Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file eggMesherStrip.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 2005-03-13
12  */
14 #include "eggMesherStrip.h"
15 #include "eggMesherEdge.h"
16 #include "eggPrimitive.h"
17 #include "eggTriangleFan.h"
18 #include "eggTriangleStrip.h"
19 #include "eggPolygon.h"
20 #include "dcast.h"
21 #include "config_egg.h"
23 /**
24  *
25  */
26 EggMesherStrip::
27 EggMesherStrip(PrimType prim_type, MesherOrigin origin) {
28  _origin = origin;
29  _type = prim_type;
31  _index = -1;
32  _row_id = 0;
33  _status = MS_alive;
34  _planar = false;
35  _flat_shaded = false;
36 }
38 /**
39  *
40  */
41 EggMesherStrip::
42 EggMesherStrip(const EggPrimitive *prim, int index,
43  const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool,
44  bool flat_shaded) {
45  _index = index;
46  _row_id = 0;
47  _status = MS_alive;
48  _origin = MO_unknown;
49  _flat_shaded = flat_shaded;
51  _type = PT_poly; //prim.get_type();
53  // We care only about the prim's attributes in the _prims array. The
54  // vertices get re-added later by EggMesher::add_prim().
55  _prims.push_back(prim);
57  if (_type == PT_poly) {
58  switch (prim->size()) {
59  case 3:
60  _type = PT_tri;
61  break;
63  case 4:
64  _type = PT_quad;
65  break;
66  }
67  }
69  if (_type == PT_quad) {
70  // A quad has two internal triangles; we therefore push the prim
71  // attributes twice.
72  _prims.push_back(prim);
73  }
75  _planar = false;
77  if (prim->is_of_type(EggPolygon::get_class_type())) {
78  // Although for the most part we ignore the actual value of the vertices,
79  // we will ask the polygon for its plane equation (i.e. its normal).
80  LNormald normal;
81  if (DCAST(EggPolygon, prim)->calculate_normal(normal)) {
82  _plane_normal = normal;
83  _planar = true;
84  LPoint3d p1 = prim->get_vertex(0)->get_pos3();
85  _plane_offset = -dot(_plane_normal, p1);
86  }
87  }
88 }
91 /**
92  * Creates an EggPrimitive corresponding to the strip represented by this
93  * node.
94  */
95 PT(EggPrimitive) EggMesherStrip::
96 make_prim(const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool) {
97  PT(EggPrimitive) prim;
98  PrimType dest_type;
100  switch (_type) {
101  case PT_quad:
102  case PT_tristrip:
103  case PT_quadstrip:
104  dest_type = PT_tristrip;
105  break;
107  case PT_trifan:
108  dest_type = PT_trifan;
109  break;
111  default:
112  dest_type = _type;
113  }
115  if (dest_type != PT_tristrip && dest_type != PT_trifan) {
116  // The easy case: a simple primitive, i.e. a polygon.
117  prim = new EggPolygon;
118  prim->copy_attributes(*_prims.front());
120  Verts::iterator vi;
121  for (vi = _verts.begin(); vi != _verts.end(); ++vi) {
122  prim->add_vertex(vertex_pool->get_vertex(*vi));
123  }
125  } else {
126  // The harder case: a tristrip of some kind.
127  convert_to_type(dest_type);
128  if (dest_type == PT_trifan) {
129  prim = new EggTriangleFan;
130  } else {
131  prim = new EggTriangleStrip;
132  }
133  prim->copy_attributes(*_prims.front());
135  // Now store all the vertices. Each individual triangle's attributes, if
136  // any, get applied to the third vertex of each triangle.
137  Verts::iterator vi;
138  Prims::iterator pi;
139  pi = _prims.begin();
140  int count = 0;
141  for (vi = _verts.begin();
142  vi != _verts.end() && pi != _prims.end();
143  ++vi) {
144  PT(EggVertex) vertex = vertex_pool->get_vertex(*vi);
145  prim->add_vertex(vertex);
147  ++count;
148  if (count >= 3) {
149  // Beginning with the third vertex, we increment pi. Thus, the first
150  // two vertices stand alone, then each vertex beginning with the third
151  // completes a triangle.
152  const EggAttributes *attrib = (*pi);
153  ++pi;
154  DCAST(EggCompositePrimitive, prim)->set_component(count - 3, attrib);
155  }
156  }
158  // If either of these fail, there weren't num_prims + 2 vertices in the
159  // tristrip!
160  nassertr(vi == _verts.end(), prim);
161  nassertr(pi == _prims.end(), prim);
162  }
164  return prim;
165 }
167 /**
168  * Determines the extents of the quadsheet that can be derived by starting
169  * with this strip, and searching in the direction indicated by the given
170  * edge.
171  */
172 void EggMesherStrip::
173 measure_sheet(const EggMesherEdge *edge, int new_row, int &num_prims,
174  int &num_rows, int first_row_id, int this_row_id,
175  int this_row_distance) {
176  if (new_row) {
177  // If we would create a new row by stepping here, we won't stay if there
178  // was any other row already defined here.
179  if (_row_id >= first_row_id) {
180  return;
181  }
182  } else {
183  // On the other hand, if this is a continuation of the current row, we'll
184  // stay if the other row had to travel farther to get here.
185  if (_row_id >= first_row_id && _row_distance <= this_row_distance) {
186  return;
187  }
188  }
190  num_prims += _prims.size();
191  if (new_row) {
192  ++num_rows;
193  this_row_id = first_row_id + num_rows - 1;
194  }
196  _row_id = this_row_id;
198  Edges::iterator ei;
199  EggMesherEdge::Strips::iterator si;
201  if (_type == PT_quad) {
202  // If this is a quad, it has four neighbors: two in the direction we are
203  // testing, and two in an orthagonal direction.
205  int vi_a = edge->_vi_a;
206  int vi_b = edge->_vi_b;
208  // We use these vertices to differentiate the edges that run in our
209  // primary direction from those in the secondary direction. For each
210  // edge, we count the number of vertices that the edge shares with our
211  // starting edge. There are then three cases:
213  // (a) The edge shares two vertices. It is the direction we came from;
214  // forget it.
216  // (b) The edge shares one vertex. It is at right angles to our starting
217  // edge. This is the primary direction if new_row is true, and the
218  // secondary direction if new_row is false.
220  // (c) The edge shares no vertices. It is directly opposite our starting
221  // edge. This is the primary direction if new_row is false, and the
222  // secondary direction if new_row is true.
225  // Here's a silly little for loop that executes the following code twice:
226  // once with secondary == 0, and once with secondary == 1. This is because
227  // we want to find all the primary edges first, and then all the secondary
228  // edges.
230  for (int secondary = 0; secondary <= 1; secondary++) {
231  // How many common vertices are we looking for this pass (see above)?
233  int want_count;
234  if (secondary) {
235  want_count = new_row ? 0 : 1;
236  } else {
237  want_count = new_row ? 1 : 0;
238  }
240  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
241  int common_verts =
242  ((*ei)->_vi_a == vi_a || (*ei)->_vi_a == vi_b) +
243  ((*ei)->_vi_b == vi_a || (*ei)->_vi_b == vi_b);
245  if (common_verts == want_count) {
246  // Here's the edge. Look at all its connections. Hopefully, there
247  // will only be one besides ourselves, but there may be more. Pick
248  // the best.
250  EggMesherEdge::Strips &strips = (*ei)->_strips;
251  EggMesherStrip *mate = nullptr;
252  for (si = strips.begin(); si != strips.end(); ++si) {
253  if ((*si)->_row_id < first_row_id) {
254  if (mate == nullptr || pick_sheet_mate(**si, *mate)) {
255  mate = *si;
256  }
257  }
258  }
259  if (mate!=nullptr) {
260  mate->measure_sheet(*ei, secondary, num_prims, num_rows,
261  first_row_id, this_row_id,
262  this_row_distance + secondary);
263  }
264  }
265  }
266  }
268  } else {
269  // Otherwise, this is not a quad. It's certainly not a triangle, because
270  // we've built all the single triangles already.
271  nassertv(_type != PT_tri);
273  // Therefore, it must be a tristrip or quadstrip.
274  nassertv(_type == PT_tristrip || _type == PT_quadstrip);
276  // Since it's a strip, it only has two neighbors: the one we came from,
277  // and the other one. Find the other one.
279  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
280  if (!(*ei)->matches(*edge)) {
281  // Here's the edge. Same drill as above.
283  EggMesherEdge::Strips &strips = (*ei)->_strips;
284  EggMesherStrip *mate = nullptr;
285  for (si = strips.begin(); si != strips.end(); ++si) {
286  if ((*si)->_row_id < first_row_id) {
287  if (mate == nullptr || pick_sheet_mate(**si, *mate)) {
288  mate = *si;
289  }
290  }
291  }
292  if (mate != nullptr) {
293  mate->measure_sheet(*ei, false, num_prims, num_rows,
294  first_row_id, this_row_id, this_row_distance);
295  }
296  }
297  }
298  }
299 }
302 /**
303  *
304  */
305 void EggMesherStrip::
306 cut_sheet(int first_row_id, int do_mate, const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool) {
307  Edges::iterator ei;
308  EggMesherEdge::Strips::iterator si;
310  // First, start the process going on any neighbors that belong to a later
311  // row. (We must do these first, because we'll change our neighbor list
312  // when we start to mate.)
314  // We need to build a temporary list of neighbors first, because calling
315  // cut_sheet() recursively will start things mating, and could damage our
316  // edge list.
318  typedef plist<EggMesherStrip *> StripPtrs;
319  StripPtrs strip_ptrs;
321  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
322  EggMesherEdge::Strips &strips = (*ei)->_strips;
323  for (si = strips.begin(); si != strips.end(); ++si) {
324  if ((*si)->_row_id > _row_id) {
325  // Here's a different row in the sheet!
326  strip_ptrs.push_back(*si);
327  }
328  }
329  }
331  // Now walk the temporary list and do some damage. We pass do_mate = true
332  // to each of these neighbors, because as far as we know, they're the first
333  // nodes of a particular row.
334  StripPtrs::iterator spi;
335  for (spi = strip_ptrs.begin(); spi != strip_ptrs.end(); ++spi) {
336  if ((*spi)->_status == MS_alive) {
337  (*spi)->cut_sheet(first_row_id, true, vertex_pool);
338  }
339  }
342  if (do_mate && _status == MS_alive) {
343  // Now mate like a bunny until we don't have any more eligible mates.
344  int not_any;
345  do {
346  not_any = true;
348  ei = _edges.begin();
349  while (not_any && ei != _edges.end()) {
350  EggMesherEdge::Strips &strips = (*ei)->_strips;
351  si = strips.begin();
352  while (not_any && si != strips.end()) {
353  if (*si != this && (*si)->_row_id == _row_id) {
354  // Here's one!
355  not_any = false;
356  EggMesherStrip *mate = *si;
358  // We also recurse on these guys so they can spread the word to
359  // their own neighbors. This time we don't need to build a
360  // temporary list, because we'll be restarting from the beginning
361  // of our edge list after we do this. We also pass do_mate =
362  // false to these guys because we're the ones doing the mating
363  // here.
364  mate->cut_sheet(first_row_id, false, vertex_pool);
366  if (_status == MS_alive && mate->_status == MS_alive) {
367  // Now mate. This will either succeed or fail. It ought to
368  // succeed, but if it doesn't, no harm done; it will simply
369  // remove the common edge and return. We'll go around again and
370  // not encounter this neighbor next time.
371  mate_pieces(*ei, *this, *mate, vertex_pool);
372  }
373  }
374  if (not_any) {
375  ++si;
376  }
377  }
378  if (not_any) {
379  ++ei;
380  }
381  }
382  } while (!not_any);
384  // All done. Mark this one as down for the count.
385  _row_id = -first_row_id;
386  }
387 }
392 /**
393  * Finds a neighboring strip and joins up with it to make a larger strip.
394  * Returns true if mating was successful or at least possible, false if the
395  * strip has no neighbors.
396  */
397 bool EggMesherStrip::
398 mate(const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool) {
399  // We must walk through the list of our neighbors and choose our best mate.
400  nassertr(_status == MS_alive, false);
403  EggMesherEdge *common_edge;
405  if (!find_ideal_mate(mate, common_edge, vertex_pool)) {
406  // We have no more eligible neighbors. Call us done.
407  _status = MS_done;
409  return false;
410  }
412  nassertr(!mate->_prims.empty(), false);
413  nassertr(!mate->_verts.empty(), false);
415  mate_pieces(common_edge, *this, *mate, vertex_pool);
417  // Whether the mate failed or not, the strip still (probably) has other
418  // neighbors to consider. Return true regardless.
419  return true;
420 }
422 /**
423  * Searches our neighbors for the most suitable mate. Returns true if one is
424  * found, false if we have no neighbors.
425  */
426 bool EggMesherStrip::
428  const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool) {
429  Edges::iterator ei;
431  mate = nullptr;
432  common_edge = nullptr;
434  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
435  EggMesherEdge::Strips &strips = (*ei)->_strips;
436  EggMesherEdge::Strips::iterator si;
437  for (si = strips.begin(); si != strips.end(); ++si) {
438  if (*si != this) {
439  if (mate==nullptr || pick_mate(**si, *mate, **ei, *common_edge,
440  vertex_pool)) {
441  mate = *si;
442  common_edge = *ei;
443  }
444  }
445  }
446  }
448  return (mate!=nullptr);
449 }
454 /**
455  * Connects two pieces of arbitrary type, if possible. Returns true if
456  * successful, false if failure.
457  */
458 bool EggMesherStrip::
460  EggMesherStrip &back, const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool) {
461  nassertr(front._status == MS_alive, false);
462  nassertr(back._status == MS_alive, false);
463  nassertr(&front != &back, false);
465  bool success = true;
466  // remove_sides tracks whether we want to remove all but the leading edges
467  // of the newly joined piece if we succeed.
468  bool remove_sides = true;
470  bool is_coplanar = front.is_coplanar_with(back, egg_coplanar_threshold);
472  if (front._type == PT_tri && back._type == PT_tri) {
474  if (is_coplanar && egg_retesselate_coplanar &&
475  front._prims.front() == back._prims.front() &&
476  convex_quad(common_edge, front, back, vertex_pool)) {
478  // If we're joining two equivalent coplanar triangles, call it a quad.
479  front._type = PT_quad;
481  // We add one additional vertex for the new triangle, the one vertex we
482  // didn't already share.
483  int new_vert = back.find_uncommon_vertex(common_edge);
485  // Now we just need to find the right place to insert it. It belongs in
486  // the middle of the common edge, i.e. after the first vertex that is
487  // on the common edge and before the second vertex.
488  Verts::iterator a = front._verts.begin();
489  Verts::iterator b = a;
490  ++b;
492  if (common_edge->contains_vertex(*a)) {
493  if (common_edge->contains_vertex(*b)) {
494  // It goes between a and b.
495  front._verts.insert(b, new_vert);
496  } else {
497  // It goes at the end.
498  front._verts.push_back(new_vert);
499  }
500  } else {
501  // It goes between b and c.
502  ++b;
503  front._verts.insert(b, new_vert);
504  }
506  front._prims.splice(front._prims.end(), back._prims);
507  back._verts.clear();
509  // We leave all four surrounding edges for now, since the quad might
510  // still be joined up in any direction.
511  remove_sides = false;
513  } else {
514  // Otherwise, connect the two tris into a tristrip.
515  front._type = PT_tristrip;
517  int new_vert = back.find_uncommon_vertex(common_edge);
518  front.rotate_to_back(common_edge);
520  front._verts.push_back(new_vert);
521  front._prims.splice(front._prims.end(), back._prims);
522  back._verts.clear();
523  }
525  } else if ((front._type == PT_quad || front._type == PT_quadstrip) &&
526  (back._type == PT_quad || back._type == PT_quadstrip)) {
527  // Joining two quads, two quadstrips, or a quad and a quadstrip. This
528  // makes another quadstrip.
530  // We expect this to succeed every time with quadstrips.
531  success = mate_strips(common_edge, front, back, PT_quadstrip);
533  if (!success) {
534  // Although it might fail in rare circumstances (specifically, if the
535  // two strips we attempted to join were backfacing to each other). If
536  // so, remove the adjoining edge so these two don't get tried again.
537  common_edge->remove(&front);
538  common_edge->remove(&back);
539  }
541  } else {
543  // Otherwise. This might be two tristrips, a quad and a tristrip, a
544  // triangle and a quad, a triangle and a tristrip, a triangle and a
545  // quadstrip, or a tristrip and a quadstrip. In any case, we'll end up
546  // with a tristrip.
548  // This might fail if the tristrips don't match polarity.
549  success = mate_strips(common_edge, front, back, PT_tristrip);
551  if (!success) {
552  // If it does fail, we'll try reversing the connection. This makes
553  // sense if we are joining a tri or tristrip to a quad or quadstrip,
554  // which might fail in one direction but succeed in the other.
555  success = mate_strips(common_edge, back, front, PT_tristrip);
557  if (success) {
558  // Yay! Now return all the stuff to front.
559  front._verts.splice(front._verts.end(), back._verts);
560  front._prims.splice(front._prims.end(), back._prims);
562  } else {
563  // A miserable failure. Never try to join these two again.
564  common_edge->remove(&front);
565  common_edge->remove(&back);
566  }
567  }
568  }
570  if (success) {
571  front.combine_edges(back, remove_sides);
572  if (!remove_sides) {
573  // If we didn't want to remove the side edges, at least remove the join
574  // edge, which is now internal.
575  common_edge->remove(&front);
576  }
578  nassertr(back._prims.empty(), false);
579  nassertr(back._verts.empty(), false);
581  // Strip back is no more.
582  back._status = MS_dead;
584  // The result is planar if and only if we joined two coplanar pieces.
585  front._planar = is_coplanar;
586  front._origin = MO_mate;
587  }
589  return success;
590 }
592 /**
593  * Stitches two strips together, producing in "front" a new strip of the
594  * indicated type (quadstrip or tristrip). The front strip stores the result,
595  * and the back strip is emptied on success.
596  *
597  * Returns true if successful, false if failure (generally because of
598  * incorrect polarity of tristrips), in which case nothing has changed (or at
599  * least, not much).
600  */
601 bool EggMesherStrip::
603  EggMesherStrip &back, EggMesherStrip::PrimType type) {
604  // We don't allow making odd-length strips at all. Odd-length strips can't
605  // be rotated if they're flat-shaded, and they can't be joined end-to-end
606  // using degenerate triangles. So forget 'em.
608  // This might not be the right place to impose this rule, because it tends
609  // to end up with lots of independent triangles in certain kinds of meshes,
610  // but it's the easiest place to impose it.
611  if ((front._type != PT_tri && back._type == PT_tri) ||
612  (front._type == PT_tri && back._type != PT_tri) ||
613  (front._type == PT_tristrip && back._type == PT_tristrip &&
614  ((front._verts.size() + back._verts.size()) & 1) != 0)) {
615  return false;
616  }
618  // If we start with a quad or tri, rotate the vertices around so we start
619  // with the common edge.
620  if (front._type == PT_tri || front._type == PT_quad) {
621  front.rotate_to_back(common_edge);
622  }
623  if (back._type == PT_tri || back._type == PT_quad) {
624  back.rotate_to_front(common_edge);
625  }
627  bool reverse_front = common_edge->matches(front.get_head_edge());
628  bool reverse_back = !common_edge->matches(back.get_head_edge());
630  bool invert_front = false;
631  bool invert_back = false;
633  if (reverse_front && front.is_odd()) {
634  // If we're going to reverse the front strip, we have to be careful. This
635  // will also reverse the facing direction if it has an odd number of
636  // prims.
637  if (!front.can_invert()) {
638  return false;
639  }
640  invert_front = true;
641  }
643  if (must_invert(front, back, reverse_back, type)) {
644  if (!back.can_invert()) {
645  return false;
646  }
647  invert_back = true;
648  back.invert();
649  }
651  if (invert_front) {
652  front.invert();
653  }
655  if (reverse_front) {
656  reverse(front._verts.begin(), front._verts.end());
657  reverse(front._prims.begin(), front._prims.end());
658  }
660  if (reverse_back) {
661  reverse(back._verts.begin(), back._verts.end());
662  reverse(back._prims.begin(), back._prims.end());
663  }
665  bool will_reverse = front.would_reverse_tail(type);
666  bool is_headtotail = (front.get_tail_edge() == back.get_head_edge());
667  if (will_reverse == is_headtotail) {
668  // Oops, we tried to join two backfacing strips. This really shouldn't
669  // happen, but it occasionally does for some mysterious reason. Maybe one
670  // day I'll understand why. In the meantime, just recover and carry on.
671  if (reverse_back) {
672  reverse(back._verts.begin(), back._verts.end());
673  reverse(back._prims.begin(), back._prims.end());
674  }
675  if (invert_back) {
676  back.invert();
677  }
678  if (reverse_front) {
679  reverse(front._verts.begin(), front._verts.end());
680  reverse(front._prims.begin(), front._prims.end());
681  }
682  if (invert_front) {
683  front.invert();
684  }
685  return false;
686  }
688  front.convert_to_type(type);
689  back.convert_to_type(type);
691  /*
692  if (! (front.get_tail_edge() == back.get_head_edge()) ) {
693  builder_cat.error()
694  << "\nFailure, trying to connect " << front
695  << "\nto " << back
696  << "\nreverse_front = " << reverse_front
697  << " reverse_back = " << reverse_back
698  << " invert_front = " << invert_front
699  << "\n";
700  Edges::iterator ei;
702  nout << "\nFront edges:\n";
703  for (ei = front._edges.begin(); ei != front._edges.end(); ++ei) {
704  nout << **ei << "\n";
705  }
707  nout << "\nBack edges:\n";
708  for (ei = back._edges.begin(); ei != back._edges.end(); ++ei) {
709  nout << **ei << "\n";
710  }
711  }
712  */
714  // If this assertion fails, we were misinformed about our ability to join
715  // these two strips. Either the must_invert() call returned the incorrect
716  // value, or our edge-detection logic failed and we attempted to join two
717  // oppositely-facing strips. nassertr(front.get_tail_edge() ==
718  // back.get_head_edge(), false);
720  front._verts.pop_back();
721  front._verts.pop_back();
722  front._verts.splice(front._verts.end(), back._verts);
723  front._prims.splice(front._prims.end(), back._prims);
725  return true;
726 }
728 /**
729  * Returns false if the strips can be mated as they currently are. Returns
730  * true if the back strip must be inverted first.
731  */
732 bool EggMesherStrip::
733 must_invert(const EggMesherStrip &front, const EggMesherStrip &back,
734  bool will_reverse_back, EggMesherStrip::PrimType type) {
735  bool invert = false;
737  if ((front._type == PT_quad || front._type == PT_quadstrip) &&
738  type == PT_tristrip) {
739  // If we'll be converting from quads to tris, the tail edge of the front
740  // strip will always be even.
742  } else if (front.is_odd()) {
743  // Otherwise, we have to flip if the tail edge is odd.
744  invert = !invert;
745  }
747  if (will_reverse_back) {
748  // With the back strip, we don't care about what will happen to its tail
749  // edge when we convert it, but we do care what happens to its front edge
750  // if we reverse it.
751  if (back.is_odd()) {
752  // Specifically, the front edge will be reversed when the strip is
753  // reversed only if the strip is odd.
754  invert = !invert;
755  }
756  }
758  return invert;
759 }
761 /**
762  * Returns true if the quad that would be formed by connecting coplanar tris
763  * front and back along common_edge is convex, false otherwise.
764  */
765 bool EggMesherStrip::
767  EggMesherStrip &back, const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool) {
768  // Find the edge from the apex of one triangle to the apex of the other.
769  // This is the "other" diagonal of the quad-to-be, other than the
770  // common_edge.
771  int vi_a = front.find_uncommon_vertex(common_edge);
772  int vi_b = back.find_uncommon_vertex(common_edge);
773  nassertr(vi_a >= 0 && vi_b >= 0, false);
775  LPoint3d a3, b3, c3, d3;
776  a3 = vertex_pool->get_vertex(vi_a)->get_pos3();
777  b3 = vertex_pool->get_vertex(vi_b)->get_pos3();
779  c3 = vertex_pool->get_vertex(common_edge->_vi_a)->get_pos3();
780  d3 = vertex_pool->get_vertex(common_edge->_vi_b)->get_pos3();
782  // Project both edges into the 2-d axis plane most nearly perpendicular to
783  // the normal. We're assuming both tris have the same normal.
785  nassertr(front._planar, false);
787  LNormald n(front._plane_normal);
788  int xi, yi;
790  // Find the largest dimension of the normal.
791  if (fabs(n[0]) > fabs(n[1])) {
792  if (fabs(n[0]) > fabs(n[2])) {
793  xi = 1;
794  yi = 2;
795  } else {
796  xi = 0;
797  yi = 1;
798  }
799  } else {
800  if (fabs(n[1]) > fabs(n[2])) {
801  xi = 0;
802  yi = 2;
803  } else {
804  xi = 0;
805  yi = 1;
806  }
807  }
809  LVecBase2d a2, b2, c2, d2;
810  a2.set(a3[xi], a3[yi]);
811  b2.set(b3[xi], b3[yi]);
812  c2.set(c3[xi], c3[yi]);
813  d2.set(d3[xi], d3[yi]);
815  // Now (c2-d2) is the common edge, and (a2-b2) is the new edge. The quad is
816  // convex iff (c2-d2) intersects (a2-b2). We actually only need to test
817  // whether (c2-d2) intersects the infinite line passing through (a2-b2).
819  // The equation for the infinite line containing (a2-b2): Ax + By + C = 0
820  double A = (b2[1] - a2[1]);
821  double B = (a2[0] - b2[0]);
822  double C = -(A*b2[0] + B*b2[1]);
824  // The parametric equations for the line segment (c2-d2): x = c2[0] +
825  // (d2[0]-c2[0])t y = c2[1] + (d2[1]-c2[1])t
827  // Solved for t:
828  double t = - ((A*c2[0] + B*c2[1]) + C) / (A*(d2[0]-c2[0]) + B*(d2[1]-c2[1]));
830  // Now the lines intersect if t is in [0, 1].
831  return (0.0 <= t && t <= 1.0);
832 }
834 /**
835  * Returns the number of neighbors the strip shares.
836  */
839  int count = 0;
840  Edges::const_iterator ei;
842  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
843  count += (*ei)->_strips.size();
844  }
845  return count;
846 }
848 /**
849  * Writes all the neighbor indexes to the ostream.
850  */
851 void EggMesherStrip::
852 output_neighbors(std::ostream &out) const {
853  Edges::const_iterator ei;
854  EggMesherEdge::Strips::const_iterator si;
856  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
857  for (si = (*ei)->_strips.begin();
858  si != (*ei)->_strips.end();
859  ++si) {
860  out << " " << (*si)->_index;
861  }
862  }
863 }
865 /**
866  * Returns the first vertex found that is not shared by the given edge.
867  */
870  int vi_a = edge->_vi_a;
871  int vi_b = edge->_vi_b;
873  Edges::const_iterator ei;
874  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
875  EggMesherEdge *e = (*ei);
877  if (e->_vi_a != vi_a && e->_vi_a != vi_b) {
878  return e->_vi_a;
879  } else if (e->_vi_b != vi_a && e->_vi_b != vi_b) {
880  return e->_vi_b;
881  }
882  }
884  return -1;
885 }
887 /**
888  * Returns the first edge found that does not contain the given vertex. In a
889  * tri, this will be the edge opposite the given vertex.
890  */
892 find_opposite_edge(int vi) const {
893  Edges::const_iterator ei;
894  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
895  EggMesherEdge *e = (*ei);
896  if (!e->contains_vertex(vi)) {
897  return e;
898  }
899  }
901  return nullptr;
902 }
904 /**
905  * Returns the first edge found that shares no vertices with the given edge.
906  * In a quad, this will be the edge opposite the given edge.
907  */
909 find_opposite_edge(const EggMesherEdge *edge) const {
910  int vi_a = edge->_vi_a;
911  int vi_b = edge->_vi_b;
913  Edges::const_iterator ei;
914  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
915  EggMesherEdge *e = (*ei);
916  if (!e->contains_vertex(vi_a) && !e->contains_vertex(vi_b)) {
917  return e;
918  }
919  }
921  return nullptr;
922 }
924 /**
925  * Returns the first edge found that shares exactly one vertex with the given
926  * edge. In a quad, this will be one of two edges adjacent to the given edge.
927  */
929 find_adjacent_edge(const EggMesherEdge *edge) const {
930  int vi_a = edge->_vi_a;
931  int vi_b = edge->_vi_b;
933  Edges::const_iterator ei;
934  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ++ei) {
935  EggMesherEdge *e = (*ei);
936  if (e->contains_vertex(vi_a) != e->contains_vertex(vi_b)) {
937  return e;
938  }
939  }
941  return nullptr;
942 }
944 /**
945  * Rotates a triangle or quad so that the given edge is first in the vertex
946  * list.
947  */
948 void EggMesherStrip::
950  int vi_a = edge->_vi_a;
951  int vi_b = edge->_vi_b;
953  // See if we're already there.
954  if (_verts.front() == vi_a || _verts.front() == vi_b) {
955  Verts::iterator vi = _verts.begin();
956  ++vi;
957  if (*vi == vi_a || *vi == vi_b) {
958  // Yes!
959  return;
960  }
962  // No, we must be right on the line. Roll back one.
963  rotate_back();
965  } else {
966  // Roll forward until it comes into view.
967  int num_verts = _verts.size();
968  while (_verts.front() != vi_a && _verts.front() != vi_b) {
969  // Make sure either vertex exists.
970  num_verts--;
971  nassertv(num_verts > 0);
972  rotate_forward();
973  }
974  }
976 #ifndef NDEBUG
977  // Now make sure the edge actually exists.
978  Verts::iterator vi = _verts.begin();
979  ++vi;
980  nassertv(*vi == vi_a || *vi == vi_b);
981 #endif
982 }
984 /**
985  * Rotates a triangle or quad so that the given edge is last in the vertex
986  * list.
987  */
988 void EggMesherStrip::
990  int vi_a = edge->_vi_a;
991  int vi_b = edge->_vi_b;
993  // See if we're already there.
994  if (_verts.back() == vi_a || _verts.back() == vi_b) {
995  Verts::reverse_iterator vi = _verts.rbegin();
996  ++vi;
997  if (*vi == vi_a || *vi == vi_b) {
998  // Yes!
999  return;
1000  }
1002  // No, we must be right on the line. Roll forward one.
1003  rotate_forward();
1005  } else {
1006  // Roll backward until it comes into view.
1007  int num_verts = _verts.size();
1008  while (_verts.back() != vi_a && _verts.back() != vi_b) {
1009  // Make sure either vertex exists.
1010  num_verts--;
1011  nassertv(num_verts > 0);
1012  rotate_back();
1013  }
1014  }
1016 #ifndef NDEBUG
1017  // Now make sure the edge actually exists.
1018  Verts::reverse_iterator vi = _verts.rbegin();
1019  ++vi;
1020  nassertv(*vi == vi_a || *vi == vi_b);
1021 #endif
1022 }
1025 /**
1026  * Returns true if the strip can be inverted (reverse its facing direction).
1027  * Generally, this is true for quadstrips and false for tristrips.
1028  */
1029 bool EggMesherStrip::
1030 can_invert() const {
1031  return (_type == PT_quadstrip || _type == PT_quad);
1032 }
1034 /**
1035  * Reverses the facing of a quadstrip by reversing pairs of vertices. Returns
1036  * true if successful, false if failure (for instance, on a tristrip).
1037  */
1038 bool EggMesherStrip::
1040  if (!can_invert()) {
1041  return false;
1042  }
1043  Verts::iterator vi, vi2;
1044  vi = _verts.begin();
1045  while (vi != _verts.end()) {
1046  vi2 = vi;
1047  ++vi2;
1048  nassertr(vi2 != _verts.end(), false);
1050  // Exchange vi and vi2
1051  int t = *vi2;
1052  *vi2 = *vi;
1053  *vi = t;
1055  // Increment
1056  vi = vi2;
1057  ++vi;
1058  }
1059  return true;
1060 }
1062 /**
1063  * Returns true if the tristrip or quadstrip contains an odd number of pieces.
1064  */
1065 bool EggMesherStrip::
1066 is_odd() const {
1067  if (_type == PT_quadstrip || _type == PT_quad) {
1068  // If a quadstrip has a multiple of four vertices, it has an odd number of
1069  // quads.
1070  return (_verts.size() % 4 == 0);
1071  } else {
1072  // If a tristrip has an odd number of vertices, it has an odd number of
1073  // tris.
1074  return (_verts.size() % 2 == 1);
1075  }
1076 }
1078 /**
1079  * Returns true if convert_to_type() would reverse the tail edge of the given
1080  * strip, false otherwise.
1081  */
1082 bool EggMesherStrip::
1083 would_reverse_tail(EggMesherStrip::PrimType want_type) const {
1084  bool reverse = false;
1086  if (_type == want_type) {
1087  return false;
1088  }
1089  if (want_type == PT_tristrip) {
1090  switch (_type) {
1091  case PT_tri:
1092  case PT_tristrip:
1093  break;
1095  case PT_quad:
1096  case PT_quadstrip:
1097  // When we convert a quadstrip to a tristrip, we reverse the tail edge
1098  // if we have a multiple of four verts.
1099  reverse = (_verts.size() % 4 == 0);
1100  break;
1102  default:
1103  egg_cat.fatal() << "Invalid conversion!\n";
1104  abort();
1105  break;
1106  }
1108  } else if (want_type == PT_quadstrip) {
1109  switch (_type) {
1110  case PT_quad:
1111  case PT_quadstrip:
1112  break;
1114  case PT_tri:
1115  case PT_tristrip:
1116  // We don't convert tristrips to quadstrips; fall through.
1118  default:
1119  egg_cat.fatal() << "Invalid conversion!\n";
1120  abort();
1121  break;
1122  }
1123  }
1125  return reverse;
1126 }
1129 /**
1130  * Converts the EggMesherStrip from whatever form it is--triangle, quad, or
1131  * quadstrip--into a tristrip or quadstrip.
1132  */
1133 void EggMesherStrip::
1134 convert_to_type(EggMesherStrip::PrimType want_type) {
1135  Verts::iterator vi, vi2;
1136  int even;
1138  if (_type == want_type) {
1139  return;
1140  }
1141  if (want_type == PT_tristrip) {
1142  switch (_type) {
1143  case PT_tri:
1144  case PT_tristrip:
1145  break;
1147  case PT_quad:
1148  case PT_quadstrip:
1149  // To convert from quadquadstrip to tristrip, we reverse every other
1150  // pair of vertices.
1152  vi = _verts.begin();
1153  even = 0;
1154  while (vi != _verts.end()) {
1155  vi2 = vi;
1156  ++vi2;
1157  nassertv(vi2 != _verts.end());
1159  // vi and vi2 are a pair. Should we reverse them?
1160  if (even) {
1161  int t = *vi2;
1162  *vi2 = *vi;
1163  *vi = t;
1164  }
1166  // Increment
1167  vi = vi2;
1168  ++vi;
1169  even = !even;
1170  }
1171  break;
1173  default:
1174  egg_cat.fatal() << "Invalid conversion!\n";
1175  abort();
1176  }
1178  } else if (want_type == PT_quadstrip) {
1179  switch (_type) {
1180  case PT_quad:
1181  case PT_quadstrip:
1182  break;
1184  case PT_tri:
1185  case PT_tristrip:
1186  // We don't convert tristrips to quadstrips; fall through.
1188  default:
1189  egg_cat.fatal() << "Invalid conversion!\n";
1190  abort();
1191  }
1192  }
1194  _type = want_type;
1195 }
1197 /**
1198  * Removes the edges from the given strip and appends them to our own. If
1199  * remove_sides is true, then removes all the edges except the head and the
1200  * tail.
1201  */
1202 void EggMesherStrip::
1203 combine_edges(EggMesherStrip &other, int remove_sides) {
1204  Edges::iterator ei;
1205  for (ei = other._edges.begin(); ei != other._edges.end(); ++ei) {
1206  (*ei)->change_strip(&other, this);
1207  }
1209  _edges.splice(_edges.end(), other._edges);
1211  if (remove_sides) {
1212  // Identify the head and tail edges so we can remove everything else.
1213  EggMesherEdge head = get_head_edge();
1214  EggMesherEdge tail = get_tail_edge();
1216  if (!is_odd()) {
1217  // If the strip is odd, its true tail edge is the inverse of its actual
1218  // edge.
1219  tail = EggMesherEdge(tail._vi_b, tail._vi_a);
1220  }
1222  Edges junk_edges;
1224  Edges::iterator next_ei;
1225  ei = _edges.begin();
1226  while (ei != _edges.end()) {
1227  next_ei = ei;
1228  ++next_ei;
1230  // Is this edge to be saved or is it fodder?
1231  if (!(**ei == head) && !(**ei == tail)) {
1232  // Fodder! But we can't remove it right away, because this will upset
1233  // the current list; instead, we'll splice it to junk_edges.
1234  junk_edges.splice(junk_edges.end(), _edges, ei);
1235  }
1236  ei = next_ei;
1237  }
1239  // Now we can safely remove all the to-be-junked edges.
1240  for (ei = junk_edges.begin(); ei != junk_edges.end(); ++ei) {
1241  (*ei)->remove(this);
1242  }
1243  }
1244 }
1247 /**
1248  * Removes all active edges from the strip. This effectively renders it
1249  * ineligible to mate with anything else.
1250  */
1251 void EggMesherStrip::
1253  // First, move all the edges to a safe place so we can traverse the list
1254  // without it changing on us.
1255  Edges junk_edges;
1256  junk_edges.splice(junk_edges.end(), _edges);
1258  // Now we can safely remove all the to-be-junked edges.
1259  Edges::iterator ei;
1260  for (ei = junk_edges.begin(); ei != junk_edges.end(); ++ei) {
1261  (*ei)->remove(this);
1262  }
1263 }
1265 /**
1266  * Defines an ordering to select neighbors to mate with. This compares strip
1267  * a with strip b and returns true if strip a is the preferable choice, false
1268  * if strip b.
1269  */
1270 bool EggMesherStrip::
1271 pick_mate(const EggMesherStrip &a_strip, const EggMesherStrip &b_strip,
1272  const EggMesherEdge &a_edge, const EggMesherEdge &b_edge,
1273  const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool) const {
1274  // First, try to avoid polluting quads, quadstrips, and tristrips with
1275  // arbitrary triangles. When we mate a tri or tristrip to a quadstrip, we
1276  // end up with a tristrip that may be less versatile than the original
1277  // quadstrip. Better to avoid this if we can. Try to choose a mate that
1278  // more closely matches our own type.
1279  int a_cat = a_strip.type_category();
1280  int b_cat = b_strip.type_category();
1281  if (a_cat != b_cat) {
1282  int me_cat = type_category();
1283  return abs(a_cat - me_cat) < abs(b_cat - me_cat);
1284  }
1286  // Now, if we're connecting two tris, try to connect them up so they make
1287  // good quads.
1288  if (_type == PT_tri && a_strip._type == PT_tri &&
1289  b_strip._type == PT_tri) {
1291  // This will depend on both coplanarity and edge length. We can't use
1292  // just one or the other, because some tris are nearly isosceles, and some
1293  // have more than one coplanar neighbor. Hopefully the combination of
1294  // both factors will zero us in on the correct neighbor first.
1296  double a_coplanar = coplanarity(a_strip);
1297  double b_coplanar = coplanarity(b_strip);
1298  double coplanar_diff = a_coplanar - b_coplanar;
1300  double a_length = a_edge.compute_length(vertex_pool);
1301  double b_length = b_edge.compute_length(vertex_pool);
1302  double length_diff = (a_length - b_length) / (a_length + b_length);
1304  // These weights were chosen empirically to yield fairly good results.
1305  double sum = 4.0 * coplanar_diff - 1.0 * length_diff;
1306  return sum < 0;
1307  }
1309  // Then, get the smallest strip.
1310  if (a_strip._prims.size() != b_strip._prims.size()) {
1311  return a_strip._prims.size() < b_strip._prims.size();
1312  }
1314  // Finally, get the strip with the fewest neighbors.
1315  return a_strip.count_neighbors() < b_strip.count_neighbors();
1316 }
1318 /**
1319  * Defines an ordering to select neighbors to follow when measuring out a
1320  * quadsheet. This is only called when three or more prims share a single
1321  * edge, which should be rarely--generally only when coplanar polys are going
1322  * on.
1323  */
1324 bool EggMesherStrip::
1326  const EggMesherStrip &b_strip) const {
1327  // First, try to get the poly which is closest to our own normal.
1328  if (_planar && a_strip._planar && b_strip._planar) {
1329  double a_diff = dot(LNormald(_plane_normal), LNormald(a_strip._plane_normal));
1330  double b_diff = dot(LNormald(_plane_normal), LNormald(b_strip._plane_normal));
1332  if (fabs(a_diff - b_diff) > 0.0001) {
1333  return a_diff > b_diff;
1334  }
1335  }
1337  // Then, pick the one that's most like our own type.
1338  int a_cat = a_strip.type_category();
1339  int b_cat = b_strip.type_category();
1340  if (a_cat != b_cat) {
1341  int me_cat = type_category();
1342  return abs(a_cat - me_cat) < abs(b_cat - me_cat);
1343  }
1345  // Oh, just pick any old one.
1346  return false;
1347 }
1349 /**
1350  * Formats the vertex for output in some sensible way.
1351  */
1352 void EggMesherStrip::
1353 output(std::ostream &out) const {
1354  switch (_status) {
1355  case MS_alive:
1356  break;
1358  case MS_dead:
1359  out << "Dead ";
1360  break;
1362  case MS_done:
1363  out << "Done ";
1364  break;
1366  default:
1367  out << "Unknown status ";
1368  }
1370  switch (_type) {
1371  case PT_tri:
1372  out << "Tri";
1373  break;
1375  case PT_quad:
1376  out << "Quad";
1377  break;
1379  case PT_tristrip:
1380  out << "TriStrip";
1381  break;
1383  case PT_trifan:
1384  out << "TriFan";
1385  break;
1387  case PT_quadstrip:
1388  out << "QuadStrip";
1389  break;
1391  default:
1392  out << "Unknown";
1393  }
1395  if (_planar) {
1396  out << " (planar)";
1397  }
1399  out << " " << _index << " [";
1401  Verts::const_iterator vi;
1402  for (vi = _verts.begin(); vi != _verts.end(); vi++) {
1403  out << " " << *vi;
1404  }
1405  out << " ]: " << _prims.size()
1406  << " prims, " << count_neighbors() << " neighbors";
1408  output_neighbors(out);
1410  out << " edges";
1411  Edges::const_iterator ei;
1412  for (ei = _edges.begin(); ei != _edges.end(); ei++) {
1413  out << " " << (void *)(*ei);
1414  }
1416  out << ".";
1417 }
A base class for any of a number of kinds of geometry primitives: polygons, point lights,...
Definition: eggPrimitive.h:47
void remove(EggMesherStrip *strip)
Removes an edge from a particular strip.
The base class for primitives such as triangle strips and triangle fans, which include several compon...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void rotate_to_front(const EggMesherEdge *edge)
Rotates a triangle or quad so that the given edge is first in the vertex list.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
EggVertex * get_vertex(int index) const
Returns the vertex in the pool with the indicated index number, or NULL if no vertices have that inde...
void rotate_forward()
Rotates a triangle or quad by bringing its first vertex to the back.
static bool mate_strips(EggMesherEdge *common_edge, EggMesherStrip &front, EggMesherStrip &back, PrimType type)
Stitches two strips together, producing in "front" a new strip of the indicated type (quadstrip or tr...
PT(EggPrimitive) EggMesherStrip
Creates an EggPrimitive corresponding to the strip represented by this node.
A connected fan of triangles.
bool can_invert() const
Returns true if the strip can be inverted (reverse its facing direction).
void copy_attributes(const EggAttributes &other)
Copies the rendering attributes from the indicated primitive.
bool is_coplanar_with(const EggMesherStrip &other, PN_stdfloat threshold) const
Returns true if the strip and the other strip are coplanar, within the indicated threshold.
PN_stdfloat coplanarity(const EggMesherStrip &other) const
Returns the degree to which the two strips are coplanar.
bool mate(const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool)
Finds a neighboring strip and joins up with it to make a larger strip.
EggMesherEdge get_head_edge() const
Returns an EggMesherEdge which represents the leading edge in the quadstrip or tristrip.
LVertexd get_pos3() const
Valid if get_num_dimensions() returns 3 or 4.
Definition: eggVertex.I:131
void output(std::ostream &out) const
Formats the vertex for output in some sensible way.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void combine_edges(EggMesherStrip &other, int remove_sides)
Removes the edges from the given strip and appends them to our own.
Returns a particular index based on its index number.
Definition: eggPrimitive.h:187
void rotate_back()
Rotates a triangle or quad by bringing its last vertex to the front.
const EggMesherEdge * find_opposite_edge(int vi) const
Returns the first edge found that does not contain the given vertex.
void measure_sheet(const EggMesherEdge *edge, int new_row, int &num_prims, int &num_rows, int first_row_id, int this_row_id, int this_row_distance)
Determines the extents of the quadsheet that can be derived by starting with this strip,...
The set of attributes that may be applied to vertices as well as polygons, such as surface normal and...
Definition: eggAttributes.h:33
void convert_to_type(PrimType want_type)
Converts the EggMesherStrip from whatever form it is–triangle, quad, or quadstrip–into a tristrip or ...
bool pick_mate(const EggMesherStrip &a_strip, const EggMesherStrip &b_strip, const EggMesherEdge &a_edge, const EggMesherEdge &b_edge, const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool) const
Defines an ordering to select neighbors to mate with.
bool is_odd() const
Returns true if the tristrip or quadstrip contains an odd number of pieces.
EggMesherEdge get_tail_edge() const
Returns an EggMesherEdge which represents the trailing edge in the quadstrip or tristrip.
bool matches(const EggMesherEdge &other) const
Returns true if this edge represents the same line segment as the other edge, in either direction.
Definition: eggMesherEdge.I:49
bool contains_vertex(int vi) const
Returns true if the edge contains the indicated vertex index, false otherwise.
Definition: eggMesherEdge.I:40
Any one-, two-, three-, or four-component vertex, possibly with attributes such as a normal.
Definition: eggVertex.h:39
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool pick_sheet_mate(const EggMesherStrip &a_strip, const EggMesherStrip &b_strip) const
Defines an ordering to select neighbors to follow when measuring out a quadsheet.
void remove_all_edges()
Removes all active edges from the strip.
static bool convex_quad(EggMesherEdge *common_edge, EggMesherStrip &front, EggMesherStrip &back, const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool)
Returns true if the quad that would be formed by connecting coplanar tris front and back along common...
static bool must_invert(const EggMesherStrip &front, const EggMesherStrip &back, bool will_reverse_back, PrimType type)
Returns false if the strips can be mated as they currently are.
void output_neighbors(std::ostream &out) const
Writes all the neighbor indexes to the ostream.
int count_neighbors() const
Returns the number of neighbors the strip shares.
void rotate_to_back(const EggMesherEdge *edge)
Rotates a triangle or quad so that the given edge is last in the vertex list.
A single polygon.
Definition: eggPolygon.h:24
bool would_reverse_tail(PrimType want_type) const
Returns true if convert_to_type() would reverse the tail edge of the given strip, false otherwise.
Represents one edge of a triangle, as used by the EggMesher to discover connected triangles.
Definition: eggMesherEdge.h:29
int find_uncommon_vertex(const EggMesherEdge *edge) const
Returns the first vertex found that is not shared by the given edge.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
bool find_ideal_mate(EggMesherStrip *&mate, EggMesherEdge *&common_edge, const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool)
Searches our neighbors for the most suitable mate.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
Represents a triangle strip or quad strip in progress, as assembled by the mesher.
double compute_length(const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool) const
Returns the length of the edge in model units.
Definition: eggMesherEdge.I:96
int type_category() const
Returns an integer which gives a heuristic about the similarity of different strip types.
static bool mate_pieces(EggMesherEdge *common_edge, EggMesherStrip &front, EggMesherStrip &back, const EggVertexPool *vertex_pool)
Connects two pieces of arbitrary type, if possible.
bool is_of_type(TypeHandle handle) const
Returns true if the current object is or derives from the indicated type.
Definition: typedObject.I:28
bool invert()
Reverses the facing of a quadstrip by reversing pairs of vertices.
const EggMesherEdge * find_adjacent_edge(const EggMesherEdge *edge) const
Returns the first edge found that shares exactly one vertex with the given edge.
A connected strip of triangles.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
A collection of vertices.
Definition: eggVertexPool.h:41
EggVertex * add_vertex(EggVertex *vertex)
Adds the indicated vertex to the end of the primitive's list of vertices, and returns it.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.