC_DESC("The default quality level for dynamic text fonts; see Texture::set_quality_level()."));
215 ("text-render-mode", TextFont::RM_texture,
216  PRC_DESC("The default render mode for dynamic text fonts"));
220 /**
221  * Initializes the library. This must be called at least once before any of
222  * the functions or classes in this library can be used. Normally it will be
223  * called by the static initializers and need not be called explicitly, but
224  * special cases exist.
225  */
226 void
228  static bool initialized = false;
229  if (initialized) {
230  return;
231  }
232  initialized = true;
234  GeomTextGlyph::init_type();
235  StaticTextFont::init_type();
236  TextFont::init_type();
237  TextGlyph::init_type();
238  TextNode::init_type();
239  TextProperties::init_type();
243 #ifdef HAVE_FREETYPE
244  DynamicTextFont::init_type();
245  DynamicTextGlyph::init_type();
246  DynamicTextPage::init_type();
249  ps->add_system("Freetype");
250 #endif
251 }
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
static PandaSystem * get_global_ptr()
Returns the global PandaSystem object.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This class is used as a namespace to group several global properties of Panda.
Definition: pandaSystem.h:26
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This class can be used to convert text between multiple representations, e.g.
Definition: textEncoder.h:33
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a Filename type.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a boolean type.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a floating- point type.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a string type.
This class specializes ConfigVariable as an enumerated type.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void add_system(const std::string &system)
Intended for use by each subsystem to register itself at startup.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as an integer type.
static void register_with_read_factory()
Factory method to generate a GeomTextGlyph object.
std::wstring decode_text(const std::string &text) const
Returns the given wstring decoded to a single-byte string, via the current encoding system.
Definition: textEncoder.I:490
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void init_libtext()
Initializes the library.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.