Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
3  * Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * All use of this software is subject to the terms of the revised BSD
6  * license. You should have received a copy of this license along
7  * with this source code in a file named "LICENSE."
8  *
9  * @file config_display.cxx
10  * @author drose
11  * @date 1999-10-06
12  */
14 #include "config_display.h"
15 #include "callbackGraphicsWindow.h"
16 #include "displayRegion.h"
19 #include "standardMunger.h"
20 #include "graphicsStateGuardian.h"
21 #include "graphicsPipe.h"
22 #include "graphicsOutput.h"
23 #include "graphicsBuffer.h"
24 #include "graphicsDevice.h"
25 #include "graphicsWindow.h"
28 #include "mouseAndKeyboard.h"
29 #include "nativeWindowHandle.h"
30 #include "parasiteBuffer.h"
31 #include "pandaSystem.h"
32 #include "stereoDisplayRegion.h"
33 #include "subprocessWindow.h"
34 #include "windowHandle.h"
36 #if !defined(CPPPARSER) && !defined(LINK_ALL_STATIC) && !defined(BUILDING_PANDA_DISPLAY)
37  #error Buildsystem error: BUILDING_PANDA_DISPLAY not defined
38 #endif
40 ConfigureDef(config_display);
41 NotifyCategoryDef(display, "");
42 NotifyCategoryDef(gsg, display_cat);
44 ConfigureFn(config_display) {
46 }
48 ConfigVariableBool view_frustum_cull
49 ("view-frustum-cull", true,
50  PRC_DESC("This is normally true; set it false to disable view-frustum culling "
51  "(primarily useful for debugging)."));
53 ConfigVariableBool pstats_unused_states
54 ("pstats-unused-states", false,
55  PRC_DESC("Set this true to show the number of unused states in the pstats "
56  "graph for TransformState and RenderState counts. This adds a bit "
57  "of per-frame overhead to count these things up."));
60 // Warning! The code that uses this is currently experimental and incomplete,
61 // and will almost certainly crash! Do not set threading-model to anything
62 // other than its default of a single-threaded model unless you are developing
63 // Panda's threading system!
64 ConfigVariableString threading_model
65 ("threading-model", "",
66  PRC_DESC("This is the default threading model to use for new windows. Use "
67  "empty string for single-threaded, or something like \"cull/draw\" for "
68  "a 3-stage pipeline. See GraphicsEngine::set_threading_model(). "
69  "EXPERIMENTAL and incomplete, do not use this!"));
71 ConfigVariableBool allow_nonpipeline_threads
72 ("allow-nonpipeline-threads", false,
73  PRC_DESC("This variable should only be set true for debugging or development "
74  "purposes. When true, the threading-model variable may specify "
75  "a threaded pipeline mode, even if pipelining is not compiled in. "
76  "This will certainly result in erroneous behavior, and quite likely "
77  "will cause a crash. Do not set this unless you know what you "
78  "are doing."));
80 ConfigVariableBool auto_flip
81 ("auto-flip", false,
82  PRC_DESC("This indicates the initial setting of the auto-flip flag. Set it "
83  "true to cause render_frame() to flip all the windows "
84  "before it returns (in single-threaded mode only), or false to wait "
85  "until an explicit call to flip_frame() or the next "
86  "render_frame(). Setting it true gets more immediate response "
87  "time, while setting it false can get a better frame rate as more "
88  "is achieved in parallel with the graphics card."));
90 ConfigVariableBool sync_flip
91 ("sync-flip", false,
92  PRC_DESC("Set this true to attempt to flip all windows at the same time, "
93  "or false to flip each window as late as possible. Setting this "
94  "false can improve parallelization. This is a temporary "
95  "variable; it will later be replaced with a more explicit control "
96  "over synchronizing window flip."));
98 ConfigVariableBool yield_timeslice
99 ("yield-timeslice", false,
100  PRC_DESC("Set this true to yield the timeslice at the end of the frame to be "
101  "more polite to other applications that are trying to run."));
103 ConfigVariableDouble subprocess_window_max_wait
104 ("subprocess-window-max-wait", 0.2,
105  PRC_DESC("This is the amount of time, in seconds, that the SubprocessWindow will "
106  "wait in begin_flip for the parent process to remove the previously-rendered "
107  "frame. When this time is exceeded, the next frame will be rendered without "
108  "having flipped the previous one. This is designed to allow the Python "
109  "process some time to run even when the parent window is offscreen or minimized."));
111 ConfigVariableString screenshot_filename
112 ("screenshot-filename", "%~p-%a-%b-%d-%H-%M-%S-%Y-%~f.%~e",
113  PRC_DESC("This specifies the filename pattern to be used to generate "
114  "screenshots captured via save_screenshot_default(). See "
115  "DisplayRegion::save_screenshot()."));
117 ConfigVariableString screenshot_extension
118 ("screenshot-extension", "jpg",
119  PRC_DESC("This specifies the default filename extension (and therefore the "
120  "default image type) to be used for saving screenshots."));
122 ConfigVariableBool prefer_texture_buffer
123 ("prefer-texture-buffer", true,
124  PRC_DESC("Set this true to make GraphicsOutput::make_texture_buffer() always "
125  "try to create an offscreen buffer supporting render-to-texture, "
126  "if the graphics card claims to be able to support this feature. "
127  "If the graphics card cannot support this feature, this option is "
128  "ignored. This is usually the fastest way to render "
129  "to a texture, and it presumably does not consume any additional "
130  "framebuffer memory over a copy-to-texture operation (since "
131  "the texture and the buffer share the "
132  "same memory)."));
134 ConfigVariableBool prefer_parasite_buffer
135 ("prefer-parasite-buffer", false,
136  PRC_DESC("Set this true to make GraphicsOutput::make_texture_buffer() try to "
137  "create a ParasiteBuffer before it tries to create an offscreen "
138  "buffer (assuming it could not create a direct render buffer for "
139  "some reason). This may reduce your graphics card memory "
140  "requirements by sharing memory with the framebuffer, but it can "
141  "cause problems if the user subsequently resizes the window "
142  "smaller than the buffer."));
144 ConfigVariableBool force_parasite_buffer
145 ("force-parasite-buffer", false,
146  PRC_DESC("Set this true to make GraphicsOutput::make_texture_buffer() really "
147  "strongly prefer ParasiteBuffers over conventional offscreen buffers. "
148  "With this set, it will create a ParasiteBuffer every time an offscreen "
149  "buffer is requested, even if this means reducing the buffer size to fit "
150  "within the window. The only exceptions are for buffers that, by their "
151  "nature, really cannot use ParasiteBuffers (like depth textures). You might "
152  "set this true if you don't trust your graphics driver's support for "
153  "offscreen buffers."));
155 ConfigVariableBool prefer_single_buffer
156 ("prefer-single-buffer", true,
157  PRC_DESC("Set this true to make GraphicsOutput::make_render_texture() first "
158  "try to create a single-buffered offscreen buffer, before falling "
159  "back to a double-buffered one (or whatever kind the source window "
160  "has). This is true by default to reduce waste of framebuffer "
161  "memory, but you might get a performance benefit by setting it to "
162  "false (since in that case the buffer can share a graphics context "
163  "with the window)."));
165 ConfigVariableInt max_texture_stages
166 ("max-texture-stages", -1,
167  PRC_DESC("Set this to a positive integer to limit the number of "
168  "texture stages reported by the GSG. This can be used to limit "
169  "the amount of multitexturing Panda will attempt to use. "
170  "If this is zero or less, the GSG will report its honest number "
171  "of texture stages, allowing Panda the full use of the graphics "
172  "card; if it is 1 or more, then Panda will never allow more than "
173  "this number of texture stages simultaneously, regardless of "
174  "what the GSG says it can do."));
176 ConfigVariableInt max_color_targets
177 ("max-color-targets", -1,
178  PRC_DESC("Set this to a positive integer to limit the number of "
179  "color targets reported by the GSG. This can be used to limit "
180  "the amount of render targets Panda will attempt to use. "
181  "If this is zero or less, the GSG will report its honest number "
182  "of color targets, allowing Panda the full use of the graphics "
183  "card; if it is 1 or more, then Panda will never allow more than "
184  "this number of color targets simultaneously, regardless of "
185  "what the GSG says it can do."));
187 ConfigVariableBool support_render_texture
188 ("support-render-texture", true,
189  PRC_DESC("Set this true allow use of the render-to-a-texture feature, if it "
190  "is supported by your graphics card. Without this enabled, "
191  "offscreen renders will be copied to a texture instead of directly "
192  "rendered there."));
194 ConfigVariableBool support_rescale_normal
195 ("support-rescale-normal", true,
196  PRC_DESC("Set this true to allow use of the rescale-normal feature, if it "
197  "is supported by your graphics card. This allows lighting normals "
198  "to be uniformly counter-scaled, instead of re-normalized, "
199  "in the presence of a uniform scale, which should in principle be "
200  "a bit faster. This feature is only supported "
201  "by the OpenGL API."));
203 ConfigVariableBool support_stencil
204 ("support-stencil", true,
205  PRC_DESC("Set this true to allow use of the stencil buffer, if it "
206  "is supported by your graphics card. If this is false, stencil "
207  "buffer support will not be enabled, even if it is supported. "
208  "Generally, only very old cards do not support some kind of "
209  "stencil buffer operations; but it is also not supported by "
210  "our tinydisplay renderer. "
211  "The main reason to set this false is to test your code in "
212  "the absence of stencil buffer support."));
214 ConfigVariableBool copy_texture_inverted
215 ("copy-texture-inverted", false,
216  PRC_DESC("Set this true to indicate that the GSG in use will invert textures when "
217  "it performs a framebuffer-to-texture copy operation, or false to indicate "
218  "that it does the right thing. If this is not set, the default behavior is "
219  "determined by the GSG's internal logic."));
221 ConfigVariableBool window_inverted
222 ("window-inverted", false,
223  PRC_DESC("Set this true to create all windows with the inverted flag set, so that "
224  "they will render upside-down and backwards. Normally this is useful only "
225  "for debugging."));
227 ConfigVariableBool red_blue_stereo
228 ("red-blue-stereo", false,
229  PRC_DESC("Set this true to create windows with red-blue stereo mode enabled "
230  "by default, if the framebuffer does not support true stereo "
231  "rendering."));
233 ConfigVariableString red_blue_stereo_colors
234 ("red-blue-stereo-colors", "red cyan",
235  PRC_DESC("This defines the color channels that are used for the left and "
236  "right eye, respectively, for red-blue-stereo mode. This should "
237  "be a two-word string, where each word is one of 'red', 'blue', "
238  "'green', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', or 'alpha', or a union "
239  "of two or more words separated by a vertical pipe (|)."));
241 ConfigVariableBool side_by_side_stereo
242 ("side-by-side-stereo", false,
243  PRC_DESC("Set this true to create windows with side-by-side stereo mode enabled "
244  "by default, if the framebuffer does not support true stereo "
245  "rendering."));
247 ConfigVariableDouble sbs_left_dimensions
248 ("sbs-left-dimensions", "0.0 0.5 0.0 1.0",
249  PRC_DESC("Defines the default region of the window that is used for the "
250  "left eye, when side-by-side stereo is enabled. This is a set of "
251  "four numbers, in the form left right top bottom, similar to a "
252  "normal DisplayRegion layout."));
254 ConfigVariableDouble sbs_right_dimensions
255 ("sbs-right-dimensions", "0.5 1.0 0.0 1.0",
256  PRC_DESC("Defines the default region of the window that is used for the "
257  "right eye, when side-by-side stereo is enabled. This is a set of "
258  "four numbers, in the form left right top bottom, similar to a "
259  "normal DisplayRegion layout."));
261 ConfigVariableBool swap_eyes
262 ("swap-eyes", false,
263  PRC_DESC("Set this true to reverse the left and right channel output of "
264  "stereo DisplayRegions."));
266 ConfigVariableBool default_stereo_camera
267 ("default-stereo-camera", true,
268  PRC_DESC("When this is true, the default DisplayRegion created for "
269  "a window or buffer with the stereo property will be a "
270  "StereoDisplayRegion, which activates the stereo properties of "
271  "the camera lens, and enables stereo. Set this false to "
272  "require StereoDisplayRegions to be created explicitly."));
274 ConfigVariableBool color_scale_via_lighting
275 ("color-scale-via-lighting", true,
276  PRC_DESC("When this is true, Panda will try to implement ColorAttribs and "
277  "ColorScaleAttribs using the lighting interface, by "
278  "creating a default material and/or an ambient light if "
279  "necessary, even if lighting is ostensibly disabled. This "
280  "avoids the need to munge the vertex data to change each vertex's "
281  "color. Set this false to avoid this trickery, so that lighting "
282  "is only enabled when the application specifically enables "
283  "it. See also alpha-scale-via-texture."));
285 ConfigVariableBool alpha_scale_via_texture
286 ("alpha-scale-via-texture", true,
287  PRC_DESC("When this is true, Panda will try to implement "
288  "ColorScaleAttribs that affect alpha by "
289  "creating an additional Texture layer over the geometry "
290  "with a uniform alpha scale applied everywhere, if there "
291  "is at least one available Texture slot available on the "
292  "multitexture pipeline. Set this false to avoid this "
293  "trickery, so that texturing is only enabled when the "
294  "application specifically enables it. See also "
295  "color-scale-via-lighting."));
297 ConfigVariableBool allow_incomplete_render
298 ("allow-incomplete-render", true,
299  PRC_DESC("When this is true, the frame may be rendered even if some of the "
300  "geometry in the scene has been paged out, or if the textures are "
301  "unavailable. The nonresident geometry and textures will be "
302  "rendered as soon as they can be read from disk, "
303  "which may be several frames in the future. When this is false, "
304  "geometry is always paged in immediately when needed, holding up "
305  "the frame render if necessary."));
307 ConfigVariableBool old_alpha_blend
308 ("old-alpha-blend", false,
309  PRC_DESC("Set this to true to enable the old alpha blending behavior from "
310  "Panda 1.9 in which the alpha value written out to the framebuffer "
311  "is squared. The new behavior is more intuitive when compositing "
312  "an semitransparent image produced using render-to-texture. You "
313  "should generally leave this false unless you have an effect that "
314  "relies on the old behavior, or you suspect an implementation bug."));
316 ConfigVariableInt win_size
317 ("win-size", "800 600",
318  PRC_DESC("This is the default size at which to open a new window. This "
319  "replaces the deprecated win-width and win-height variables."));
321 ConfigVariableInt win_origin
322 ("win-origin", "",
323  PRC_DESC("This is the default position at which to open a new window. This "
324  "replaces the deprecated win-origin-x and win-origin-y variables. "
325  "A window coordinate of -1 means to choose a default value, "
326  "whereas -2 means to center the window on the screen."));
328 ConfigVariableBool fullscreen
329 ("fullscreen", false);
331 ConfigVariableBool undecorated
332 ("undecorated", false,
333  PRC_DESC("This specifies the default value of the 'undecorated' window "
334  "property. When this is true, the default window is created "
335  "without a title bar or resizable border."));
337 ConfigVariableBool win_fixed_size
338 ("win-fixed-size", false,
339  PRC_DESC("This specifies the default value of the 'fixed_size' window "
340  "property. When this is true, the default window is created "
341  "without a resizable border."));
343 ConfigVariableBool cursor_hidden
344 ("cursor-hidden", false);
346 ConfigVariableFilename icon_filename
347 ("icon-filename", "");
349 ConfigVariableFilename cursor_filename
350 ("cursor-filename", "");
353 ("z-order", WindowProperties::Z_normal);
355 ConfigVariableString window_title
356 ("window-title", "Panda");
358 ConfigVariableInt parent_window_handle
359 ("parent-window-handle", 0,
360  PRC_DESC("The window handle of the parent window to attach the Panda window "
361  "to, for the purposes of creating an embedded window. This is "
362  "an HWND on Windows, or the NSWindow pointer or XWindow pointer "
363  "converted to an integer, on OSX and X11."));
365 ConfigVariableBool win_unexposed_draw
366 ("win-unexposed-draw", true,
367  PRC_DESC("Specifies the default setting of GraphicsWindow::set_unexposed_draw(). "
368  "See that method for more information."));
370 ConfigVariableFilename subprocess_window
371 ("subprocess-window", "",
372  PRC_DESC("The filename of a SubprocessWindowBuffer's temporary mmap file, "
373  "used for opening a window in a child process and rendering "
374  "to a different window in the parent process. "
375  "This is specifically used for OSX when the plugin is compiled, "
376  "and is not used or needed in other environments. See "
377  "WindowProperties::set_subprocess_window()."));
379 ConfigVariableString framebuffer_mode
380 ("framebuffer-mode", "",
381  PRC_DESC("No longer has any effect. Do not use."));
383 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_hardware
384 ("framebuffer-hardware", true,
385  PRC_DESC("True if FM_hardware should be added to the default framebuffer "
386  "properties, which requests a hardware-accelerated display."));
387 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_software
388 ("framebuffer-software", false,
389  PRC_DESC("True if FM_software should be added to the default framebuffer "
390  "properties, which requests a software-only display."));
391 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_multisample
392 ("framebuffer-multisample", false,
393  PRC_DESC("True if FM_multisample should be added to the default framebuffer "
394  "properties, which requests a multisample-capable display, if "
395  "possible. This can be used to implement full-screen "
396  "antialiasing."));
397 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_depth
398 ("framebuffer-depth", true,
399  PRC_DESC("True if FM_depth should be added to the default framebuffer "
400  "properties, which requests a depth buffer."));
401 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_alpha
402 ("framebuffer-alpha", true,
403  PRC_DESC("True if FM_alpha should be added to the default framebuffer "
404  "properties, which requests an alpha channel if possible."));
405 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_stencil
406 ("framebuffer-stencil", false,
407  PRC_DESC("True if FM_stencil should be added to the default framebuffer "
408  "properties, which requests an stencil buffer if possible."));
409 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_accum
410 ("framebuffer-accum", false,
411  PRC_DESC("True if FM_accum should be added to the default framebuffer "
412  "properties, which requests an accumulator buffer if possible."));
413 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_stereo
414 ("framebuffer-stereo", false,
415  PRC_DESC("True if FM_stereo should be added to the default framebuffer "
416  "properties, which requests a stereo-capable display, if "
417  "supported by the graphics driver."));
418 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_srgb
419 ("framebuffer-srgb", false,
420  PRC_DESC("Set this to request an sRGB framebuffer, which will "
421  "convert all values to linear space before blending. This "
422  "means that the output will be properly gamma-corrected, as "
423  "long as all the input textures are either converted from "
424  "original sRGB to linear or sRGB textures are used."));
425 ConfigVariableBool framebuffer_float
426 ("framebuffer-float", false,
427  PRC_DESC("Set this to request a framebuffer that uses floating-point "
428  "storage for the color channel."));
430 ConfigVariableInt depth_bits
431 ("depth-bits", 0,
432  PRC_DESC("The minimum number of depth buffer bits requested."));
433 ConfigVariableInt color_bits
434 ("color-bits", "",
435  PRC_DESC("The minimum number of total color buffer bits requested. If you "
436  "specify only one value, it will represent the total value for the "
437  "red, green and blue channels, and indicates you don't care how the "
438  "bits are divided up among the red, green and blue channels. If "
439  "you specify three values, it represents three separate red, green "
440  "and blue bit requirements."));
441 ConfigVariableInt alpha_bits
442 ("alpha-bits", 0,
443  PRC_DESC("The minimum number of alpha buffer bits requested."));
444 ConfigVariableInt stencil_bits
445 ("stencil-bits", 0,
446  PRC_DESC("The minimum number of stencil buffer bits requested."));
447 ConfigVariableInt accum_bits
448 ("accum-bits", 0,
449  PRC_DESC("The minimum number of accumulator buffer bits requested."));
450 ConfigVariableInt multisamples
451 ("multisamples", 0,
452  PRC_DESC("The minimum number of samples requested."));
453 ConfigVariableInt back_buffers
454 ("back-buffers", 1,
455  PRC_DESC("The default number of back buffers requested."));
457 ConfigVariableDouble pixel_zoom
458 ("pixel-zoom", 1.0,
459  PRC_DESC("The default pixel_zoom factor for new windows."));
461 ConfigVariableInt shadow_depth_bits
462 ("shadow-depth-bits", 24,
463  PRC_DESC("The minimum number of depth buffer bits requested when rendering "
464  "shadow maps. Set this to 32 for more depth resolution in shadow "
465  "maps."));
467 ConfigVariableColor background_color
468 ("background-color", "0.41 0.41 0.41 0.0",
469  PRC_DESC("Specifies the rgb(a) value of the default background color for a "
470  "new window or offscreen buffer."));
472 ConfigVariableBool sync_video
473 ("sync-video", true,
474  PRC_DESC("Configure this true to request the rendering to sync to the video "
475  "refresh, or false to let your frame rate go as high as it can, "
476  "irrespective of the video refresh. Usually you want this true, "
477  "but it may be useful to set it false during development for a "
478  "cheesy estimate of scene complexity. Some drivers may ignore "
479  "this request."));
481 /**
482  * Initializes the library. This must be called at least once before any of
483  * the functions or classes in this library can be used. Normally it will be
484  * called by the static initializers and need not be called explicitly, but
485  * special cases exist.
486  */
487 void
489  static bool initialized = false;
490  if (initialized) {
491  return;
492  }
493  initialized = true;
495  CallbackGraphicsWindow::init_type();
496  DisplayRegion::init_type();
497  DisplayRegionCullCallbackData::init_type();
498  DisplayRegionDrawCallbackData::init_type();
499  DisplayRegionPipelineReader::init_type();
500  GraphicsBuffer::init_type();
501  GraphicsDevice::init_type();
502  GraphicsOutput::init_type();
503  GraphicsPipe::init_type();
504  GraphicsStateGuardian::init_type();
505  GraphicsWindow::init_type();
506  GraphicsWindowInputDevice::init_type();
507  GraphicsWindowProcCallbackData::init_type();
508  MouseAndKeyboard::init_type();
509  NativeWindowHandle::init_type();
510  ParasiteBuffer::init_type();
511  StandardMunger::init_type();
512  StereoDisplayRegion::init_type();
514  SubprocessWindow::init_type();
515 #endif
516  WindowHandle::init_type();
517  WindowHandle::OSHandle::init_type();
519 #if defined(HAVE_THREADS) && defined(DO_PIPELINING)
521  ps->add_system("pipelining");
522 #endif
523 }
static PandaSystem * get_global_ptr()
Returns the global PandaSystem object.
This class is used as a namespace to group several global properties of Panda.
Definition: pandaSystem.h:26
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a Filename type.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a boolean type.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a set of floating-point types representin...
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
void init_libdisplay()
Initializes the library.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a floating- point type.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as a string type.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This class specializes ConfigVariable as an enumerated type.
void add_system(const std::string &system)
Intended for use by each subsystem to register itself at startup.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
This is a convenience class to specialize ConfigVariable as an integer type.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.
PANDA 3D SOFTWARE Copyright (c) Carnegie Mellon University.